use std::{error::Error, sync::Arc}; use vulkano::{ command_buffer::{ allocator::StandardCommandBufferAllocator, ClearAttachment, ClearRect, CommandBufferUsage, RecordingCommandBuffer, RenderPassBeginInfo, }, device::{ physical::PhysicalDeviceType, Device, DeviceCreateInfo, DeviceExtensions, Queue, QueueCreateInfo, QueueFlags, }, image::{view::ImageView, Image, ImageUsage}, instance::{Instance, InstanceCreateFlags, InstanceCreateInfo}, render_pass::{Framebuffer, FramebufferCreateInfo, RenderPass}, swapchain::{ acquire_next_image, Surface, Swapchain, SwapchainCreateInfo, SwapchainPresentInfo, }, sync::{self, GpuFuture}, Validated, VulkanError, VulkanLibrary, }; use winit::{ application::ApplicationHandler, event::WindowEvent, event_loop::{ActiveEventLoop, EventLoop}, window::{Window, WindowId}, }; fn main() -> Result<(), impl Error> { // The start of this example is exactly the same as `triangle`. You should read the `triangle` // example if you haven't done so yet. let event_loop = EventLoop::new().unwrap(); let mut app = App::new(&event_loop); event_loop.run_app(&mut app) } struct App { instance: Arc, device: Arc, queue: Arc, command_buffer_allocator: Arc, rcx: Option, } struct RenderContext { window: Arc, swapchain: Arc, render_pass: Arc, framebuffers: Vec>, width: u32, height: u32, recreate_swapchain: bool, previous_frame_end: Option>, } impl App { fn new(event_loop: &EventLoop<()>) -> Self { let library = VulkanLibrary::new().unwrap(); let required_extensions = Surface::required_extensions(event_loop).unwrap(); let instance = Instance::new( library, InstanceCreateInfo { flags: InstanceCreateFlags::ENUMERATE_PORTABILITY, enabled_extensions: required_extensions, ..Default::default() }, ) .unwrap(); let device_extensions = DeviceExtensions { khr_swapchain: true, ..DeviceExtensions::empty() }; let (physical_device, queue_family_index) = instance .enumerate_physical_devices() .unwrap() .filter(|p| p.supported_extensions().contains(&device_extensions)) .filter_map(|p| { p.queue_family_properties() .iter() .enumerate() .position(|(i, q)| { q.queue_flags.intersects(QueueFlags::GRAPHICS) && p.presentation_support(i as u32, event_loop).unwrap() }) .map(|i| (p, i as u32)) }) .min_by_key(|(p, _)| match { PhysicalDeviceType::DiscreteGpu => 0, PhysicalDeviceType::IntegratedGpu => 1, PhysicalDeviceType::VirtualGpu => 2, PhysicalDeviceType::Cpu => 3, PhysicalDeviceType::Other => 4, _ => 5, }) .unwrap(); println!( "Using device: {} (type: {:?})",,, ); let (device, mut queues) = Device::new( physical_device, DeviceCreateInfo { enabled_extensions: device_extensions, queue_create_infos: vec![QueueCreateInfo { queue_family_index, ..Default::default() }], ..Default::default() }, ) .unwrap(); let queue =; let command_buffer_allocator = Arc::new(StandardCommandBufferAllocator::new( device.clone(), Default::default(), )); App { instance, device, queue, command_buffer_allocator, rcx: None, } } } impl ApplicationHandler for App { fn resumed(&mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { let window = Arc::new( event_loop .create_window(Window::default_attributes()) .unwrap(), ); let surface = Surface::from_window(self.instance.clone(), window.clone()).unwrap(); let window_size = window.inner_size(); let (swapchain, images) = { let surface_capabilities = self .device .physical_device() .surface_capabilities(&surface, Default::default()) .unwrap(); let (image_format, _) = self .device .physical_device() .surface_formats(&surface, Default::default()) .unwrap()[0]; Swapchain::new( self.device.clone(), surface, SwapchainCreateInfo { min_image_count: surface_capabilities.min_image_count.max(2), image_format, image_extent: window_size.into(), image_usage: ImageUsage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT, composite_alpha: surface_capabilities .supported_composite_alpha .into_iter() .next() .unwrap(), ..Default::default() }, ) .unwrap() }; let render_pass = vulkano::single_pass_renderpass!