mirror of
synced 2024-11-01 15:01:51 +00:00
223 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File
223 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Generate a Markdown table of all lints, and put it in README.md.
# With -n option, only print the new table to stdout.
# With -c option, print a warning and set exit status to 1 if a file would be
# changed.
import os
import re
import sys
declare_lint_re = re.compile(r'''
declare_lint! \s* [{(] \s*
pub \s+ (?P<name>[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*) \s*,\s*
(?P<level>Forbid|Deny|Warn|Allow) \s*,\s*
" (?P<desc>(?:[^"\\]+|\\.)*) " \s* [})]
''', re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL)
declare_deprecated_lint_re = re.compile(r'''
declare_deprecated_lint! \s* [{(] \s*
pub \s+ (?P<name>[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*) \s*,\s*
" (?P<desc>(?:[^"\\]+|\\.)*) " \s* [})]
''', re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL)
declare_restriction_lint_re = re.compile(r'''
declare_restriction_lint! \s* [{(] \s*
pub \s+ (?P<name>[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*) \s*,\s*
" (?P<desc>(?:[^"\\]+|\\.)*) " \s* [})]
''', re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL)
nl_escape_re = re.compile(r'\\\n\s*')
wiki_link = 'https://github.com/Manishearth/rust-clippy/wiki'
def collect(lints, deprecated_lints, restriction_lints, fn):
"""Collect all lints from a file.
Adds entries to the lints list as `(module, name, level, desc)`.
with open(fn) as fp:
code = fp.read()
for match in declare_lint_re.finditer(code):
# remove \-newline escapes from description string
desc = nl_escape_re.sub('', match.group('desc'))
desc.replace('\\"', '"')))
for match in declare_deprecated_lint_re.finditer(code):
# remove \-newline escapes from description string
desc = nl_escape_re.sub('', match.group('desc'))
desc.replace('\\"', '"')))
for match in declare_restriction_lint_re.finditer(code):
# remove \-newline escapes from description string
desc = nl_escape_re.sub('', match.group('desc'))
desc.replace('\\"', '"')))
def gen_table(lints, link=None):
"""Write lint table in Markdown format."""
if link:
lints = [(p, '[%s](%s#%s)' % (l, link, l), lvl, d)
for (p, l, lvl, d) in lints]
# first and third column widths
w_name = max(len(l[1]) for l in lints)
w_desc = max(len(l[3]) for l in lints)
# header and underline
yield '%-*s | default | meaning\n' % (w_name, 'name')
yield '%s-|-%s-|-%s\n' % ('-' * w_name, '-' * 7, '-' * w_desc)
# one table row per lint
for (_, name, default, meaning) in sorted(lints, key=lambda l: l[1]):
yield '%-*s | %-7s | %s\n' % (w_name, name, default, meaning)
def gen_group(lints, levels=None):
"""Write lint group (list of all lints in the form module::NAME)."""
if levels:
lints = [tup for tup in lints if tup[2] in levels]
for (module, name, _, _) in sorted(lints):
yield ' %s::%s,\n' % (module, name.upper())
def gen_mods(lints):
"""Declare modules"""
for module in sorted(set(lint[0] for lint in lints)):
yield 'pub mod %s;\n' % module
def gen_deprecated(lints):
"""Declare deprecated lints"""
for lint in lints:
yield ' store.register_removed("%s", "%s");\n' % (lint[1], lint[2])
def replace_region(fn, region_start, region_end, callback,
replace_start=True, write_back=True):
"""Replace a region in a file delimited by two lines matching regexes.
A callback is called to write the new region. If `replace_start` is true,
the start delimiter line is replaced as well. The end delimiter line is
never replaced.
# read current content
with open(fn) as fp:
lines = list(fp)
# replace old region with new region
new_lines = []
in_old_region = False
for line in lines:
if in_old_region:
if re.search(region_end, line):
in_old_region = False
elif re.search(region_start, line):
if not replace_start:
# old region starts here
in_old_region = True
# write back to file
if write_back:
with open(fn, 'w') as fp:
# if something changed, return true
return lines != new_lines
def main(print_only=False, check=False):
lints = []
deprecated_lints = []
restriction_lints = []
# check directory
if not os.path.isfile('src/lib.rs'):
print('Error: call this script from clippy checkout directory!')
# collect all lints from source files
for root, _, files in os.walk('src'):
for fn in files:
if fn.endswith('.rs'):
collect(lints, deprecated_lints, restriction_lints,
os.path.join(root, fn))
if print_only:
sys.stdout.writelines(gen_table(lints + restriction_lints))
# replace table in README.md
changed = replace_region(
'README.md', r'^name +\|', '^$',
lambda: gen_table(lints + restriction_lints, link=wiki_link),
write_back=not check)
changed |= replace_region(
r'^There are \d+ lints included in this crate:', "",
lambda: ['There are %d lints included in this crate:\n' % (len(lints)
+ len(restriction_lints))],
write_back=not check)
# update the links in the CHANGELOG
changed |= replace_region(
"<!-- begin autogenerated links to wiki -->",
"<!-- end autogenerated links to wiki -->",
lambda: ["[`{0}`]: {1}#{0}\n".format(l[1], wiki_link) for l in
sorted(lints + restriction_lints + deprecated_lints,
key=lambda l: l[1])],
replace_start=False, write_back=not check)
# update the `pub mod` list
changed |= replace_region(
'src/lib.rs', r'begin lints modules', r'end lints modules',
lambda: gen_mods(lints + restriction_lints),
replace_start=False, write_back=not check)
# same for "clippy" lint collection
changed |= replace_region(
'src/lib.rs', r'reg.register_lint_group\("clippy"', r'\]\);',
lambda: gen_group(lints, levels=('warn', 'deny')),
replace_start=False, write_back=not check)
# same for "deprecated" lint collection
changed |= replace_region(
'src/lib.rs', r'let mut store', r'end deprecated lints',
lambda: gen_deprecated(deprecated_lints),
write_back=not check)
# same for "clippy_pedantic" lint collection
changed |= replace_region(
'src/lib.rs', r'reg.register_lint_group\("clippy_pedantic"', r'\]\);',
lambda: gen_group(lints, levels=('allow',)),
replace_start=False, write_back=not check)
# same for "clippy_restrictions" lint collection
changed |= replace_region(
'src/lib.rs', r'reg.register_lint_group\("clippy_restrictions"',
r'\]\);', lambda: gen_group(restriction_lints),
replace_start=False, write_back=not check)
if check and changed:
print('Please run util/update_lints.py to regenerate lints lists.')
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(main(print_only='-n' in sys.argv, check='-c' in sys.argv))