mirror of
synced 2024-11-29 02:03:35 +00:00
... and reactivate the GLSL test for it. Fixes issue #6435.
374 lines
12 KiB
374 lines
12 KiB
Texture2D<uint4> image_mipmapped_src : register(t0);
Texture2DMS<uint4> image_multisampled_src : register(t3);
Texture2DMS<float> image_depth_multisampled_src : register(t4);
RWTexture2D<uint4> image_storage_src : register(u1);
Texture2DArray<uint4> image_array_src : register(t5);
RWTexture1D<uint> image_dup_src : register(u6);
Texture1D<uint4> image_1d_src : register(t7);
RWTexture1D<uint> image_dst : register(u2);
Texture1D<float4> image_1d : register(t0);
Texture2D<float4> image_2d : register(t1);
Texture2D<uint4> image_2d_u32_ : register(t2);
Texture2D<int4> image_2d_i32_ : register(t3);
Texture2DArray<float4> image_2d_array : register(t4);
TextureCube<float4> image_cube : register(t5);
TextureCubeArray<float4> image_cube_array : register(t6);
Texture3D<float4> image_3d : register(t7);
Texture2DMS<float4> image_aa : register(t8);
SamplerState sampler_reg : register(s0, space1);
SamplerComparisonState sampler_cmp : register(s1, space1);
Texture2D<float> image_2d_depth : register(t2, space1);
Texture2DArray<float> image_2d_array_depth : register(t3, space1);
TextureCube<float> image_cube_depth : register(t4, space1);
uint2 NagaRWDimensions2D(RWTexture2D<uint4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(ret.x, ret.y);
return ret.xy;
[numthreads(16, 1, 1)]
void main(uint3 local_id : SV_GroupThreadID)
uint2 dim = NagaRWDimensions2D(image_storage_src);
int2 itc = (int2((dim * local_id.xy)) % int2(10, 20));
uint4 value1_ = image_mipmapped_src.Load(int3(itc, int(local_id.z)));
uint4 value2_ = image_multisampled_src.Load(itc, int(local_id.z));
uint4 value4_ = image_storage_src.Load(itc);
uint4 value5_ = image_array_src.Load(int4(itc, local_id.z, (int(local_id.z) + 1)));
uint4 value6_ = image_array_src.Load(int4(itc, int(local_id.z), (int(local_id.z) + 1)));
uint4 value7_ = image_1d_src.Load(int2(int(local_id.x), int(local_id.z)));
uint4 value1u = image_mipmapped_src.Load(int3(uint2(itc), int(local_id.z)));
uint4 value2u = image_multisampled_src.Load(uint2(itc), int(local_id.z));
uint4 value4u = image_storage_src.Load(uint2(itc));
uint4 value5u = image_array_src.Load(int4(uint2(itc), local_id.z, (int(local_id.z) + 1)));
uint4 value6u = image_array_src.Load(int4(uint2(itc), int(local_id.z), (int(local_id.z) + 1)));
uint4 value7u = image_1d_src.Load(int2(uint(local_id.x), int(local_id.z)));
image_dst[itc.x] = ((((value1_ + value2_) + value4_) + value5_) + value6_);
image_dst[uint(itc.x)] = ((((value1u + value2u) + value4u) + value5u) + value6u);
[numthreads(16, 1, 1)]
void depth_load(uint3 local_id_1 : SV_GroupThreadID)
uint2 dim_1 = NagaRWDimensions2D(image_storage_src);
int2 itc_1 = (int2((dim_1 * local_id_1.xy)) % int2(10, 20));
float val = image_depth_multisampled_src.Load(itc_1, int(local_id_1.z)).x;
image_dst[itc_1.x] = (uint(val)).xxxx;
uint NagaDimensions1D(Texture1D<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y);
return ret.x;
uint NagaMipDimensions1D(Texture1D<float4> tex, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y);
return ret.x;
uint2 NagaDimensions2D(Texture2D<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
uint2 NagaMipDimensions2D(Texture2D<float4> tex, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
uint2 NagaDimensions2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xy;
uint2 NagaMipDimensions2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4> tex, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xy;
uint2 NagaDimensionsCube(TextureCube<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
uint2 NagaMipDimensionsCube(TextureCube<float4> tex, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
uint2 NagaDimensionsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xy;
