- **Breaking** Refactoring of `PhysicalDevice` and related types.
- The module `instance::physical_device` is moved to `device::physical`. Items are exported directly from there.
- Functions on `PhysicalDevice` that previously returned a custom iterator type now return `impl ExactSizeIterator`.
-`PhysicalDevice` now has new methods `supported_extensions` and `required_extensions`. The equivalent constructors on `DeviceExtensions` are deprecated, but still present.
- **Breaking** Renamed `Device::loaded_extensions` to `enabled_extensions`, to match the terminology used for `enabled_features` as well as the Vulkan standard.
- **Breaking** Renamed `Instance::loaded_extensions` and `loaded_layers` to `enabled_extensions` and `enabled_layers` respectively.
- **Breaking** Major reorganisation of the `descriptor` module. Most importantly, its `descriptor_set` child is moved to the crate root and everything is placed under there. Full list of module changes:
- **Breaking** The `VertexDefinition` trait no longer has `AttribsIter` and `BuffersIter` as associated types. It instead returns a `Vec<VertexInputBinding>`.
- **Breaking** The various types for vertex definitions (except `BufferlessDefinition`) have been replaced with the new `BuffersDefinition` type, which can handle any number of vertex and instance buffers. Examples of how it's used can be seen in the "instancing" and "teapot" examples.
- **Breaking** `InputRate` has been renamed to `VertexInputRate` to match the Vulkan name. The `Instance` variant now has a `divisor` member.
- **Breaking** `DescriptorSetDesc` is converted from a trait to a struct. `DescriptorSetLayout` can take this struct in its constructor, as alternative to the iterator which was already possible previously.
- **Breaking** `PipelineLayout` is now built from a list of descriptor set layouts and push constant ranges, like in plain Vulkan. It no longer constructs its own descriptor set layouts internally.
- **Breaking** `PipelineLayoutDescPcRange` is renamed to `PipelineLayoutPcRange`.
- **Breaking** `PipelineLayoutDesc` is no longer needed and is removed. Its functionality has been moved to `DescriptorSetDesc` and `PipelineLayoutPcRange`. This also applies to `ComputeEntryPoint`, `GraphicsEntryPoint` and `EntryPointAbstract`.
- **Breaking** `PipelineLayout` now has a `descriptor_set_layouts` method which returns a slice of all the layouts, replacing the previous `descriptor_set_layout` which only returned one at a time.
- **Breaking** Vulkano is now relaying on features from **Rustc >= 1.53.0**.
- **Breaking** (but unlikely) Vulkano-shaders now compiles to SPIR-V 1.0 by default. If your shader needs features only available in a higher version, you can specify the target version on the `shader!` macro with the new `vulkan_version: "major.minor"` and `spirv_version: "major.minor"` arguments.
- **Breaking** Changes to how image sample counts are represented.
- Instead of an integer, functions with a parameter for number of image samples now take a value of `SampleCount`, an enum with variants named `SampleN`, where `N` is a power-of-two integer. It can be converted to a Vulkan `SampleCountFlags`, and from an integer with `try_from`.
-`sample_counts` field is originaly represented as u32 type, which is now represented by `SampleCounts` struct-type which is a boolean collection of supported `sample_counts`. It can be converted to and from a Vulkan `SampleCountFlags`.
- **Breaking** Changes to shader interfaces and pipeline layouts.
- The module `descriptor::pipeline_layout` has been renamed to `pipeline::layout`.
- The trait `ShaderInterfaceDef` has been replaced by a simple struct `ShaderInterface`, and its `elements` method returns a slice instead of an iterator. This means you no longer need to define a new type for a shader interface. The accompanying type `ShaderInterfaceDefEntry` has been renamed to `ShaderInterfaceEntry` to match. The `ShaderInterfaceDefMatch` trait and `EmptyShaderInterfaceDef` struct have been removed.
- The trait `PipelineLayoutDesc` has also been converted into a struct, with methods `descriptor_sets` and `push_constants` which return slices. It is functionally equivalent to the old `RuntimePipelineDesc` type, which is now merged into it. The traits `PipelineLayoutSuperset`, `PipelineLayoutSetsCompatible` and `PipelineLayoutPushConstantsCompatible` have been integrated into this struct as well. The `EmptyPipelineDesc` trait has been replaced with an `::empty()` constructor.
- Consequently, functions that took a value of these traits now take a plain `ShaderInterface` or `PipelineLayoutDesc`. Types that had a type parameter for it no longer have it, e.g. `VertexDefinition`, `GraphicsEntryPoint`, `GraphicsEntryPointAbstract`, `PipelineLayout`.
