mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 10:07:30 +00:00
this is kinda jank because it means people need both machines to bless the tests
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23 lines
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[0m[1m[38;5;9merror[E0308][0m[0m[1m: mismatched types[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m--> [0m[0m$DIR/highlighting.rs:26:11[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m
[0m[1m[38;5;12mLL[0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m[0m [0m[0m query(wrapped_fn);[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m| [0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m-----[0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;9m^^^^^^^^^^[0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;9mone type is more general than the other[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m| [0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m| [0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12marguments to this function are incorrect[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m= [0m[0m[1mnote[0m[0m: expected fn pointer `[0m[0m[1m[35mfor<'a> [0m[0mfn(Box<[0m[0m[1m[35m(dyn Any + Send + 'a)[0m[0m>) -> Pin<_>`[0m
[0m found fn item `fn(Box<[0m[0m[1m[35m(dyn Any + Send + 'static)[0m[0m>) -> Pin<_> {wrapped_fn}`[0m
[0m[1m[38;5;10mnote[0m[0m: function defined here[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m--> [0m[0m$DIR/highlighting.rs:15:4[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m
[0m[1m[38;5;12mLL[0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m[0m [0m[0mfn query(_: fn(Box<(dyn Any + Send + '_)>) -> Pin<Box<([0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m| [0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m____[0m[0m[1m[38;5;10m^^^^^[0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m_-[0m
[0m[1m[38;5;12mLL[0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m[0m [0m[0m dyn Future<Output = Result<Box<(dyn Any + 'static)>, String>> + Send + 'static[0m
[0m[1m[38;5;12mLL[0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|[0m[0m [0m[0m)>>) {}[0m
[0m [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m| [0m[0m[1m[38;5;12m|___-[0m
[0m[1m[38;5;9merror[0m[0m[1m: aborting due to 1 previous error[0m
[0m[1mFor more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.[0m