110: [0.2] Higher default descriptor pool limits, better buffer offsets for mapping and descriptors r=msiglreith_with_one_eye a=kvark
The descriptor pool sizes are temporary until we get automatic descriptor management.
~~Based on #109~~
With this in, we are tracking all resources correctly and we only get a few Vulkan validation errors at start (related to compositing), which is a great improvement.
Co-authored-by: Dzmitry Malyshau <dmalyshau@mozilla.com>
93: run cargo fmt r=kvark a=swiftcoder
Since we have a little downtime, let's see how awful this is :)
Co-authored-by: Tristam MacDonald <tristam@trist.am>
87: Convert shadow sample to map_async r=kvark a=swiftcoder
Works great under Vulkan, but there's a bug that pauses the whole app after about a second under DX12. I don't think I introduced the bug, but it's hard to tell since we don't have a before state for DX12.
I'm going to send some ergonomic and validation improvements for buffer mapping in another PR, because while debugging this I ran into some rough edges.
Co-authored-by: Tristam MacDonald <tristam@trist.am>
90: Basic render pipeline compatibility check r=grovesNL a=kvark
A bit of refactoring for nicer code, and now we are matching the attachment formats of pipelines bound to passes.
Co-authored-by: Dzmitry Malyshau <kvarkus@gmail.com>
84: Create buffer mapped r=kvark a=swiftcoder
I haven't really taken a swing at error handling here, posting it up early for feedback on the API.
85: Unpin nightly date for bindings generation r=kvark a=grovesNL
rust-lang/rust#57915 allows us to run bindings generation with nightly again, so we shouldn't have to pin to an older nightly date anymore (assuming everyone has a recent nightly).
Co-authored-by: Tristam MacDonald <tristam@trist.am>
Co-authored-by: Joshua Groves <josh@joshgroves.com>
80: Typed mapping of buffers r=kvark a=swiftcoder
Add a sprinkling of generics to remove the need for unsafe code to typecast slices resulting from mapping buffers.
Co-authored-by: Tristam MacDonald <tristam@trist.am>
81: Buffer tracking and unmapping r=kvark a=swiftcoder
Adds preliminary transitioning of buffers to mapped state.
Adds buffer unmapping to the cube sample.
Modifies wgpu_queue_submit to not hold a write lock on the device during callbacks (this could definitely be cleaner, but I'm not sure which direction to take refactoring here).
Co-authored-by: Tristam MacDonald <tristam@trist.am>
Adds preliminary transitioning of buffers to mapped state.
Adds buffer unmapping to the cube sample.
Modifies wgpu_queue_submit to not hold a write lock on the device during callbacks.