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synced 2024-11-28 17:53:40 +00:00
Make the HLSL backend more like other backends by using `back::Baked` to generate names for baked expression identifiers. This removes the final uses of `Handle::index` from the HLSL backend. This is separated out from the previous commit because it changes lots of snapshot tests, whereas the previous commit has no effect on Naga's output.
142 lines
4.1 KiB
142 lines
4.1 KiB
typedef struct { float2 _0; float2 _1; float2 _2; } __mat3x2;
float2 __get_col_of_mat3x2(__mat3x2 mat, uint idx) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { return mat._0; }
case 1: { return mat._1; }
case 2: { return mat._2; }
default: { return (float2)0; }
void __set_col_of_mat3x2(__mat3x2 mat, uint idx, float2 value) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { mat._0 = value; break; }
case 1: { mat._1 = value; break; }
case 2: { mat._2 = value; break; }
void __set_el_of_mat3x2(__mat3x2 mat, uint idx, uint vec_idx, float value) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { mat._0[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 1: { mat._1[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 2: { mat._2[vec_idx] = value; break; }
typedef struct { float2 _0; float2 _1; float2 _2; float2 _3; } __mat4x2;
float2 __get_col_of_mat4x2(__mat4x2 mat, uint idx) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { return mat._0; }
case 1: { return mat._1; }
case 2: { return mat._2; }
case 3: { return mat._3; }
default: { return (float2)0; }
void __set_col_of_mat4x2(__mat4x2 mat, uint idx, float2 value) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { mat._0 = value; break; }
case 1: { mat._1 = value; break; }
case 2: { mat._2 = value; break; }
case 3: { mat._3 = value; break; }
void __set_el_of_mat4x2(__mat4x2 mat, uint idx, uint vec_idx, float value) {
switch(idx) {
case 0: { mat._0[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 1: { mat._1[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 2: { mat._2[vec_idx] = value; break; }
case 3: { mat._3[vec_idx] = value; break; }
struct FooStruct {
float3 v3_;
float v1_;
static const bool Foo_1 = true;
groupshared float wg[10];
groupshared uint at_1;
RWByteAddressBuffer alignment : register(u1);
ByteAddressBuffer dummy : register(t2);
cbuffer float_vecs : register(b3) { float4 float_vecs[20]; }
cbuffer global_vec : register(b4) { float3 global_vec; }
cbuffer global_mat : register(b5) { __mat3x2 global_mat; }
cbuffer global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_2x4_ : register(b6) { row_major float2x4 global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_2x4_[2][2]; }
cbuffer global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_4x2_ : register(b7) { __mat4x2 global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_4x2_[2][2]; }
void test_msl_packed_vec3_as_arg(float3 arg)
float3x3 ZeroValuefloat3x3() {
return (float3x3)0;
FooStruct ConstructFooStruct(float3 arg0, float arg1) {
FooStruct ret = (FooStruct)0;
ret.v3_ = arg0;
ret.v1_ = arg1;
return ret;
void test_msl_packed_vec3_()
int idx = 1;
alignment.Store3(0, asuint((1.0).xxx));
alignment.Store(0+0, asuint(1.0));
alignment.Store(0+0, asuint(2.0));
int _e16 = idx;
alignment.Store(_e16*4+0, asuint(3.0));
FooStruct data = ConstructFooStruct(asfloat(alignment.Load3(0)), asfloat(alignment.Load(12)));
float3 l0_ = data.v3_;
float2 l1_ = data.v3_.zx;
float3 mvm0_ = mul(ZeroValuefloat3x3(), data.v3_);
float3 mvm1_ = mul(data.v3_, ZeroValuefloat3x3());
float3 svm0_ = (data.v3_ * 2.0);
float3 svm1_ = (2.0 * data.v3_);
uint NagaBufferLength(ByteAddressBuffer buffer)
uint ret;
return ret;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main(uint3 __local_invocation_id : SV_GroupThreadID)
if (all(__local_invocation_id == uint3(0u, 0u, 0u))) {
wg = (float[10])0;
at_1 = (uint)0;
float Foo = 1.0;
bool at = true;
float4x2 _e5 = ((float4x2)global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_4x2_[0][0]);
float4 _e10 = global_nested_arrays_of_matrices_2x4_[0][0][0];
wg[7] = mul(_e10, _e5).x;
float3x2 _e16 = ((float3x2)global_mat);
float3 _e18 = global_vec;
wg[6] = mul(_e18, _e16).x;
float _e26 = asfloat(dummy.Load(4+8));
wg[5] = _e26;
float _e32 = float_vecs[0].w;
wg[4] = _e32;
float _e37 = asfloat(alignment.Load(12));
wg[3] = _e37;
float _e43 = asfloat(alignment.Load(0+0));
wg[2] = _e43;
alignment.Store(12, asuint(4.0));
wg[1] = float(((NagaBufferLength(dummy) - 0) / 8));
at_1 = 2u;