Simplify coverage tests

This change reduces the risk of impacting coverage tests on unrelated
changes (such as MIR and Span changes), and reduces the burden when
blessing coverage changes in case it is necessary.

* Remove all spanview tests. The spanview tests were useful during
  development, but they can be generated as needed, via compiler command
  line flags. They aren't critical to confirming coverage results. (The
  coverage report tests are sufficient.)

  When spanview regeneration was necessary, the diffs were way too hard
  to read to be useful anyway. So I'm removing them to reduce friction
  from a feature that is no longer useful.

* Remove the requirement for `llvm-cov show --debug` when blessing
  tests. The `--debug` flag is, unfortunately, only available if LLVM is
  built with `optimize = false` (in Rust's config.toml). This adds
  significant time and resource burdens to the contributor's build. As
  it turns out, for other reasons in the past, I wasn't actually using
  the debug output (counter info) to validate coverage anymore either,
  so it was required for no reason, I now realize.
This commit is contained in:
Rich Kadel 2021-04-01 12:25:45 -07:00
parent 4fa76a4a77
commit fad5388039
131 changed files with 0 additions and 26664 deletions

View File

@ -61,13 +61,6 @@ endif
# When generating `expected_*` results (using ` test --bless`), the `--debug` flag is forced.
# If assertions are disabled, the command will fail with an error, rather than attempt to generate
# only partial results.
all: $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/lib/,%,$(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/lib/*.rs)) $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/,%,$(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/*.rs))
# Ensure there are no `expected` results for tests that may have been removed or renamed
@ -177,76 +170,3 @@ else
false \
# The following Makefile content was used to copy the generated `counters` files
# to `expected_` files (when `--bless`ed) and to compare them via `diff`; but for
# multiple reasons, these files cannot easily be used for test validation:
# * Output lines can be produced in non-deterministic order (depending on the
# target platform, and sometimes on unrelated codegen changes).
# * Some lines include demangled function names, making them more challenging
# to interpret and compare.
# The files are still generated (in `$(TMPDIR)`) to support developers wanting
# to inspect the counters, for debugging purposes.
# cp "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_show_coverage_counters.$@.txt \
# expected_show_coverage_counters.$@.txt
# else
# ifdef DEBUG_FLAG
# $(DIFF) expected_show_coverage_counters.$@.txt "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_show_coverage_counters.$@.txt || \
# ( grep -q '^\/\/ ignore-llvm-cov-show-diffs' $(SOURCEDIR)/$ && \
# >&2 echo 'diff failed, but suppressed with `// ignore-llvm-cov-show-diffs` in $(SOURCEDIR)/$' \
# ) || \
# ( >&2 echo 'diff failed, and not suppressed without `// ignore-llvm-cov-show-diffs` in $(SOURCEDIR)/$'; \
# >&2 echo '(Ignore anyway until mangled function names in "counters" files are demangled.)' \
# )
# endif
# endif
# The following Makefile content, and short JSON script, were used to generate
# coverage reports in JSON when the `llvm-cov show` reports were less reliable for
# testing. At the present time, however, the `llvm-cov show` results, and methods
# for comparing them, are working for all tests, making the JSON reports redundant.
# If this changes in the future, the scripts are left here, commented out, but can
# be resurrected if desired. This could be used to compare *only* the JSON files;
# and in that case, the `llvm-cov show` reports can be ignored by inserting
# `// ignore-llvm-cov-show-diffs` at the top of the source file.
# # Generate a coverage report in JSON, using `llvm-cov export`, and fail if
# # there are differences from the expected output.
# "$(LLVM_BIN_DIR)"/llvm-cov export \
# --summary-only \
# --instr-profile="$(TMPDIR)"/$@.profdata \
# $(call BIN,"$(TMPDIR)"/$@) \
# | "$(PYTHON)" $(BASEDIR)/ \
# > "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_export_coverage.$@.json
# cp "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_export_coverage.$@.json expected_export_coverage.$@.json
# else
# # Check that exported JSON coverage data matches what we expect (`--bless` refreshes `expected`)
# $(DIFF) expected_export_coverage.$@.json "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_export_coverage.$@.json
# endif
# # # If generating coverage reports in JSON, this Makefile is accompanied by
# # # a Python script, ``, which is defined:
# #
# # #!/usr/bin/env python
# #
# # import sys
# # import json
# #
# # # Try to decode line in order to ensure it is a valid JSON document
# # for line in sys.stdin:
# # parsed = json.loads(line)
# # print (json.dumps(parsed, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True))

