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//! Utils for extracting, inspecting or transforming source code
use crate::line_span;
use rustc_errors::Applicability;
use rustc_hir::{Expr, ExprKind};
use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LintContext};
use rustc_span::hygiene;
use rustc_span::{BytePos, Pos, Span, SyntaxContext};
use std::borrow::Cow;
/// Like `snippet_block`, but add braces if the expr is not an `ExprKind::Block`.
/// Also takes an `Option<String>` which can be put inside the braces.
pub fn expr_block<'a, T: LintContext>(
cx: &T,
expr: &Expr<'_>,
option: Option<String>,
default: &'a str,
indent_relative_to: Option<Span>,
) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let code = snippet_block(cx, expr.span, default, indent_relative_to);
let string = option.unwrap_or_default();
if expr.span.from_expansion() {
Cow::Owned(format!("{{ {} }}", snippet_with_macro_callsite(cx, expr.span, default)))
} else if let ExprKind::Block(_, _) = expr.kind {
Cow::Owned(format!("{}{}", code, string))
} else if string.is_empty() {
Cow::Owned(format!("{{ {} }}", code))
} else {
Cow::Owned(format!("{{\n{};\n{}\n}}", code, string))
/// Returns a new Span that extends the original Span to the first non-whitespace char of the first
/// line.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// let x = ();
/// // ^^
/// // will be converted to
/// let x = ();
/// // ^^^^^^^^^^
/// ```
pub fn first_line_of_span<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span) -> Span {
first_char_in_first_line(cx, span).map_or(span, |first_char_pos| span.with_lo(first_char_pos))
fn first_char_in_first_line<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span) -> Option<BytePos> {
let line_span = line_span(cx, span);
snippet_opt(cx, line_span).and_then(|snip| {
snip.find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace())
.map(|pos| line_span.lo() + BytePos::from_usize(pos))
/// Returns the indentation of the line of a span
/// ```rust,ignore
/// let x = ();
/// // ^^ -- will return 0
/// let x = ();
/// // ^^ -- will return 4
/// ```
pub fn indent_of<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span) -> Option<usize> {
snippet_opt(cx, line_span(cx, span)).and_then(|snip| snip.find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace()))
/// Gets a snippet of the indentation of the line of a span
pub fn snippet_indent<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span) -> Option<String> {
snippet_opt(cx, line_span(cx, span)).map(|mut s| {
let len = s.len() - s.trim_start().len();
// If the snippet is empty, it's an attribute that was inserted during macro
// expansion and we want to ignore those, because they could come from external
// sources that the user has no control over.
// For some reason these attributes don't have any expansion info on them, so
// we have to check it this way until there is a better way.
pub fn is_present_in_source<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span) -> bool {
if let Some(snippet) = snippet_opt(cx, span) {
if snippet.is_empty() {
return false;
/// Returns the positon just before rarrow
/// ```rust,ignore
/// fn into(self) -> () {}
/// ^
/// // in case of unformatted code
/// fn into2(self)-> () {}
/// ^
/// fn into3(self) -> () {}
/// ^
/// ```
pub fn position_before_rarrow(s: &str) -> Option<usize> {
s.rfind("->").map(|rpos| {
let mut rpos = rpos;
let chars: Vec<char> = s.chars().collect();
while rpos > 1 {
if let Some(c) = chars.get(rpos - 1) {
if c.is_whitespace() {
rpos -= 1;
/// Reindent a multiline string with possibility of ignoring the first line.
pub fn reindent_multiline(s: Cow<'_, str>, ignore_first: bool, indent: Option<usize>) -> Cow<'_, str> {
let s_space = reindent_multiline_inner(&s, ignore_first, indent, ' ');
let s_tab = reindent_multiline_inner(&s_space, ignore_first, indent, '\t');
reindent_multiline_inner(&s_tab, ignore_first, indent, ' ').into()
fn reindent_multiline_inner(s: &str, ignore_first: bool, indent: Option<usize>, ch: char) -> String {
let x = s
.skip(ignore_first as usize)
.filter_map(|l| {
if l.is_empty() {
} else {
// ignore empty lines
Some(l.char_indices().find(|&(_, x)| x != ch).unwrap_or((l.len(), ch)).0)
let indent = indent.unwrap_or(0);
.map(|(i, l)| {
if (ignore_first && i == 0) || l.is_empty() {
} else if x > indent {
l.split_at(x - indent).1.to_owned()
} else {
" ".repeat(indent - x) + l
/// Converts a span to a code snippet if available, otherwise use default.
