Jubilee 713cdcd803
Rollup merge of #121062 - RustyYato:f32-midpoint, r=the8472
Change f32::midpoint to upcast to f64

This has been verified by kani as a correct optimization


The new implementation is branchless and only differs in which NaN values are produced (if any are produced at all), which is fine to change. Aside from NaN handling, this implementation produces bitwise identical results to the original implementation.

Question: do we need a codegen test for this? I didn't add one, since the original PR #92048 didn't have any codegen tests.
2024-06-02 12:58:07 -07:00

950 lines
39 KiB

use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::num::{can_not_overflow, IntErrorKind, ParseIntError, TryFromIntError};
use core::ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Rem, Sub};
use core::str::FromStr;
mod int_macros;
mod i128;
mod i16;
mod i32;
mod i64;
mod i8;
mod uint_macros;
mod u128;
mod u16;
mod u32;
mod u64;
mod u8;
mod bignum;
mod const_from;
mod dec2flt;
mod flt2dec;
mod int_log;
mod ops;
mod wrapping;
mod ieee754;
mod nan;
/// Adds the attribute to all items in the block.
macro_rules! cfg_block {
($(#[$attr:meta]{$($it:item)*})*) => {$($(
/// Groups items that assume the pointer width is either 16/32/64, and has to be altered if
/// support for larger/smaller pointer widths are added in the future.
macro_rules! assume_usize_width {
{$($it:item)*} => {#[cfg(not(any(
target_pointer_width = "16", target_pointer_width = "32", target_pointer_width = "64")))]
compile_error!("The current tests of try_from on usize/isize assume that \
the pointer width is either 16, 32, or 64");
/// Helper function for testing numeric operations
pub fn test_num<T>(ten: T, two: T)
T: PartialEq
+ Add<Output = T>
+ Sub<Output = T>
+ Mul<Output = T>
+ Div<Output = T>
+ Rem<Output = T>
+ Debug
+ Copy,
assert_eq!(ten.add(two), ten + two);
assert_eq!(ten.sub(two), ten - two);
assert_eq!(ten.mul(two), ten * two);
assert_eq!(ten.div(two), ten / two);
assert_eq!(ten.rem(two), ten % two);
/// Helper function for asserting number parsing returns a specific error
fn test_parse<T>(num_str: &str, expected: Result<T, IntErrorKind>)
T: FromStr<Err = ParseIntError>,
Result<T, IntErrorKind>: PartialEq + Debug,
assert_eq!(num_str.parse::<T>().map_err(|e| e.kind().clone()), expected)
fn from_str_issue7588() {
let u: Option<u8> = u8::from_str_radix("1000", 10).ok();
assert_eq!(u, None);
let s: Option<i16> = i16::from_str_radix("80000", 10).ok();
assert_eq!(s, None);
fn test_int_from_str_overflow() {
test_parse::<i8>("127", Ok(127));
test_parse::<i8>("128", Err(IntErrorKind::PosOverflow));
test_parse::<i8>("-128", Ok(-128));
test_parse::<i8>("-129", Err(IntErrorKind::NegOverflow));
test_parse::<i16>("32767", Ok(32_767));
test_parse::<i16>("32768", Err(IntErrorKind::PosOverflow));
test_parse::<i16>("-32768", Ok(-32_768));
test_parse::<i16>("-32769", Err(IntErrorKind::NegOverflow));
test_parse::<i32>("2147483647", Ok(2_147_483_647));
test_parse::<i32>("2147483648", Err(IntErrorKind::PosOverflow));
test_parse::<i32>("-2147483648", Ok(-2_147_483_648));
test_parse::<i32>("-2147483649", Err(IntErrorKind::NegOverflow));
test_parse::<i64>("9223372036854775807", Ok(9_223_372_036_854_775_807));
test_parse::<i64>("9223372036854775808", Err(IntErrorKind::PosOverflow));
test_parse::<i64>("-9223372036854775808", Ok(-9_223_372_036_854_775_808));
test_parse::<i64>("-9223372036854775809", Err(IntErrorKind::NegOverflow));
fn test_can_not_overflow() {
fn can_overflow<T>(radix: u32, input: &str) -> bool
T: std::convert::TryFrom<i8>,
!can_not_overflow::<T>(radix, T::try_from(-1_i8).is_ok(), input.as_bytes())
// Positive tests:
assert!(!can_overflow::<i8>(16, "F"));
assert!(!can_overflow::<u8>(16, "FF"));
assert!(!can_overflow::<i8>(10, "9"));
assert!(!can_overflow::<u8>(10, "99"));
// Negative tests:
// Not currently in std lib (issue: #27728)
fn format_radix<T>(mut x: T, radix: T) -> String
T: std::ops::Rem<Output = T>,
T: std::ops::Div<Output = T>,
T: std::cmp::PartialEq,
T: std::default::Default,
T: Copy,
T: Default,
u32: TryFrom<T>,
let mut result = vec![];
loop {
let m = x % radix;
x = x / radix;
std::char::from_digit(m.try_into().ok().unwrap(), radix.try_into().ok().unwrap())
if x == T::default() {
macro_rules! check {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
for base in 2..=36 {
let num = (<$t>::MAX as u128) + 1;
// Calculate the string length for the smallest overflowing number:
let max_len_string = format_radix(num, base as u128);
// Ensure that string length is deemed to potentially overflow:
assert!(can_overflow::<$t>(base, &max_len_string));
check! { i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize usize u8 u16 u32 u64 }
// Check u128 separately:
for base in 2..=36 {
let num = u128::MAX as u128;
let max_len_string = format_radix(num, base as u128);
// base 16 fits perfectly for u128 and won't overflow:
assert_eq!(can_overflow::<u128>(base, &max_len_string), base != 16);
fn test_leading_plus() {
test_parse::<u8>("+127", Ok(127));
test_parse::<i64>("+9223372036854775807", Ok(9223372036854775807));
fn test_invalid() {
test_parse::<i8>("--129", Err(IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit));
test_parse::<i8>("++129", Err(IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit));
test_parse::<u8>("Съешь", Err(IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit));
test_parse::<u8>("123Hello", Err(IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit));
test_parse::<i8>("--", Err(IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit));
test_parse::<i8>("-", Err(IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit));
test_parse::<i8>("+", Err(IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit));
test_parse::<u8>("-1", Err(IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit));
fn test_empty() {