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
# needs-profiler-support
# min-llvm-version: 11.0
-include ../coverage/
<!DOCTYPE html>
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For revisions in Pull Requests (PR):
* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
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all: $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/lib/,%,$(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/lib/*.rs)) $(patsubst $(SOURCEDIR)/,%,$(wildcard $(SOURCEDIR)/*.rs))
# Ensure there are no `expected` results for tests that may have been removed or renamed
.PHONY: clear_expected_if_blessed
rm -rf expected_mir_dump.*/
-include clear_expected_if_blessed
# FIXME(richkadel): The actions for these two types of targets (libraries and binaries) should be
# combined.
%: $(SOURCEDIR)/lib/
# Compile the test library with coverage instrumentation
$(RUSTC) $(SOURCEDIR)/lib/$ \
$$( sed -n 's/^\/\/ compile-flags: \([^#]*\).*/\1/p' $(SOURCEDIR)/lib/$ ) \
--crate-type rlib \
-Ztrim-diagnostic-paths=no \
-Zdump-mir=InstrumentCoverage -Zdump-mir-spanview -Zdump-mir-dir="$(TMPDIR)"/mir_dump.$@ \
for path in "$(TMPDIR)"/mir_dump.$@/*; do \
file="$$(basename "$$path")"; \
urlescaped="$$("$(PYTHON)" $(BASEDIR)/ $$file)" || exit $$?; \
printf "$$SPANVIEW_HEADER\n" "$@" "$$urlescaped" > "$$path".modified; \
tail -n +2 "$$path" >> "$$path".modified; \
mv "$$path".modified "$$path"; \
done && true # for/done ends in non-zero status
mkdir -p expected_mir_dump.$@
cp "$(TMPDIR)"/mir_dump.$@/*InstrumentCoverage.0.html expected_mir_dump.$@/
# Check that the selected `mir_dump` files match what we expect (`--bless` refreshes `expected`)
mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_mir_dump.$@
rm -f "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_mir_dump.$@/*
cp "$(TMPDIR)"/mir_dump.$@/*InstrumentCoverage.0.html "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_mir_dump.$@/
$(DIFF) -r expected_mir_dump.$@/ "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_mir_dump.$@/
# Compile the test program with coverage instrumentation
$$( sed -n 's/^\/\/ compile-flags: \([^#]*\).*/\1/p' $(SOURCEDIR)/$ ) \
-L "$(TMPDIR)" \
-Ztrim-diagnostic-paths=no \
-Zdump-mir=InstrumentCoverage -Zdump-mir-spanview -Zdump-mir-dir="$(TMPDIR)"/mir_dump.$@ \
for path in "$(TMPDIR)"/mir_dump.$@/*; do \
file="$$(basename "$$path")"; \
urlescaped="$$("$(PYTHON)" $(BASEDIR)/ $$file)" || exit $$?; \
printf "$$SPANVIEW_HEADER\n" "$@" "$$urlescaped" > "$$path".modified; \
tail -n +2 "$$path" >> "$$path".modified; \
mv "$$path".modified "$$path"; \
done && true # for/done ends in non-zero status
mkdir -p expected_mir_dump.$@
cp "$(TMPDIR)"/mir_dump.$@/*InstrumentCoverage.0.html expected_mir_dump.$@/
# Check that the selected `mir_dump` files match what we expect (`--bless` refreshes `expected`)
mkdir -p "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_mir_dump.$@
rm -f "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_mir_dump.$@/*
cp "$(TMPDIR)"/mir_dump.$@/*InstrumentCoverage.0.html "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_mir_dump.$@/
$(DIFF) -r expected_mir_dump.$@/ "$(TMPDIR)"/actual_mir_dump.$@/

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
# Support python 2 or 3
from urllib.parse import quote
except ImportError:
from urllib import quote
# Converts the input string into a valid URL parameter string.
print (quote(' '.join(sys.argv[1:])))

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>abort.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 13"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:25-15:27: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
15:9-15:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(), u8&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:25-15:27: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
15:9-15:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"> let mut countdown = 10<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> while </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="16:11-16:20: @2[2]: _5 = _1
16:11-16:24: @2[3]: _4 = Gt(move _5, const 0_i32)
16:11-16:24: @2[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _4)"><span class="annotation">@1,2⦊</span>countdown &gt; 0<span class="annotation">⦉@1,2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="17:12-17:21: @5[3]: _8 = _1
17:12-17:25: @5[4]: _7 = Lt(move _8, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@3,5⦊</span>countdown &lt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@3,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="18:13-18:31: @6.Call: _9 = might_abort(const false) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb19]
17:26-19:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6,8⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="18:13-18:31: @6.Call: _9 = might_abort(const false) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb19]
17:26-19:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"> might_abort(false);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="18:13-18:31: @6.Call: _9 = might_abort(const false) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb19]
17:26-19:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:10-19:10: @7[0]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // See discussion (below the `Notes` section) on coverage results for the closing brace.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:12-21:21: @9[5]: _12 = _1
21:12-21:25: @9[6]: _11 = Lt(move _12, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@9⦊</span>countdown &lt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="21:28-21:46: @10.Call: _13 = might_abort(const false) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb19]
21:26-21:49: @12[1]: _10 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@10,12⦊</span>{ might_abort(false); }<span class="annotation">⦉@10,12</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:49-21:49: @11[0]: _10 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@11⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // Counts for different regions on one line.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // For the following example, the closing brace is the last character on the line.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // This shows the character after the closing brace is highlighted, even if that next</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // character is a newline.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="25:12-25:21: @13[5]: _16 = _1
25:12-25:25: @13[6]: _15 = Lt(move _16, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@13⦊</span>countdown &lt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@13</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:28-25:46: @14.Call: _17 = might_abort(const false) -&gt; [return: bb16, unwind: bb19]
25:26-25:49: @16[1]: _14 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@14,16⦊</span>{ might_abort(false); }<span class="annotation">⦉@14,16</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="25:49-25:49: @15[0]: _14 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@15⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@15</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="26:9-26:23: @17[2]: _18 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
26:9-26:23: @18[0]: _1 = move (_18.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@17,18⦊</span>countdown -= 1<span class="annotation">⦉@17,18</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:8-28:10: @4[4]: _20 = ()
28:5-28:11: @4[5]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _20)
29:2-29:2: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>Ok(())</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:8-28:10: @4[4]: _20 = ()
28:5-28:11: @4[5]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _20)
29:2-29:2: @4.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span></span></div>

