Luke Granger-Brown
isponsorblocktv: init at 2.2.1 ( #343585 )
2024-09-29 17:18:16 +01:00
treewide: replace
In preparation for the deprecation of `stdenv.isX`.
These shorthands are not conducive to cross-compilation because they
hide the platforms.
Darwin might get cross-compilation for which the continued usage of `stdenv.isDarwin` will get in the way
One example of why this is bad and especially affects compiler packages
There are too many files to go through manually but a treewide should
get users thinking when they see a `hostPlatform.isX` in a place where it
doesn't make sense.
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "stdenv'.is" "stdenv'"
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "inherit (stdenv) is" "inherit (stdenv.hostPlatform) is"
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
fd --type f "\.nix" | xargs sd --fixed-strings "" ""
2024-09-25 00:04:37 +03:00
Luke Granger-Brown
isponsorblocktv: init at 2.2.1
2024-09-21 22:37:56 +01:00
pkgs/by-name: Convert hashes to SRI format
Reproduction script:
# Bulk rewrite
./maintainers/scripts/ pkgs/by-name
# Revert some packages which will need manual intervention
for n in amdvlk azure-cli cargo-profiler corefonts flatito fluxcd gist perf_data_converter protoc-gen-js solana-cli swt verible; do
git checkout -- "pkgs/by-name/${n:0:2}/${n}"
2024-09-15 11:24:31 +02:00
Anderson Torres
isc-cron: adopt and wash
- finalAttrs
- true patch instead of abusing cat
- multiline strings
- metadata
2024-08-23 12:22:22 -03:00
Anderson Torres
isc-cron: migrate to by-name
2024-08-23 12:22:22 -03:00
Peder Bergebakken Sundt
treewide: change ${pname}
to string literal ( #336172 )
* adwaita-icon-theme: change `${pname}` to string literal
* alp: change `${pname}` to string literal
* alsa-oss: change `${pname}` to string literal
* alsa-plugins: change `${pname}` to string literal
* alsa-ucm-conf: change `${pname}` to string literal
* alsa-utils: change `${pname}` to string literal
* anyrun: change `${pname}` to string literal
* assemblyscript: change `${pname}` to string literal
* audiobookshelf: change `${pname}` to string literal
* baobab: change `${pname}` to string literal
* braa: change `${pname}` to string literal
* brill: change `${pname}` to string literal
* centrifugo: change `${pname}` to string literal
* cheese: change `${pname}` to string literal
* cljfmt: change `${pname}` to string literal
* coppwr: change `${pname}` to string literal
* cosmic-edit: change `${pname}` to string literal
* cosmic-files: change `${pname}` to string literal
* cosmic-store: change `${pname}` to string literal
* cosmic-term: change `${pname}` to string literal
* crate2nix: change `${pname}` to string literal
* cups-kyocera-3500-4500: change `${pname}` to string literal
* dbqn: change `${pname}` to string literal
* dconf-editor: change `${pname}` to string literal
* devhelp: change `${pname}` to string literal
* dmarc-report-converter: change `${pname}` to string literal
* engage: change `${pname}` to string literal
* eog: change `${pname}` to string literal
* evolution-data-server-gtk4: change `${pname}` to string literal
* find-billy: change `${pname}` to string literal
* firefly-iii: change `${pname}` to string literal
* fuchsia-cursor: change `${pname}` to string literal
* geary: change `${pname}` to string literal
* ghex: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gitg: change `${pname}` to string literal
* glasskube: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-autoar: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-calculator: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-calendar: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-common: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-dictionary: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-disk-utility: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-font-viewer: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-keyring: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-screenshot: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.gnome-system-monitor: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.seahorse: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.simple-scan: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.sushi: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.totem: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.yelp: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnome.yelp-xsl: change `${pname}` to string literal
