use crate::App; use glam::IVec2; use rand::Rng; use std::sync::Arc; use vulkano::{ buffer::{Buffer, BufferCreateInfo, BufferUsage, Subbuffer}, command_buffer::{ allocator::StandardCommandBufferAllocator, CommandBufferBeginInfo, CommandBufferLevel, CommandBufferUsage, RecordingCommandBuffer, }, descriptor_set::{ allocator::StandardDescriptorSetAllocator, DescriptorSet, WriteDescriptorSet, }, device::Queue, format::Format, image::{view::ImageView, Image, ImageCreateInfo, ImageType, ImageUsage}, memory::allocator::{AllocationCreateInfo, MemoryTypeFilter, StandardMemoryAllocator}, pipeline::{ compute::ComputePipelineCreateInfo, layout::PipelineDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo, ComputePipeline, Pipeline, PipelineBindPoint, PipelineLayout, PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo, }, sync::GpuFuture, }; /// Pipeline holding double buffered grid & color image. Grids are used to calculate the state, and /// color image is used to show the output. Because on each step we determine state in parallel, we /// need to write the output to another grid. Otherwise the state would not be correctly determined /// as one shader invocation might read data that was just written by another shader invocation. pub struct GameOfLifeComputePipeline { compute_queue: Arc, compute_life_pipeline: Arc, command_buffer_allocator: Arc, descriptor_set_allocator: Arc, life_in: Subbuffer<[u32]>, life_out: Subbuffer<[u32]>, image: Arc, } fn rand_grid(memory_allocator: Arc, size: [u32; 2]) -> Subbuffer<[u32]> { Buffer::from_iter( memory_allocator, BufferCreateInfo { usage: BufferUsage::STORAGE_BUFFER, ..Default::default() }, AllocationCreateInfo { memory_type_filter: MemoryTypeFilter::PREFER_DEVICE | MemoryTypeFilter::HOST_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE, ..Default::default() }, (0..(size[0] * size[1])).map(|_| rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0u32..=1)), ) .unwrap() } impl GameOfLifeComputePipeline { pub fn new(app: &App, compute_queue: Arc, size: [u32; 2]) -> GameOfLifeComputePipeline { let memory_allocator = app.context.memory_allocator(); let life_in = rand_grid(memory_allocator.clone(), size); let life_out = rand_grid(memory_allocator.clone(), size); let compute_life_pipeline = { let device = compute_queue.device(); let cs = compute_life_cs::load(device.clone()) .unwrap() .entry_point("main") .unwrap(); let stage = PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo::new(cs); let layout = PipelineLayout::new( device.clone(), PipelineDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo::from_stages([&stage]) .into_pipeline_layout_create_info(device.clone()) .unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); ComputePipeline::new( device.clone(), None, ComputePipelineCreateInfo::stage_layout(stage, layout), ) .unwrap() }; let image = ImageView::new_default( Image::new( memory_allocator.clone(), ImageCreateInfo { image_type: ImageType::Dim2d, format: Format::R8G8B8A8_UNORM, extent: [size[0], size[1], 1], usage: ImageUsage::TRANSFER_DST | ImageUsage::SAMPLED | ImageUsage::STORAGE, ..Default::default() }, AllocationCreateInfo::default(), ) .unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); GameOfLifeComputePipeline { compute_queue, compute_life_pipeline, command_buffer_allocator: app.command_buffer_allocator.clone(), descriptor_set_allocator: app.descriptor_set_allocator.clone(), life_in, life_out, image, } } pub fn color_image(&self) -> Arc { self.image.clone() } pub fn draw_life(&self, pos: IVec2) { let mut life_in = self.life_in.write().unwrap(); let extent = self.image.image().extent(); if pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= extent[1] as i32 || pos.x < 0 || pos.x >= extent[0] as i32 { return; } let index = (pos.y * extent[0] as i32 + pos.x) as usize; life_in[index] = 1; } pub fn compute( &mut self, before_future: Box, life_color: [f32; 4], dead_color: [f32; 4], ) -> Box { let mut builder = RecordingCommandBuffer::new( self.command_buffer_allocator.clone(), self.compute_queue.queue_family_index(), CommandBufferLevel::Primary, CommandBufferBeginInfo { usage: