Write DL parameter to XML output (for Tethys). Needed a bit of messing with .equals in some of the objects in the XML writer class. Not really providing the information we want in the XML, so will need to revisit this in the future.
* options to modify scroller focus
Needed to stop focus of scroller when other components need to use some
of the key strokes which would normally be consumed by the scroller.
* update lims search in overlay mark.
* update Tethys jars
* options to modify scroller focus
Needed to stop focus of scroller when other components need to use some
of the key strokes which would normally be consumed by the scroller.
* update lims search in overlay mark.
* update Tethys jars
* options to modify scroller focus
Needed to stop focus of scroller when other components need to use some
of the key strokes which would normally be consumed by the scroller.
* update lims search in overlay mark.
Fixed wav file export bug from TDDisplayFX
Fixed bug in deep learning classifier where binary classification was not saving properly for generic models.
* options to modify scroller focus
Needed to stop focus of scroller when other components need to use some
of the key strokes which would normally be consumed by the scroller.
* update lims search in overlay mark.
Deal with null in xml settings output
Deal with -Infinity going into constrainAngle - however many times you add 360 to -Inf, it remains -Inf, so the function was never returning.
* Tidying
Lots of GUI improvement and code tidying. Functionality to export
gzipped documents to reduce traffic.
* V 2.02.10ba for user testing
* Tidy up click selector
Improve layout and tips on dialog and improve logic for manual and
automatic event types.
* Menu tide up
Corrupted database not linking offline clicks back to binary data so
added some new search features which match on file and click number if
other links on UID fail.