mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 15:12:33 +00:00
Fix examples so that cargo test works
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ job1:
- cargo test -v --manifest-path glsl-to-spirv/Cargo.toml
- cargo test -v --manifest-path vulkano-shaders/Cargo.toml
- cargo build -v --manifest-path vulkano/Cargo.toml
- cargo test --no-run -v --manifest-path vulkano/Cargo.toml
stage: deploy
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ addons:
- cargo test -v --manifest-path glsl-to-spirv/Cargo.toml
- cargo test -v --manifest-path vulkano-shaders/Cargo.toml
- cargo build -v --manifest-path vulkano/Cargo.toml # TODO: should be "cargo test --no-run"
- cargo test --no-run -v --manifest-path vulkano/Cargo.toml
- |
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
extern crate vulkano;
use std::sync::Arc;
fn main() {
let app = vulkano::instance::ApplicationInfo { application_name: "test", application_version: 1, engine_name: "test", engine_version: 1 };
let instance = vulkano::instance::Instance::new(Some(&app), None).expect("failed to create instance");
let physical = vulkano::instance::PhysicalDevice::enumerate(&instance)
.next().expect("no device available");
println!("Using device: {} (type: {:?})", physical.name(), physical.ty());
let queue = physical.queue_families().find(|q| q.supports_transfers())
.expect("couldn't find a graphical queue family");
let (device, queues) = vulkano::device::Device::new(&physical, physical.supported_features(),
[(queue, 0.5)].iter().cloned(), &[])
.expect("failed to create device");
let queue = queues.into_iter().next().unwrap();
let src: Arc<vulkano::buffer::Buffer<[u8; 16], _>> =
vulkano::buffer::Buffer::new(&device, &vulkano::buffer::Usage::all(),
vulkano::memory::HostVisible, &queue)
.expect("failed to create buffer");
let mut mapping = src.try_write().unwrap();
for (v, o) in mapping.iter_mut().enumerate() { *o = v as u8; }
let dest: Arc<vulkano::buffer::Buffer<[u8; 16], _>> =
vulkano::buffer::Buffer::new(&device, &vulkano::buffer::Usage::all(),
vulkano::memory::HostVisible, &queue)
.expect("failed to create buffer");
let cb_pool = vulkano::command_buffer::CommandBufferPool::new(&device, &queue.lock().unwrap().family())
.expect("failed to create command buffer pool");
let command_buffer = vulkano::command_buffer::PrimaryCommandBufferBuilder::new(&cb_pool).unwrap()
.copy_buffer(&src, &dest)
let mut queue = queue.lock().unwrap();
command_buffer.submit(&mut queue).unwrap();
let mut mapping = dest.read(1000000000);
for (v, o) in mapping.iter_mut().enumerate() { assert_eq!(*o, v as u8); }
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
// The start of this example is exactly the same as `triangle`. You should read the
@ -70,8 +71,7 @@ fn main() {
let cb_pool = vulkano::command_buffer::CommandBufferPool::new(&device, &queue.family())
.expect("failed to create command buffer pool");
let cb_pool = vulkano::command_buffer::CommandBufferPool::new(&device, &queue.family());
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ fn main() {
// The `write` function would return `Err` if the buffer was in use by the GPU. This
// obviously can't happen here, since we haven't ask the GPU to do anything yet.