- Now that `PipelineLayout` has no more type parameter, the trait `PipelineLayoutAbstract` is removed. The layout type parameter is also removed from `ComputePipeline` and `GraphicsPipeline`.
-`ComputeEntryPoint` and `GraphicsEntryPoint` now take a value specifying the push constants descriptor, instead of having a type parameter. The corresponding associated type on `EntryPointAbstract` has been removed.
- The `GraphicsEntryPointAbstract` trait has been removed. `GraphicsPipelineBuilder` now takes a `GraphicsEntryPoint` object directly, and has lifetime parameters for the 5 shader types instead. `EntryPointDummy` is no longer needed and has been removed.
- **Breaking** Vulkano is now built on top of [Ash](https://github.com/MaikKlein/ash) instead of vk-sys.
- The `EntryPoints`, `InstancePointers` and `DevicePointers` types from vk-sys have been replaced with a new module `fns` containing `EntryFunctions`, `InstanceFunctions` and `DeviceFunctions`. Rather than containing the functions directly, there is a member for each Vulkan version and extension, which is loaded from Ash.
- The functions to retrieve the function pointers have been renamed to `fns`.
- The `TYPE` associated constant has been removed from the `VulkanObject` trait. This is now provided by the Ash `Handle` trait, which the object returned by `internal_object` must implement.
- **Breaking** `RawInstanceExtensions` and `RawDeviceExtensions` have been removed. The `Instance` and `Device` constructors now take `&InstanceExtensions` and `&DeviceExtensions` respectively. The `loaded_extensions` function returns these reference types as well.
- **Breaking** The restrictions of each enabled extension and feature are checked when creating an instance or device.
- **Breaking** Physical device properties are now retrieved through a new `properties` method, returning a `&Properties` reference.
- To allow for the possibility that not every property is known by the physical device, fields in `Properties` are wrapped by an `Option`.
- The previous methods for retrieving properties, `name`, `ty`, `limits`, `driver_version`, `pci_device_id`, `pci_vendor_id`, `uuid` and `extended_properties`, have been removed.
- The `api_version` method remains, but there is now a semantic difference between it and the version reported by `properties`: The raw property gives the maximum supported version that the driver itself reports, while the method on `PhysicalDevice` returns the version a logical device would support if it were created from this physical device (that is, restricted by the instance's `max_api_version`).
- Added `Instance::api_version` and `Device::api_version` to return the actual supported Vulkan version. These may differ between instance and device, and be lower than what `FunctionPointers::api_version` and `PhysicalDevice::api_version` return.
- Added `Instance::max_api_version`, which returns the maximum version that was specified when creating the instance.
- The `draw_indirect` and `draw_indexed_indirect` commands on `AutoCommandBufferBuilder` now check the draw count against the `max_draw_indirect_count` limit.
- All Vulkan extensions supported by Ash are now provided in `InstanceExtensions` and `DeviceExtensions`. This includes all but the very newest extensions; new extensions should be added whenever Ash is updated to a new version.
- Every extension is now documented with a link to its Vulkan page and information about requirements, conflicts, promotion and deprecation.
-`InstanceExtensions` and `DeviceExtensions` now have a `From` implementation that takes an iterator of `&CStr`. There is also a `From` implementation for `Vec<CString>` that performs the reverse conversion.
- All Vulkan features supported by Ash are now provided.
-`AutoCommandBuffer` and the `CommandBuffer` trait have been split in two, one for primary and the other for secondary command buffers. `AutoCommandBufferBuilder` remains one type, but has a type parameter for the level of command buffer it will be creating, and some of its methods are only implemented for builders that create `PrimaryAutoCommandBuffer`.
- The `Flags` enum is renamed to `CommandBufferUsage`, and is exported from the main `command_buffer` module. The `None` variant is renamed to `MultipleSubmit`.
- Simplified the number of constructors on `AutoCommandBufferBuilder` by adding a `CommandBufferUsage` parameter.
-`Kind` has been renamed to `CommandBufferLevel`, and for secondary command buffers it now contains a single `CommandBufferInheritance` value.
-`CommandBufferInheritance::occlusion_query` and `UnsafeCommandBufferBuilder::begin_query` now take `QueryControlFlags` instead of a boolean.
- **Breaking** The non-default constructors of `ImageView` have been replaced with a builder, created with `ImageView::start(image)`.
- **Breaking** Added support for component mapping/swizzling on image views.
