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synced 2025-02-25 21:33:48 +00:00
[glsl-out] Wrote more documentation
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,29 @@
//! - 310
// GLSL is mostly a superset of C but it also removes some parts of it this is a list of relevant
// aspects for this backend.
// The most notable change is the introduction of the version preprocessor directive that must
// always be the first line of a glsl file and is written as
// `#version number profile`
// `number` is the version itself (i.e. 300) and `profile` is the
// shader profile we only support "core" and "es", the former is used in desktop applications and
// the later is used in embedded contexts, mobile devices and browsers. Each one as it's own
// versions (at the time of writing this the latest version for "core" is 460 and for "es" is 320)
// Other important preprocessor addition is the extension directive which is written as
// `#extension name: behaviour`
// Extensions provide increased features in a plugin fashion but they aren't required to be
// supported hence why they are called extensions, that's why `behaviour` is used it specifies
// wether the extension is strictly required or if it should only be enabled if needed. In our case
// when we use extensions we set behaviour to `require` always.
// The only thing that glsl removes that makes a difference are pointers.
// Addititions that are relevant for the backend are the discard keyword, the introduction of
// vector, matrices, samplers, image types and functions that provide common shader operations
pub use error::Error;
pub use features::Features;
@ -831,12 +854,32 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
/// Helper method used to write structs
/// # Notes
/// Ends in a newline
fn write_struct(&mut self, handle: Handle<Type>, members: &[StructMember]) -> BackendResult {
// glsl structs are written as in C
// `struct name() { members };`
// | `struct` is a keyword
// | `name` is the struct name
// | `members` is a semicolon separated list of `type name`
// | `type` is the member type
// | `name` is the member name
writeln!(self.out, "struct {} {{", self.names[&NameKey::Type(handle)])?;
for (idx, member) in members.iter().enumerate() {
// The identation is only for readability
write!(self.out, "\t")?;
// Write the member type
// Adds no trailing space
self.write_type(member.ty, false)?;
// Write the member name and put a semicolon
// The leading space is important
// All members must have a semicolon even the last one
" {};",
@ -848,22 +891,39 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
/// Helper method used to write statements
/// # Notes
/// Always adds a newline
fn write_stmt(
&mut self,
sta: &Statement,
ctx: &FunctionCtx<'_, '_>,
indent: usize,
) -> BackendResult {
// The indentation is only for readability
write!(self.out, "{}", "\t".repeat(indent))?;
match sta {
// Blocks are simple we just need to write the block statements between braces
// We could also just print the statements but this is more readable and maps more
// closely to the IR
Statement::Block(block) => {
writeln!(self.out, "{{")?;
for sta in block.iter() {
// Increase the indentation to help with readability
self.write_stmt(sta, ctx, indent + 1)?
writeln!(self.out, "{}}}", "\t".repeat(indent))?
// Ifs are written as in C:
// ```
// if(condition) {
// accept
// } else {
// reject
// }
// ```
Statement::If {
@ -874,28 +934,50 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
writeln!(self.out, ") {{")?;
for sta in accept {
// Increase indentation to help with readability
self.write_stmt(sta, ctx, indent + 1)?;
// If there are no statements in the reject block we skip writing it
// This is only for readability
if !reject.is_empty() {
writeln!(self.out, "{}}} else {{", "\t".repeat(indent))?;
for sta in reject {
// Increase identation to help with readability
self.write_stmt(sta, ctx, indent + 1)?;
writeln!(self.out, "{}}}", "\t".repeat(indent))?