let mut mapping = vertex_buffer.write(0).unwrap();
let mut mapping = vertex_buffer.write(Duration::new(0, 0)).unwrap();
mapping[0].position = [-0.5, -0.5];
mapping[1].position = [-0.5, 0.5];
mapping[2].position = [ 0.5, -0.5];
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ fn main() {
color: {
load: Clear,
store: Store,
format: B8G8R8A8Srgb,
format: ::vulkano::format::B8G8R8A8Srgb,
pass: {
@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ fn main() {
let renderpass = renderpass::CustomRenderPass::new(&device).unwrap();
let renderpass = renderpass::CustomRenderPass::new(&device, &renderpass::Formats {
color: (vulkano::format::B8G8R8A8Srgb, 1)
let texture = vulkano::image::immutable::ImmutableImage::new(&device, vulkano::image::sys::Dimensions::Dim2d { width: 93, height: 93 },
vulkano::format::R8G8B8A8Unorm, Some(queue.family())).unwrap();
@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ fn main() {
Some(queue.family())).expect("failed to create buffer");
let mut mapping = pixel_buffer.write(0).unwrap();
let mut mapping = pixel_buffer.write(Duration::new(0, 0)).unwrap();
for (o, i) in mapping.iter_mut().zip(image_data.chunks(4)) {
o[0] = i[0];
o[1] = i[1];
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ fn main() {
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0).unwrap();
let descriptor_pool = vulkano::descriptor::descriptor_set::DescriptorPool::new(&device).unwrap();
let descriptor_pool = vulkano::descriptor::descriptor_set::DescriptorPool::new(&device);
mod pipeline_layout {
set0: {
@ -167,41 +169,35 @@ fn main() {
let pipeline_layout = pipeline_layout::CustomPipeline::new(&device).unwrap();
let set = pipeline_layout::set0::Set::new(&descriptor_pool, &pipeline_layout, &pipeline_layout::set0::Descriptors {
tex: (&sampler, &texture)
let pipeline = {
let ia = vulkano::pipeline::input_assembly::InputAssembly {
let pipeline = vulkano::pipeline::GraphicsPipeline::new(&device, vulkano::pipeline::GraphicsPipelineParams {
vertex_input: vulkano::pipeline::vertex::SingleBufferDefinition::new(),
vertex_shader: vs.main_entry_point(),
input_assembly: vulkano::pipeline::input_assembly::InputAssembly {
topology: vulkano::pipeline::input_assembly::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleStrip,
primitive_restart_enable: false,
let raster = Default::default();
let ms = vulkano::pipeline::multisample::Multisample::disabled();
let blend = vulkano::pipeline::blend::Blend {
logic_op: None,
blend_constants: Some([0.0; 4]),
let viewports = vulkano::pipeline::viewport::ViewportsState::Fixed {
geometry_shader: None,
viewport: vulkano::pipeline::viewport::ViewportsState::Fixed {
data: vec![(
vulkano::pipeline::viewport::Viewport {
origin: [0.0, 0.0],
dimensions: [1244.0, 699.0],
depth_range: 0.0 .. 1.0
depth_range: 0.0 .. 1.0,
dimensions: [images[0].dimensions()[0] as f32, images[0].dimensions()[1] as f32],
vulkano::pipeline::viewport::Scissor {
origin: [0, 0],
dimensions: [1244, 699],
vulkano::pipeline::GraphicsPipeline::new(&device, vulkano::pipeline::vertex::SingleBufferDefinition::new(),
&vs.main_entry_point(), &ia, &viewports,
&raster, &ms, &blend, &fs.main_entry_point(),
&pipeline_layout, vulkano::framebuffer::Subpass::from(&renderpass, 0).unwrap())
raster: Default::default(),
multisample: vulkano::pipeline::multisample::Multisample::disabled(),
fragment_shader: fs.main_entry_point(),
depth_stencil: vulkano::pipeline::depth_stencil::DepthStencil::simple_depth_test(),
blend: vulkano::pipeline::blend::Blend::pass_through(),
layout: &pipeline_layout,
render_pass: vulkano::framebuffer::Subpass::from(&renderpass, 0).unwrap(),
let framebuffers = images.iter().map(|image| {
let attachments = renderpass::AList {
@ -213,20 +209,21 @@ fn main() {
let command_buffers = framebuffers.iter().map(|framebuffer| {
.copy_buffer_to_color_image(&pixel_buffer, &texture, 0, 0 .. 1, [0, 0, 0],
[texture.dimensions().width(), texture.dimensions().height(), 1])
//.clear_color_image(&texture, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
.draw_inline(&renderpass, &framebuffer, renderpass::ClearValues {
color: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]
.draw(&pipeline, &vertex_buffer, &vulkano::command_buffer::DynamicState::none(), set.clone(), &())
.draw(&pipeline, &vertex_buffer, &vulkano::command_buffer::DynamicState::none(),
&set, &())
loop {
let image_num = swapchain.acquire_next_image(1000000).unwrap();
let image_num = swapchain.acquire_next_image(Duration::new(10, 0)).unwrap();
vulkano::command_buffer::submit(&command_buffers[image_num], &queue).unwrap();
swapchain.present(&queue, image_num).unwrap();
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
// The first step of any vulkan program is to create an instance.
