Skipping start of files was causing click detector to not find clicks. Changed code so first seconds are still sent, but with data set to 0, rather than not sending data since that was causing sample counts in different bits of PAMGuard to get out of synch.
Fix issue in clip generator: when running very fast offline raw data being discarded before clips are generated. Changed threading model slightly and increased data keep time by 2x the thread jitter to try to avoid this.
And also change class loader for plugins to not initialise classes since it causes an error if a plugin is depenent on a class in a plugin not yet loaded
Write DL parameter to XML output (for Tethys). Needed a bit of messing with .equals in some of the objects in the XML writer class. Not really providing the information we want in the XML, so will need to revisit this in the future.
* options to modify scroller focus
Needed to stop focus of scroller when other components need to use some
of the key strokes which would normally be consumed by the scroller.
* update lims search in overlay mark.
* update Tethys jars
* options to modify scroller focus
Needed to stop focus of scroller when other components need to use some
of the key strokes which would normally be consumed by the scroller.
* update lims search in overlay mark.
* update Tethys jars
* options to modify scroller focus
Needed to stop focus of scroller when other components need to use some
of the key strokes which would normally be consumed by the scroller.
* update lims search in overlay mark.
Fixed wav file export bug from TDDisplayFX
Fixed bug in deep learning classifier where binary classification was not saving properly for generic models.
* options to modify scroller focus
Needed to stop focus of scroller when other components need to use some
of the key strokes which would normally be consumed by the scroller.
* update lims search in overlay mark.