2018-08-10 14:50:38 +02:00

85 lines
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# Unreleased (major)
- Use dynamically loaded `libvulkan` like on other platforms instead of linking to MoltenVK on macOS
- Updated winit to version 0.17.
- Allow custom implementations of `RenderPassDesc` to specify `VK_SUBPASS_EXTERNAL` as a dependency source or destination
- Added `vulkano_win::create_vk_surface` which allows creating a surface safely without taking ownership of
the window.
- `AutoCommandBufferBuilder::draw` and friends no longer consume the `DynamicState` argument, allowing reuse between calls.
# Version 0.9.0 (2018-03-13)
- Updated winit to version 0.11.
# Version 0.8.0 (2018-03-11)
- Changed `ShaderInterfaceMismatchError` to be more verbose.
- Allow depth/stencil images to be used with `AutoCommandBufferBuilder::copy_image_to_buffer()`
- Allow `Surface` to own the window it references.
- Clear value validation for `AutoCommandBufferBuilder::begin_render_pass()`
- Fix occasional truncation of glslang_validator when glsl-to-spirv is rebuilt
- Fix linking against MoltenVK >= 0.19.0
- Fix panic on DeviceLost error after resizing swapchain on nvidia/amd hardware
- Added `AutoCommandBufferBuilder::copy_image`
- Added `VulkanObject::TYPE` to look up the `DebugReportObjectTypeEXT` of an object
- Added `Device::set_object_name` and `Device::set_object_name_raw`
- Added `GraphicsPipelineBuilder::with_auto_layout` to simplify use of dynamic buffers.
# Version 0.7.3 (2018-02-10)
# Version 0.7.2 (2017-10-09)
- Allow `impl_vertex!` to support generic structs.
- Added `GraphicsPipelineBuilder::with_pipeline_layout`.
- Fixed creating a buffer view not checking the `min_texel_buffer_offset_alignment` limit.
- Added support for loading the `VK_EXT_debug_marker` extension and adding debug markers to
- Changed `GraphicsPipelineBuilder` to default to a buffer-less vertex input.
- Deprecated `pipeline::input_assembly::InputAssembly`.
# Version 0.7.1 (2017-09-28)
- Fixed an HiDPI scaling issue on MacOS in vulkano-win.
- Fixed `le()` and `ge()` for `DescriptorsCount`, which also fixes a potential memory leak when
allocating descriptor sets.
- Fixed the `ordered_passes_renderpass!` macro not working properly when using `resolve`.
- Added an optional `resolve` entry in `pass` for `single_pass_renderpass!`, for resolving
multisampled attachments into non-multisampled attachments.
- Fixed the value of `rasterizationSamples` not corresponding to the render pass.
- Added `GraphicsPipelineBuilder::sample_shading_disabled`, `sample_shading_enabled`,
`alpha_to_coverage_disabled`, `alpha_to_coverage_enabled`, `alpha_to_one_disabled` and
`alpha_to_one_enabled`. Added `GraphicsPipelineCreationError::SampleRateShadingFeatureNotEnabled`
and `AlphaToOneFeatureNotEnabled`.
- Deprecated `pipeline::multisample::Multisample`.
# Version 0.7.0 (2017-09-21)
- Added `RuntimePipelineDesc`, an implementation of `PipelineLayoutDesc` that makes creating custom
layouts easier.
- Changed `CpuBufferPool::next()` and `chunk()` to return a `Result` in case of an error when
allocating or mapping memory.
- Changed `CommandBufferExecError::AccessError` to provide a hint of where the error occurs.
- Added `vulkano::pipeline::vertex::BufferlessDefinition` and `BufferlessVertices` to enable
bufferless drawing.
- Changed `ImageAccess::try_gpu_lock` and `unlock()` to verify whether the image layout is correct,
especially at the first usage of an image.
- Changed `BufferAccess::conflict_*` and `ImageAccess::conflict_*` to forbid querying a specific
range of the resource.
- Fixed `layers` argument validation in `Swapchain::new_inner`.
- Added a 32-bit word constructor for `ShaderModule` (`ShaderModule::from_words`).
- Changed the various `is_superset_of` functions to return a `Result` instead of a `bool`.
# Version 0.6.2 (2017-09-06)
- Added checking compatibility between the descriptor sets and the pipeline object when adding a
draw or compute command.
- Fixed several bugs in the validation checks of `blit_image`.
- Fixed `blit_image`, `copy_buffer_to_image` and `copy_image_to_buffer` not taking the mipmap level
into account when checking for the correct image dimensions.
- Added `ImageDimensions::mipmap_dimensions()` and `ImageDimensions::num_mipmaps()`.
- Added an implementation of `DeviceOwned` for `QueuesIter` and `Queue`.
- Fixed the standard command pool and descriptor pool being destroyed too often.
- Added `#[allow(non_snake_case)]` to structs generated by vulkano-shaders.