* gnucap-full: change `${pname}` to string literal
* goredo: change `${pname}` to string literal
* guile-semver: change `${pname}` to string literal
* halo: change `${pname}` to string literal
* intiface-central: change `${pname}` to string literal
* intune-portal: change `${pname}` to string literal
* iscc: change `${pname}` to string literal
* jetbrains-toolbox: change `${pname}` to string literal
* jnr-posix: change `${pname}` to string literal
* keymapp: change `${pname}` to string literal
* libation: change `${pname}` to string literal
* libeduvpn-common: change `${pname}` to string literal
* libmamba: change `${pname}` to string literal
* littlefs-fuse: change `${pname}` to string literal
* logseq: change `${pname}` to string literal
* lxgw-wenkai-tc: change `${pname}` to string literal
* microsoft-identity-broker: change `${pname}` to string literal
* minetest-mapserver: change `${pname}` to string literal
* msalsdk-dbusclient: change `${pname}` to string literal
* neverest: change `${pname}` to string literal
* nf-test: change `${pname}` to string literal
* numbat: change `${pname}` to string literal
* pdf2odt: change `${pname}` to string literal
* plemoljp: change `${pname}` to string literal
* plemoljp-hs: change `${pname}` to string literal
* plemoljp-nf: change `${pname}` to string literal
* pocket-updater-utility: change `${pname}` to string literal
* proto: change `${pname}` to string literal
* pw3270: change `${pname}` to string literal
* ratchet: change `${pname}` to string literal
* read-it-later: change `${pname}` to string literal
* redmine: change `${pname}` to string literal
* regina: change `${pname}` to string literal
* regripper: change `${pname}` to string literal
* revolt-desktop: change `${pname}` to string literal
* rs: change `${pname}` to string literal
* signaturepdf: change `${pname}` to string literal
* sonarlint-ls: change `${pname}` to string literal
* srgn: change `${pname}` to string literal
* stackit-cli: change `${pname}` to string literal
* substudy: change `${pname}` to string literal
* swayosd: change `${pname}` to string literal
* synthesia: change `${pname}` to string literal
* tarlz: change `${pname}` to string literal
* termcap: change `${pname}` to string literal
* tinycompress: change `${pname}` to string literal
* tracexec: change `${pname}` to string literal
* treefmt2: change `${pname}` to string literal
* udev-gothic: change `${pname}` to string literal
* udev-gothic-nf: change `${pname}` to string literal
* vvvvvv: change `${pname}` to string literal
* yggdrasil: change `${pname}` to string literal
* zsync: change `${pname}` to string literal
2024-08-20 15:56:55 -07:00
Jörg Thalheim
treewide: remove unused with statements from maintainer lists
$ find -type f -name '*.nix' -print0 | xargs -P "$(nproc)" -0 sed -i \
-e 's!with lib.maintainers; \[ *\];![ ];!' \
-e 's!with maintainers; \[ *\];![ ];!'
2024-07-29 10:06:20 +08:00
Jacob Bachmann
isisdl: init at 1.3.20
2024-07-27 14:03:11 +02:00
treewide: set meta.changelog
2024-07-07 15:20:06 +02:00
Jan van Brügge
isabelle: mark as broken on darwin
There is no dedicated darwin maintainer for isabelle
2024-07-06 18:41:30 +01:00
Jan van Brügge
isabelle-components.isabelle-linter: 2023-1.0.0 -> 2024-1.0.1
2024-07-06 18:41:29 +01:00
Jan van Brügge
isabelle: 2023 -> 2024
2024-07-06 18:41:28 +01:00
Alexis Hildebrandt
treewide: Remove indefinite article from meta.description
nix run nixpkgs#silver-searcher -- -G '\.nix$' -0l 'description.*"[Aa]n?' pkgs \
| xargs -0 nix run nixpkgs#gnused -- -i '' -Ee 's/(description.*")[Aa]n? (.)/\1\U\2/'
2024-06-09 23:07:45 +02:00
Sean Link
iscc: init at 6.2.2
2024-04-24 20:58:41 +03:00