uint2 NagaMipDimensionsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4> tex, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xy;
uint3 NagaDimensions3D(Texture3D<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xyz;
uint3 NagaMipDimensions3D(Texture3D<float4> tex, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xyz;
uint2 NagaMSDimensions2D(Texture2DMS<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
float4 queries() : SV_Position
uint dim_1d = NagaDimensions1D(image_1d);
uint dim_1d_lod = NagaMipDimensions1D(image_1d, int(dim_1d));
uint2 dim_2d = NagaDimensions2D(image_2d);
uint2 dim_2d_lod = NagaMipDimensions2D(image_2d, 1);
uint2 dim_2d_array = NagaDimensions2DArray(image_2d_array);
uint2 dim_2d_array_lod = NagaMipDimensions2DArray(image_2d_array, 1);
uint2 dim_cube = NagaDimensionsCube(image_cube);
uint2 dim_cube_lod = NagaMipDimensionsCube(image_cube, 1);
uint2 dim_cube_array = NagaDimensionsCubeArray(image_cube_array);
uint2 dim_cube_array_lod = NagaMipDimensionsCubeArray(image_cube_array, 1);
uint3 dim_3d = NagaDimensions3D(image_3d);
uint3 dim_3d_lod = NagaMipDimensions3D(image_3d, 1);
uint2 dim_2s_ms = NagaMSDimensions2D(image_aa);
uint sum = ((((((((((dim_1d + dim_2d.y) + dim_2d_lod.y) + dim_2d_array.y) + dim_2d_array_lod.y) + dim_cube.y) + dim_cube_lod.y) + dim_cube_array.y) + dim_cube_array_lod.y) + dim_3d.z) + dim_3d_lod.z);
return (float(sum)).xxxx;
uint NagaNumLevels2D(Texture2D<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.z;
uint NagaNumLayers2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
uint NagaNumLevels2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
uint NagaNumLevelsCube(TextureCube<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.z;
uint NagaNumLevelsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
uint NagaNumLayersCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
uint NagaNumLevels3D(Texture3D<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
uint NagaMSNumSamples2D(Texture2DMS<float4> tex)
uint4 ret;
tex.GetDimensions(ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.z;
float4 levels_queries() : SV_Position
uint num_levels_2d = NagaNumLevels2D(image_2d);
uint num_layers_2d = NagaNumLayers2DArray(image_2d_array);
uint num_levels_2d_array = NagaNumLevels2DArray(image_2d_array);
uint num_layers_2d_array = NagaNumLayers2DArray(image_2d_array);
uint num_levels_cube = NagaNumLevelsCube(image_cube);
uint num_levels_cube_array = NagaNumLevelsCubeArray(image_cube_array);
uint num_layers_cube = NagaNumLayersCubeArray(image_cube_array);
uint num_levels_3d = NagaNumLevels3D(image_3d);
uint num_samples_aa = NagaMSNumSamples2D(image_aa);
uint sum_1 = (((((((num_layers_2d + num_layers_cube) + num_samples_aa) + num_levels_2d) + num_levels_2d_array) + num_levels_3d) + num_levels_cube) + num_levels_cube_array);
return (float(sum_1)).xxxx;
float4 texture_sample() : SV_Target0
float4 a = (float4)0;
float2 tc = (0.5).xx;
float3 tc3_ = (0.5).xxx;
float4 _e9 = image_1d.Sample(sampler_reg, tc.x);
float4 _e10 = a;
a = (_e10 + _e9);
float4 _e14 = image_2d.Sample(sampler_reg, tc);
float4 _e15 = a;
a = (_e15 + _e14);
float4 _e19 = image_2d.Sample(sampler_reg, tc, int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e20 = a;
a = (_e20 + _e19);
float4 _e24 = image_2d.SampleLevel(sampler_reg, tc, 2.3);
float4 _e25 = a;
a = (_e25 + _e24);
float4 _e29 = image_2d.SampleLevel(sampler_reg, tc, 2.3, int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e30 = a;
a = (_e30 + _e29);
float4 _e35 = image_2d.SampleBias(sampler_reg, tc, 2.0, int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e36 = a;
a = (_e36 + _e35);
float4 _e41 = image_2d_array.Sample(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0u));
float4 _e42 = a;
a = (_e42 + _e41);
float4 _e47 = image_2d_array.Sample(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0u), int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e48 = a;
a = (_e48 + _e47);
