this method call resolves to `<&{$target} as IntoIterator>::into_iter` (due to backwards compatibility), but will resolve to <{$target} as IntoIterator>::into_iter in Rust 2021
.use-iter-suggestion = use `.iter()` instead of `.into_iter()` to avoid ambiguity
.remove-into-iter-suggestion = or remove `.into_iter()` to iterate by value
.use-explicit-into-iter-suggestion =
or use `IntoIterator::into_iter(..)` instead of `.into_iter()` to explicitly iterate by value
lint-hidden-unicode-codepoints = unicode codepoint changing visible direction of text present in {$label}
.label = this {$label} contains {$count ->
[one] an invisible
*[other] invisible
} unicode text flow control {$count ->
[one] codepoint
*[other] codepoints
.note = these kind of unicode codepoints change the way text flows on applications that support them, but can cause confusion because they change the order of characters on the screen
.suggestion-remove = if their presence wasn't intentional, you can remove them
.suggestion-escape = if you want to keep them but make them visible in your source code, you can escape them
.no-suggestion-note-escape = if you want to keep them but make them visible in your source code, you can escape them: {$escaped}
lint-cstring-ptr = getting the inner pointer of a temporary `CString`
.as-ptr-label = this pointer will be invalid
.unwrap-label = this `CString` is deallocated at the end of the statement, bind it to a variable to extend its lifetime
.note = pointers do not have a lifetime; when calling `as_ptr` the `CString` will be deallocated at the end of the statement because nothing is referencing it as far as the type system is concerned
.help = for more information, see