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// Checks that the documentation toggles have the correct position, style and work as expected.
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/index.html"
assert-attribute: ("#main-content > details.top-doc", {"open": ""})
assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[−]")
click: "#toggle-all-docs"
wait-for: 50
// This is now collapsed so there shouldn't be the "open" attribute on details.
assert-attribute-false: ("#main-content > details.top-doc", {"open": ""})
assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[+]")
assert-css: (
"#main-content > details.top-doc > summary",
{"font-family": '"Fira Sans", Arial, NanumBarunGothic, sans-serif'},
click: "#toggle-all-docs"
// Not collapsed anymore so the "open" attribute should be back.
wait-for-attribute: ("#main-content > details.top-doc", {"open": ""})
assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[−]")
// Check that it works on non-module pages as well.
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/struct.Foo.html"
// We first check that everything is visible.
assert-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[−]")
assert-attribute: ("#implementations-list details.toggle", {"open": ""}, ALL)
assert-attribute: ("#trait-implementations-list details.toggle", {"open": ""}, ALL)
assert-attribute-false: (
"#blanket-implementations-list > details.toggle",
{"open": ""},
// We collapse them all.
click: "#toggle-all-docs"
wait-for-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[+]")
// We check that all <details> are collapsed (except for the impl block ones).
assert-attribute-false: ("details.toggle:not(.implementors-toggle)", {"open": ""}, ALL)
assert-attribute: ("#implementations-list > details.implementors-toggle", {"open": ""})
// We now check that the other impl blocks are collapsed.
assert-attribute-false: (
"#blanket-implementations-list > details.toggle.implementors-toggle",
{"open": ""},
// We open them all again.
click: "#toggle-all-docs"
wait-for-text: ("#toggle-all-docs", "[−]")
assert-attribute: ("details.toggle", {"open": ""}, ALL)
// Checking the toggles style.
show-text: true
define-function: (
(theme, filter),
block {
// Setting the theme.
set-local-storage: {"rustdoc-theme": |theme|, "rustdoc-use-system-theme": "false"}
// We reload the page so the local storage settings are being used.
assert-css: ("details.toggle > summary::before", {
"opacity": "0.5",
"filter": |filter|,
}, ALL)
move-cursor-to: "details.toggle summary"
assert-css: ("details.toggle > summary:hover::before", {
"opacity": "1",
"filter": |filter|,
// moving the cursor somewhere else to not mess with next function calls.
move-cursor-to: ".search-input"
call-function: ("check-color", {"theme": "ayu", "filter": "invert(1)"})
call-function: ("check-color", {"theme": "dark", "filter": "invert(1)"})
call-function: ("check-color", {"theme": "light", "filter": "none"})