/// This is useful if you want to provide suggestions for your lint or more generally, if you want
/// to convert a given `Span` to a `str`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// snippet(cx, expr.span, "..")
/// ```
pub fn snippet<'a, T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span, default: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> {
snippet_opt(cx, span).map_or_else(|| Cow::Borrowed(default), From::from)
/// Same as [`snippet`], but it adapts the applicability level by following rules:
/// - Applicability level `Unspecified` will never be changed.
/// - If the span is inside a macro, change the applicability level to `MaybeIncorrect`.
/// - If the default value is used and the applicability level is `MachineApplicable`, change it to
/// `HasPlaceholders`
pub fn snippet_with_applicability<'a, T: LintContext>(
cx: &T,
span: Span,
default: &'a str,
applicability: &mut Applicability,
) -> Cow<'a, str> {
if *applicability != Applicability::Unspecified && span.from_expansion() {
*applicability = Applicability::MaybeIncorrect;
snippet_opt(cx, span).map_or_else(
|| {
if *applicability == Applicability::MachineApplicable {
*applicability = Applicability::HasPlaceholders;
/// Same as `snippet`, but should only be used when it's clear that the input span is
/// not a macro argument.
pub fn snippet_with_macro_callsite<'a, T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span, default: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> {
snippet(cx, span.source_callsite(), default)
/// Converts a span to a code snippet. Returns `None` if not available.
pub fn snippet_opt<T: LintContext>(cx: &T, span: Span) -> Option<String> {
/// Converts a span (from a block) to a code snippet if available, otherwise use default.
/// This trims the code of indentation, except for the first line. Use it for blocks or block-like
/// things which need to be printed as such.
/// The `indent_relative_to` arg can be used, to provide a span, where the indentation of the
/// resulting snippet of the given span.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// snippet_block(cx, block.span, "..", None)
/// // where, `block` is the block of the if expr
/// if x {
/// y;
/// }
/// // will return the snippet
/// {
/// y;
/// }
/// ```
/// ```rust,ignore
/// snippet_block(cx, block.span, "..", Some(if_expr.span))
/// // where, `block` is the block of the if expr
/// if x {
/// y;
/// }
/// // will return the snippet
/// {
/// y;
/// } // aligned with `if`
/// ```
/// Note that the first line of the snippet always has 0 indentation.
pub fn snippet_block<'a, T: LintContext>(
cx: &T,
span: Span,
default: &'a str,
indent_relative_to: Option<Span>,
) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let snip = snippet(cx, span, default);
let indent = indent_relative_to.and_then(|s| indent_of(cx, s));
reindent_multiline(snip, true, indent)
/// Same as `snippet_block`, but adapts the applicability level by the rules of
/// `snippet_with_applicability`.
pub fn snippet_block_with_applicability<'a, T: LintContext>(
cx: &T,
span: Span,
default: &'a str,
indent_relative_to: Option<Span>,
applicability: &mut Applicability,
) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let snip = snippet_with_applicability(cx, span, default, applicability);
let indent = indent_relative_to.and_then(|s| indent_of(cx, s));
reindent_multiline(snip, true, indent)
/// Same as `snippet_with_applicability`, but first walks the span up to the given context. This
/// will result in the macro call, rather then the expansion, if the span is from a child context.
/// If the span is not from a child context, it will be used directly instead.
/// e.g. Given the expression `&vec![]`, getting a snippet from the span for `vec![]` as a HIR node
/// would result in `box []`. If given the context of the address of expression, this function will
/// correctly get a snippet of `vec![]`.