( self.device.clone(), attachments: { color: { format: swapchain.image_format(), samples: 1, load_op: Clear, store_op: Store, }, }, pass: { color: [color], depth_stencil: {}, }, ) .unwrap(); let framebuffers = window_size_dependent_setup(&images, &render_pass); let [width, height] = window_size.into(); let previous_frame_end = Some(sync::now(self.device.clone()).boxed()); self.rcx = Some(RenderContext { window, swapchain, render_pass, framebuffers, width, height, recreate_swapchain: false, previous_frame_end, }); } fn window_event( &mut self, event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, _window_id: WindowId, event: WindowEvent, ) { let rcx = self.rcx.as_mut().unwrap(); match event { WindowEvent::CloseRequested => { event_loop.exit(); } WindowEvent::Resized(_) => { rcx.recreate_swapchain = true; } WindowEvent::RedrawRequested => { let window_size = rcx.window.inner_size(); if window_size.width == 0 || window_size.height == 0 { return; } rcx.previous_frame_end.as_mut().unwrap().cleanup_finished(); if rcx.recreate_swapchain { let (new_swapchain, new_images) = rcx .swapchain .recreate(SwapchainCreateInfo { image_extent: window_size.into(), ..rcx.swapchain.create_info() }) .expect("failed to recreate swapchain"); rcx.swapchain = new_swapchain; rcx.framebuffers = window_size_dependent_setup(&new_images, &rcx.render_pass); [rcx.width, rcx.height] = window_size.into(); rcx.recreate_swapchain = false; } let (image_index, suboptimal, acquire_future) = match acquire_next_image( rcx.swapchain.clone(), None, ) .map_err(Validated::unwrap) { Ok(r) => r, Err(VulkanError::OutOfDate) => { rcx.recreate_swapchain = true; return; } Err(e) => panic!("failed to acquire next image: {e}"), }; if suboptimal { rcx.recreate_swapchain = true; } let mut builder = RecordingCommandBuffer::primary( self.command_buffer_allocator.clone(), self.queue.queue_family_index(), CommandBufferUsage::OneTimeSubmit, ) .unwrap(); builder .begin_render_pass( RenderPassBeginInfo { clear_values: vec![Some([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0].into())], ..RenderPassBeginInfo::framebuffer( rcx.framebuffers[image_index as usize].clone(), ) }, Default::default(), ) .unwrap() // Clear attachments with clear values and rects information. All the rects // will be cleared by the same value. Note that the ClearRect offsets and // extents are not affected by the viewport, they are directly applied to the // rendering image. .clear_attachments( [ClearAttachment::Color { color_attachment: 0, clear_value: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0].into(), }] .into_iter() .collect(), [ // Fixed offset and extent. ClearRect { offset: [0, 0], extent: [100, 100], array_layers: 0..1, }, // Fixed offset, relative extent. ClearRect { offset: [100, 150], extent: [rcx.width / 4, rcx.height / 4], array_layers: 0..1, }, // Relative offset and extent. ClearRect { offset: [rcx.width / 2, rcx.height / 2], extent: [rcx.width / 3, rcx.height / 5], array_layers: 0..1, }, ] .into_iter() .collect(), ) .unwrap() .end_render_pass(Default::default()) .unwrap(); let command_buffer = builder.end().unwrap(); let future = rcx .previous_frame_end .take() .unwrap() .join(acquire_future) .then_execute(self.queue.clone(), command_buffer) .unwrap() .then_swapchain_present( self.queue.clone(), SwapchainPresentInfo::swapchain_image_index( rcx.swapchain.clone(), image_index, ), ) .then_signal_fence_and_flush(); match future.map_err(Validated::unwrap) { Ok(future) => { rcx.previous_frame_end = Some(future.boxed()); } Err(VulkanError::OutOfDate) => { rcx.recreate_swapchain = true; rcx.previous_frame_end = Some(sync::now(self.device.clone()).boxed()); } Err(e) => { println!("failed to flush future: {e}"); rcx.previous_frame_end = Some(sync::now(self.device.clone()).boxed()); } } } _ => {} } } fn about_to_wait(&mut self, _event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) { let rcx = self.rcx.as_mut().unwrap(); rcx.window.request_redraw(); } } /// This function is called once during initialization, then again whenever the window is resized. fn window_size_dependent_setup( images: &[Arc], render_pass: &Arc, ) -> Vec> { images .iter() .map(|image| { let view = ImageView::new_default(image.clone()).unwrap(); Framebuffer::new( render_pass.clone(), FramebufferCreateInfo { attachments: vec![view], ..Default::default() }, ) .unwrap() }) .collect::>() }