-`image::Swizzle` is moved and renamed to `image::view::ComponentMapping`. It now has an `is_identity` method.
- A non-default component mapping can now be specified for image views, via the new builder. A `ComponentMapping` parameter has been added to `UnsafeImageView` as well.
- The `identity_swizzle` method on the `ImageViewAbstract` trait has been replaced with `component_mapping`, which returns a `ComponentMapping` directly.
- Storage image and input attachment descriptors now check for identity swizzling when being built.
- **Breaking** Major rearranging of framebuffer and render pass-related types:
- The `framebuffer` module is renamed to `render_pass`.
-`RenderPassDesc` is now a struct, not a trait. The methods have been simplified, returning a slice reference to the `attachments`, `subpasses` and `dependencies`.
-`EmptySinglePassRenderPassDesc` is replaced with the `RenderPassDesc::empty` constructor, or its `Default` implementation.
- The `RenderPassCompatible`, `RenderPassDescClearValues` and `RenderPassSubpassInterface` traits are removed, their functionality is moved to `RenderPassDesc`.
-`RenderPass` takes a concrete `RenderPassDesc` value for construction, and no longer has a type parameter.
- The `RenderPassAbstract` trait is removed.
-`GraphicsPipeline` and `Framebuffer` no longer have a render pass type parameter.
-`GraphicsPipelineAbstract` and `FramebufferAbstract` have trait methods to retrieve the render pass instead.
- The `ordered_passes_renderpass!` and `single_pass_renderpass!` macros are unchanged externally.
- **Breaking** `UnsafeQueryPool`, `UnsafeQuery` and `UnsafeQueriesRange` have `Unsafe` removed from their names.
- **Breaking** `QueriesRange` is now represented with a standard Rust `Range` in its API.
- **Breaking** The secondary command buffer constructors that have parameters for queries will check if the corresponding features are enabled, and return a different error type.
- Removed `OcclusionQueriesPool`, which was incomplete and never did anything useful.
-`get_results` has been added to `QueriesRange`, to copy query results to the CPU.
- The following functions have been added to both `SyncCommandBufferBuilder` and `AutoCommandBufferBuilder`: `begin_query` (still unsafe), `end_query` (safe), `write_timestamp` (still unsafe), `copy_query_pool_results` (safe), `reset_command_pool` (still unsafe).
- Better documentation of everything in the `query` module.
- **Breaking** Improved the handling of image aspects a little, with the enum `ImageAspect` and the struct `ImageAspects`. `UnsafeCommandBufferBuilderImageAspect` has been removed.
- **Breaking** Removed the separate structs for each image format. Now, only the `Format` enum exists.
- Traits that no longer make sense in this context have been removed: `FormatDesc`, the `Possible*FormatDesc` traits, `StrongStorage`.
- In types that had a type parameter for the format type, it has been removed.
-`AcceptsPixels` has been converted to `Pixel`, which is implemented on the pixel type rather than on the format type.
- **Breaking** `shader!` will generate descriptor information for all variables declared in the shader module, even if they are not used. *This reverts the default behavior from the last release.*
- **Breaking** Added the `exact_entrypoint_interface` option to `shader!` to force vulkano to only generate descriptor information for variables that are used. (the default behavior from the last release)
- **Breaking** `Swapchain` is now constructed using a builder. `Swapchain::start` will start building a new blank swapchain. Calling `recreate` on an existing swapchain will create a builder filled with all the properties of the old swapchain.
- Vulkano-shaders: Fixed and refined the generation of the `readonly` descriptor attribute. It should now correctly mark uniforms and sampled images as read-only, but storage buffers and images only if explicitly marked as `readonly` in the shader.
- Vulkano-shaders: Added support for StoragePushConstant8 SPIR-V capability.
- Fixed a bug which caused a segfault when extending memory allocation info in DeviceMemoryBuilder
-`BufferlessDefinition` and `BufferlessVertices` now derive `Copy` and `Clone`. This allows `GraphicsPipelineBuilder`s that have not yet defined a vertex buffer type to be cloned.
- Fixed `shader!` generated descriptor set layouts for shader modules with multiple entrypoints.
- **Breaking** Prefixed `shader!` generated descriptor set `Layout` structs with the name of the entrypoint the layout belongs to. For shaders generated from GLSL source, this means `Layout` has been renamed to `MainLayout`.
- **Breaking** `shader!` will no longer generate descriptor information for variables that are declared but not used in a shader.
- **Breaking** `shader!` now accepts structs in shader interfaces decorated with `BufferBlock` rather than `Block`.
