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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2017 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use crate::frame::ambient_lighting_system::AmbientLightingSystem;
use crate::frame::directional_lighting_system::DirectionalLightingSystem;
use crate::frame::point_lighting_system::PointLightingSystem;
use cgmath::Matrix4;
use cgmath::SquareMatrix;
use cgmath::Vector3;
use std::sync::Arc;
use vulkano::command_buffer::AutoCommandBufferBuilder;
use vulkano::command_buffer::PrimaryAutoCommandBuffer;
use vulkano::command_buffer::SecondaryCommandBuffer;
use vulkano::command_buffer::SubpassContents;
use vulkano::device::Queue;
use vulkano::format::Format;
use vulkano::framebuffer::Framebuffer;
use vulkano::framebuffer::FramebufferAbstract;
use vulkano::framebuffer::RenderPassAbstract;
use vulkano::framebuffer::Subpass;
use vulkano::image::view::ImageView;
use vulkano::image::AttachmentImage;
use vulkano::image::ImageUsage;
use vulkano::image::ImageViewAbstract;
use vulkano::sync::GpuFuture;
/// System that contains the necessary facilities for rendering a single frame.
pub struct FrameSystem {
// Queue to use to render everything.
gfx_queue: Arc<Queue>,
// Render pass used for the drawing. See the `new` method for the actual render pass content.
// We need to keep it in `FrameSystem` because we may want to recreate the intermediate buffers
// in of a change in the dimensions.
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render_pass: Arc<dyn RenderPassAbstract + Send + Sync>,
// Intermediate render target that will contain the albedo of each pixel of the scene.
diffuse_buffer: Arc<ImageView<Arc<AttachmentImage>>>,
// Intermediate render target that will contain the normal vector in world coordinates of each
// pixel of the scene.
// The normal vector is the vector perpendicular to the surface of the object at this point.
normals_buffer: Arc<ImageView<Arc<AttachmentImage>>>,
// Intermediate render target that will contain the depth of each pixel of the scene.
// This is a traditional depth buffer. `0.0` means "near", and `1.0` means "far".
depth_buffer: Arc<ImageView<Arc<AttachmentImage>>>,
// Will allow us to add an ambient lighting to a scene during the second subpass.
ambient_lighting_system: AmbientLightingSystem,
// Will allow us to add a directional light to a scene during the second subpass.
directional_lighting_system: DirectionalLightingSystem,
// Will allow us to add a spot light source to a scene during the second subpass.
point_lighting_system: PointLightingSystem,
impl FrameSystem {
/// Initializes the frame system.
/// Should be called at initialization, as it can take some time to build.
/// - `gfx_queue` is the queue that will be used to perform the main rendering.
/// - `final_output_format` is the format of the image that will later be passed to the
/// `frame()` method. We need to know that in advance. If that format ever changes, we have
/// to create a new `FrameSystem`.
pub fn new(gfx_queue: Arc<Queue>, final_output_format: Format) -> FrameSystem {
// Creating the render pass.
// The render pass has two subpasses. In the first subpass, we draw all the objects of the
// scene. Note that it is not the `FrameSystem` that is responsible for the drawing,
// instead it only provides an API that allows the user to do so.
// The drawing of the objects will write to the `diffuse`, `normals` and `depth`
// attachments.
// Then in the second subpass, we read these three attachments as input attachments and
// draw to `final_color`. Each draw operation performed in this second subpass has its
// value added to `final_color` and not replaced, thanks to blending.
// > **Warning**: If the red, green or blue component of the final image goes over `1.0`
// > then it will be clamped. For example a pixel of `[2.0, 1.0, 1.0]` (which is red) will
// > be clamped to `[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]` (which is white) instead of being converted to
// > `[1.0, 0.5, 0.5]` as desired. In a real-life application you want to use an additional
// > intermediate image with a floating-point format, then perform additional passes to
// > convert all the colors in the correct range. These techniques are known as HDR and
// > tone mapping.
// Input attachments are a special kind of way to read images. You can only read from them
// from a fragment shader, and you can only read the pixel corresponding to the pixel
// currently being processed by the fragment shader. If you want to read from attachments
// but can't deal with these restrictions, then you should create multiple render passes
// instead.
let render_pass = Arc::new(
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attachments: {
// The image that will contain the final rendering (in this example the swapchain
// image, but it could be another image).
final_color: {
load: Clear,
store: Store,
format: final_output_format,
samples: 1,
// Will be bound to `self.diffuse_buffer`.
diffuse: {
load: Clear,
store: DontCare,
format: Format::A2B10G10R10UnormPack32,
samples: 1,
// Will be bound to `self.normals_buffer`.
normals: {
load: Clear,
store: DontCare,
format: Format::R16G16B16A16Sfloat,
samples: 1,
// Will be bound to `self.depth_buffer`.
depth: {
load: Clear,
store: DontCare,
format: Format::D16Unorm,
samples: 1,
passes: [
// Write to the diffuse, normals and depth attachments.
color: [diffuse, normals],
depth_stencil: {depth},
input: []
// Apply lighting by reading these three attachments and writing to `final_color`.
color: [final_color],
depth_stencil: {},
input: [diffuse, normals, depth]
// For now we create three temporary images with a dimension of 1 by 1 pixel.