test_parse::<u8>("", Err(IntErrorKind::Empty));
fn test_infallible_try_from_int_error() {
let func = |x: i8| -> Result<i32, TryFromIntError> { Ok(x.try_into()?) };
const _TEST_CONST_PARSE: () = {
let Ok(-0x8000) = i16::from_str_radix("-8000", 16) else { panic!() };
let Ok(12345) = u64::from_str_radix("12345", 10) else { panic!() };
if let Err(e) = i8::from_str_radix("+", 10) {
let IntErrorKind::InvalidDigit = e.kind() else { panic!() };
} else {
macro_rules! test_impl_from {
($fn_name:ident, bool, $target: ty) => {
fn $fn_name() {
let one: $target = 1;
let zero: $target = 0;
assert_eq!(one, <$target>::from(true));
assert_eq!(zero, <$target>::from(false));
($fn_name: ident, $Small: ty, $Large: ty) => {
fn $fn_name() {
let small_max = <$Small>::MAX;
let small_min = <$Small>::MIN;
let large_max: $Large = small_max.into();
let large_min: $Large = small_min.into();
assert_eq!(large_max as $Small, small_max);
assert_eq!(large_min as $Small, small_min);
// Unsigned -> Unsigned
test_impl_from! { test_u8u16, u8, u16 }
test_impl_from! { test_u8u32, u8, u32 }
test_impl_from! { test_u8u64, u8, u64 }
test_impl_from! { test_u8usize, u8, usize }
test_impl_from! { test_u16u32, u16, u32 }
test_impl_from! { test_u16u64, u16, u64 }
test_impl_from! { test_u32u64, u32, u64 }
// Signed -> Signed
test_impl_from! { test_i8i16, i8, i16 }
test_impl_from! { test_i8i32, i8, i32 }
test_impl_from! { test_i8i64, i8, i64 }
test_impl_from! { test_i8isize, i8, isize }
test_impl_from! { test_i16i32, i16, i32 }
test_impl_from! { test_i16i64, i16, i64 }
test_impl_from! { test_i32i64, i32, i64 }
// Unsigned -> Signed
test_impl_from! { test_u8i16, u8, i16 }
test_impl_from! { test_u8i32, u8, i32 }
test_impl_from! { test_u8i64, u8, i64 }
test_impl_from! { test_u16i32, u16, i32 }
test_impl_from! { test_u16i64, u16, i64 }
test_impl_from! { test_u32i64, u32, i64 }
// Bool -> Integer
test_impl_from! { test_boolu8, bool, u8 }
test_impl_from! { test_boolu16, bool, u16 }
test_impl_from! { test_boolu32, bool, u32 }
test_impl_from! { test_boolu64, bool, u64 }
test_impl_from! { test_boolu128, bool, u128 }
test_impl_from! { test_booli8, bool, i8 }
test_impl_from! { test_booli16, bool, i16 }
test_impl_from! { test_booli32, bool, i32 }
test_impl_from! { test_booli64, bool, i64 }
test_impl_from! { test_booli128, bool, i128 }
// Signed -> Float
test_impl_from! { test_i8f32, i8, f32 }
test_impl_from! { test_i8f64, i8, f64 }
test_impl_from! { test_i16f32, i16, f32 }
test_impl_from! { test_i16f64, i16, f64 }
test_impl_from! { test_i32f64, i32, f64 }
// Unsigned -> Float
test_impl_from! { test_u8f32, u8, f32 }
test_impl_from! { test_u8f64, u8, f64 }
test_impl_from! { test_u16f32, u16, f32 }
test_impl_from! { test_u16f64, u16, f64 }
test_impl_from! { test_u32f64, u32, f64 }
// Float -> Float
fn test_f32f64() {
let max: f64 = f32::MAX.into();
assert_eq!(max as f32, f32::MAX);
let min: f64 = f32::MIN.into();
assert_eq!(min as f32, f32::MIN);
let min_positive: f64 = f32::MIN_POSITIVE.into();
assert_eq!(min_positive as f32, f32::MIN_POSITIVE);
let epsilon: f64 = f32::EPSILON.into();
assert_eq!(epsilon as f32, f32::EPSILON);
let zero: f64 = (0.0f32).into();
assert_eq!(zero as f32, 0.0f32);
let neg_zero: f64 = (-0.0f32).into();
assert_eq!(neg_zero as f32, -0.0f32);
let infinity: f64 = f32::INFINITY.into();
assert_eq!(infinity as f32, f32::INFINITY);
let neg_infinity: f64 = f32::NEG_INFINITY.into();
assert_eq!(neg_infinity as f32, f32::NEG_INFINITY);
let nan: f64 = f32::NAN.into();
/// Conversions where the full width of $source can be represented as $target
macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_always_ok {
($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target: ty) => {
fn $fn_name() {
let max = <$source>::MAX;
let min = <$source>::MIN;
let zero: $source = 0;
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).unwrap(), max as $target);
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).unwrap(), min as $target);
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target);
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u8, u8, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u16, u8, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u32, u8, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u64, u8, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8u128, u8, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8i16, u8, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8i32, u8, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8i64, u8, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8i128, u8, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16u16, u16, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16u32, u16, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16u64, u16, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16u128, u16, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16i32, u16, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16i64, u16, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16i128, u16, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32u32, u32, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32u64, u32, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32u128, u32, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32i64, u32, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32i128, u32, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u64u64, u64, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u64u128, u64, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u64i128, u64, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u128u128, u128, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i8, i8, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i16, i8, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i32, i8, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i64, i8, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8i128, i8, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16i16, i16, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16i32, i16, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16i64, i16, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16i128, i16, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32i32, i32, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32i64, i32, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32i128, i32, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i64i64, i64, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i64i128, i64, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i128i128, i128, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeusize, usize, usize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizeisize, isize, isize }
