2024-06-24 11:08:41 +02:00

100 lines
4.1 KiB

//@ edition:2018
//@ has async_fn/ '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn foo() -> Option<Foo>'
pub async fn foo() -> Option<Foo> {
//@ has async_fn/ '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn bar(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32'
pub async fn bar(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
//@ has async_fn/fn.baz.html '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn baz<T>(a: T) -> T'
pub async fn baz<T>(a: T) -> T {
//@ has async_fn/fn.qux.html '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async unsafe fn qux() -> char'
pub async unsafe fn qux() -> char {
//@ has async_fn/fn.mut_args.html '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn mut_args(a: usize)'
pub async fn mut_args(mut a: usize) {}
//@ has async_fn/fn.mut_ref.html '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn mut_ref(x: i32)'
pub async fn mut_ref(ref mut x: i32) {}
trait Bar {}
impl Bar for () {}
//@ has async_fn/fn.quux.html '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn quux() -> impl Bar'
pub async fn quux() -> impl Bar {
//@ has async_fn/struct.Foo.html
//@ matches - '//h4[@class="code-header"]' 'pub async fn f\(\)$'
//@ matches - '//h4[@class="code-header"]' 'pub async unsafe fn g\(\)$'
//@ matches - '//h4[@class="code-header"]' 'pub async fn mut_self\(self, first: usize\)$'
pub struct Foo;
impl Foo {
pub async fn f() {}
pub async unsafe fn g() {}
pub async fn mut_self(mut self, mut first: usize) {}
pub trait Pattern<'a> {}
impl Pattern<'_> for () {}
pub trait Trait<const N: usize> {}
//@ has async_fn/fn.const_generics.html
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn const_generics<const N: usize>(_: impl Trait<N>)'
pub async fn const_generics<const N: usize>(_: impl Trait<N>) {}
// test that elided lifetimes are properly elided and not displayed as `'_`
// regression test for #63037
//@ has async_fn/fn.elided.html
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn elided(foo: &str) -> &str'
pub async fn elided(foo: &str) -> &str { "" }
// This should really be shown as written, but for implementation reasons it's difficult.
// See `impl Clean for TyKind::Ref`.
//@ has async_fn/fn.user_elided.html
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn user_elided(foo: &str) -> &str'
pub async fn user_elided(foo: &'_ str) -> &str { "" }
//@ has async_fn/fn.static_trait.html
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' 'pub async fn static_trait(foo: &str) -> Box<dyn Bar>'
pub async fn static_trait(foo: &str) -> Box<dyn Bar> { Box::new(()) }
//@ has async_fn/fn.lifetime_for_trait.html
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "pub async fn lifetime_for_trait(foo: &str) -> Box<dyn Bar + '_>"
pub async fn lifetime_for_trait(foo: &str) -> Box<dyn Bar + '_> { Box::new(()) }
//@ has async_fn/fn.elided_in_input_trait.html
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "pub async fn elided_in_input_trait(t: impl Pattern<'_>)"
pub async fn elided_in_input_trait(t: impl Pattern<'_>) {}
struct AsyncFdReadyGuard<'a, T> { x: &'a T }
impl Foo {
//@ has async_fn/struct.Foo.html
//@ has - '//*[@class="method"]' 'pub async fn complicated_lifetimes( &self, context: &impl Bar, ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &usize>'
pub async fn complicated_lifetimes(&self, context: &impl Bar) -> impl Iterator<Item = &usize> {
// taken from `tokio` as an example of a method that was particularly bad before
//@ has - '//*[@class="method"]' "pub async fn readable<T>(&self) -> Result<AsyncFdReadyGuard<'_, T>, ()>"
pub async fn readable<T>(&self) -> Result<AsyncFdReadyGuard<'_, T>, ()> { Err(()) }
//@ has - '//*[@class="method"]' "pub async fn mut_self(&mut self)"
pub async fn mut_self(&mut self) {}
// test named lifetimes, just in case
//@ has async_fn/fn.named.html
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "pub async fn named<'a, 'b>(foo: &'a str) -> &'b str"
pub async fn named<'a, 'b>(foo: &'a str) -> &'b str { "" }
//@ has async_fn/fn.named_trait.html
//@ has - '//pre[@class="rust item-decl"]' "pub async fn named_trait<'a, 'b>(foo: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Pattern<'b>"
pub async fn named_trait<'a, 'b>(foo: impl Pattern<'a>) -> impl Pattern<'b> {}