Jim Blandy 92287c30b5 [naga hlsl-out] Use Baked for baked expressions.
Make the HLSL backend more like other backends by using `back::Baked`
to generate names for baked expression identifiers. This removes the
final uses of `Handle::index` from the HLSL backend.

This is separated out from the previous commit because it changes lots
of snapshot tests, whereas the previous commit has no effect on Naga's
2024-06-21 09:56:40 +02:00

142 lines
4.1 KiB

typedef struct { float2 _0; float2 _1; float2 _2; } __mat3x2;
float2 __get_col_of_mat3x2(__mat3x2 mat, uint idx) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { return mat._0; }
case 1: { return mat._1; }
case 2: { return mat._2; }
default: { return (float2)0; }
void __set_col_of_mat3x2(__mat3x2 mat, uint idx, float2 value) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { mat._0 = value; break; }
case 1: { mat._1 = value; break; }
case 2: { mat._2 = value; break; }
void __set_el_of_mat3x2(__mat3x2 mat, uint idx, uint vec_idx, float value) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { mat._0[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 1: { mat._1[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 2: { mat._2[vec_idx] = value; break; }
typedef struct { float2 _0; float2 _1; float2 _2; float2 _3; } __mat4x2;
float2 __get_col_of_mat4x2(__mat4x2 mat, uint idx) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { return mat._0; }
case 1: { return mat._1; }
case 2: { return mat._2; }
case 3: { return mat._3; }
default: { return (float2)0; }
void __set_col_of_mat4x2(__mat4x2 mat, uint idx, float2 value) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { mat._0 = value; break; }
case 1: { mat._1 = value; break; }
case 2: { mat._2 = value; break; }
case 3: { mat._3 = value; break; }
void __set_el_of_mat4x2(__mat4x2 mat, uint idx, uint vec_idx, float value) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { mat._0[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 1: { mat._1[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 2: { mat._2[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 3: { mat._3[vec_idx] = value; break; }
struct FooStruct {
float3 v3_;
float v1_;
static const bool Foo_1 = true;
groupshared float wg[10];
groupshared uint at_1;
RWByteAddressBuffer alignment : register(u1);
ByteAddressBuffer dummy : register(t2);
cbuffer float_vecs : register(b3) { float4 float_vecs[20]; }
cbuffer global_vec : register(b4) { float3 global_vec; }
cbuffer global_mat : register(b5) { __mat3x2 global_mat; }
cbuffer global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_2x4_ : register(b6) { row_major float2x4 global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_2x4_[2][2]; }
cbuffer global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_4x2_ : register(b7) { __mat4x2 global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_4x2_[2][2]; }
void test_msl_packed_vec3_as_arg(float3 arg)
float3x3 ZeroValuefloat3x3() {
return (float3x3)0;
FooStruct ConstructFooStruct(float3 arg0, float arg1) {
FooStruct ret = (FooStruct)0;
ret.v3_ = arg0;
ret.v1_ = arg1;
return ret;
void test_msl_packed_vec3_()
int idx = 1;
alignment.Store3(0, asuint((1.0).xxx));
alignment.Store(0+0, asuint(1.0));
alignment.Store(0+0, asuint(2.0));
int _e16 = idx;
alignment.Store(_e16*4+0, asuint(3.0));
FooStruct data = ConstructFooStruct(asfloat(alignment.Load3(0)), asfloat(alignment.Load(12)));
float3 l0_ = data.v3_;
float2 l1_ = data.v3_.zx;
float3 mvm0_ = mul(ZeroValuefloat3x3(), data.v3_);
float3 mvm1_ = mul(data.v3_, ZeroValuefloat3x3());
float3 svm0_ = (data.v3_ * 2.0);
float3 svm1_ = (2.0 * data.v3_);
uint NagaBufferLength(ByteAddressBuffer buffer)
uint ret;
return ret;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main(uint3 __local_invocation_id : SV_GroupThreadID)
if (all(__local_invocation_id == uint3(0u, 0u, 0u))) {
wg = (float[10])0;
at_1 = (uint)0;
float Foo = 1.0;
bool at = true;
float4x2 _e5 = ((float4x2)global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_4x2_[0][0]);
float4 _e10 = global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_2x4_[0][0][0];
wg[7] = mul(_e10, _e5).x;
float3x2 _e16 = ((float3x2)global_mat);
float3 _e18 = global_vec;
wg[6] = mul(_e18, _e16).x;
float _e26 = asfloat(dummy.Load(4+8));
wg[5] = _e26;
float _e32 = float_vecs[0].w;
wg[4] = _e32;
float _e37 = asfloat(alignment.Load(12));
wg[3] = _e37;
float _e43 = asfloat(alignment.Load(0+0));
wg[2] = _e43;
alignment.Store(12, asuint(4.0));
wg[1] = float(((NagaBufferLength(dummy) - 0) / 8));
at_1 = 2u;