mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 01:12:41 +00:00
hlsl: storage reads support, array length
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
use super::Error;
impl crate::ScalarKind {
pub(super) fn to_hlsl_cast(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::Float => "asfloat",
Self::Sint => "asint",
Self::Uint => "asuint",
Self::Bool => unreachable!(),
/// Helper function that returns scalar related strings
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-scalar
pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self, width: crate::Bytes) -> Result<&'static str, Error> {
match self {
Self::Sint => Ok("int"),
Self::Uint => Ok("uint"),
Self::Float => match width {
2 => Ok("half"),
4 => Ok("float"),
8 => Ok("double"),
_ => Err(Error::UnsupportedScalar(self, width)),
Self::Bool => Ok("bool"),
impl crate::TypeInner {
pub(super) fn is_matrix(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Matrix { .. } => true,
_ => false,
impl crate::StorageFormat {
pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::R16Float => "float",
Self::R8Unorm => "unorm float",
Self::R8Snorm => "snorm float",
Self::R8Uint | Self::R16Uint => "uint",
Self::R8Sint | Self::R16Sint => "int",
Self::Rg16Float => "float2",
Self::Rg8Unorm => "unorm float2",
Self::Rg8Snorm => "snorm float2",
Self::Rg8Sint | Self::Rg16Sint => "int2",
Self::Rg8Uint | Self::Rg16Uint => "uint2",
Self::Rg11b10Float => "float3",
Self::Rgba16Float | Self::R32Float | Self::Rg32Float | Self::Rgba32Float => "float4",
Self::Rgba8Unorm | Self::Rgb10a2Unorm => "unorm float4",
Self::Rgba8Snorm => "snorm float4",
| Self::Rgba16Uint
| Self::R32Uint
| Self::Rg32Uint
| Self::Rgba32Uint => "uint4",
| Self::Rgba16Sint
| Self::R32Sint
| Self::Rg32Sint
| Self::Rgba32Sint => "int4",
impl crate::BuiltIn {
pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self) -> Result<&'static str, Error> {
Ok(match self {
Self::Position => "SV_Position",
// vertex
Self::ClipDistance => "SV_ClipDistance",
Self::CullDistance => "SV_CullDistance",
Self::InstanceIndex => "SV_InstanceID",
// based on this page https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/gaming/glsl-to-hlsl-reference#comparing-opengl-es-20-with-direct3d-11
// No meaning unless you target Direct3D 9
Self::PointSize => "PSIZE",
Self::VertexIndex => "SV_VertexID",
// fragment
Self::FragDepth => "SV_Depth",
Self::FrontFacing => "SV_IsFrontFace",
Self::PrimitiveIndex => "SV_PrimitiveID",
Self::SampleIndex => "SV_SampleIndex",
Self::SampleMask => "SV_Coverage",
// compute
Self::GlobalInvocationId => "SV_DispatchThreadID",
Self::LocalInvocationId => "SV_GroupThreadID",
Self::LocalInvocationIndex => "SV_GroupIndex",
Self::WorkGroupId => "SV_GroupID",
_ => return Err(Error::Unimplemented(format!("builtin {:?}", self))),
impl crate::Interpolation {
/// Helper function that returns the string corresponding to the HLSL interpolation qualifier
pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::Perspective => "linear",
Self::Linear => "noperspective",
Self::Flat => "nointerpolation",
impl crate::Sampling {
/// Return the HLSL auxiliary qualifier for the given sampling value.
pub(super) fn to_hlsl_str(self) -> Option<&'static str> {
match self {
Self::Center => None,
Self::Centroid => Some("centroid"),
Self::Sample => Some("sample"),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
// Important note about `Expression::ImageQuery`/`Expression::ArrayLength` and hlsl backend:
// Due to implementation of `GetDimensions` function in hlsl (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-to-getdimensions)
// backend can't work with it as an expression.
// Instead, it generates a unique wrapped function per `Expression::ImageQuery`, based on texure info and query function.
// See `WrappedImageQuery` struct that represents a unique function and will be generated before writing all statements and expressions.
// This allowed to works with `Expression::ImageQuery` as expression and write wrapped function.
// For example:
// ```wgsl
// let dim_1d = textureDimensions(image_1d);
// ```
// ```hlsl
// int NagaDimensions1D(Texture1D<float4>)
// {
// uint4 ret;
// image_1d.GetDimensions(ret.x);
// return ret.x;
// }
// int dim_1d = NagaDimensions1D(image_1d);
// ```
use super::{super::FunctionCtx, writer::BackendResult};
use crate::arena::Handle;
use std::fmt::Write;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub(super) struct WrappedArrayLength {
pub(super) writable: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub(super) struct WrappedImageQuery {
pub(super) dim: crate::ImageDimension,
pub(super) arrayed: bool,
pub(super) class: crate::ImageClass,
pub(super) query: ImageQuery,
// HLSL backend requires its own `ImageQuery` enum.
// It is used inside `WrappedImageQuery` and should be unique per ImageQuery function.
// IR version can't be unique per function, because it's store mipmap level as an expression.
// For example:
// ```wgsl
// let dim_cube_array_lod = textureDimensions(image_cube_array, 1);
// let dim_cube_array_lod2 = textureDimensions(image_cube_array, 1);
// ```
// ```ir
// ImageQuery {
// image: [1],
// query: Size {
// level: Some(
// [1],
// ),
// },
// },
// ImageQuery {
// image: [1],
// query: Size {
// level: Some(
// [2],
// ),
// },
// },
// ```
// HLSL should generate only 1 function for this case.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub(super) enum ImageQuery {
impl From<crate::ImageQuery> for ImageQuery {
fn from(q: crate::ImageQuery) -> Self {
use crate::ImageQuery as Iq;
match q {
Iq::Size { level: Some(_) } => ImageQuery::SizeLevel,
Iq::Size { level: None } => ImageQuery::Size,
Iq::NumLevels => ImageQuery::NumLevels,
Iq::NumLayers => ImageQuery::NumLayers,
Iq::NumSamples => ImageQuery::NumSamples,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub(super) enum MipLevelCoordinate {
impl<'a, W: Write> super::Writer<'a, W> {
pub(super) fn write_image_type(
&mut self,
dim: crate::ImageDimension,
arrayed: bool,
class: crate::ImageClass,
) -> BackendResult {
let dim_str = dim.to_hlsl_str();
let arrayed_str = if arrayed { "Array" } else { "" };
write!(self.out, "Texture{}{}", dim_str, arrayed_str)?;
match class {
crate::ImageClass::Depth { multi } => {
let multi_str = if multi { "MS" } else { "" };
write!(self.out, "{}<float>", multi_str)?
crate::ImageClass::Sampled { kind, multi } => {
let multi_str = if multi { "MS" } else { "" };
let scalar_kind_str = kind.to_hlsl_str(4)?;
write!(self.out, "{}<{}4>", multi_str, scalar_kind_str)?
crate::ImageClass::Storage(format) => {
let storage_format_str = format.to_hlsl_str();
write!(self.out, "<{}>", storage_format_str)?
pub(super) fn write_wrapped_array_length_function_name(
&mut self,
query: WrappedArrayLength,
) -> BackendResult {
let access_str = if query.writable { "RW" } else { "" };
write!(self.out, "NagaBufferLength{}", access_str,)?;
/// Helper function that write wrapped function for `Expression::ArrayLength`
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/sm5-object-rwbyteaddressbuffer-getdimensions
pub(super) fn write_wrapped_array_length_function(
&mut self,
module: &crate::Module,
wal: WrappedArrayLength,
expr_handle: Handle<crate::Expression>,
func_ctx: &FunctionCtx,
) -> BackendResult {
use crate::back::INDENT;
const ARGUMENT_VARIABLE_NAME: &str = "buffer";
const RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME: &str = "ret";
// Write function return type and name
let ret_ty = func_ctx.info[expr_handle].ty.inner_with(&module.types);
self.write_value_type(module, ret_ty)?;
write!(self.out, " ")?;
// Write function parameters
write!(self.out, "(")?;
let access_str = if wal.writable { "RW" } else { "" };
"{}ByteAddressBuffer {})",
// Write function body
writeln!(self.out, "{{")?;
// Write `GetDimensions` function.