/// This will also return whether or not the snippet is a macro call.
pub fn snippet_with_context(
cx: &LateContext<'_>,
span: Span,
outer: SyntaxContext,
default: &'a str,
applicability: &mut Applicability,
) -> (Cow<'a, str>, bool) {
let (span, is_macro_call) = walk_span_to_context(span, outer).map_or_else(
|| {
// The span is from a macro argument, and the outer context is the macro using the argument
if *applicability != Applicability::Unspecified {
*applicability = Applicability::MaybeIncorrect;
// TODO: get the argument span.
(span, false)
|outer_span| (outer_span, span.ctxt() != outer),
snippet_with_applicability(cx, span, default, applicability),
/// Walks the span up to the target context, thereby returning the macro call site if the span is
/// inside a macro expansion, or the original span if it is not. Note this will return `None` in the
/// case of the span being in a macro expansion, but the target context is from expanding a macro
/// argument.
/// Given the following
/// ```rust,ignore
/// macro_rules! m { ($e:expr) => { f($e) }; }
/// g(m!(0))
/// ```
/// If called with a span of the call to `f` and a context of the call to `g` this will return a
/// span containing `m!(0)`. However, if called with a span of the literal `0` this will give a span
/// containing `0` as the context is the same as the outer context.
/// This will traverse through multiple macro calls. Given the following:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// macro_rules! m { ($e:expr) => { n!($e, 0) }; }
/// macro_rules! n { ($e:expr, $f:expr) => { f($e, $f) }; }
/// g(m!(0))
/// ```
/// If called with a span of the call to `f` and a context of the call to `g` this will return a
/// span containing `m!(0)`.
pub fn walk_span_to_context(span: Span, outer: SyntaxContext) -> Option<Span> {
let outer_span = hygiene::walk_chain(span, outer);
(outer_span.ctxt() == outer).then(|| outer_span)
/// Removes block comments from the given `Vec` of lines.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust,ignore
/// without_block_comments(vec!["/*", "foo", "*/"]);
/// // => vec![]
/// without_block_comments(vec!["bar", "/*", "foo", "*/"]);
/// // => vec!["bar"]
/// ```
pub fn without_block_comments(lines: Vec<&str>) -> Vec<&str> {
let mut without = vec![];
let mut nest_level = 0;
for line in lines {
if line.contains("/*") {
nest_level += 1;
} else if line.contains("*/") {
nest_level -= 1;
if nest_level == 0 {
mod test {
use super::{reindent_multiline, without_block_comments};
fn test_reindent_multiline_single_line() {
assert_eq!("", reindent_multiline("".into(), false, None));
assert_eq!("...", reindent_multiline("...".into(), false, None));
assert_eq!("...", reindent_multiline(" ...".into(), false, None));
assert_eq!("...", reindent_multiline("\t...".into(), false, None));
assert_eq!("...", reindent_multiline("\t\t...".into(), false, None));
fn test_reindent_multiline_block() {
if x {
} else {
}", reindent_multiline(" if x {
} else {
}".into(), false, None));
if x {
} else {
}", reindent_multiline(" if x {
} else {
}".into(), false, None));
fn test_reindent_multiline_empty_line() {
if x {
} else {
}", reindent_multiline(" if x {
} else {
}".into(), false, None));
fn test_reindent_multiline_lines_deeper() {
if x {
} else {
}", reindent_multiline("\
if x {
} else {
}".into(), true, Some(8)));
fn test_without_block_comments_lines_without_block_comments() {
let result = without_block_comments(vec!["/*", "", "*/"]);
println!("result: {:?}", result);
let result = without_block_comments(vec!["", "/*", "", "*/", "#[crate_type = \"lib\"]", "/*", "", "*/", ""]);
assert_eq!(result, vec!["", "#[crate_type = \"lib\"]", ""]);
let result = without_block_comments(vec!["/* rust", "", "*/"]);
let result = without_block_comments(vec!["/* one-line comment */"]);
let result = without_block_comments(vec!["/* nested", "/* multi-line", "comment", "*/", "test", "*/"]);
let result = without_block_comments(vec!["/* nested /* inline /* comment */ test */ */"]);
let result = without_block_comments(vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"]);
assert_eq!(result, vec!["foo", "bar", "baz"]);