assume_usize_width! {
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8usize, u8, usize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u8isize, u8, isize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i8isize, i8, isize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16usize, u16, usize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i16isize, i16, isize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu64, usize, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu128, usize, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizei128, usize, i128 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei64, isize, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei128, isize, i128 }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] {
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu16, usize, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei16, isize, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu32, usize, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizei32, usize, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei32, isize, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizei64, usize, i64 }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] {
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16isize, u16, isize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizeu32, usize, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_isizei32, isize, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32usize, u32, usize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32isize, i32, isize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_usizei64, usize, i64 }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] {
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u16isize, u16, isize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32usize, u32, usize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u32isize, u32, isize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i32isize, i32, isize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_u64usize, u64, usize }
test_impl_try_from_always_ok! { test_try_i64isize, i64, isize }
/// Conversions where max of $source can be represented as $target,
macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok {
($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target:ty) => {
fn $fn_name() {
let max = <$source>::MAX;
let min = <$source>::MIN;
let zero: $source = 0;
let neg_one: $source = -1;
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).unwrap(), max as $target);
assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).is_err());
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target);
assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(neg_one).is_err());
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u8, i8, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u16, i8, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u32, i8, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u64, i8, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8u128, i8, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16u16, i16, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16u32, i16, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16u64, i16, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16u128, i16, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32u32, i32, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32u64, i32, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32u128, i32, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i64u64, i64, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i64u128, i64, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i128u128, i128, u128 }
assume_usize_width! {
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i8usize, i8, usize }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i16usize, i16, usize }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu64, isize, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu128, isize, u128 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeusize, isize, usize }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] {
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu16, isize, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu32, isize, u32 }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] {
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_isizeu32, isize, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32usize, i32, usize }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] {
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i32usize, i32, usize }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_upper_ok! { test_try_i64usize, i64, usize }
/// Conversions where max of $source can not be represented as $target,
/// but min can.
macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err {
($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target:ty) => {
fn $fn_name() {
let max = <$source>::MAX;
let min = <$source>::MIN;