View File

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
Preview this file as rendered HTML from the github source at:
For revisions in Pull Requests (PR):
* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>abort.might_abort - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
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font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 4"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn might_abort(should_abort: bool) <span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:8-6:20: @0[1]: _2 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>should_abort<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="7:18-7:31: @1[6]: _33 = const might_abort::promoted[3]
7:18-7:31: @1[7]: _9 = &amp;(*_33)
7:18-7:31: @1[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
7:18-7:31: @1[9]: _7 = move _8 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
7:9-7:33: @1[15]: _15 = ()
7:9-7:33: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _15)
7:9-7:33: @1[17]: _32 = const might_abort::promoted[2]
7:9-7:33: @1[18]: _13 = &amp;(*_32)
7:9-7:33: @1[19]: _12 = &amp;(*_13)
7:9-7:33: @1[20]: _11 = move _12 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
7:9-7:33: @1.Call: _6 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _7, move _11) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb7]
7:9-7:33: @3.Call: _5 = std::io::_print(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb7]
7:9-7:33: @4[5]: _4 = const ()
8:9-8:37: @4.Call: std::rt::begin_panic::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(const &quot;panics and aborts&quot;) -&gt; bb7"><span class="annotation">@1,3,4⦊</span>println!("aborting...");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="7:18-7:31: @1[6]: _33 = const might_abort::promoted[3]
7:18-7:31: @1[7]: _9 = &amp;(*_33)
7:18-7:31: @1[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
7:18-7:31: @1[9]: _7 = move _8 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
7:9-7:33: @1[15]: _15 = ()
7:9-7:33: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _15)
7:9-7:33: @1[17]: _32 = const might_abort::promoted[2]
7:9-7:33: @1[18]: _13 = &amp;(*_32)
7:9-7:33: @1[19]: _12 = &amp;(*_13)
7:9-7:33: @1[20]: _11 = move _12 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
7:9-7:33: @1.Call: _6 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _7, move _11) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb7]
7:9-7:33: @3.Call: _5 = std::io::_print(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb7]
7:9-7:33: @4[5]: _4 = const ()
8:9-8:37: @4.Call: std::rt::begin_panic::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(const &quot;panics and aborts&quot;) -&gt; bb7"> panic!("panics and aborts");<span class="annotation">⦉@1,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:18-10:31: @2[6]: _31 = const might_abort::promoted[1]
10:18-10:31: @2[7]: _23 = &amp;(*_31)
10:18-10:31: @2[8]: _22 = &amp;(*_23)
10:18-10:31: @2[9]: _21 = move _22 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:33: @2[15]: _29 = ()
10:9-10:33: @2[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)
10:9-10:33: @2[17]: _30 = const might_abort::promoted[0]
10:9-10:33: @2[18]: _27 = &amp;(*_30)
10:9-10:33: @2[19]: _26 = &amp;(*_27)
10:9-10:33: @2[20]: _25 = move _26 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:33: @2.Call: _20 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _21, move _25) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb7]
10:9-10:33: @5.Call: _19 = std::io::_print(move _20) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb7]
10:9-10:33: @6[5]: _18 = const ()
9:12-11:6: @6[7]: _0 = const ()
12:2-12:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@2,5,6⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:18-10:31: @2[6]: _31 = const might_abort::promoted[1]
10:18-10:31: @2[7]: _23 = &amp;(*_31)
10:18-10:31: @2[8]: _22 = &amp;(*_23)
10:18-10:31: @2[9]: _21 = move _22 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:33: @2[15]: _29 = ()
10:9-10:33: @2[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)
10:9-10:33: @2[17]: _30 = const might_abort::promoted[0]
10:9-10:33: @2[18]: _27 = &amp;(*_30)
10:9-10:33: @2[19]: _26 = &amp;(*_27)
10:9-10:33: @2[20]: _25 = move _26 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:33: @2.Call: _20 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _21, move _25) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb7]
10:9-10:33: @5.Call: _19 = std::io::_print(move _20) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb7]
10:9-10:33: @6[5]: _18 = const ()
9:12-11:6: @6[7]: _0 = const ()
12:2-12:2: @6.Return: return"> println!("Don't Panic");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:18-10:31: @2[6]: _31 = const might_abort::promoted[1]
10:18-10:31: @2[7]: _23 = &amp;(*_31)
10:18-10:31: @2[8]: _22 = &amp;(*_23)
10:18-10:31: @2[9]: _21 = move _22 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:33: @2[15]: _29 = ()
10:9-10:33: @2[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)
10:9-10:33: @2[17]: _30 = const might_abort::promoted[0]
10:9-10:33: @2[18]: _27 = &amp;(*_30)
10:9-10:33: @2[19]: _26 = &amp;(*_27)
10:9-10:33: @2[20]: _25 = move _26 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:33: @2.Call: _20 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _21, move _25) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb7]
10:9-10:33: @5.Call: _19 = std::io::_print(move _20) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb7]
10:9-10:33: @6[5]: _18 = const ()
9:12-11:6: @6[7]: _0 = const ()
12:2-12:2: @6.Return: return"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:18-10:31: @2[6]: _31 = const might_abort::promoted[1]
10:18-10:31: @2[7]: _23 = &amp;(*_31)
10:18-10:31: @2[8]: _22 = &amp;(*_23)
10:18-10:31: @2[9]: _21 = move _22 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:33: @2[15]: _29 = ()
10:9-10:33: @2[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)
10:9-10:33: @2[17]: _30 = const might_abort::promoted[0]
10:9-10:33: @2[18]: _27 = &amp;(*_30)
10:9-10:33: @2[19]: _26 = &amp;(*_27)
10:9-10:33: @2[20]: _25 = move _26 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:33: @2.Call: _20 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _21, move _25) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb7]
10:9-10:33: @5.Call: _19 = std::io::_print(move _20) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb7]
10:9-10:33: @6[5]: _18 = const ()
9:12-11:6: @6[7]: _0 = const ()
12:2-12:2: @6.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@2,5,6</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>assert.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
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display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 8"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:25-10:27: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
10:9-10:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(),u8&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:25-10:27: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
10:9-10:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"> let mut countdown = 10<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> while </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:11-11:20: @2[2]: _5 = _1
11:11-11:24: @2[3]: _4 = Gt(move _5, const 0_i32)
11:11-11:24: @2[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _4)"><span class="annotation">@1,2⦊</span>countdown &gt; 0<span class="annotation">⦉@1,2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="12:12-12:21: @5[3]: _8 = _1
12:12-12:26: @5[4]: _7 = Eq(move _8, const 1_i32)"><span class="annotation">@3,5⦊</span>countdown == 1<span class="annotation">⦉@3,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:13-13:33: @6.Call: _9 = might_fail_assert(const 3_u32) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb15]
12:27-14:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6,8⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:13-13:33: @6.Call: _9 = might_fail_assert(const 3_u32) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb15]
12:27-14:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"> might_fail_assert(3);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:13-13:33: @6.Call: _9 = might_fail_assert(const 3_u32) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb15]
12:27-14:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:19-14:28: @7[2]: _11 = _1
14:19-14:32: @7[3]: _10 = Lt(move _11, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span>countdown &lt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="15:13-15:33: @9.Call: _12 = might_fail_assert(const 2_u32) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb15]
14:33-16:10: @11[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@9,11⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="15:13-15:33: @9.Call: _12 = might_fail_assert(const 2_u32) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb15]
14:33-16:10: @11[1]: _6 = const ()"> might_fail_assert(2);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="15:13-15:33: @9.Call: _12 = might_fail_assert(const 2_u32) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb15]
14:33-16:10: @11[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@9,11</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="16:10-16:10: @10[0]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@10⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="17:9-17:23: @13[2]: _13 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
17:9-17:23: @14[0]: _1 = move (_13.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@13,14⦊</span>countdown -= 1<span class="annotation">⦉@13,14</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:8-19:10: @4[4]: _15 = ()
19:5-19:11: @4[5]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _15)
20:2-20:2: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>Ok(())</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:8-19:10: @4[4]: _15 = ()
19:5-19:11: @4[5]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _15)
20:2-20:2: @4.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>assert.might_fail_assert - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
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font-style: italic;
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body:active .annotation {
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display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4⦊</span>fn might_fail_assert(one_plus_one: u32) <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:14-5:32: @0[6]: _53 = const might_fail_assert::promoted[3]
5:14-5:32: @0[7]: _7 = &amp;(*_53)
5:14-5:32: @0[8]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
5:14-5:32: @0[9]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
5:34-5:46: @0[17]: _14 = &amp;_1
5:5-5:48: @0[18]: _13 = (move _14,)
5:5-5:48: @0[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
5:5-5:48: @0[22]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;u32)
5:5-5:48: @0[25]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
5:5-5:48: @0[27]: _18 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
5:5-5:48: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
5:5-5:48: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
5:5-5:48: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
5:5-5:48: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
5:5-5:48: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
5:5-5:48: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb8]
5:5-5:48: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb8]
5:5-5:48: @3[6]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4⦊</span>println!("does 1 + 1 = {}?", one_plus_one);<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> assert_eq!(</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:16-6:21: @3[11]: _23 = CheckedAdd(const 1_u32, const 1_u32)"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4⦊</span>1 + 1<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">, one_plus_one, </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:37-6:61: @5[19]: _51 = const might_fail_assert::promoted[1]
6:37-6:61: @5[20]: _43 = &amp;(*_51)
6:37-6:61: @5[21]: _42 = &amp;(*_43)
6:37-6:61: @5[22]: _41 = move _42 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))"><span class="annotation">@5,7⦊</span>"the argument was wrong"<span class="annotation">⦉@5,7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:2-7:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.c-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
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body:active .annotation {
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span:hover .annotation {
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display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 4"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:8-6:9: @0[5]: _5 = _3
6:8-6:14: @0[6]: _4 = Eq(move _5, const 8_u8)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:8-6:9: @0[5]: _5 = _3
6:8-6:14: @0[6]: _4 = Eq(move _5, const 8_u8)"> if x == 8<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="7:9-7:10: @1[0]: _0 = const 1_u8"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>1<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="9:9-9:10: @2[0]: _0 = const 0_u8"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span>0<span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:2-11:2: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.c - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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span:hover .annotation {
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display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 4"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>async fn c(x: u8) -&gt; u8 <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if x == 8 {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 1</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 0</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span></span></div>