writeln!(self.out, "{}uint {};", INDENT, RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME)?;
// Write return value
writeln!(self.out, "{}return {};", INDENT, RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME)?;
// End of function body
writeln!(self.out, "}}")?;
// Write extra new line
pub(super) fn write_wrapped_image_query_function_name(
&mut self,
query: WrappedImageQuery,
) -> BackendResult {
let dim_str = query.dim.to_hlsl_str();
let class_str = match query.class {
crate::ImageClass::Sampled { multi: true, .. } => "MS",
crate::ImageClass::Depth { multi: true } => "DepthMS",
crate::ImageClass::Depth { multi: false } => "Depth",
crate::ImageClass::Sampled { multi: false, .. } | crate::ImageClass::Storage { .. } => {
let arrayed_str = if query.arrayed { "Array" } else { "" };
let query_str = match query.query {
ImageQuery::Size => "Dimensions",
ImageQuery::SizeLevel => "MipDimensions",
ImageQuery::NumLevels => "NumLevels",
ImageQuery::NumLayers => "NumLayers",
ImageQuery::NumSamples => "NumSamples",
class_str, query_str, dim_str, arrayed_str
/// Helper function that write wrapped function for `Expression::ImageQuery`
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-to-getdimensions
pub(super) fn write_wrapped_image_query_function(
&mut self,
module: &crate::Module,
wiq: WrappedImageQuery,
expr_handle: Handle<crate::Expression>,
func_ctx: &FunctionCtx,
) -> BackendResult {
use crate::{back::INDENT, ImageDimension as IDim};
const ARGUMENT_VARIABLE_NAME: &str = "texture";
const RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME: &str = "ret";
const MIP_LEVEL_PARAM: &str = "mip_level";
// Write function return type and name
let ret_ty = func_ctx.info[expr_handle].ty.inner_with(&module.types);
self.write_value_type(module, ret_ty)?;
write!(self.out, " ")?;
// Write function parameters
write!(self.out, "(")?;
// Texture always first parameter
self.write_image_type(wiq.dim, wiq.arrayed, wiq.class)?;
write!(self.out, " {}", ARGUMENT_VARIABLE_NAME)?;
// Mipmap is a second parameter if exists
if let ImageQuery::SizeLevel = wiq.query {
write!(self.out, ", uint {}", MIP_LEVEL_PARAM)?;
writeln!(self.out, ")")?;
// Write function body
writeln!(self.out, "{{")?;
let array_coords = if wiq.arrayed { 1 } else { 0 };
// GetDimensions Overloaded Methods
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-to-getdimensions#overloaded-methods
let (ret_swizzle, number_of_params) = match wiq.query {
ImageQuery::Size | ImageQuery::SizeLevel => match wiq.dim {
IDim::D1 => ("x", 1 + array_coords),
IDim::D2 => ("xy", 3 + array_coords),
IDim::D3 => ("xyz", 4),
IDim::Cube => ("xy", 3 + array_coords),
ImageQuery::NumLevels | ImageQuery::NumSamples | ImageQuery::NumLayers => {
if wiq.arrayed || wiq.dim == IDim::D3 {
("w", 4)
} else {
("z", 3)
// Write `GetDimensions` function.
writeln!(self.out, "{}uint4 {};", INDENT, RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME)?;
match wiq.query {
ImageQuery::SizeLevel => {
write!(self.out, "{}, ", MIP_LEVEL_PARAM)?;
_ => match wiq.class {
crate::ImageClass::Sampled { multi: true, .. }
| crate::ImageClass::Depth { multi: true } => {}
_ => match wiq.dim {
// Write zero mipmap level for supported types
IDim::D2 | IDim::D3 | IDim::Cube => {
write!(self.out, "0, ")?;
IDim::D1 => {}
for component in crate::back::COMPONENTS[..number_of_params - 1].iter() {
write!(self.out, "{}.{}, ", RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME, component)?;
// write last parameter without comma and space for last parameter
crate::back::COMPONENTS[number_of_params - 1]
writeln!(self.out, ");")?;
// Write return value
"{}return {}.{};",
// End of function body
writeln!(self.out, "}}")?;
// Write extra new line
/// Helper function that write wrapped function for `Expression::ImageQuery` and `Expression::ArrayLength`
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-to-getdimensions
pub(super) fn write_wrapped_functions(
&mut self,
module: &crate::Module,
func_ctx: &FunctionCtx,
) -> BackendResult {
for (handle, _) in func_ctx.expressions.iter() {
match func_ctx.expressions[handle] {
crate::Expression::ArrayLength(expr) => {
let global_expr = match func_ctx.expressions[expr] {
crate::Expression::AccessIndex { base, index: _ } => base,
ref other => unreachable!("Array length of {:?}", other),
let global_var = match func_ctx.expressions[global_expr] {
crate::Expression::GlobalVariable(var_handle) => {
ref other => unreachable!("Array length of base {:?}", other),
let wal = WrappedArrayLength {
writable: global_var
if !self.wrapped_array_lengths.contains(&wal) {
self.write_wrapped_array_length_function(module, wal, handle, func_ctx)?;
crate::Expression::ImageQuery { image, query } => {
let wiq = match *func_ctx.info[image].ty.inner_with(&module.types) {
crate::TypeInner::Image {
} => WrappedImageQuery {
query: query.into(),
_ => unreachable!("we only query images"),
if !self.wrapped_image_queries.contains(&wiq) {
self.write_wrapped_image_query_function(module, wiq, handle, func_ctx)?;
_ => {}
pub(super) fn write_texture_coordinates(
&mut self,
kind: &str,
coordinate: Handle<crate::Expression>,
array_index: Option<Handle<crate::Expression>>,
mip_level: MipLevelCoordinate,
module: &crate::Module,
func_ctx: &FunctionCtx,
) -> BackendResult {
// HLSL expects the array index to be merged with the coordinate
let extra = array_index.is_some() as usize
+ (mip_level != MipLevelCoordinate::NotApplicable) as usize;
if extra == 0 {
self.write_expr(module, coordinate, func_ctx)?;
} else {
let num_coords = match *func_ctx.info[coordinate].ty.inner_with(&module.types) {
crate::TypeInner::Scalar { .. } => 1,
crate::TypeInner::Vector { size, .. } => size as usize,
_ => unreachable!(),
write!(self.out, "{}{}(", kind, num_coords + extra)?;
self.write_expr(module, coordinate, func_ctx)?;
if let Some(expr) = array_index {
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
self.write_expr(module, expr, func_ctx)?;
match mip_level {
MipLevelCoordinate::NotApplicable => {}
MipLevelCoordinate::Zero => {
write!(self.out, ", 0")?;
MipLevelCoordinate::Expression(expr) => {
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
self.write_expr(module, expr, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?;
@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
// Important note about `Expression::ImageQuery` and hlsl backend:
// Due to implementation of `GetDimensions` function in hlsl (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-to-getdimensions)
// backend can't work with it as an expression.
// Instead, it generates a unique wrapped function per `Expression::ImageQuery`, based on texure info and query function.
// See `WrappedImageQuery` struct that represents a unique function and will be generated before writing all statements and expressions.
// This allowed to works with `Expression::ImageQuery` as expression and write wrapped function.
// For example:
// ```wgsl
// let dim_1d = textureDimensions(image_1d);
// ```
// ```hlsl
// int NagaDimensions1D(Texture1D<float4>)
// {
// uint4 ret;
// image_1d.GetDimensions(ret.x);
// return ret.x;
// }
// int dim_1d = NagaDimensions1D(image_1d);
// ```
use super::{super::FunctionCtx, writer::BackendResult};
use crate::arena::Handle;
use std::fmt::Write;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub(super) struct WrappedImageQuery {
pub(super) dim: crate::ImageDimension,
pub(super) arrayed: bool,
pub(super) class: crate::ImageClass,
pub(super) query: ImageQuery,
// HLSL backend requires its own `ImageQuery` enum.
// It is used inside `WrappedImageQuery` and should be unique per ImageQuery function.
// IR version can't be unique per function, because it's store mipmap level as an expression.