let zero: $source = 0;
assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).is_err());
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).unwrap(), min as $target);
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target);
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u8i8, u8, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u16i8, u16, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u16i16, u16, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32i8, u32, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32i16, u32, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32i32, u32, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64i8, u64, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64i16, u64, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64i32, u64, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64i64, u64, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i8, u128, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i16, u128, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i32, u128, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i64, u128, i64 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128i128, u128, i128 }
assume_usize_width! {
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u64isize, u64, isize }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u128isize, u128, isize }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei8, usize, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei16, usize, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizeisize, usize, isize }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] {
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u16isize, u16, isize }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32isize, u32, isize }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] {
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_u32isize, u32, isize }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei32, usize, i32 }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] {
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei32, usize, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_unsigned_to_signed_upper_err! { test_try_usizei64, usize, i64 }
/// Conversions where min/max of $source can not be represented as $target.
macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err {
($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target:ty) => {
fn $fn_name() {
let max = <$source>::MAX;
let min = <$source>::MIN;
let zero: $source = 0;
let t_max = <$target>::MAX;
let t_min = <$target>::MIN;
assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).is_err());
if min != 0 {
assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).is_err());
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target);
<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(t_max as $source).unwrap(),
t_max as $target
<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(t_min as $source).unwrap(),
t_min as $target
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u16u8, u16, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u32u8, u32, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u32u16, u32, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64u8, u64, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64u16, u64, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64u32, u64, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128u8, u128, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128u16, u128, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128u32, u128, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128u64, u128, u64 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i16i8, i16, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_isizei8, isize, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i32i8, i32, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i32i16, i32, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64i8, i64, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64i16, i64, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64i32, i64, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128i8, i128, i8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128i16, i128, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128i32, i128, i32 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128i64, i128, i64 }
assume_usize_width! {
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_usizeu8, usize, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u128usize, u128, usize }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i128isize, i128, isize }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] {
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u32usize, u32, usize }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64usize, u64, usize }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i32isize, i32, isize }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64isize, i64, isize }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] {
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_u64usize, u64, usize }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_usizeu16, usize, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_i64isize, i64, isize }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_isizei16, isize, i16 }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] {
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_usizeu16, usize, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_usizeu32, usize, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_isizei16, isize, i16 }
test_impl_try_from_same_sign_err! { test_try_isizei32, isize, i32 }
/// Conversions where neither the min nor the max of $source can be represented by
/// $target, but max/min of the target can be represented by the source.