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<title>async.d-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 12"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="13:22-13:23: @0[0]: _0 = const 1_u8
13:25-13:25: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ 1 }</span></span></div>

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<title>async.d - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
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/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 12"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>async fn d() -&gt; u8 <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ 1 }</span></span></div>

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<title>async.e-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
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color: #223311;
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body:active .annotation {
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span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 14"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:22-15:23: @0[0]: _0 = const 1_u8
15:25-15:25: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ 1 }</span></span></div>

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<title>async.e - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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body:active .annotation {
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display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 14"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>async fn e() -&gt; u8 <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ 1 }</span></span></div>

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<title>async.executor-block_on-VTABLE-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
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font-style: italic;
display: none;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 23"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:38-24:74: @1[3]: _13 = (move _14,)
24:38-24:74: @1[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
24:38-24:74: @1[7]: _25 = (_13.0: &amp;std::fmt::Arguments)
24:38-24:74: @1[10]: _27 = &amp;(*_25)
24:38-24:74: @1[12]: _28 = &lt;std::fmt::Arguments as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r std::fmt::Arguments, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
24:38-24:74: @1.Call: _26 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;(move _27, move _28) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
24:38-24:74: @2[2]: _12 = [move _26]
24:38-24:74: @2[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
24:38-24:74: @2[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
24:38-24:74: @2[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:38-24:74: @2.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">$crate::panicking::panic_fmt($crate::format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+))</span></span></div>

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@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
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<title>async.executor-block_on-VTABLE-{closure#1} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
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filter: opacity(50%);
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 23"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:38-24:74: @1[3]: _13 = (move _14,)
24:38-24:74: @1[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
24:38-24:74: @1[7]: _25 = (_13.0: &amp;std::fmt::Arguments)
24:38-24:74: @1[10]: _27 = &amp;(*_25)
24:38-24:74: @1[12]: _28 = &lt;std::fmt::Arguments as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r std::fmt::Arguments, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
24:38-24:74: @1.Call: _26 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;(move _27, move _28) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
24:38-24:74: @2[2]: _12 = [move _26]
24:38-24:74: @2[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
24:38-24:74: @2[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
24:38-24:74: @2[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:38-24:74: @2.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">$crate::panicking::panic_fmt($crate::format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+))</span></span></div>

