Arthur Eubanks 6c348aca4e Adjust dbg.value/dbg.declare checks for LLVM update changes llvm.dbg.value/declare intrinsics to be in a different, out-of-instruction-line representation. For example
  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(...)

Update tests accordingly to work with both the old and new way.
2024-05-06 23:15:48 +00:00

19 lines
851 B

// Verify that `i32::cmp` FnDef type is declared with size 0 and align 1 in LLVM debuginfo.
//@ compile-flags: -O -g -Cno-prepopulate-passes
//@ ignore-msvc the types are mangled differently
use std::cmp::Ordering;
fn foo<F: FnOnce(&i32, &i32) -> Ordering>(v1: i32, v2: i32, compare: F) -> Ordering {
compare(&v1, &v2)
pub fn main() {
foo(0, 1, i32::cmp);
// CHECK: %compare.dbg.spill = alloca [0 x i8], align 1
// CHECK: dbg{{.}}declare({{(metadata )?}}ptr %compare.dbg.spill, {{(metadata )?}}![[VAR:.*]], {{(metadata )?}}!DIExpression()
// CHECK: ![[TYPE:.*]] = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, name: "fn(&i32, &i32) -> core::cmp::Ordering", baseType: !{{.*}}, align: 1, dwarfAddressSpace: {{.*}})
// CHECK: ![[VAR]] = !DILocalVariable(name: "compare", scope: !{{.*}}, file: !{{.*}}, line: {{.*}}, type: ![[TYPE]], align: 1)