@ -26,11 +27,10 @@ fn main() {
let app = vulkano::instance::ApplicationInfo { application_name: "test", application_version: 1, engine_name: "test", engine_version: 1 };
let extensions = vulkano::instance::InstanceExtensions {
khr_surface: true,
khr_swapchain: true,
khr_win32_surface: true,
.. vulkano::instance::InstanceExtensions::none()
let instance = vulkano::instance::Instance::new(Some(&app), &["VK_LAYER_LUNARG_draw_state"], &extensions).expect("failed to create instance");
let instance = vulkano::instance::Instance::new(Some(&app), &extensions, None).expect("failed to create instance");
// We then choose which physical device to use.
@ -74,9 +74,12 @@ fn main() {
// We also have to pass a list of queues to create and their priorities relative to each other.
// Since we create one queue, we don't really care about the priority and just pass `0.5`.
// The list of created queues is returned by the function alongside with the device.
let device_ext = vulkano::device::DeviceExtensions {
khr_swapchain: true,
.. vulkano::device::DeviceExtensions::none()
let (device, queues) = vulkano::device::Device::new(&physical, physical.supported_features(),
[(queue, 0.5)].iter().cloned(),
&device_ext, None, [(queue, 0.5)].iter().cloned())
.expect("failed to create device");
// Since we can request multiple queues, the `queues` variable is a `Vec`. Our actual queue
@ -114,9 +117,8 @@ fn main() {
// the CPU and one buffer on the GPU. We then write our data to the buffer on the CPU and
// ask the GPU to copy it to the real buffer. This way the data is located on the most
// efficient memory possible.
let vertex_buffer = vulkano::buffer::Buffer::<[Vertex; 3], _>
::new(&device, &vulkano::buffer::Usage::all(),
vulkano::memory::HostVisible, &queue)
let vertex_buffer = vulkano::buffer::cpu_access::CpuAccessibleBuffer::<[Vertex], _>
::array(&device, 3, &vulkano::buffer::Usage::all(), Some(queue.family()))
.expect("failed to create buffer");
struct Vertex { position: [f32; 2] }
impl_vertex!(Vertex, position);
@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ fn main() {
// The `write` function would return `Err` if the buffer was in use by the GPU. This
// obviously can't happen here, since we haven't ask the GPU to do anything yet.
let mut mapping = vertex_buffer.write(0).unwrap();
let mut mapping = vertex_buffer.write(Duration::new(0, 0)).unwrap();
mapping[0].position = [-0.5, -0.25];
mapping[1].position = [0.0, 0.5];
mapping[2].position = [0.25, -0.1];
@ -155,16 +157,7 @@ fn main() {
// We are going to create a command buffer below. Command buffers need to be allocated
// from a *command buffer pool*, so we create the pool.
let cb_pool = vulkano::command_buffer::CommandBufferPool::new(&device, &queue.family())
.expect("failed to create command buffer pool");
// We are going to draw on the images returned when creating the swapchain. To do so, we must
// convert them into *image views*. TODO: explain more
let images = images.into_iter().map(|image| {
let image = image.transition(vulkano::image::Layout::PresentSrc, &cb_pool,
vulkano::image::ImageView::new(&image).expect("failed to create image view")
let cb_pool = vulkano::command_buffer::CommandBufferPool::new(&device, &queue.family());
// The next step is to create a *renderpass*, which is an object that describes where the
// output of the graphics pipeline will go. It describes the layout of the images
@ -175,7 +168,7 @@ fn main() {
color: {
load: Clear,
store: Store,
format: B8G8R8A8Srgb,
format: ::vulkano::format::B8G8R8A8Srgb,
pass: {
@ -185,36 +178,33 @@ fn main() {
let renderpass = renderpass::CustomRenderPass::new(&device).unwrap();
let renderpass = renderpass::CustomRenderPass::new(&device, &renderpass::Formats {
color: (vulkano::format::B8G8R8A8Srgb, 1)
let pipeline = {
let ia = vulkano::pipeline::input_assembly::InputAssembly::triangle_list();
let raster = Default::default();
let ms = vulkano::pipeline::multisample::Multisample::disabled();
let blend = vulkano::pipeline::blend::Blend {
logic_op: None,
blend_constants: Some([0.0; 4]),
let viewports = vulkano::pipeline::viewport::ViewportsState::Fixed {