float4 _e53 = image_2d_array.SampleLevel(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0u), 2.3);
float4 _e54 = a;
a = (_e54 + _e53);
float4 _e59 = image_2d_array.SampleLevel(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0u), 2.3, int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e60 = a;
a = (_e60 + _e59);
float4 _e66 = image_2d_array.SampleBias(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0u), 2.0, int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e67 = a;
a = (_e67 + _e66);
float4 _e72 = image_2d_array.Sample(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0));
float4 _e73 = a;
a = (_e73 + _e72);
float4 _e78 = image_2d_array.Sample(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0), int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e79 = a;
a = (_e79 + _e78);
float4 _e84 = image_2d_array.SampleLevel(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0), 2.3);
float4 _e85 = a;
a = (_e85 + _e84);
float4 _e90 = image_2d_array.SampleLevel(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0), 2.3, int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e91 = a;
a = (_e91 + _e90);
float4 _e97 = image_2d_array.SampleBias(sampler_reg, float3(tc, 0), 2.0, int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 _e98 = a;
a = (_e98 + _e97);
float4 _e103 = image_cube_array.Sample(sampler_reg, float4(tc3_, 0u));
float4 _e104 = a;
a = (_e104 + _e103);
float4 _e109 = image_cube_array.SampleLevel(sampler_reg, float4(tc3_, 0u), 2.3);
float4 _e110 = a;
a = (_e110 + _e109);
float4 _e116 = image_cube_array.SampleBias(sampler_reg, float4(tc3_, 0u), 2.0);
float4 _e117 = a;
a = (_e117 + _e116);
float4 _e122 = image_cube_array.Sample(sampler_reg, float4(tc3_, 0));
float4 _e123 = a;
a = (_e123 + _e122);
float4 _e128 = image_cube_array.SampleLevel(sampler_reg, float4(tc3_, 0), 2.3);
float4 _e129 = a;
a = (_e129 + _e128);
float4 _e135 = image_cube_array.SampleBias(sampler_reg, float4(tc3_, 0), 2.0);
float4 _e136 = a;
a = (_e136 + _e135);
float4 _e138 = a;
return _e138;
float texture_sample_comparison() : SV_Target0
float a_1 = (float)0;
float2 tc_1 = (0.5).xx;
float3 tc3_1 = (0.5).xxx;
float _e8 = image_2d_depth.SampleCmp(sampler_cmp, tc_1, 0.5);
float _e9 = a_1;
a_1 = (_e9 + _e8);
float _e14 = image_2d_array_depth.SampleCmp(sampler_cmp, float3(tc_1, 0u), 0.5);
float _e15 = a_1;
a_1 = (_e15 + _e14);
float _e20 = image_2d_array_depth.SampleCmp(sampler_cmp, float3(tc_1, 0), 0.5);
float _e21 = a_1;
a_1 = (_e21 + _e20);
float _e25 = image_cube_depth.SampleCmp(sampler_cmp, tc3_1, 0.5);
float _e26 = a_1;
a_1 = (_e26 + _e25);
float _e30 = image_2d_depth.SampleCmpLevelZero(sampler_cmp, tc_1, 0.5);
float _e31 = a_1;
a_1 = (_e31 + _e30);
float _e36 = image_2d_array_depth.SampleCmpLevelZero(sampler_cmp, float3(tc_1, 0u), 0.5);
float _e37 = a_1;
a_1 = (_e37 + _e36);
float _e42 = image_2d_array_depth.SampleCmpLevelZero(sampler_cmp, float3(tc_1, 0), 0.5);
float _e43 = a_1;
a_1 = (_e43 + _e42);
float _e47 = image_cube_depth.SampleCmpLevelZero(sampler_cmp, tc3_1, 0.5);
float _e48 = a_1;
a_1 = (_e48 + _e47);
float _e50 = a_1;
return _e50;
float4 gather() : SV_Target0
float2 tc_2 = (0.5).xx;
float4 s2d = image_2d.GatherGreen(sampler_reg, tc_2);
float4 s2d_offset = image_2d.GatherAlpha(sampler_reg, tc_2, int2(int2(3, 1)));
float4 s2d_depth = image_2d_depth.GatherCmp(sampler_cmp, tc_2, 0.5);
float4 s2d_depth_offset = image_2d_depth.GatherCmp(sampler_cmp, tc_2, 0.5, int2(int2(3, 1)));
uint4 u = image_2d_u32_.Gather(sampler_reg, tc_2);
int4 i = image_2d_i32_.Gather(sampler_reg, tc_2);
float4 f = (float4(u) + float4(i));
return ((((s2d + s2d_offset) + s2d_depth) + s2d_depth_offset) + f);
float4 depth_no_comparison() : SV_Target0
float2 tc_3 = (0.5).xx;
float s2d_1 = image_2d_depth.Sample(sampler_reg, tc_3);
float4 s2d_gather = image_2d_depth.Gather(sampler_reg, tc_3);
return ((s2d_1).xxxx + s2d_gather);