// Switch are written as in C:
// ```
// switch (selector) {
// // Falltrough
// case label:
// block
// // Non fallthrough
// case label:
// block
// break;
// default:
// block
// }
// ```
// Where the `default` case happens isn't important but we put it last
// so that we don't need to print a `break` for it
Statement::Switch {
} => {
// Start the switch
write!(self.out, "switch(")?;
self.write_expr(*selector, ctx)?;
writeln!(self.out, ") {{")?;
// Write all cases
for (label, (block, fallthrough)) in cases {
writeln!(self.out, "{}case {}:", "\t".repeat(indent + 1), label)?;
@ -903,11 +985,14 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.write_stmt(sta, ctx, indent + 2)?;
// Write `break;` if the block isn't fallthrough
if fallthrough.is_none() {
writeln!(self.out, "{}break;", "\t".repeat(indent + 2))?;
// Only write the default block if the block isn't empty
// Writing default without a block is valid but it's more readable this way
if !default.is_empty() {
writeln!(self.out, "{}default:", "\t".repeat(indent + 1))?;
@ -918,6 +1003,14 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
writeln!(self.out, "{}}}", "\t".repeat(indent))?
// Loops in naga IR are based on wgsl loops, glsl can emulate the behaviour by using a
// while true loop and appending the continuing block to the body resulting on:
// ```
// while(true) {
// body
// continuing
// }
// ```
Statement::Loop { body, continuing } => {
writeln!(self.out, "while(true) {{")?;
@ -927,17 +1020,26 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
writeln!(self.out, "{}}}", "\t".repeat(indent))?
// Break, continue and return as written as in C
// `break;`
Statement::Break => writeln!(self.out, "break;")?,
// `continue;`
Statement::Continue => writeln!(self.out, "continue;")?,
// `return expr;`, `expr` is optional
Statement::Return { value } => {
write!(self.out, "return")?;
// Write the expression to be returned if needed
if let Some(expr) = value {
write!(self.out, " ")?;
self.write_expr(*expr, ctx)?;
writeln!(self.out, ";")?;
// This is one of the places were glsl adds to the syntax of C in this case the discard
// keyword which ceases all further processing in a fragment shader, it's called OpKill
// in spir-v that's why it's called `Statement::Kill`
Statement::Kill => writeln!(self.out, "discard;")?,
// Stores in glsl are just variable assignments written as `pointer = value;`
Statement::Store { pointer, value } => {
self.write_expr(*pointer, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, " = ")?;
@ -949,14 +1051,22 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
/// Helper method to write expressions
/// # Notes
/// Doesn't add any newlines or leading/trailing spaces
fn write_expr(&mut self, expr: Handle<Expression>, ctx: &FunctionCtx<'_, '_>) -> BackendResult {
match ctx.expressions[expr] {
// `Access` is applied to arrays, vectors and matrices and is written as indexing
Expression::Access { base, index } => {
self.write_expr(base, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "[")?;
self.write_expr(index, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, "]")?
// `AccessIndex` is the same as `Access` except that the index is a constant and it can
// be applied to structs, in this case we need to find the name of the field at that
// index and write `base.field_name`
Expression::AccessIndex { base, index } => {
self.write_expr(base, ctx)?;
@ -965,6 +1075,8 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
| TypeInner::Matrix { .. }
| TypeInner::Array { .. } => write!(self.out, "[{}]", index)?,
TypeInner::Struct { .. } => {
// This will never panic in case the type is a `Struct`, this is not true
// for other types so we can only check while inside this match arm
let ty = ctx.typifier.get_handle(base).unwrap();
@ -976,31 +1088,34 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
ref other => return Err(Error::Custom(format!("Cannot index {:?}", other))),
// Constants are delegated to `write_constant`
Expression::Constant(constant) => {
// `Compose` is pretty simple we just write `type(components)` where `components` is a
// comma separated list of expressions
Expression::Compose { ty, ref components } => {
match self.module.types[ty].inner {
TypeInner::Vector { .. }
| TypeInner::Matrix { .. }
| TypeInner::Array { .. }
| TypeInner::Struct { .. } => self.write_type(ty, false)?,
_ => unreachable!(),
self.write_type(ty, false)?;
write!(self.out, "(")?;
self.write_slice(components, |this, _, arg| this.write_expr(*arg, ctx))?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
// Function arguments are written as the argument name
Expression::FunctionArgument(pos) => {
write!(self.out, "{}", ctx.get_arg(pos, &self.names))?