macro_rules! test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err {
($fn_name:ident, $source:ty, $target:ty) => {
fn $fn_name() {
let max = <$source>::MAX;
let min = <$source>::MIN;
let zero: $source = 0;
let t_max = <$target>::MAX;
let t_min = <$target>::MIN;
assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(max).is_err());
assert!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(min).is_err());
assert_eq!(<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(zero).unwrap(), zero as $target);
<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(t_max as $source).unwrap(),
t_max as $target
<$target as TryFrom<$source>>::try_from(t_min as $source).unwrap(),
t_min as $target
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i16u8, i16, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i32u8, i32, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i32u16, i32, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64u8, i64, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64u16, i64, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64u32, i64, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128u8, i128, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128u16, i128, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128u32, i128, u32 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128u64, i128, u64 }
assume_usize_width! {
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_isizeu8, isize, u8 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i128usize, i128, usize }
cfg_block! {
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "16")] {
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i32usize, i32, usize }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64usize, i64, usize }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")] {
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_i64usize, i64, usize }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_isizeu16, isize, u16 }
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")] {
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_isizeu16, isize, u16 }
test_impl_try_from_signed_to_unsigned_err! { test_try_isizeu32, isize, u32 }
macro_rules! test_float {
($modname: ident, $fty: ty, $inf: expr, $neginf: expr, $nan: expr, $min: expr, $max: expr, $min_pos: expr, $max_exp:expr) => {
mod $modname {
fn min() {
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).min(0.0), 0.0);
assert!((0.0 as $fty).min(0.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).min(-0.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).min(-0.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).min(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).min(0.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).min(9.0), 0.0);
assert!((0.0 as $fty).min(9.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).min(9.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).min(9.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).min(-9.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).min(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).min($inf), 9.0);
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).min(-9.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).min($inf), -9.0);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).min(9.0), $neginf);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).min($neginf), $neginf);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).min(-9.0), $neginf);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).min($neginf), $neginf);
assert_eq!(($nan as $fty).min(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!(($nan as $fty).min(-9.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).min($nan), 9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).min($nan), -9.0);
assert!(($nan as $fty).min($nan).is_nan());
fn max() {
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).max(0.0), 0.0);
assert!((0.0 as $fty).max(0.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).max(-0.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).max(-0.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).max(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max(0.0), 0.0);
assert!((-9.0 as $fty).max(0.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max(-0.0), -0.0);
assert!((-9.0 as $fty).max(-0.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).max(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).max(-9.0), 0.0);
assert!((0.0 as $fty).max(-9.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).max(-9.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).max(-9.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).max(9.0), $inf);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).max($inf), $inf);
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).max(-9.0), $inf);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max($inf), $inf);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).max(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).max($neginf), 9.0);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).max(-9.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max($neginf), -9.0);
assert_eq!(($nan as $fty).max(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!(($nan as $fty).max(-9.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).max($nan), 9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).max($nan), -9.0);
assert!(($nan as $fty).max($nan).is_nan());
fn minimum() {
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).minimum(0.0), 0.0);