// These images will be replaced the first time we call `frame()`.
// TODO: use shortcut provided in vulkano 0.6
let atch_usage = ImageUsage {
transient_attachment: true,
input_attachment: true,
let diffuse_buffer = ImageView::new(
[1, 1],
let normals_buffer = ImageView::new(
[1, 1],
let depth_buffer = ImageView::new(
[1, 1],
// Initialize the three lighting systems.
// Note that we need to pass to them the subpass where they will be executed.
let lighting_subpass = Subpass::from(render_pass.clone(), 1).unwrap();
let ambient_lighting_system =
AmbientLightingSystem::new(gfx_queue.clone(), lighting_subpass.clone());
let directional_lighting_system =
DirectionalLightingSystem::new(gfx_queue.clone(), lighting_subpass.clone());
let point_lighting_system = PointLightingSystem::new(gfx_queue.clone(), lighting_subpass);
FrameSystem {
render_pass: render_pass as Arc<_>,
/// Returns the subpass of the render pass where the rendering should write info to gbuffers.
/// Has two outputs: the diffuse color (3 components) and the normals in world coordinates
/// (3 components). Also has a depth attachment.
/// This method is necessary in order to initialize the pipelines that will draw the objects
/// of the scene.
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pub fn deferred_subpass(&self) -> Subpass<Arc<dyn RenderPassAbstract + Send + Sync>> {
Subpass::from(self.render_pass.clone(), 0).unwrap()
/// Starts drawing a new frame.
/// - `before_future` is the future after which the main rendering should be executed.
/// - `final_image` is the image we are going to draw to.
/// - `world_to_framebuffer` is the matrix that will be used to convert from 3D coordinates in
/// the world into 2D coordinates on the framebuffer.
pub fn frame<F, I>(
&mut self,
before_future: F,
final_image: I,
world_to_framebuffer: Matrix4<f32>,
) -> Frame
F: GpuFuture + 'static,
I: ImageViewAbstract + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
// First of all we recreate `self.diffuse_buffer`, `self.normals_buffer` and
// `self.depth_buffer` if their dimensions doesn't match the dimensions of the final image.
let img_dims = final_image.image().dimensions().width_height();
if self.diffuse_buffer.image().dimensions().width_height() != img_dims {
// TODO: use shortcut provided in vulkano 0.6
let atch_usage = ImageUsage {
transient_attachment: true,
input_attachment: true,
// Note that we create "transient" images here. This means that the content of the
// image is only defined when within a render pass. In other words you can draw to
// them in a subpass then read them in another subpass, but as soon as you leave the
// render pass their content becomes undefined.
self.diffuse_buffer = ImageView::new(
self.normals_buffer = ImageView::new(
self.depth_buffer = ImageView::new(
// Build the framebuffer. The image must be attached in the same order as they were defined
// with the `ordered_passes_renderpass!` macro.
let framebuffer = Arc::new(
// Start the command buffer builder that will be filled throughout the frame handling.
let mut command_buffer_builder = AutoCommandBufferBuilder::primary_one_time_submit(
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0].into(),
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0].into(),
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0].into(),
Frame {
system: self,
before_main_cb_future: Some(Box::new(before_future)),
num_pass: 0,
command_buffer_builder: Some(command_buffer_builder),
/// Represents the active process of rendering a frame.
/// This struct mutably borrows the `FrameSystem`.
pub struct Frame<'a> {
// The `FrameSystem`.
system: &'a mut FrameSystem,
// The active pass we are in. This keeps track of the step we are in.
// - If `num_pass` is 0, then we haven't start anything yet.
// - If `num_pass` is 1, then we have finished drawing all the objects of the scene.
// - If `num_pass` is 2, then we have finished applying lighting.
// - Otherwise the frame is finished.
// In a more complex application you can have dozens of passes, in which case you probably
// don't want to document them all here.
num_pass: u8,
// Future to wait upon before the main rendering.
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before_main_cb_future: Option<Box<dyn GpuFuture>>,
// Framebuffer that was used when starting the render pass.