// Global variables need some special work, if they are a builtin we write the glsl
// variable name produced by `glsl_built_in` otherwise we write the global name
// produced by the `Namer`
Expression::GlobalVariable(handle) => {
if let Some(crate::Binding::BuiltIn(built_in)) =
// Global is a builtin so get the glsl variable name
write!(self.out, "{}", glsl_built_in(built_in))?
} else {
// Global isn't a builtin so just write the name
@ -1008,10 +1123,21 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
// A local is written as it's name
Expression::LocalVariable(handle) => {
write!(self.out, "{}", self.names[&ctx.name_key(handle)])?
// glsl has no pointers so there's no load operation, just write the pointer expression
Expression::Load { pointer } => self.write_expr(pointer, ctx)?,
// `ImageSample` is a bit complicated compared to the rest of the IR.
// First there are three variations depending wether the sample level is explicitly set,
// if it's automatic or it it's bias:
// `texture(image, coordinate)` - Automatic sample level
// `texture(image, coordinate, bias)` - Bias sample level
// `textureLod(image, coordinate, level)` - Zero or Exact sample level
// Furthermore if `depth_ref` is some we need to append it to the coordinate vector
Expression::ImageSample {
@ -1020,6 +1146,8 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
} => {
//TODO: handle MS
//Write the function to be used depending on the sample level
@ -1028,45 +1156,61 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
crate::SampleLevel::Zero | crate::SampleLevel::Exact(_) => "textureLod",
// Write the image that will be used
self.write_expr(image, ctx)?;
// The space here isn't required but it helps with readability
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
// We need to get the coordinates vector size to later build a vector that's `size + 1`
// if `depth_ref` is some, if it isn't a vector we panic as that's not a valid expression
let size = match *ctx.typifier.get(coordinate, &self.module.types) {
TypeInner::Vector { size, .. } => size,
ref other => {
return Err(Error::Custom(format!(
"Cannot sample with coordinates of type {:?}",
_ => unreachable!(),
if let Some(depth_ref) = depth_ref {
// Compose a new vector with the coordinates and `depth_ref`
write!(self.out, "vec{}(", size as u8 + 1)?;
self.write_expr(coordinate, ctx)?;
// The space here isn't required but it helps with readability
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
self.write_expr(depth_ref, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
} else {
// There's no `depth_ref` so just write the coordinate expression
self.write_expr(coordinate, ctx)?
match level {
// Auto needs no more arguments
crate::SampleLevel::Auto => (),
// Zero needs level set to 0
crate::SampleLevel::Zero => write!(self.out, ", 0")?,
// Exact and bias require another argument
crate::SampleLevel::Exact(expr) | crate::SampleLevel::Bias(expr) => {
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
self.write_expr(expr, ctx)?;
// End the function
write!(self.out, ")")?
// `ImageLoad` is also a bit complicated.
// There are two functions one for sampled
// images another for storage images, the former uses `texelFetch` and the latter uses
// `imageLoad`.
// Furthermore we have `index` which is always `Some` for sampled images
// and `None` for storage images, so we end up with two functions:
// `texelFetch(image, coordinate, index)` - for sampled images
// `imageLoad(image, coordinate)` - for storage images
Expression::ImageLoad {
} => {
// This will only panic if the module is invalid
let class = match ctx.typifier.get(image, &self.module.types) {
TypeInner::Image { class, .. } => class,
_ => unreachable!(),
@ -1075,6 +1219,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
match class {
ImageClass::Sampled { .. } => write!(self.out, "texelFetch(")?,
ImageClass::Storage(_) => write!(self.out, "imageLoad(")?,
// TODO: Is there even a function for this?