// For example:
// ```wgsl
// let dim_cube_array_lod = textureDimensions(image_cube_array, 1);
// let dim_cube_array_lod2 = textureDimensions(image_cube_array, 1);
// ```
// ```ir
// ImageQuery {
// image: [1],
// query: Size {
// level: Some(
// [1],
// ),
// },
// },
// ImageQuery {
// image: [1],
// query: Size {
// level: Some(
// [2],
// ),
// },
// },
// ```
// HLSL should generate only 1 function for this case.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub(super) enum ImageQuery {
impl From<crate::ImageQuery> for ImageQuery {
fn from(q: crate::ImageQuery) -> Self {
use crate::ImageQuery as Iq;
match q {
Iq::Size { level: Some(_) } => ImageQuery::SizeLevel,
Iq::Size { level: None } => ImageQuery::Size,
Iq::NumLevels => ImageQuery::NumLevels,
Iq::NumLayers => ImageQuery::NumLayers,
Iq::NumSamples => ImageQuery::NumSamples,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub(super) enum MipLevelCoordinate {
impl<'a, W: Write> super::Writer<'a, W> {
pub(super) fn write_wrapped_image_query_function_name(
&mut self,
query: WrappedImageQuery,
) -> BackendResult {
let dim_str = query.dim.to_hlsl_str();
let class_str = match query.class {
crate::ImageClass::Sampled { multi: true, .. } => "MS",
crate::ImageClass::Depth { multi: true } => "DepthMS",
crate::ImageClass::Depth { multi: false } => "Depth",
crate::ImageClass::Sampled { multi: false, .. } | crate::ImageClass::Storage { .. } => {
let arrayed_str = if query.arrayed { "Array" } else { "" };
let query_str = match query.query {
ImageQuery::Size => "Dimensions",
ImageQuery::SizeLevel => "MipDimensions",
ImageQuery::NumLevels => "NumLevels",
ImageQuery::NumLayers => "NumLayers",
ImageQuery::NumSamples => "NumSamples",
class_str, query_str, dim_str, arrayed_str
/// Helper function that write wrapped function for `Expression::ImageQuery`
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-to-getdimensions
pub(super) fn write_wrapped_image_query_functions(
&mut self,
module: &crate::Module,
func_ctx: &FunctionCtx,
) -> BackendResult {
use crate::{back::INDENT, ImageDimension as IDim, ImageQuery as Iq};
const RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME: &str = "ret";
const MIP_LEVEL_PARAM: &str = "MipLevel";
for (handle, _) in func_ctx.expressions.iter() {
let (image, query) = match func_ctx.expressions[handle] {
crate::Expression::ImageQuery { image, query } => (image, query),
_ => continue,
let image_ty = func_ctx.info[image].ty.inner_with(&module.types);
let ret_ty = func_ctx.info[handle].ty.inner_with(&module.types);
let (dim, arrayed, class) = match *image_ty {
crate::TypeInner::Image {
} => (dim, arrayed, class),
_ => unreachable!("we only query images"),
let wrapped_image_query = WrappedImageQuery {
query: query.into(),
if self.wrapped_image_queries.contains(&wrapped_image_query) {
// Write function return type and name
self.write_value_type(module, ret_ty)?;
write!(self.out, " ")?;
// Write function parameters
write!(self.out, "(")?;
// Texture always first parameter
self.write_value_type(module, image_ty)?;
// Mipmap is a second parameter if exists
if let crate::ImageQuery::Size { level: Some(_) } = query {
write!(self.out, ", uint {}", MIP_LEVEL_PARAM)?;
writeln!(self.out, ")")?;
// Write function body
writeln!(self.out, "{{")?;
let array_coords = if arrayed { 1 } else { 0 };
// GetDimensions Overloaded Methods
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-to-getdimensions#overloaded-methods
let (ret_swizzle, number_of_params) = match query {
Iq::Size { .. } => match dim {
IDim::D1 => ("x", 1 + array_coords),
IDim::D2 => ("xy", 3 + array_coords),
IDim::D3 => ("xyz", 4),
IDim::Cube => ("xy", 3 + array_coords),
Iq::NumLevels | Iq::NumSamples | Iq::NumLayers => {
if arrayed || dim == IDim::D3 {
("w", 4)
} else {
("z", 3)
// Write `GetDimensions` function.
writeln!(self.out, "{}uint4 {};", INDENT, RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME)?;
write!(self.out, "{}", INDENT)?;
self.write_expr(module, image, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ".GetDimensions(")?;
match query {
Iq::Size { level: Some(_) } => {
write!(self.out, "{}, ", MIP_LEVEL_PARAM)?;
_ => match class {
crate::ImageClass::Sampled { multi: true, .. }
| crate::ImageClass::Depth { multi: true } => {}
_ => match dim {
// Write zero mipmap level for supported types
IDim::D2 | IDim::D3 | IDim::Cube => {
write!(self.out, "0, ")?;
IDim::D1 => {}
for component in crate::back::COMPONENTS[..number_of_params - 1].iter() {
write!(self.out, "{}.{}, ", RETURN_VARIABLE_NAME, component)?;
// write last parameter without comma and space for last parameter
crate::back::COMPONENTS[number_of_params - 1]
writeln!(self.out, ");")?;
// Write return value
"{}return {}.{};",
// End of function body
writeln!(self.out, "}}")?;
// Write extra new line
pub(super) fn write_texture_coordinates(
&mut self,
kind: &str,
coordinate: Handle<crate::Expression>,
array_index: Option<Handle<crate::Expression>>,
mip_level: MipLevelCoordinate,
module: &crate::Module,
func_ctx: &FunctionCtx,
) -> BackendResult {
// HLSL expects the array index to be merged with the coordinate
let extra = array_index.is_some() as usize
+ (mip_level != MipLevelCoordinate::NotApplicable) as usize;
if extra == 0 {
self.write_expr(module, coordinate, func_ctx)?;
} else {
let num_coords = match *func_ctx.info[coordinate].ty.inner_with(&module.types) {
crate::TypeInner::Scalar { .. } => 1,
crate::TypeInner::Vector { size, .. } => size as usize,
_ => unreachable!(),
write!(self.out, "{}{}(", kind, num_coords + extra)?;
self.write_expr(module, coordinate, func_ctx)?;
if let Some(expr) = array_index {
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
self.write_expr(module, expr, func_ctx)?;
match mip_level {
MipLevelCoordinate::NotApplicable => {}
MipLevelCoordinate::Zero => {
write!(self.out, ", 0")?;
MipLevelCoordinate::Expression(expr) => {
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
self.write_expr(module, expr, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?;
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
//! - 6.0
mod image;
mod conv;
mod help;
mod keywords;
mod writer;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use super::{
image::{MipLevelCoordinate, WrappedImageQuery},
help::{MipLevelCoordinate, WrappedArrayLength, WrappedImageQuery},
Error, Options,
use crate::{
@ -7,20 +7,25 @@ use crate::{
proc::{self, NameKey},
valid, Handle, Module, ShaderStage, TypeInner,
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::{fmt, mem};
const LOCATION_SEMANTIC: &str = "LOC";
/// Shorthand result used internally by the backend
pub(super) type BackendResult = Result<(), Error>;
impl TypeInner {
fn is_matrix(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Self::Matrix { .. } => true,
_ => false,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
enum Io {
enum SubAccess {
Index {
value: Handle<crate::Expression>,
stride: u32,
/// Structure contains information required for generating
@ -48,10 +53,12 @@ pub struct Writer<'a, W> {
ep_inputs: Vec<Option<EntryPointBinding>>,
/// Set of expressions that have associated temporary variables
named_expressions: crate::NamedExpressions,
pub(super) wrapped_array_lengths: crate::FastHashSet<WrappedArrayLength>,
pub(super) wrapped_image_queries: crate::FastHashSet<WrappedImageQuery>,
temp_access_chain: Vec<SubAccess>,
impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
impl<'a, W: fmt::Write> Writer<'a, W> {
pub fn new(out: W, options: &'a Options) -> Self {
Self {
@ -60,7 +67,9 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
ep_inputs: Vec::new(),
named_expressions: crate::NamedExpressions::default(),
wrapped_array_lengths: crate::FastHashSet::default(),
wrapped_image_queries: crate::FastHashSet::default(),
temp_access_chain: Vec::new(),
@ -68,8 +77,9 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
.reset(module, super::keywords::RESERVED, &[], &mut self.names);
@ -118,6 +128,17 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
} = ty.inner
if let Some(member) = members.last() {
if let TypeInner::Array {
size: crate::ArraySize::Dynamic,
} = module.types[member.ty].inner
// unsized arrays can only be in storage buffers, for which we use `ByteAddressBuffer` anyway.