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<title>async.executor-block_on-VTABLE-{closure#2} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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color: #551133;
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saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 23"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:38-24:74: @1[3]: _13 = (move _14,)
24:38-24:74: @1[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
24:38-24:74: @1[7]: _25 = (_13.0: &amp;std::fmt::Arguments)
24:38-24:74: @1[10]: _27 = &amp;(*_25)
24:38-24:74: @1[12]: _28 = &lt;std::fmt::Arguments as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r std::fmt::Arguments, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
24:38-24:74: @1.Call: _26 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;(move _27, move _28) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
24:38-24:74: @2[2]: _12 = [move _26]
24:38-24:74: @2[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
24:38-24:74: @2[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
24:38-24:74: @2[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:38-24:74: @2.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">$crate::panicking::panic_fmt($crate::format_args!($fmt, $($arg)+))</span></span></div>

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@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>async.executor-block_on-VTABLE-{closure#3} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 116"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">|_| </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="117:17-117:19: @0[0]: _0 = ()
117:19-117:19: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>async.executor-block_on - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 109"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4,5⦊</span>pub fn block_on&lt;F: Future&gt;(mut future: F) -&gt; F::Output {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> let mut future = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&amp;mut future) };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> static VTABLE: RawWakerVTable = RawWakerVTable::new(</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> |_| unimplemented!("clone"),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> |_| unimplemented!("wake"),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> |_| unimplemented!("wake_by_ref"),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> |_| (),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> );</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> let waker = unsafe { Waker::from_raw(RawWaker::new(core::ptr::null(), &amp;VTABLE)) };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="111:54-111:65: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
111:35-111:66: @0.Call: _2 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::new_unchecked(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb20]
111:13-111:23: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
119:60-119:77: @1.Call: _6 = std::ptr::null::&lt;()&gt;() -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
119:80-119:86: @2[3]: _9 = const {alloc0: &amp;std::task::RawWakerVTable}
119:79-119:86: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
119:79-119:86: @2[5]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
119:46-119:87: @2.Call: _5 = std::task::RawWaker::new(move _6, move _7) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb20]
119:30-119:88: @3.Call: _4 = std::task::Waker::from_raw(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb20]
119:13-119:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
120:47-120:53: @4[7]: _12 = &amp;_4
120:47-120:53: @4[8]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
120:27-120:54: @4.Call: _10 = std::task::Context::from_waker(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb19]
120:13-120:24: @5[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> let mut context = Context::from_waker(&amp;waker)<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> loop {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if let Poll::Ready(</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="123:32-123:35: @12[1]: _20 = move ((_14 as Ready).0: &lt;F as std::future::Future&gt;::Output)"><span class="annotation">@10,12,14,15,16,17⦊</span>val<span class="annotation">⦉@10,12,14,15,16,17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">) = </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="123:39-123:45: @7[3]: _16 = &amp;mut _2
123:39-123:54: @7.Call: _15 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;&amp;mut F&gt;::as_mut(move _16) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb19]
123:60-123:72: @8[3]: _18 = &amp;mut _10
123:60-123:72: @8[4]: _17 = &amp;mut (*_18)
123:39-123:73: @8.Call: _14 = &lt;F as std::future::Future&gt;::poll(move _15, move _17) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb19]
123:39-123:73: @9[2]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _14)"><span class="annotation">@6,7,8,9⦊</span>future.as_mut().poll(&amp;mut context)<span class="annotation">⦉@6,7,8,9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> break </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="124:23-124:26: @12[2]: _0 = move _20"><span class="annotation">@10,12,14,15,16,17⦊</span>val<span class="annotation">⦉@10,12,14,15,16,17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="125:14-125:14: @11[0]: _13 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@11,13⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@11,13</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="127:6-127:6: @17.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@10,12,14,15,16,17⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@10,12,14,15,16,17</span></span></span></span></div>

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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 16"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="17:22-17:23: @0[0]: _0 = const 1_u8
17:25-17:25: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ 1 }</span></span></div>

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<title>async.f - Coverage Spans</title>
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counter-increment: line;
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 16"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>async fn f() -&gt; u8 <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ 1 }</span></span></div>

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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 18"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:32-19:43: @0[0]: _0 = [const false; 10]
19:45-19:45: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ [false; 10] }</span></span></div>

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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 18"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>async fn foo() -&gt; [bool; 10] <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ [false; 10] }</span></span></div>

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counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 20"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:11-22:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"><span class="annotation">@0,3,4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:11-22:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"> match x<span class="annotation">⦉@0,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-23:10: @17[3]: _4 = _3"><span class="annotation">@17⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:14-23:17: @3.Call: _8 = e() -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb58]
23:14-23:17: @4[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _8)"><span class="annotation">@0,3,4⦊</span>e()<span class="annotation">⦉@0,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">.await == </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:28: @15[2]: _24 = (*_5)"><span class="annotation">@10,13,15,16⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@10,13,15,16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:32-23:34: @17[4]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@17⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="24:9-24:10: @33[3]: _25 = _3"><span class="annotation">@33⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@33</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:14-24:17: @19.Call: _29 = f() -&gt; [return: bb20, unwind: bb51]
24:14-24:17: @20[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)"><span class="annotation">@1,19,20⦊</span>f()<span class="annotation">⦉@1,19,20</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">.await == </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="24:27-24:28: @31[2]: _44 = (*_26)"><span class="annotation">@26,29,31,32⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@26,29,31,32</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:32-24:34: @33[4]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@33⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@33</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:14-25:16: @2[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="27:2-27:2: @36.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@35,36⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@35,36</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.g - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
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display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 20"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>pub async fn g(x: u8) <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match x {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> y if e().await == y =&gt; (),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> y if f().await == y =&gt; (),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; (),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span></span></div>