- Image types no longer implement `ImageViewAccess`.
-`Dimensions` is removed. Image constructors now take `ImageDimensions`.
-`ImageDimensions` no longer has the `cubemap_compatible` member. Instead, several image constructors take `ImageCreateFlags` which specifies this aspect.
- Replaced the various functions of `UnsafeImage` to query format features and usage with two that simply return `Formatfeatures` and `ImageUsage`.
- **Breaking** Changes to image view handling:
- Created a new `image::view` module for all image view related things.
- Introduced a new `ImageView` type, a safe wrapper around `UnsafeImageView`.
- The `ImageViewAccess` trait is renamed to `ImageViewAbstract`, some methods added, removed or renamed. `ImageView` implements this trait.
-`UnsafeImageView` no longer holds image usage information, nor does it check for valid usage.
- **Breaking** `UnsafeCommandBuffer` and `SyncCommandBuffer` and their corresponding builders and other related types no longer have a type parameter for the command pool allocation, and no longer keep the command pool alive. Their constructors now take an `&UnsafeCommandPoolAlloc`. Users must now ensure that the pool allocation outlives the command buffers and their builders (`AutoCommandBuffer` does this itself).
- **Breaking** The `CommandBuffer` trait no longer has the `PoolAlloc` associated type, and has four new methods: `num_buffers`, `buffer`, `num_images` and `image`.
- **Breaking** structures passed to `ImmutableBuffer::from_data` and `CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_data` must implement [`Copy`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/marker/trait.Copy.html) to ensure soundness of these functions
- **Breaking** The `Kind` and `SubpassContents` types have been moved to the root of the `command_buffer` module.
- **Breaking** On `AutoCommandBufferBuilder`, the methods `begin_render_pass` and `next_subpass` now take `SubpassContents` instead of a boolean value.
- **Breaking** The `CommandBuffer` trait now has an additional required method, `kind`.
- Some safety checks have been added to `execute_commands`/`execute_commands_from_vec` on `AutoCommandBufferBuilder`, but not everything is checked yet so it's still unsafe to call.
- Added two vulkano-win features `raw-window-handle_` and `winit_` to be able to use vulkano without winit.
- Added function to create surface from `RawWindowHandle`.
- Fixing an assertion panic in the SyncCommandBuffer. If the buffer encountered an error while locking the necessary resources, it would unlock all previously locked resources. Images were unlocked incorrectly and an assert in the image unlock function would panic.
- Fixed clear `Cubemap` and `CubemapArray` framebuffer attachment dimensions; previously only 1/6th of the layers in each of these image layouts were actually considered by the framebuffer (for clearing and rendering). This seems to have been a result of the difference between `Dimensions` and `ImageDimensions`.
- Provides new API to fetch additional information of the Physical Device from the `PhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR` structure whenever it possible. In the current implementation only `subgroupSize` property is fetching. This interface can be extended in the future to obtain more metadata depending on community needs.
-`dynamic-local-size` compute shader example added showing how to utilize `subgroupSize` to compute and set shader's local size in run time.
- Fixed Vulkano Shaders bug when compute shader local group layout values bound to specialization constants. Now it is possible to define the layout in form of `layout(local_size_x_id = 12, local_size_y_id = 13, local_size_z = 1) in;` and then set the values as `SpecializationConstants {constant_12: 8, constant_13: 4, ...}`.
- **Breaking** Added `fullscreen_exclusive` field to `Swapchain` initializers to allow the user to specify how fullscreen exclusivity should be handled.
+ Swapchain methods added: `Swapchain::acquire_fullscreen_exclusive()`, `Swapchain::release_fullscreen_exclusive()`, and `Swapchain::is_fullscreen_exclusive()`
- Update shaderc to 0.6. This again allows to use locally installed libraries which reduces the build-time significantly on Arch/Voidlinux (see https://github.com/google/shaderc-rs/issues/58)
- Compressed texture formats can now be uploaded using `ImmutableImage::from_iter`, `ImmutableImage::from_buffer`, `AutoCommandBuilder::copy_buffer_to_image_dimensions`,
This is an emergency breaking breaking change. It fixes Undefined Behaviour that was preventing the compilation of Vulkano on the latest rust nightlies.
- Update shaderc to 0.5. New shaderc has improved pre-built options for libshaderc that significantly reduce package build time and are appropriate for use in CI
-`QueueFamily::explicitly_supports_tranfers` only returns true if `vk::QUEUE_TRANSFER_BIT` is set instead of also always returning true. Removed `supports_transfers`.