let ep_result = ep_results.iter().find(|e| {
if let Some(ref result) = e.1 {
result.ty == handle
@ -126,18 +147,13 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
if let Some(result) = ep_result {
} else {
self.write_struct(module, handle, top_level, members, None, None)?;
ep_result.map(|r| (r.0, Io::Output)),
@ -192,8 +208,9 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
let name = self.names[&NameKey::Function(handle)].clone();
// Write wrapped function for `Expression::ImageQuery` before writing all statements and expressions
self.write_wrapped_image_query_functions(module, &ctx)?;
// Write wrapped function for `Expression::ImageQuery` and `Expressions::ArrayLength`
// before writing all statements and expressions.
self.write_wrapped_functions(module, &ctx)?;
self.write_function(module, name.as_str(), function, &ctx)?;
@ -232,8 +249,9 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
named_expressions: &ep.function.named_expressions,
// Write wrapped function for `Expression::ImageQuery` before writing all statements and expressions
self.write_wrapped_image_query_functions(module, &ctx)?;
// Write wrapped function for `Expression::ImageQuery` and `Expressions::ArrayLength`
// before writing all statements and expressions.
self.write_wrapped_functions(module, &ctx)?;
if ep.stage == ShaderStage::Compute {
// HLSL is calling workgroup size "num threads"
@ -261,15 +279,15 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
fn write_semantic(
&mut self,
binding: &crate::Binding,
stage: Option<ShaderStage>,
output: Option<bool>,
stage: Option<(ShaderStage, Io)>,
) -> BackendResult {
match *binding {
crate::Binding::BuiltIn(builtin) => {
write!(self.out, " : {}", builtin_str(builtin))?;
let builtin_str = builtin.to_hlsl_str()?;
write!(self.out, " : {}", builtin_str)?;
crate::Binding::Location { location, .. } => {
if stage == Some(crate::ShaderStage::Fragment) && output == Some(true) {
if stage == Some((crate::ShaderStage::Fragment, Io::Output)) {
write!(self.out, " : SV_Target{}", location)?;
} else {
write!(self.out, " : {}{}", LOCATION_SEMANTIC, location)?;
@ -316,7 +334,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.write_type(module, member.ty)?;
write!(self.out, " {}", &member.name)?;
if let Some(ref binding) = member.binding {
self.write_semantic(binding, Some(stage), Some(false))?;
self.write_semantic(binding, Some((stage, Io::Input)))?;
write!(self.out, ";")?;
@ -389,9 +407,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
} else {
("", "t")
write!(self.out, "{}StructuredBuffer<", prefix)?;
self.write_type(module, global.ty)?;
write!(self.out, ">")?;
write!(self.out, "{}ByteAddressBuffer", prefix)?;
crate::StorageClass::Handle => {
@ -502,22 +518,13 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
// Panics if `ArraySize::Constant` has a constant that isn't an sint or uint
match size {
crate::ArraySize::Constant(const_handle) => {
match module.constants[const_handle].inner {
crate::ConstantInner::Scalar {
width: _,
value: crate::ScalarValue::Uint(size),
} => write!(self.out, "{}", size)?,
crate::ConstantInner::Scalar {
width: _,
value: crate::ScalarValue::Sint(size),
} => write!(self.out, "{}", size)?,
_ => unreachable!(),
let size = module.constants[const_handle].to_array_length().unwrap();
write!(self.out, "{}", size)?;
crate::ArraySize::Dynamic => {
//TODO: https://github.com/gfx-rs/naga/issues/1127
log::warn!("Dynamically sized arrays are not properly supported yet");
write!(self.out, "1")?
write!(self.out, "1")?;
@ -535,8 +542,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
handle: Handle<crate::Type>,
_block: bool,
members: &[crate::StructMember],
shader_stage: Option<ShaderStage>,
out: Option<bool>,
shader_stage: Option<(ShaderStage, Io)>,
) -> BackendResult {
// Write struct name
write!(self.out, "struct {}", self.names[&NameKey::Type(handle)])?;
@ -553,15 +559,22 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
stride: _,
} => {
// HLSL arrays are written as `type name[size]`
let ty_name = match module.types[base].inner {
let (ty_name, vec_size) = match module.types[base].inner {
// Write scalar type by backend so as not to depend on the front-end implementation
// Name returned from frontend can be generated (type1, float1, etc.)
TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width } => scalar_kind_str(kind, width)?,
_ => &self.names[&NameKey::Type(base)],
TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width } => (kind.to_hlsl_str(width)?, None),
// Similarly, write vector types directly.
TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width } => {
(kind.to_hlsl_str(width)?, Some(size))
_ => (self.names[&NameKey::Type(base)].as_str(), None),
// Write `type` and `name`
write!(self.out, "{}", ty_name)?;
if let Some(s) = vec_size {
write!(self.out, "{}", s as usize)?;
" {}",
@ -579,12 +592,12 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
}) = member.binding
if let Some(interpolation) = interpolation {
write!(self.out, "{} ", interpolation_str(interpolation))?
write!(self.out, "{} ", interpolation.to_hlsl_str())?
if let Some(sampling) = sampling {
if let Some(str) = sampling_str(sampling) {
write!(self.out, "{} ", str)?
if let Some(string) = sampling.to_hlsl_str() {
write!(self.out, "{} ", string)?
@ -600,7 +613,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
if let Some(ref binding) = member.binding {
self.write_semantic(binding, shader_stage, out)?;
self.write_semantic(binding, shader_stage)?;
write!(self.out, ";")?;
@ -633,13 +646,13 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
pub(super) fn write_value_type(&mut self, module: &Module, inner: &TypeInner) -> BackendResult {
match *inner {
TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width } => {
write!(self.out, "{}", scalar_kind_str(kind, width)?)?;
write!(self.out, "{}", kind.to_hlsl_str(width)?)?;
TypeInner::Vector { size, kind, width } => {
scalar_kind_str(kind, width)?,
@ -653,7 +666,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
scalar_kind_str(crate::ScalarKind::Float, width)?,
@ -663,26 +676,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
} => {
use crate::ImageClass as Ic;
let dim_str = dim.to_hlsl_str();
let arrayed_str = if arrayed { "Array" } else { "" };
write!(self.out, "Texture{}{}", dim_str, arrayed_str)?;
match class {
Ic::Depth { multi } => {
let multi_str = if multi { "MS" } else { "" };
write!(self.out, "{}<float>", multi_str)?
Ic::Sampled { kind, multi } => {
let multi_str = if multi { "MS" } else { "" };
let scalar_kind_str = scalar_kind_str(kind, 4)?;
write!(self.out, "{}<{}4>", multi_str, scalar_kind_str)?
Ic::Storage(format) => {
let storage_format_str = storage_format_to_texture_type(format);
write!(self.out, "<{}>", storage_format_str)?
self.write_image_type(dim, arrayed, class)?;
TypeInner::Sampler { comparison } => {
let sampler = if comparison {
@ -782,8 +776,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
if let Some(ref result) = func.result {
if let Some(ref binding) = result.binding {
let output = stage.is_some();
self.write_semantic(binding, stage, Some(output))?;
self.write_semantic(binding, stage.map(|s| (s, Io::Output)))?;
@ -955,11 +948,48 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
Statement::Store { pointer, value } => {
write!(self.out, "{}", INDENT.repeat(indent))?;
self.write_expr(module, pointer, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, " = ")?;
self.write_expr(module, value, func_ctx)?;
writeln!(self.out, ";")?
let array_info = match *func_ctx.info[pointer].ty.inner_with(&module.types) {
TypeInner::Pointer { base, .. } => match module.types[base].inner {
crate::TypeInner::Array {
size: crate::ArraySize::Constant(ch),
} => Some((ch, base)),
_ => None,
_ => None,
if func_ctx.info[pointer]
== Some(crate::StorageClass::Storage)
return Err(Error::Unimplemented("Storage stores".to_string()));
} else if let Some((const_handle, base_ty)) = array_info {
let size = module.constants[const_handle].to_array_length().unwrap();
writeln!(self.out, "{}{{", INDENT.repeat(indent))?;
write!(self.out, "{}", INDENT.repeat(indent + 1))?;
self.write_type(module, base_ty)?;
write!(self.out, " _result[{}]=", size)?;
self.write_expr(module, value, func_ctx)?;
writeln!(self.out, ";")?;
"{}for(int _i=0; _i<{}; ++_i) ",
INDENT.repeat(indent + 1),
self.write_expr(module, pointer, func_ctx)?;
writeln!(self.out, "[_i] = _result[_i];")?;
writeln!(self.out, "{}}}", INDENT.repeat(indent))?;
} else {
write!(self.out, "{}", INDENT.repeat(indent))?;
self.write_expr(module, pointer, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, " = ")?;
self.write_expr(module, value, func_ctx)?;
writeln!(self.out, ";")?