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<title>async.h-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
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content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 28"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="32:11-32:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"><span class="annotation">@0,2,3⦊</span>{ // The function signature is counted when called, but the body is not</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="32:11-32:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"> // executed (not awaited) so the open brace has a `0` count (at least when</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="32:11-32:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"> // displayed with `llvm-cov show` in color-mode).</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="32:11-32:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"> match x<span class="annotation">⦉@0,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="33:9-33:10: @17[3]: _4 = _3"><span class="annotation">@17⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:14-33:19: @2.Call: _8 = foo() -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb33]
33:14-33:19: @3[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _8)"><span class="annotation">@0,2,3⦊</span>foo()<span class="annotation">⦉@0,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">.await[</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="33:26-33:27: @14[2]: _24 = (*_5)"><span class="annotation">@9,12,14,15,16⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@9,12,14,15,16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">] =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:32-33:34: @17[4]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@17⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="34:14-34:16: @1[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:2-36:2: @20.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@19,20⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@19,20</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.h - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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body:active .annotation {
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display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 28"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>async fn h(x: usize) <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ // The function signature is counted when called, but the body is not</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // executed (not awaited) so the open brace has a `0` count (at least when</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // displayed with `llvm-cov show` in color-mode).</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match x {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> y if foo().await[y] =&gt; (),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; (),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span></span></div>

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<title>async.i-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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.annotation {
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font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
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display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 37"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="42:11-42:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"><span class="annotation">@0,3,4⦊</span>{ // line coverage is 1, but there are 2 regions:</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="42:11-42:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"> // (a) the function signature, counted when the function is called; and</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="42:11-42:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"> // (b) the open brace for the function body, counted once when the body is</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="42:11-42:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"> // executed asynchronously.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="42:11-42:12: @0[3]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _3)"> match x<span class="annotation">⦉@0,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="43:9-43:10: @17[3]: _4 = _3"><span class="annotation">@17,19⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@17,19</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="43:16-43:17: @3[6]: _9 = _3
43:14-43:18: @3.Call: _8 = c(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb82]
43:14-43:18: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _8)"><span class="annotation">@0,3,4⦊</span>c(x)<span class="annotation">⦉@0,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">.await == </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="43:28-43:29: @15[3]: _26 = (*_5)
43:28-43:33: @15[4]: _25 = Add(move _26, const 1_u8)"><span class="annotation">@10,13,15,16⦊</span>y + 1<span class="annotation">⦉@10,13,15,16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =&gt; { </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="43:39-43:42: @17.Call: _28 = d() -&gt; [return: bb19, unwind: bb75]
43:39-43:42: @19[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _28)"><span class="annotation">@17,19⦊</span>d()<span class="annotation">⦉@17,19</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">.await; }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="44:9-44:10: @46[3]: _43 = _3"><span class="annotation">@46⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@46</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="44:14-44:17: @32.Call: _47 = f() -&gt; [return: bb33, unwind: bb68]
44:14-44:17: @33[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _47)"><span class="annotation">@1,32,33⦊</span>f()<span class="annotation">⦉@1,32,33</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">.await == </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="44:27-44:28: @44[3]: _63 = (*_44)
44:27-44:32: @44[4]: _62 = Add(move _63, const 1_u8)"><span class="annotation">@39,42,44,45⦊</span>y + 1<span class="annotation">⦉@39,42,44,45</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="44:36-44:38: @46[4]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@46⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@46</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="45:14-45:16: @2[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="47:2-47:2: @49.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@48,49⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@48,49</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.i - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 37"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>async fn i(x: u8) <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ // line coverage is 1, but there are 2 regions:</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // (a) the function signature, counted when the function is called; and</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // (b) the open brace for the function body, counted once when the body is</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // executed asynchronously.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match x {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> y if c(x).await == y + 1 =&gt; { d().await; }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> y if f().await == y + 1 =&gt; (),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; (),</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span></span></div>