ImageClass::Depth => todo!(),
@ -1085,6 +1230,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
match class {
ImageClass::Sampled { .. } => {
write!(self.out, ", ")?;
// This will only panic if the module is invalid
self.write_expr(index.unwrap(), ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
@ -1092,6 +1238,12 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
ImageClass::Depth => todo!(),
// `Unary` is pretty straightforward
// "-" - for `Negate`
// "~" - for `Not` if it's an integer
// "!" - for `Not` if it's a boolean
// We also wrap the everything in parantheses to avoid precedence issues
Expression::Unary { op, expr } => {
@ -1124,6 +1276,8 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
write!(self.out, ")")?
// `Binary` we just write `left op right`
// Once again we wrap everything in parantheses to avoid precedence issues
Expression::Binary { op, left, right } => {
write!(self.out, "(")?;
self.write_expr(left, ctx)?;
@ -1157,6 +1311,8 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
write!(self.out, ")")?
// `Select` is written as `condition ? accept : reject`
// We wrap everything in parantheses to avoid precedence issues
Expression::Select {
@ -1170,14 +1326,17 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.write_expr(reject, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
// `Intrinsic` is a normal function call to some glsl provided functions
Expression::Intrinsic { fun, argument } => {
match fun {
// There's no specific function for this but we can invert the result of `isinf`
IntrinsicFunction::IsFinite => "!isinf",
IntrinsicFunction::IsInf => "isinf",
IntrinsicFunction::IsNan => "isnan",
// There's also no function for this but we can invert `isnan`
IntrinsicFunction::IsNormal => "!isnan",
IntrinsicFunction::All => "all",
IntrinsicFunction::Any => "any",
@ -1188,11 +1347,14 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
write!(self.out, ")")?
// `Transpose` is a call to the glsl function `transpose`
Expression::Transpose(matrix) => {
write!(self.out, "transpose(")?;
self.write_expr(matrix, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
// Both `Dot` and `Cross` products are a call to a glsl provide functions with `left`
// and `right` as arguments
Expression::DotProduct(left, right) => {
write!(self.out, "dot(")?;
self.write_expr(left, ctx)?;
@ -1207,6 +1369,9 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.write_expr(right, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
// `As` is always a call.
// If `convert` is true the function name is the type
// Else the function name is one of the glsl provided bitcast functions
Expression::As {
@ -1247,6 +1412,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.write_expr(expr, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
// `Derivative` is a function call to a glsl provided function
Expression::Derivative { axis, expr } => {
@ -1260,6 +1426,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.write_expr(expr, ctx)?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
// A `Call` is written `name(arguments)` where `arguments` is a comma separated expressions list
Expression::Call {
origin: FunctionOrigin::Local(ref function),
ref arguments,
@ -1284,6 +1451,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
self.write_slice(arguments, |this, _, arg| this.write_expr(*arg, ctx))?;
write!(self.out, ")")?