Statement::Call {
@ -1134,40 +1164,65 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.write_expr(module, right, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?;
// TODO: copy-paste from glsl-out
Expression::Access { base, index } => {
if func_ctx.info[expr]
== Some(crate::StorageClass::Storage)
// do nothing, the chain is written on `Load`/`Store`
} else {
self.write_expr(module, base, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "[")?;
self.write_expr(module, index, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "]")?;
Expression::AccessIndex { base, index } => {
self.write_expr(module, base, func_ctx)?;
if func_ctx.info[expr]
== Some(crate::StorageClass::Storage)
// do nothing, the chain is written on `Load`/`Store`
} else {
self.write_expr(module, base, func_ctx)?;
let base_ty_res = &func_ctx.info[base].ty;
let mut resolved = base_ty_res.inner_with(&module.types);
let base_ty_handle = match *resolved {
TypeInner::Pointer { base, class: _ } => {
resolved = &module.types[base].inner;
_ => base_ty_res.handle(),
let base_ty_res = &func_ctx.info[base].ty;
let mut resolved = base_ty_res.inner_with(&module.types);
let base_ty_handle = match *resolved {
TypeInner::Pointer { base, class: _ } => {
resolved = &module.types[base].inner;
_ => base_ty_res.handle(),
match *resolved {
TypeInner::Vector { .. } => {
// Write vector access as a swizzle
write!(self.out, ".{}", back::COMPONENTS[index as usize])?
TypeInner::Matrix { .. }
| TypeInner::Array { .. }
| TypeInner::ValuePointer { .. } => write!(self.out, "[{}]", index)?,
TypeInner::Struct { .. } => {
// This will never panic in case the type is a `Struct`, this is not true
// for other types so we can only check while inside this match arm
let ty = base_ty_handle.unwrap();
match *resolved {
TypeInner::Vector { .. } => {
// Write vector access as a swizzle
write!(self.out, ".{}", back::COMPONENTS[index as usize])?
TypeInner::Matrix { .. }
| TypeInner::Array { .. }
| TypeInner::ValuePointer { .. } => write!(self.out, "[{}]", index)?,
TypeInner::Struct { .. } => {
// This will never panic in case the type is a `Struct`, this is not true
// for other types so we can only check while inside this match arm
let ty = base_ty_handle.unwrap();
&self.names[&NameKey::StructMember(ty, index)]
&self.names[&NameKey::StructMember(ty, index)]
ref other => {
return Err(Error::Custom(format!("Cannot index {:?}", other)))
ref other => return Err(Error::Custom(format!("Cannot index {:?}", other))),
Expression::FunctionArgument(pos) => {
@ -1339,24 +1394,27 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
Expression::GlobalVariable(handle) => {
let name = &self.names[&NameKey::GlobalVariable(handle)];
let postfix = match module.global_variables[handle].class {
crate::StorageClass::Storage => "[0]",
_ => "",
write!(self.out, "{}{}", name, postfix)?;
if module.global_variables[handle].class != crate::StorageClass::Storage {
let name = &self.names[&NameKey::GlobalVariable(handle)];
write!(self.out, "{}", name)?;
Expression::LocalVariable(handle) => {
write!(self.out, "{}", self.names[&func_ctx.name_key(handle)])?
Expression::Load { pointer } => {
self.write_expr(module, pointer, func_ctx)?;
Expression::Access { base, index } => {
self.write_expr(module, base, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "[")?;
self.write_expr(module, index, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "]")?;
if func_ctx.info[pointer]
== Some(crate::StorageClass::Storage)
let var_handle = self.fill_access_chain(module, pointer, func_ctx)?;
let result_ty = func_ctx.info[expr].ty.clone();
self.write_storage_load(module, var_handle, result_ty, func_ctx)?;
} else {
self.write_expr(module, pointer, func_ctx)?;
Expression::Unary { op, expr } => {
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-operators#unary-operators
@ -1374,12 +1432,12 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
scalar_kind_str(kind, width)?,
TypeInner::Scalar { width, .. } => {
write!(self.out, "{}", scalar_kind_str(kind, width)?)?
write!(self.out, "{}", kind.to_hlsl_str(width)?)?
_ => {
return Err(Error::Unimplemented(format!(
@ -1482,10 +1540,44 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.out.write_char(back::COMPONENTS[sc as usize])?;
// `ArrayLength` is written as `expr.length()`
Expression::ArrayLength(expr) => {
self.write_expr(module, expr, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ".length()")?
let var_handle = match func_ctx.expressions[expr] {
Expression::AccessIndex { base, index: _ } => {
match func_ctx.expressions[base] {
Expression::GlobalVariable(handle) => handle,
_ => unreachable!(),
Expression::GlobalVariable(handle) => handle,
_ => unreachable!(),
let var = &module.global_variables[var_handle];
let (offset, stride) = match module.types[var.ty].inner {
TypeInner::Array { stride, .. } => (0, stride),
TypeInner::Struct {
top_level: true,
ref members,
} => {
let last = members.last().unwrap();
let stride = match module.types[last.ty].inner {
TypeInner::Array { stride, .. } => stride,
_ => unreachable!(),
(last.offset, stride)
_ => unreachable!(),
let wrapped_array_length = WrappedArrayLength {
writable: var.storage_access.contains(crate::StorageAccess::STORE),
write!(self.out, "((")?;
let var_name = &self.names[&NameKey::GlobalVariable(var_handle)];
write!(self.out, "({}) - {}) / {})", var_name, offset, stride)?
Expression::Derivative { axis, expr } => {
use crate::DerivativeAxis as Da;
@ -1654,109 +1746,193 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
/// Helper function that write default zero initialization
fn write_default_init(&mut self, module: &Module, ty: Handle<crate::Type>) -> BackendResult {
write!(self.out, "(")?;
self.write_type(module, ty)?;
if let TypeInner::Array { size, .. } = module.types[ty].inner {
self.write_array_size(module, size)?;
match module.types[ty].inner {
TypeInner::Array {
size: crate::ArraySize::Constant(const_handle),
} => {
write!(self.out, "{{")?;
let count = module.constants[const_handle].to_array_length().unwrap();
for i in 0..count {
if i != 0 {
write!(self.out, ",")?;
self.write_default_init(module, base)?;
write!(self.out, "}}")?;
_ => {
write!(self.out, "(")?;
self.write_type(module, ty)?;
write!(self.out, ")0")?;
write!(self.out, ")0")?;
fn builtin_str(built_in: crate::BuiltIn) -> &'static str {
use crate::BuiltIn as Bi;
fn write_storage_address(
&mut self,
module: &Module,
chain: &[SubAccess],
func_ctx: &back::FunctionCtx<'_>,
) -> BackendResult {
for (i, access) in chain.iter().enumerate() {
if i != 0 {
write!(self.out, "+")?;
match *access {
SubAccess::Offset(offset) => {
write!(self.out, "{}", offset)?;
SubAccess::Index { value, stride } => {
self.write_expr(module, value, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "*{}", stride)?;
match built_in {
Bi::Position => "SV_Position",
// vertex
Bi::ClipDistance => "SV_ClipDistance",
Bi::CullDistance => "SV_CullDistance",
Bi::InstanceIndex => "SV_InstanceID",
// based on this page https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/gaming/glsl-to-hlsl-reference#comparing-opengl-es-20-with-direct3d-11
// No meaning unless you target Direct3D 9
Bi::PointSize => "PSIZE",
Bi::VertexIndex => "SV_VertexID",
// fragment
Bi::FragDepth => "SV_Depth",
Bi::FrontFacing => "SV_IsFrontFace",
Bi::PrimitiveIndex => "SV_PrimitiveID",
Bi::SampleIndex => "SV_SampleIndex",
Bi::SampleMask => "SV_Coverage",
// compute
Bi::GlobalInvocationId => "SV_DispatchThreadID",
Bi::LocalInvocationId => "SV_GroupThreadID",
Bi::LocalInvocationIndex => "SV_GroupIndex",
Bi::WorkGroupId => "SV_GroupID",
_ => todo!("builtin_str {:?}", built_in),
/// Helper function that returns scalar related strings
/// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-scalar
fn scalar_kind_str(kind: crate::ScalarKind, width: crate::Bytes) -> Result<&'static str, Error> {
use crate::ScalarKind as Sk;
match kind {
Sk::Sint => Ok("int"),
Sk::Uint => Ok("uint"),
Sk::Float => match width {
2 => Ok("half"),
4 => Ok("float"),
8 => Ok("double"),
_ => Err(Error::UnsupportedScalar(kind, width)),
Sk::Bool => Ok("bool"),
/// Helper function that returns the string corresponding to the HLSL interpolation qualifier
fn interpolation_str(interpolation: crate::Interpolation) -> &'static str {
use crate::Interpolation as I;
match interpolation {
I::Perspective => "linear",
I::Linear => "noperspective",
I::Flat => "nointerpolation",
/// Return the HLSL auxiliary qualifier for the given sampling value.