let pipeline = vulkano::pipeline::GraphicsPipeline::new(&device, vulkano::pipeline::GraphicsPipelineParams {
vertex_input: vulkano::pipeline::vertex::SingleBufferDefinition::new(),
vertex_shader: vs.main_entry_point(),
input_assembly: vulkano::pipeline::input_assembly::InputAssembly::triangle_list(),
geometry_shader: None,
viewport: vulkano::pipeline::viewport::ViewportsState::Fixed {
data: vec![(
vulkano::pipeline::viewport::Viewport {
origin: [0.0, 0.0],
dimensions: [1244.0, 699.0],
depth_range: 0.0 .. 1.0
depth_range: 0.0 .. 1.0,
dimensions: [images[0].dimensions()[0] as f32, images[0].dimensions()[1] as f32],
vulkano::pipeline::viewport::Scissor {
origin: [0, 0],
dimensions: [1244, 699],
vulkano::pipeline::GraphicsPipeline::new(&device, &vs.main_entry_point(), &ia, &viewports,
&raster, &ms, &blend, &fs.main_entry_point(),
&vulkano::descriptor_set::PipelineLayout::new(&device, vulkano::descriptor_set::EmptyPipelineDesc, ()).unwrap(),
raster: Default::default(),
multisample: vulkano::pipeline::multisample::Multisample::disabled(),
fragment_shader: fs.main_entry_point(),
depth_stencil: vulkano::pipeline::depth_stencil::DepthStencil::simple_depth_test(),
blend: vulkano::pipeline::blend::Blend::pass_through(),
layout: &vulkano::descriptor::pipeline_layout::EmptyPipeline::new(&device).unwrap(),
render_pass: vulkano::framebuffer::Subpass::from(&renderpass, 0).unwrap(),
// The renderpass we created above only describes the layout of our framebuffers. We also need
// to create the actual framebuffers.
@ -222,7 +212,9 @@ fn main() {
// Since we need to draw to multiple images, we are going to create a different framebuffer for
// each image.
let framebuffers = images.iter().map(|image| {
vulkano::framebuffer::Framebuffer::new(&renderpass, (1244, 699, 1), (image.clone() as Arc<_>,)).unwrap()
vulkano::framebuffer::Framebuffer::new(&renderpass, (1244, 699, 1), renderpass::AList {
color: image
// The final initialization step is to create a command buffer.
@ -235,11 +227,11 @@ fn main() {
// Since we have several images to draw on, we are also going to create one command buffer for
// each image.
let command_buffers = framebuffers.iter().map(|framebuffer| {
.draw_inline(&renderpass, &framebuffer, ([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],))
.draw(&pipeline, vertex_buffer.clone(), &vulkano::command_buffer::DynamicState::none(), (), &())
.draw_inline(&renderpass, &framebuffer, renderpass::ClearValues { color: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0] })
.draw(&pipeline, &vertex_buffer, &vulkano::command_buffer::DynamicState::none(), (), &())
// Initialization is finally finished!
@ -248,14 +240,14 @@ fn main() {
// Everything else is kept alive internally with `Arc`s (even the vertex buffer for example),
// so the only variable that we need is this one.
let mut submissions: Vec<vulkano::command_buffer::Submission> = Vec::new();
let mut submissions: Vec<Arc<vulkano::command_buffer::Submission>> = Vec::new();
loop {
submissions.retain(|s| !s.destroying_would_block());
// Before we can draw on the output, we have to *acquire* an image from the swapchain.
// This operation returns the index of the image that we are allowed to draw upon..
let image_num = swapchain.acquire_next_image(1000000).unwrap();
let image_num = swapchain.acquire_next_image(Duration::new(1, 0)).unwrap();
// In order to draw, all we need to do is submit the command buffer to the queue.
submissions.push(vulkano::command_buffer::submit(&command_buffers[image_num], &queue).unwrap());
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
//! use vulkano::framebuffer::EmptySinglePassRenderPass;
//! # let device: std::sync::Arc<vulkano::device::Device> = unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() };
//! let renderpass = EmptySinglePassRenderPass::new(&device).unwrap();
//! let renderpass = EmptySinglePassRenderPass::new(&device);
//! ```
//! # Framebuffers
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
//! # Example
//! ```no_run
//! ```ignore // TODO:
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate vulkano
//! # fn main() {
//! # use std::sync::Arc;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user