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<title>async.j-c - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 50"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="52:12-52:13: @0[2]: _3 = _1
52:12-52:18: @0[3]: _2 = Eq(move _3, const 8_u8)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn c(x: u8) -&gt; u8 {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="52:12-52:13: @0[2]: _3 = _1
52:12-52:18: @0[3]: _2 = Eq(move _3, const 8_u8)"> if x == 8<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="53:13-53:14: @1[0]: _0 = const 1_u8"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>1<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // This line appears covered, but the 1-character expression span covering the `1`</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // is not executed. (`llvm-cov show` displays a `^0` below the `1` ). This is because</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // `fn j()` executes the open brace for the funciton body, followed by the function's</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // first executable statement, `match x`. Inner function declarations are not</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // "visible" to the MIR for `j()`, so the code region counts all lines between the</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // open brace and the first statement as executed, which is, in a sense, true.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // `llvm-cov show` overcomes this kind of situation by showing the actual counts</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // of the enclosed coverages, (that is, the `1` expression was not executed, and</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // accurately displays a `0`).</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="63:13-63:14: @2[0]: _0 = const 0_u8"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span>0<span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="65:6-65:6: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.j-d - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 65"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="66:20-66:21: @0[0]: _0 = const 1_u8
66:23-66:23: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn d() -&gt; u8 { 1 }<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.j-f - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
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display: inline-block;
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color: #223311;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 66"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="67:20-67:21: @0[0]: _0 = const 1_u8
67:23-67:23: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn f() -&gt; u8 { 1 }<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.j - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
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filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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color: #223311;
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color: #551133;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 48"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0,3,4⦊</span>fn j(x: u8) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // non-async versions of `c()`, `d()`, and `f()` to make it similar to async `i()`.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> fn c(x: u8) -&gt; u8 {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> if x == 8 {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> 1 // This line appears covered, but the 1-character expression span covering the `1`</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // is not executed. (`llvm-cov show` displays a `^0` below the `1` ). This is because</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // `fn j()` executes the open brace for the funciton body, followed by the function's</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // first executable statement, `match x`. Inner function declarations are not</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // "visible" to the MIR for `j()`, so the code region counts all lines between the</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // open brace and the first statement as executed, which is, in a sense, true.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // `llvm-cov show` overcomes this kind of situation by showing the actual counts</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // of the enclosed coverages, (that is, the `1` expression was not executed, and</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> // accurately displays a `0`).</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> 0</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> fn d() -&gt; u8 { 1 }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> fn f() -&gt; u8 { 1 }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:11-68:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> match x<span class="annotation">⦉@0,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="69:9-69:10: @5[3]: _2 = _1"><span class="annotation">@5,7⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@5,7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="69:16-69:17: @3[5]: _6 = _1
69:14-69:18: @3.Call: _5 = j::c(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb13]
69:22-69:23: @4[3]: _8 = (*_3)
69:22-69:27: @4[4]: _7 = Add(move _8, const 1_u8)
69:14-69:27: @4[6]: _4 = Eq(move _5, move _7)"><span class="annotation">@0,3,4⦊</span>c(x) == y + 1<span class="annotation">⦉@0,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="69:33-69:36: @5.Call: _9 = j::d() -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb13]
69:31-69:39: @7[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5,7⦊</span>{ d(); }<span class="annotation">⦉@5,7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="70:9-70:10: @10[3]: _10 = _1"><span class="annotation">@10⦊</span>y<span class="annotation">⦉@10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="70:14-70:17: @8.Call: _13 = j::f() -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb13]
70:21-70:22: @9[2]: _15 = (*_11)
70:21-70:26: @9[3]: _14 = Add(move _15, const 1_u8)
70:14-70:26: @9[5]: _12 = Eq(move _13, move _14)"><span class="annotation">@1,8,9⦊</span>f() == y + 1<span class="annotation">⦉@1,8,9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="70:30-70:32: @10[4]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@10⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="71:14-71:16: @2[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="73:2-73:2: @12.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@12⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@12</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.k - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
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text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
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line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 74"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="76:11-76:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn k(x: u8) { // unused function</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="76:11-76:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> match x<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 1 =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="77:14-77:16: @4[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@1,4⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@1,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 2 =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="78:14-78:16: @5[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@2,5⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@2,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="79:14-79:16: @3[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="81:2-81:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.l - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 82"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="84:11-84:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn l(x: u8) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="84:11-84:12: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"> match x<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 1 =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="85:14-85:16: @4[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@1,4⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@1,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 2 =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="86:14-86:16: @5[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@2,5⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@2,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="87:14-87:16: @3[0]: _0 = ()"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span>()<span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="89:2-89:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.m-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
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filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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background-color: #222222;
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display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 90"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="91:25-91:34: @0[1]: _3 = (_1.0: u8)
91:25-91:34: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
91:27-91:28: @0[4]: _4 = _3
91:27-91:32: @0[5]: _0 = Sub(move _4, const 1_u8)
91:34-91:34: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>{ x - 1 }<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>async.m - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 90"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>async fn m(x: u8) -&gt; u8 <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{ x - 1 }</span></span></div>