fn sampling_str(sampling: crate::Sampling) -> Option<&'static str> {
use crate::Sampling as S;
match sampling {
S::Center => None,
S::Centroid => Some("centroid"),
S::Sample => Some("sample"),
fn storage_format_to_texture_type(format: crate::StorageFormat) -> &'static str {
use crate::StorageFormat as Sf;
match format {
Sf::R16Float => "float",
Sf::R8Unorm => "unorm float",
Sf::R8Snorm => "snorm float",
Sf::R8Uint | Sf::R16Uint => "uint",
Sf::R8Sint | Sf::R16Sint => "int",
Sf::Rg16Float => "float2",
Sf::Rg8Unorm => "unorm float2",
Sf::Rg8Snorm => "snorm float2",
Sf::Rg8Sint | Sf::Rg16Sint => "int2",
Sf::Rg8Uint | Sf::Rg16Uint => "uint2",
Sf::Rg11b10Float => "float3",
Sf::Rgba16Float | Sf::R32Float | Sf::Rg32Float | Sf::Rgba32Float => "float4",
Sf::Rgba8Unorm | Sf::Rgb10a2Unorm => "unorm float4",
Sf::Rgba8Snorm => "snorm float4",
Sf::Rgba8Uint | Sf::Rgba16Uint | Sf::R32Uint | Sf::Rg32Uint | Sf::Rgba32Uint => "uint4",
Sf::Rgba8Sint | Sf::Rgba16Sint | Sf::R32Sint | Sf::Rg32Sint | Sf::Rgba32Sint => "int4",
fn write_storage_load_sequence<I: Iterator<Item = (proc::TypeResolution, u32)>>(
&mut self,
module: &Module,
var_handle: Handle<crate::GlobalVariable>,
sequence: I,
func_ctx: &back::FunctionCtx<'_>,
) -> BackendResult {
for (i, (ty_resolution, offset)) in sequence.enumerate() {
// add the index temporarily
if i != 0 {
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
self.write_storage_load(module, var_handle, ty_resolution, func_ctx)?;
/// Helper function to write down the load operation on a `ByteAddressBuffer`.
fn write_storage_load(
&mut self,
module: &Module,
var_handle: Handle<crate::GlobalVariable>,
result_ty: proc::TypeResolution,
func_ctx: &back::FunctionCtx<'_>,
) -> BackendResult {
match *result_ty.inner_with(&module.types) {
TypeInner::Scalar { kind, width: _ } => {
// working around the borrow checker in `self.write_expr`
let chain = mem::take(&mut self.temp_access_chain);
let var_name = &self.names[&NameKey::GlobalVariable(var_handle)];
let cast = kind.to_hlsl_cast();
write!(self.out, "{}({}.Load(", cast, var_name)?;
self.write_storage_address(module, &chain, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "))")?;
self.temp_access_chain = chain;
TypeInner::Vector {
width: _,
} => {
// working around the borrow checker in `self.write_expr`
let chain = mem::take(&mut self.temp_access_chain);
let var_name = &self.names[&NameKey::GlobalVariable(var_handle)];
let cast = kind.to_hlsl_cast();
write!(self.out, "{}({}.Load{}(", cast, var_name, size as u8)?;
self.write_storage_address(module, &chain, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "))")?;
self.temp_access_chain = chain;
TypeInner::Matrix {
} => {
columns as u8,
rows as u8,
let row_stride = width as u32 * rows as u32;
let iter = (0..columns as u32).map(|i| {
let ty_inner = TypeInner::Vector {
size: rows,
kind: crate::ScalarKind::Float,
(proc::TypeResolution::Value(ty_inner), i * row_stride)
self.write_storage_load_sequence(module, var_handle, iter, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?;
TypeInner::Array {
size: crate::ArraySize::Constant(const_handle),
} => {
write!(self.out, "{{")?;
let count = module.constants[const_handle].to_array_length().unwrap();
let stride = module.types[base].inner.span(&module.constants);
let iter = (0..count).map(|i| (proc::TypeResolution::Handle(base), stride * i));
self.write_storage_load_sequence(module, var_handle, iter, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "}}")?;
TypeInner::Struct { ref members, .. } => {
write!(self.out, "{{")?;
let iter = members
.map(|m| (proc::TypeResolution::Handle(m.ty), m.offset));
self.write_storage_load_sequence(module, var_handle, iter, func_ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "}}")?;
_ => unreachable!(),
fn fill_access_chain(
&mut self,
module: &Module,
mut cur_expr: Handle<crate::Expression>,
func_ctx: &back::FunctionCtx<'_>,
) -> Result<Handle<crate::GlobalVariable>, Error> {
loop {
let stride = func_ctx.info[cur_expr]
let (next_expr, sub) = match func_ctx.expressions[cur_expr] {
crate::Expression::GlobalVariable(handle) => return Ok(handle),
crate::Expression::Access { base, index } => (
SubAccess::Index {
value: index,
crate::Expression::AccessIndex { base, index } => {
match *func_ctx.info[base].ty.inner_with(&module.types) {
TypeInner::Struct { ref members, .. } => {
(base, SubAccess::Offset(members[index as usize].offset))
_ => (base, SubAccess::Offset(index * stride)),
ref other => {
return Err(Error::Unimplemented(format!(
"Pointer access of {:?}",
cur_expr = next_expr;
@ -199,12 +199,7 @@ impl<'w> BlockContext<'w> {
crate::Expression::GlobalVariable(_) | crate::Expression::LocalVariable(_) => true,
crate::Expression::FunctionArgument(index) => {
let arg = &self.ir_function.arguments[index as usize];
match self.ir_module.types[arg.ty].inner {
crate::TypeInner::Pointer { .. } | crate::TypeInner::ValuePointer { .. } => {
_ => false,
// The chain rule: if this `Access...`'s `base` operand was
@ -492,14 +492,12 @@ impl<'function> Context<'function> {
if !lhs {
match *program.resolve_type(self, pointer, meta)? {
TypeInner::Pointer { .. } | TypeInner::ValuePointer { .. } => {
return Ok((
Some(self.add_expression(Expression::Load { pointer }, body)),
_ => {}
let resolved = program.resolve_type(self, pointer, meta)?;
if resolved.pointer_class().is_some() {
return Ok((
Some(self.add_expression(Expression::Load { pointer }, body)),
@ -2906,19 +2906,18 @@ impl<I: Iterator<Item = u32>> Parser<I> {
let decor = self.future_decor.remove(&id);
let base_lookup_ty = self.lookup_type.lookup(type_id)?;
let class = match module.types[base_lookup_ty.handle].inner {
crate::TypeInner::Pointer { class, .. }
| crate::TypeInner::ValuePointer { class, .. } => class,
_ if self
.contains_key(&base_lookup_ty.handle) =>
_ => match map_storage_class(storage_class)? {
let class = if let Some(class) = module.types[base_lookup_ty.handle].inner.pointer_class() {
} else if self
} else {
match map_storage_class(storage_class)? {
ExtendedClass::Global(class) => class,
ExtendedClass::Input | ExtendedClass::Output => crate::StorageClass::Private,
// Don't bother with pointer stuff for `Handle` types.