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framebuffer: Arc<dyn FramebufferAbstract + Send + Sync>,
// The command buffer builder that will be built during the lifetime of this object.
command_buffer_builder: Option<AutoCommandBufferBuilder<PrimaryAutoCommandBuffer>>,
// Matrix that was passed to `frame()`.
world_to_framebuffer: Matrix4<f32>,
impl<'a> Frame<'a> {
/// Returns an enumeration containing the next pass of the rendering.
pub fn next_pass<'f>(&'f mut self) -> Option<Pass<'f, 'a>> {
// This function reads `num_pass` increments its value, and returns a struct corresponding
// to that pass that the user will be able to manipulate in order to customize the pass.
match {
let current_pass = self.num_pass;
self.num_pass += 1;
} {
0 => {
// If we are in the pass 0 then we haven't start anything yet.
// We already called `begin_render_pass` (in the `frame()` method), and that's the
// state we are in.
// We return an object that will allow the user to draw objects on the scene.
Some(Pass::Deferred(DrawPass { frame: self }))
1 => {
// If we are in pass 1 then we have finished drawing the objects on the scene.
// Going to the next subpass.
// And returning an object that will allow the user to apply lighting to the scene.
Some(Pass::Lighting(LightingPass { frame: self }))
2 => {
// If we are in pass 2 then we have finished applying lighting.
// We take the builder, call `end_render_pass()`, and then `build()` it to obtain
// an actual command buffer.
let command_buffer = self.command_buffer_builder.take().unwrap().build().unwrap();
// Extract `before_main_cb_future` and append the command buffer execution to it.
let after_main_cb = self
.then_execute(self.system.gfx_queue.clone(), command_buffer)
// We obtain `after_main_cb`, which we give to the user.
// If the pass is over 2 then the frame is in the finished state and can't do anything
// more.
_ => None,
/// Struct provided to the user that allows them to customize or handle the pass.
pub enum Pass<'f, 's: 'f> {
/// We are in the pass where we draw objects on the scene. The `DrawPass` allows the user to
/// draw the objects.
Deferred(DrawPass<'f, 's>),
/// We are in the pass where we add lighting to the scene. The `LightingPass` allows the user
/// to add light sources.
Lighting(LightingPass<'f, 's>),
/// The frame has been fully prepared, and here is the future that will perform the drawing
/// on the image.
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Finished(Box<dyn GpuFuture>),
/// Allows the user to draw objects on the scene.
pub struct DrawPass<'f, 's: 'f> {
frame: &'f mut Frame<'s>,
impl<'f, 's: 'f> DrawPass<'f, 's> {
/// Appends a command that executes a secondary command buffer that performs drawing.
pub fn execute<C>(&mut self, command_buffer: C)
C: SecondaryCommandBuffer + Send + Sync + 'static,
/// Returns the dimensions in pixels of the viewport.
pub fn viewport_dimensions(&self) -> [u32; 2] {
let dims = self.frame.framebuffer.dimensions();
[dims[0], dims[1]]
/// Returns the 4x4 matrix that turns world coordinates into 2D coordinates on the framebuffer.
pub fn world_to_framebuffer_matrix(&self) -> Matrix4<f32> {
/// Allows the user to apply lighting on the scene.
pub struct LightingPass<'f, 's: 'f> {
frame: &'f mut Frame<'s>,
impl<'f, 's: 'f> LightingPass<'f, 's> {
/// Applies an ambient lighting to the scene.
/// All the objects will be colored with an intensity of `color`.
pub fn ambient_light(&mut self, color: [f32; 3]) {
let dims = self.frame.framebuffer.dimensions();
let command_buffer = self.frame.system.ambient_lighting_system.draw(
[dims[0], dims[1]],
/// Applies an directional lighting to the scene.
/// All the objects will be colored with an intensity varying between `[0, 0, 0]` and `color`,
/// depending on the dot product of their normal and `direction`.
pub fn directional_light(&mut self, direction: Vector3<f32>, color: [f32; 3]) {
let dims = self.frame.framebuffer.dimensions();
let command_buffer = self.frame.system.directional_lighting_system.draw(
[dims[0], dims[1]],
/// Applies a spot lighting to the scene.
/// All the objects will be colored with an intensity varying between `[0, 0, 0]` and `color`,
/// depending on their distance with `position`. Objects that aren't facing `position` won't
/// receive any light.
pub fn point_light(&mut self, position: Vector3<f32>, color: [f32; 3]) {
let dims = self.frame.framebuffer.dimensions();
let command_buffer = {
[dims[0], dims[1]],