// `atan2` is implemented as `atan(y,x)` so we must handle it separately
"atan2" => {
write!(self.out, "atan(")?;
self.write_expr(arguments[1], ctx)?;
@ -1298,6 +1466,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
// `ArrayLength` is written as `expr.length()` and we convert it to a uint
Expression::ArrayLength(expr) => {
write!(self.out, "uint(")?;
self.write_expr(expr, ctx)?;
@ -1308,12 +1477,18 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
/// Helper method used to produce the images mapping that's returned to the user
/// It takes an iterator of [`Function`](crate::Function) references instead of
/// [`Handle`](crate::arena::Handle) because [`EntryPoint`](crate::EntryPoint) isn't in any
/// [`Arena`](crate::arena::Arena) and we need to traverse it
fn collect_texture_mapping(
functions: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Function>,
) -> Result<FastHashMap<String, TextureMapping>, Error> {
let mut mappings = FastHashMap::default();
// Traverse each function in the `functions` iterator with `TextureMappingVisitor`
for func in functions {
let mut interface = Interface {
expressions: &func.expressions,
@ -1327,6 +1502,7 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
// Check if any error occurred
if let Some(error) = interface.visitor.error {
return Err(error);
@ -1336,11 +1512,22 @@ impl<'a, W: Write> Writer<'a, W> {
/// Structure returned by [`glsl_scalar`](glsl_scalar)
/// It contains both a prefix used in other types and the full type name
struct ScalarString<'a> {
/// The prefix used to compose other types
prefix: &'a str,
/// The name of the scalar type
full: &'a str,
/// Helper function that returns scalar related strings
/// Check [`ScalarString`](ScalarString) for the information provided
/// # Errors
/// If a [`Float`](crate::ScalarKind::Float) with an width that isn't 4 or 8
fn glsl_scalar(kind: ScalarKind, width: crate::Bytes) -> Result<ScalarString<'static>, Error> {
Ok(match kind {
ScalarKind::Sint => ScalarString {
@ -1374,6 +1561,7 @@ fn glsl_scalar(kind: ScalarKind, width: crate::Bytes) -> Result<ScalarString<'st
/// Helper function that returns the glsl variable name for a builtin
fn glsl_built_in(built_in: BuiltIn) -> &'static str {
match built_in {
BuiltIn::Position => "gl_Position",
@ -1394,6 +1582,7 @@ fn glsl_built_in(built_in: BuiltIn) -> &'static str {
/// Helper function that returns the string correspoding to the storage class
fn glsl_storage_class(class: StorageClass) -> &'static str {
match class {
StorageClass::Function => "",
@ -1408,6 +1597,10 @@ fn glsl_storage_class(class: StorageClass) -> &'static str {
/// Helper function that returns the string correspoding to the glsl interpolation qualifier
/// # Errors
/// If [`Patch`](crate::Interpolation::Patch) is passed, as it isn't supported in glsl
fn glsl_interpolation(interpolation: Interpolation) -> Result<&'static str, Error> {
Ok(match interpolation {
Interpolation::Perspective => "smooth",
@ -1423,6 +1616,7 @@ fn glsl_interpolation(interpolation: Interpolation) -> Result<&'static str, Erro
/// Helper function that returns the glsl dimension string of [`ImageDimension`](crate::ImageDimension)
fn glsl_dimension(dim: crate::ImageDimension) -> &'static str {
match dim {
crate::ImageDimension::D1 => "1D",
@ -1432,6 +1626,7 @@ fn glsl_dimension(dim: crate::ImageDimension) -> &'static str {
/// Helper function that returns the glsl storage format string of [`StorageFormat`](crate::StorageFormat)
fn glsl_storage_format(format: StorageFormat) -> &'static str {
match format {
StorageFormat::R8Unorm => "r8",
@ -1469,15 +1664,27 @@ fn glsl_storage_format(format: StorageFormat) -> &'static str {
/// [`Visitor`](crate::proc::Visitor) used by [`collect_texture_mapping`](Writer::collect_texture_mapping)
struct TextureMappingVisitor<'a> {
/// Names needed by the module (used to get the image name)
names: &'a FastHashMap<NameKey, String>,
/// [`Arena`](crate::arena::Arena) of expressions of the function being currently visited
expressions: &'a Arena<Expression>,
/// The mapping that we are building
map: &'a mut FastHashMap<String, TextureMapping>,
/// Used to return errors since [`visit_expr`](crate::proc::Visitor::visit_expr) doesn't allow
/// us to return anything
error: Option<Error>,
impl<'a> Visitor for TextureMappingVisitor<'a> {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &crate::Expression) {
// We only care about `ImageSample` and `ImageLoad`
// Both `image` and `sampler` are `Expression::GlobalVariable` otherwise the module is
// invalid so it's okay to panic
// A image can only be used with one sampler or with none at all
match expr {
Expression::ImageSample { image, sampler, .. } => {
let tex_handle = match self.expressions[*image] {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user