@ -85,6 +85,14 @@ impl super::TypeInner {
pub fn pointer_class(&self) -> Option<crate::StorageClass> {
match *self {
Self::Pointer { class, .. } => Some(class),
Self::ValuePointer { class, .. } => Some(class),
_ => None,
pub fn span(&self, constants: &super::Arena<super::Constant>) -> u32 {
match *self {
Self::Scalar { kind: _, width } => width as u32,
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
struct Bar {
matrix: mat4x4<f32>;
arr: [[stride(8)]] array<vec2<u32>, 2>;
data: [[stride(4)]] array<i32>;
@ -16,6 +17,9 @@ fn foo([[builtin(vertex_index)]] vi: u32) -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4<f32> {
let baz: f32 = foo;
foo = 1.0;
let matrix = bar.matrix;
let arr = bar.arr;
let index = 3u;
let b = bar.matrix[index].x;
@ -25,5 +29,5 @@ fn foo([[builtin(vertex_index)]] vi: u32) -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4<f32> {
c[vi + 1u] = 42;
let value = c[vi];
return vec4<f32>(vec4<i32>(value));
return matrix * vec4<f32>(vec4<i32>(value));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
RWByteAddressBuffer bar : register(u0);
struct VertexInput_foo {
uint vi1 : SV_VertexID;
uint NagaBufferLengthRW(RWByteAddressBuffer buffer)
uint ret;
return ret;
float4 foo(VertexInput_foo vertexinput_foo) : SV_Position
float foo1 = 0.0;
int c[5] = {(int)0,(int)0,(int)0,(int)0,(int)0};
float baz = foo1;
foo1 = 1.0;
float4x4 matrix1 = float4x4(asfloat(bar.Load4(0+0)), asfloat(bar.Load4(0+16)), asfloat(bar.Load4(0+32)), asfloat(bar.Load4(0+48)));
uint2 arr[2] = {asuint(bar.Load2(4+0)), asuint(bar.Load2(4+8))};
float4 _expr13 = asfloat(bar.Load4(12+0));
float b = _expr13.x;
int a = asint(bar.Load((((NagaBufferLengthRW(bar) - 80) / 4) - 2u)*4+8));
int _result[5]={ a, int(b), 3, 4, 5 };
for(int _i=0; _i<5; ++_i) c[_i] = _result[_i];
c[(vertexinput_foo.vi1 + 1u)] = 42;
int value = c[vertexinput_foo.vi1];
return mul(matrix1, float4(int4(value.xxxx)));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
vertex=(foo:vs_5_0 )
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ struct ComputeInput_main {
uint3 local_id1 : SV_GroupThreadID;
int2 NagaDimensions2D(Texture2D<uint4>)
int2 NagaDimensions2D(Texture2D<uint4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_storage_src.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
@ -39,136 +39,136 @@ void main(ComputeInput_main computeinput_main)
int NagaDimensions1D(Texture1D<float4>)
int NagaDimensions1D(Texture1D<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
return ret.x;
int2 NagaDimensions2D(Texture2D<float4>)
int2 NagaDimensions2D(Texture2D<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_2d.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
int NagaNumLevels2D(Texture2D<float4>)
int NagaNumLevels2D(Texture2D<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_2d.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.z;
int2 NagaMipDimensions2D(Texture2D<float4>, uint MipLevel)
int2 NagaMipDimensions2D(Texture2D<float4> texture, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
image_2d.GetDimensions(MipLevel, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
texture.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
int2 NagaDimensions2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4>)
int2 NagaDimensions2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_2d_array.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xy;
int NagaNumLevels2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4>)
int NagaNumLevels2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_2d_array.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
int2 NagaMipDimensions2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4>, uint MipLevel)
int2 NagaMipDimensions2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4> texture, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
image_2d_array.GetDimensions(MipLevel, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xy;
int NagaNumLayers2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4>)
int NagaNumLayers2DArray(Texture2DArray<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_2d_array.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
int2 NagaDimensionsCube(TextureCube<float4>)
int2 NagaDimensionsCube(TextureCube<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_cube.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
int NagaNumLevelsCube(TextureCube<float4>)
int NagaNumLevelsCube(TextureCube<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_cube.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.z;
int2 NagaMipDimensionsCube(TextureCube<float4>, uint MipLevel)
int2 NagaMipDimensionsCube(TextureCube<float4> texture, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
image_cube.GetDimensions(MipLevel, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
texture.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.xy;
int2 NagaDimensionsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4>)
int2 NagaDimensionsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_cube_array.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xy;
int NagaNumLevelsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4>)
int NagaNumLevelsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_cube_array.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
int2 NagaMipDimensionsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4>, uint MipLevel)
int2 NagaMipDimensionsCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4> texture, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
image_cube_array.GetDimensions(MipLevel, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xy;
int NagaNumLayersCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4>)
int NagaNumLayersCubeArray(TextureCubeArray<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_cube_array.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
int3 NagaDimensions3D(Texture3D<float4>)
int3 NagaDimensions3D(Texture3D<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_3d.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xyz;
int NagaNumLevels3D(Texture3D<float4>)
int NagaNumLevels3D(Texture3D<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_3d.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(0, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.w;
int3 NagaMipDimensions3D(Texture3D<float4>, uint MipLevel)
int3 NagaMipDimensions3D(Texture3D<float4> texture, uint mip_level)
uint4 ret;
image_3d.GetDimensions(MipLevel, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
texture.GetDimensions(mip_level, ret.x, ret.y, ret.z, ret.w);
return ret.xyz;
int NagaMSNumSamples2D(Texture2DMS<float4>)
int NagaMSNumSamples2D(Texture2DMS<float4> texture)
uint4 ret;
image_aa.GetDimensions(ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
texture.GetDimensions(ret.x, ret.y, ret.z);
return ret.z;
@ -11,12 +11,8 @@ struct Light {
float4 color;
struct Lights {
Light data[1];
cbuffer u_globals : register(b0) { Globals u_globals; }
StructuredBuffer<Lights> s_lights : register(t1);
ByteAddressBuffer s_lights : register(t1);
Texture2DArray<float> t_shadow : register(t2);
SamplerComparisonState sampler_shadow : register(s3);
@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ float4 fs_main(FragmentInput_fs_main fragmentinput_fs_main) : SV_Target0
uint _expr19 = i;
Light light = s_lights[0].data[_expr19];
Light light = {float4x4(asfloat(s_lights.Load4(_expr19*4+0+0+0)), asfloat(s_lights.Load4(_expr19*4+0+0+16)), asfloat(s_lights.Load4(_expr19*4+0+0+32)), asfloat(s_lights.Load4(_expr19*4+0+0+48))), asfloat(s_lights.Load4(_expr19*4+0+64)), asfloat(s_lights.Load4(_expr19*4+0+80))};
uint _expr22 = i;
const float _e25 = fetch_shadow(_expr22, mul(light.proj, fragmentinput_fs_main.position1));
float3 light_dir = normalize((light.pos.xyz - fragmentinput_fs_main.position1.xyz));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Texture2D<float4> Texture : register(t0);
