2023-06-07 17:42:04 +02:00

68 lines
2.5 KiB

// Ensures that the theme change is working as expected.
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/test_docs/index.html"
set-local-storage: {"rustdoc-use-system-theme": "false", "rustdoc-theme": "dark"}
store-value: (background_light, "white")
store-value: (background_dark, "#353535")
store-value: (background_ayu, "#0f1419")
click: "#settings-menu"
wait-for: "#theme-ayu"
click: "#theme-ayu"
// should be the ayu theme so let's check the color.
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_ayu| })
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-theme": "ayu" }
click: "#theme-light"
// should be the light theme so let's check the color.
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_light| })
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-theme": "light" }
click: "#theme-dark"
// Should be the dark theme so let's check the color.
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_dark| })
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-theme": "dark" }
set-local-storage: {
"rustdoc-preferred-light-theme": "light",
"rustdoc-preferred-dark-theme": "light",
go-to: "file://" + |DOC_PATH| + "/settings.html"
wait-for: "#settings"
click: "#theme-light"
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_light| })
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-theme": "light" }
click: "#theme-dark"
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_dark| })
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-theme": "dark" }
click: "#theme-ayu"
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_ayu| })
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-theme": "ayu" }
assert-local-storage-false: { "rustdoc-use-system-theme": "true" }
click: "#theme-system-preference"
wait-for: "#preferred-light-theme.setting-line:not(.hidden)"
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-use-system-theme": "true" }
// We click on both preferred light and dark themes to be sure that there is a change.
click: "#preferred-light-theme-dark"
click: "#preferred-dark-theme-dark"
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_dark| })
// Ensure that the "preferred themes" are still displayed.
wait-for: "#preferred-light-theme.setting-line:not(.hidden)"
click: "#theme-light"
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_light| })
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-theme": "light" }
// Ensure it's now hidden again
wait-for: "#preferred-light-theme.setting-line.hidden"
// And ensure the theme was rightly set.
wait-for-css: ("body", { "background-color": |background_light| })
assert-local-storage: { "rustdoc-theme": "light" }
wait-for: "#settings"
assert: "#preferred-light-theme.setting-line.hidden"