assert!((0.0 as $fty).minimum(0.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).minimum(0.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).minimum(0.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).minimum(-0.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).minimum(-0.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).minimum(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).minimum(0.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).minimum(9.0), 0.0);
assert!((0.0 as $fty).minimum(9.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).minimum(9.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).minimum(9.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).minimum(-9.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).minimum(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).minimum($inf), 9.0);
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).minimum(-9.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).minimum($inf), -9.0);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).minimum(9.0), $neginf);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).minimum($neginf), $neginf);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).minimum(-9.0), $neginf);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).minimum($neginf), $neginf);
assert!(($nan as $fty).minimum(9.0).is_nan());
assert!(($nan as $fty).minimum(-9.0).is_nan());
assert!((9.0 as $fty).minimum($nan).is_nan());
assert!((-9.0 as $fty).minimum($nan).is_nan());
assert!(($nan as $fty).minimum($nan).is_nan());
fn maximum() {
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).maximum(0.0), 0.0);
assert!((0.0 as $fty).maximum(0.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).maximum(0.0), 0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).maximum(0.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).maximum(-0.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).maximum(-0.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).maximum(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).maximum(0.0), 0.0);
assert!((-9.0 as $fty).maximum(0.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).maximum(-0.0), -0.0);
assert!((-9.0 as $fty).maximum(-0.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).maximum(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).maximum(-9.0), 0.0);
assert!((0.0 as $fty).maximum(-9.0).is_sign_positive());
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).maximum(-9.0), -0.0);
assert!((-0.0 as $fty).maximum(-9.0).is_sign_negative());
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).maximum(9.0), $inf);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).maximum($inf), $inf);
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).maximum(-9.0), $inf);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).maximum($inf), $inf);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).maximum(9.0), 9.0);
assert_eq!((9.0 as $fty).maximum($neginf), 9.0);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).maximum(-9.0), -9.0);
assert_eq!((-9.0 as $fty).maximum($neginf), -9.0);
assert!(($nan as $fty).maximum(9.0).is_nan());
assert!(($nan as $fty).maximum(-9.0).is_nan());
assert!((9.0 as $fty).maximum($nan).is_nan());
assert!((-9.0 as $fty).maximum($nan).is_nan());
assert!(($nan as $fty).maximum($nan).is_nan());
fn midpoint() {
assert_eq!((0.5 as $fty).midpoint(0.5), 0.5);
assert_eq!((0.5 as $fty).midpoint(2.5), 1.5);
assert_eq!((3.0 as $fty).midpoint(4.0), 3.5);
assert_eq!((-3.0 as $fty).midpoint(4.0), 0.5);
assert_eq!((3.0 as $fty).midpoint(-4.0), -0.5);
assert_eq!((-3.0 as $fty).midpoint(-4.0), -3.5);
assert_eq!((0.0 as $fty).midpoint(0.0), 0.0);
assert_eq!((-0.0 as $fty).midpoint(-0.0), -0.0);
assert_eq!((-5.0 as $fty).midpoint(5.0), 0.0);
assert_eq!(($max as $fty).midpoint($min), 0.0);
assert_eq!(($min as $fty).midpoint($max), -0.0);
assert_eq!(($max as $fty).midpoint($min_pos), $max / 2.);
assert_eq!((-$max as $fty).midpoint($min_pos), -$max / 2.);
assert_eq!(($max as $fty).midpoint(-$min_pos), $max / 2.);
assert_eq!((-$max as $fty).midpoint(-$min_pos), -$max / 2.);
assert_eq!(($min_pos as $fty).midpoint($max), $max / 2.);
assert_eq!(($min_pos as $fty).midpoint(-$max), -$max / 2.);
assert_eq!((-$min_pos as $fty).midpoint($max), $max / 2.);
assert_eq!((-$min_pos as $fty).midpoint(-$max), -$max / 2.);
assert_eq!(($max as $fty).midpoint($max), $max);
assert_eq!(($min_pos as $fty).midpoint($min_pos), $min_pos);
assert_eq!((-$min_pos as $fty).midpoint(-$min_pos), -$min_pos);
assert_eq!(($max as $fty).midpoint(5.0), $max / 2.0 + 2.5);
assert_eq!(($max as $fty).midpoint(-5.0), $max / 2.0 - 2.5);
assert_eq!(($inf as $fty).midpoint($inf), $inf);
assert_eq!(($neginf as $fty).midpoint($neginf), $neginf);
assert!(($nan as $fty).midpoint(1.0).is_nan());
assert!((1.0 as $fty).midpoint($nan).is_nan());
assert!(($nan as $fty).midpoint($nan).is_nan());
// test if large differences in magnitude are still correctly computed.
// NOTE: that because of how small x and y are, x + y can never overflow
// so (x + y) / 2.0 is always correct
// in particular, `2.pow(i)` will never be at the max exponent, so it could
// be safely doubled, while j is significantly smaller.
for i in $max_exp.saturating_sub(64)..$max_exp {
for j in 0..64u8 {
let large = <$fty>::from(2.0f32).powi(i);
// a much smaller number, such that there is no chance of overflow to test
// potential double rounding in midpoint's implementation.
let small = <$fty>::from(2.0f32).powi($max_exp - 1)
* <$fty>::EPSILON
* <$fty>::from(j);
let naive = (large + small) / 2.0;
let midpoint = large.midpoint(small);
assert_eq!(naive, midpoint);
fn rem_euclid() {
let a: $fty = 42.0;
assert_eq!(a.rem_euclid($inf), a);
fn div_euclid() {
let a: $fty = 42.0;
assert_eq!(a.div_euclid($inf), 0.0);