SamplerState Sampler : register(s1);
float4 test(Texture2D<float4> Passed_Texture, SamplerState Passed_Sampler)
float4 _expr7 = Passed_Texture.Sample(Passed_Sampler, float2(0.0, 0.0));
return _expr7;
float4 main() : SV_Target0
const float4 _e2 = test(Texture, Sampler);
return _e2;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
fragment=(main:ps_5_0 )
@ -6,12 +6,16 @@ struct _mslBufferSizes {
metal::uint size0;
typedef int type2[1];
struct type2 {
metal::uint2 inner[2];
typedef int type4[1];
struct Bar {
metal::float4x4 matrix;
type2 data;
type2 arr;
type4 data;
struct type6 {
struct type8 {
int inner[5];
@ -26,14 +30,16 @@ vertex fooOutput foo(
, constant _mslBufferSizes& _buffer_sizes [[buffer(24)]]
) {
float foo1 = 0.0;
type6 c;
type8 c;
float baz = foo1;
foo1 = 1.0;
metal::float4 _e9 = bar.matrix[3];
float b = _e9.x;
int a = bar.data[(1 + (_buffer_sizes.size0 - 64 - 4) / 4) - 2u];
for(int _i=0; _i<5; ++_i) c.inner[_i] = type6 {a, static_cast<int>(b), 3, 4, 5}.inner[_i];
metal::float4x4 matrix = bar.matrix;
type2 arr = bar.arr;
metal::float4 _e13 = bar.matrix[3];
float b = _e13.x;
int a = bar.data[(1 + (_buffer_sizes.size0 - 80 - 4) / 4) - 2u];
for(int _i=0; _i<5; ++_i) c.inner[_i] = type8 {a, static_cast<int>(b), 3, 4, 5}.inner[_i];
c.inner[vi + 1u] = 42;
int value = c.inner[vi];
return fooOutput { static_cast<float4>(metal::int4(value)) };
return fooOutput { matrix * static_cast<float4>(metal::int4(value)) };
@ -1,92 +1,104 @@
; Version: 1.1
; Generator: rspirv
; Bound: 58
; Bound: 67
OpCapability Shader
OpExtension "SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint Vertex %32 "foo" %27 %30
OpEntryPoint Vertex %35 "foo" %30 %33
OpSource GLSL 450
OpName %18 "Bar"
OpMemberName %18 0 "matrix"
OpMemberName %18 1 "data"
OpName %20 "bar"
OpName %22 "foo"
OpName %24 "c"
OpName %27 "vi"
OpName %32 "foo"
OpDecorate %17 ArrayStride 4
OpDecorate %18 Block
OpMemberDecorate %18 0 Offset 0
OpMemberDecorate %18 0 ColMajor
OpMemberDecorate %18 0 MatrixStride 16
OpMemberDecorate %18 1 Offset 64
OpDecorate %19 ArrayStride 4
OpDecorate %20 DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %20 Binding 0
OpDecorate %27 BuiltIn VertexIndex
OpDecorate %30 BuiltIn Position
OpName %21 "Bar"
OpMemberName %21 0 "matrix"
OpMemberName %21 1 "arr"
OpMemberName %21 2 "data"
OpName %23 "bar"
OpName %25 "foo"
OpName %27 "c"
OpName %30 "vi"
OpName %35 "foo"
OpDecorate %19 ArrayStride 8
OpDecorate %20 ArrayStride 4
OpDecorate %21 Block
OpMemberDecorate %21 0 Offset 0
OpMemberDecorate %21 0 ColMajor
OpMemberDecorate %21 0 MatrixStride 16
OpMemberDecorate %21 1 Offset 64
OpMemberDecorate %21 2 Offset 80
OpDecorate %22 ArrayStride 4
OpDecorate %23 DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %23 Binding 0
OpDecorate %30 BuiltIn VertexIndex
OpDecorate %33 BuiltIn Position
%2 = OpTypeVoid
%4 = OpTypeFloat 32
%3 = OpConstant %4 0.0
%5 = OpConstant %4 1.0
%7 = OpTypeInt 32 0
%6 = OpConstant %7 3
%8 = OpConstant %7 2
%10 = OpTypeInt 32 1
%9 = OpConstant %10 5
%11 = OpConstant %10 3
%12 = OpConstant %10 4
%13 = OpConstant %7 1
%14 = OpConstant %10 42
%16 = OpTypeVector %4 4
%15 = OpTypeMatrix %16 4
%17 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %10
%18 = OpTypeStruct %15 %17
%19 = OpTypeArray %10 %9
%21 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %18
%20 = OpVariable %21 StorageBuffer
%23 = OpTypePointer Function %4
%25 = OpTypePointer Function %19
%28 = OpTypePointer Input %7
%27 = OpVariable %28 Input
%31 = OpTypePointer Output %16
%30 = OpVariable %31 Output
%33 = OpTypeFunction %2
%36 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %15
%37 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %16
%38 = OpConstant %7 0
%42 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %17
%45 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %10
%51 = OpTypePointer Function %10
%55 = OpTypeVector %10 4
%32 = OpFunction %2 None %33
%26 = OpLabel
%22 = OpVariable %23 Function %3
%24 = OpVariable %25 Function
%29 = OpLoad %7 %27
OpBranch %34
%34 = OpLabel
%35 = OpLoad %4 %22
OpStore %22 %5
%39 = OpAccessChain %37 %20 %38 %6
%40 = OpLoad %16 %39
%41 = OpCompositeExtract %4 %40 0
%43 = OpArrayLength %7 %20 1
%44 = OpISub %7 %43 %8
%46 = OpAccessChain %45 %20 %13 %44
%47 = OpLoad %10 %46
%48 = OpConvertFToS %10 %41
%49 = OpCompositeConstruct %19 %47 %48 %11 %12 %9
OpStore %24 %49
%50 = OpIAdd %7 %29 %13
%52 = OpAccessChain %51 %24 %50
OpStore %52 %14
%53 = OpAccessChain %51 %24 %29
%54 = OpLoad %10 %53
%56 = OpCompositeConstruct %55 %54 %54 %54 %54
%57 = OpConvertSToF %16 %56
OpStore %30 %57
%4 = OpTypeInt 32 1
%3 = OpConstant %4 2
%6 = OpTypeFloat 32
%5 = OpConstant %6 0.0
%7 = OpConstant %6 1.0
%9 = OpTypeInt 32 0
%8 = OpConstant %9 3
%10 = OpConstant %9 2
%11 = OpConstant %4 5
%12 = OpConstant %4 3
%13 = OpConstant %4 4
%14 = OpConstant %9 1
%15 = OpConstant %4 42
%17 = OpTypeVector %6 4
%16 = OpTypeMatrix %17 4
%18 = OpTypeVector %9 2
%19 = OpTypeArray %18 %3
%20 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %4
%21 = OpTypeStruct %16 %19 %20
%22 = OpTypeArray %4 %11
%24 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %21
%23 = OpVariable %24 StorageBuffer
%26 = OpTypePointer Function %6
%28 = OpTypePointer Function %22
%31 = OpTypePointer Input %9
%30 = OpVariable %31 Input
%34 = OpTypePointer Output %17
%33 = OpVariable %34 Output
%36 = OpTypeFunction %2
%39 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %16
%40 = OpConstant %9 0
%43 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %19
%46 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %17
%50 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %20
%53 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %4
%59 = OpTypePointer Function %4
%63 = OpTypeVector %4 4
%35 = OpFunction %2 None %36
%29 = OpLabel
%25 = OpVariable %26 Function %5
%27 = OpVariable %28 Function
%32 = OpLoad %9 %30
OpBranch %37
%37 = OpLabel
%38 = OpLoad %6 %25
OpStore %25 %7
%41 = OpAccessChain %39 %23 %40
%42 = OpLoad %16 %41
%44 = OpAccessChain %43 %23 %14
%45 = OpLoad %19 %44
%47 = OpAccessChain %46 %23 %40 %8
%48 = OpLoad %17 %47
%49 = OpCompositeExtract %6 %48 0
%51 = OpArrayLength %9 %23 2
%52 = OpISub %9 %51 %10
%54 = OpAccessChain %53 %23 %10 %52
%55 = OpLoad %4 %54
%56 = OpConvertFToS %4 %49
%57 = OpCompositeConstruct %22 %55 %56 %12 %13 %11
OpStore %27 %57
%58 = OpIAdd %9 %32 %14
%60 = OpAccessChain %59 %27 %58
OpStore %60 %15
%61 = OpAccessChain %59 %27 %32
%62 = OpLoad %4 %61
%64 = OpCompositeConstruct %63 %62 %62 %62 %62
%65 = OpConvertSToF %17 %64
%66 = OpMatrixTimesVector %17 %42 %65
OpStore %33 %66
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
struct Bar {
matrix: mat4x4<f32>;
arr: [[stride(8)]] array<vec2<u32>,2>;
data: [[stride(4)]] array<i32>;
@ -14,11 +15,13 @@ fn foo([[builtin(vertex_index)]] vi: u32) -> [[builtin(position)]] vec4<f32> {
let baz: f32 = foo1;
foo1 = 1.0;
let _e9: vec4<f32> = bar.matrix[3];
let b: f32 = _e9.x;
let matrix: mat4x4<f32> = bar.matrix;
let arr: array<vec2<u32>,2> = bar.arr;
let _e13: vec4<f32> = bar.matrix[3];
let b: f32 = _e13.x;
let a: i32 = bar.data[(arrayLength(&bar.data) - 2u)];
c = array<i32,5>(a, i32(b), 3, 4, 5);
c[(vi + 1u)] = 42;
let value: i32 = c[vi];
return vec4<f32>(vec4<i32>(value));
return (matrix * vec4<f32>(vec4<i32>(value)));
@ -423,7 +423,10 @@ fn convert_wgsl() {
Targets::SPIRV | Targets::METAL | Targets::GLSL | Targets::HLSL | Targets::WGSL,
("access", Targets::SPIRV | Targets::METAL | Targets::WGSL),
Targets::SPIRV | Targets::METAL | Targets::HLSL | Targets::WGSL,
Targets::SPIRV | Targets::METAL | Targets::GLSL | Targets::HLSL | Targets::WGSL,
@ -444,7 +447,7 @@ fn convert_wgsl() {
("bounds-check-zero", Targets::SPIRV),
Targets::SPIRV | Targets::METAL | Targets::GLSL | Targets::WGSL,
Targets::SPIRV | Targets::METAL | Targets::GLSL | Targets::HLSL | Targets::WGSL,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user