
32 lines
1.4 KiB

warning: non-local `macro_rules!` definition, they should be avoided as they go against expectation
--> $DIR/auxiliary/
LL | macro_rules! outer_macro {
| ------------------------ in this expansion of `nested_macro_rules::outer_macro!`
LL | / macro_rules! inner_macro {
LL | | ($bang_macro:ident, $attr_macro:ident) => {
LL | | $bang_macro!($name);
LL | | #[$attr_macro] struct $attr_struct_name {}
LL | | }
LL | | }
| |_________^
::: $DIR/
LL | nested_macro_rules::outer_macro!(SecondStruct, SecondAttrStruct);
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
= help: remove the `#[macro_export]` or move this `macro_rules!` outside the of the current function `main`
= note: a `macro_rules!` definition is non-local if it is nested inside an item and has a `#[macro_export]` attribute
= note: one exception to the rule are anon-const (`const _: () = { ... }`) at top-level module
= note: this lint may become deny-by-default in the edition 2024 and higher, see the tracking issue <>
note: the lint level is defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #![warn(non_local_definitions)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: 1 warning emitted