CommandBufferUsage::OneTimeSubmit, ..Default::default() }, ) .unwrap(); // Dispatch will mutate the builder adding commands which won't be sent before we build the // command buffer after dispatches. This will minimize the commands we send to the GPU. For // example, we could be doing tens of dispatches here depending on our needs. Maybe we // wanted to simulate 10 steps at a time... // First compute the next state. self.dispatch(&mut builder, life_color, dead_color, 0); // Then color based on the next state. self.dispatch(&mut builder, life_color, dead_color, 1); let command_buffer = builder.end().unwrap(); let finished = before_future .then_execute(self.compute_queue.clone(), command_buffer) .unwrap(); let after_pipeline = finished.then_signal_fence_and_flush().unwrap().boxed(); // Swap input and output so the output becomes the input for next frame. std::mem::swap(&mut self.life_in, &mut self.life_out); after_pipeline } /// Builds the command for a dispatch. fn dispatch( &self, builder: &mut RecordingCommandBuffer, life_color: [f32; 4], dead_color: [f32; 4], // Step determines whether we color or compute life (see branch in the shader)s. step: i32, ) { // Resize image if needed. let image_extent = self.image.image().extent(); let layout = &self.compute_life_pipeline.layout().set_layouts()[0]; let descriptor_set = DescriptorSet::new( self.descriptor_set_allocator.clone(), layout.clone(), [ WriteDescriptorSet::image_view(0, self.image.clone()), WriteDescriptorSet::buffer(1, self.life_in.clone()), WriteDescriptorSet::buffer(2, self.life_out.clone()), ], [], ) .unwrap(); let push_constants = compute_life_cs::PushConstants { life_color, dead_color, step, }; builder .bind_pipeline_compute(self.compute_life_pipeline.clone()) .unwrap() .bind_descriptor_sets( PipelineBindPoint::Compute, self.compute_life_pipeline.layout().clone(), 0, descriptor_set, ) .unwrap() .push_constants( self.compute_life_pipeline.layout().clone(), 0, push_constants, ) .unwrap(); unsafe { builder .dispatch([image_extent[0] / 8, image_extent[1] / 8, 1]) .unwrap(); } } } mod compute_life_cs { vulkano_shaders::shader! { ty: "compute", src: r" #version 450 layout(local_size_x = 8, local_size_y = 8, local_size_z = 1) in; layout(set = 0, binding = 0, rgba8) uniform writeonly image2D img; layout(set = 0, binding = 1) buffer LifeInBuffer { uint life_in[]; }; layout(set = 0, binding = 2) buffer LifeOutBuffer { uint life_out[]; }; layout(push_constant) uniform PushConstants { vec4 life_color; vec4 dead_color; int step; } push_constants; int get_index(ivec2 pos) { ivec2 dims = ivec2(imageSize(img)); return pos.y * dims.x + pos.x; } // void compute_life() { ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); int index = get_index(pos); ivec2 up_left = pos + ivec2(-1, 1); ivec2 up = pos + ivec2(0, 1); ivec2 up_right = pos + ivec2(1, 1); ivec2 right = pos + ivec2(1, 0); ivec2 down_right = pos + ivec2(1, -1); ivec2 down = pos + ivec2(0, -1); ivec2 down_left = pos + ivec2(-1, -1); ivec2 left = pos + ivec2(-1, 0); int alive_count = 0; if (life_in[get_index(up_left)] == 1) { alive_count += 1; } if (life_in[get_index(up)] == 1) { alive_count += 1; } if (life_in[get_index(up_right)] == 1) { alive_count += 1; } if (life_in[get_index(right)] == 1) { alive_count += 1; } if (life_in[get_index(down_right)] == 1) { alive_count += 1; } if (life_in[get_index(down)] == 1) { alive_count += 1; } if (life_in[get_index(down_left)] == 1) { alive_count += 1; } if (life_in[get_index(left)] == 1) { alive_count += 1; } // Dead becomes alive. if (life_in[index] == 0 && alive_count == 3) { life_out[index] = 1; } // Becomes dead. else if (life_in[index] == 1 && alive_count < 2 || alive_count > 3) { life_out[index] = 0; } // Else do nothing. else { life_out[index] = life_in[index]; } } void compute_color() { ivec2 pos = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy); int index = get_index(pos); if (life_out[index] == 1) { imageStore(img, pos, push_constants.life_color); } else { imageStore(img, pos, push_constants.dead_color); } } void main() { if (push_constants.step == 0) { compute_life(); } else { compute_color(); } } ", } }