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@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
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<title>async.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
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line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 92"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return"> let _ = g(10);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return"> let _ = h(9);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return"> let mut future = Box::pin(i(8));</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return"> j(7);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return"> l(6);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return"> let _ = m(5);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return"> executor::block_on(future.as_mut());</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="94:13-94:18: @0.Call: _1 = g(const 10_u8) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb16]
95:13-95:17: @2.Call: _2 = h(const 9_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb16]
96:31-96:35: @4.Call: _4 = i(const 8_u8) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb16]
96:22-96:36: @5.Call: _3 = std::boxed::Box::&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;::pin(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb15]
96:9-96:19: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
97:5-97:9: @6.Call: _5 = j(const 7_u8) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
98:5-98:9: @7.Call: _6 = l(const 6_u8) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
99:13-99:17: @8.Call: _7 = m(const 5_u8) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
100:24-100:30: @10[4]: _10 = &amp;mut _3
100:24-100:39: @10.Call: _9 = std::pin::Pin::&lt;std::boxed::Box&lt;impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;::as_mut(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
100:5-100:40: @11.Call: _8 = executor::block_on::&lt;std::pin::Pin&lt;&amp;mut impl std::future::Future&gt;&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
93:11-101:2: @12[2]: _0 = const ()
101:2-101:2: @13.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
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<title>closure.main-{closure#0} - Coverage Spans</title>
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counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
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span:hover .annotation {
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display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 32"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">||</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="35:29-35:30: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
35:13-35:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
36:12-36:20: @0[5]: _4 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="35:29-35:30: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
35:13-35:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
36:12-36:20: @0[5]: _4 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="35:29-35:30: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
35:13-35:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
36:12-36:20: @0[5]: _4 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"> if is_false<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="37:13-37:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
36:21-38:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="37:13-37:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
36:21-38:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="37:13-37:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
36:21-38:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="38:10-38:10: @2[0]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="39:9-39:23: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;alt string 2&quot;
39:9-39:23: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
39:9-39:34: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
40:6-40:6: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3,4⦊</span>"alt string 2".to_owned()</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="39:9-39:23: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;alt string 2&quot;
39:9-39:23: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
39:9-39:34: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
40:6-40:6: @4.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@3,4</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>closure.main-{closure#10} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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filter: opacity(50%);
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color: #dddddd;
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border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 17"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">||</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="20:37-20:38: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
20:21-20:34: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
21:20-21:28: @0[5]: _4 = (*(_1.0: &amp;bool))"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="20:37-20:38: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
20:21-20:34: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
21:20-21:28: @0[5]: _4 = (*(_1.0: &amp;bool))"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="20:37-20:38: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
20:21-20:34: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
21:20-21:28: @0[5]: _4 = (*(_1.0: &amp;bool))"> if is_false<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:21-22:35: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
21:29-23:18: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:21-22:35: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
21:29-23:18: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:21-22:35: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
21:29-23:18: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:18-23:18: @2[0]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="24:17-24:31: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;alt string 1&quot;
24:17-24:31: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
24:17-24:42: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
25:14-25:14: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3,4⦊</span>"alt string 1".to_owned()</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="24:17-24:31: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;alt string 1&quot;
24:17-24:31: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
24:17-24:42: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
25:14-25:14: @4.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@3,4</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>closure.main-{closure#11} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 59"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">||</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="62:37-62:38: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
62:21-62:34: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
63:20-63:28: @0[5]: _4 = (*(_1.0: &amp;bool))"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="62:37-62:38: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
62:21-62:34: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
63:20-63:28: @0[5]: _4 = (*(_1.0: &amp;bool))"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="62:37-62:38: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
62:21-62:34: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
63:20-63:28: @0[5]: _4 = (*(_1.0: &amp;bool))"> if is_false<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="64:21-64:35: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
63:29-65:18: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="64:21-64:35: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
63:29-65:18: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="64:21-64:35: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
63:29-65:18: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="65:18-65:18: @2[0]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="66:17-66:31: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;alt string 3&quot;
66:17-66:31: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
66:17-66:42: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
67:14-67:14: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3,4⦊</span>"alt string 3".to_owned()</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="66:17-66:31: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;alt string 3&quot;
66:17-66:31: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
66:17-66:42: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
67:14-67:14: @4.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@3,4</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>closure.main-{closure#1} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
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background-color: #55bbff;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 74"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">||</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="77:29-77:30: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
77:13-77:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
78:12-78:20: @0[5]: _4 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="77:29-77:30: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
77:13-77:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
78:12-78:20: @0[5]: _4 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="77:29-77:30: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
77:13-77:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
78:12-78:20: @0[5]: _4 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"> if is_false<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="79:13-79:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
78:21-80:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="79:13-79:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
78:21-80:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="79:13-79:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
78:21-80:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="80:10-80:10: @2[0]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="81:9-81:23: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;alt string 4&quot;
81:9-81:23: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
81:9-81:34: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
82:6-82:6: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3,4⦊</span>"alt string 4".to_owned()</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="81:9-81:23: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;alt string 4&quot;
81:9-81:23: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
81:9-81:34: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
82:6-82:6: @4.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@3,4</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>closure.main-{closure#2} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 96"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">|val|</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="99:29-99:30: @0[1]: _3 = const 0_i32
99:13-99:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
100:12-100:20: @0[5]: _5 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="99:29-99:30: @0[1]: _3 = const 0_i32
99:13-99:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
100:12-100:20: @0[5]: _5 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="99:29-99:30: @0[1]: _3 = const 0_i32
99:13-99:26: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
100:12-100:20: @0[5]: _5 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"> if is_false<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="101:13-101:27: @1[0]: _3 = const 10_i32
100:21-102:10: @1[1]: _4 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="101:13-101:27: @1[0]: _3 = const 10_i32
100:21-102:10: @1[1]: _4 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="101:13-101:27: @1[0]: _3 = const 10_i32
100:21-102:10: @1[1]: _4 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="102:10-102:10: @2[0]: _4 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="103:17-103:23: @3[7]: _22 = const main::{closure#2}::promoted[0]
103:17-103:23: @3[8]: _10 = &amp;(*_22)
103:17-103:23: @3[9]: _9 = &amp;(*_10)
103:17-103:23: @3[10]: _8 = move _9 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
103:25-103:28: @3[18]: _17 = &amp;_2
103:9-103:29: @3[19]: _16 = (move _17,)
103:9-103:29: @3[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _16)
103:9-103:29: @3[23]: _18 = (_16.0: &amp;&amp;str)
103:9-103:29: @3[26]: _20 = &amp;(*_18)
103:9-103:29: @3[28]: _21 = &lt;&amp;str as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;str, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
103:9-103:29: @3.Call: _19 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(move _20, move _21) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb8]
103:9-103:29: @4[2]: _15 = [move _19]
103:9-103:29: @4[5]: _14 = &amp;_15
103:9-103:29: @4[6]: _13 = &amp;(*_14)
103:9-103:29: @4[7]: _12 = move _13 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
103:9-103:29: @4.Call: _7 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _8, move _12) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb8]
103:9-103:29: @5.Call: _6 = std::fmt::format(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb8]
103:9-103:29: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
103:9-103:29: @6[6]: _0 = move _6
104:6-104:6: @7.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3,4,5,6,7⦊</span>format!("'{}'", val)</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="103:17-103:23: @3[7]: _22 = const main::{closure#2}::promoted[0]
103:17-103:23: @3[8]: _10 = &amp;(*_22)
103:17-103:23: @3[9]: _9 = &amp;(*_10)
103:17-103:23: @3[10]: _8 = move _9 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
103:25-103:28: @3[18]: _17 = &amp;_2
103:9-103:29: @3[19]: _16 = (move _17,)
103:9-103:29: @3[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _16)
103:9-103:29: @3[23]: _18 = (_16.0: &amp;&amp;str)
103:9-103:29: @3[26]: _20 = &amp;(*_18)
103:9-103:29: @3[28]: _21 = &lt;&amp;str as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;str, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
103:9-103:29: @3.Call: _19 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(move _20, move _21) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb8]
103:9-103:29: @4[2]: _15 = [move _19]
103:9-103:29: @4[5]: _14 = &amp;_15
103:9-103:29: @4[6]: _13 = &amp;(*_14)
103:9-103:29: @4[7]: _12 = move _13 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
103:9-103:29: @4.Call: _7 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _8, move _12) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb8]
103:9-103:29: @5.Call: _6 = std::fmt::format(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb8]
103:9-103:29: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
103:9-103:29: @6[6]: _0 = move _6
104:6-104:6: @7.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@3,4,5,6,7</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>closure.main-{closure#3} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
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display: none;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 119"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">|</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> mut countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> |</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="124:12-124:20: @0[2]: _4 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="124:12-124:20: @0[2]: _4 = (*((*_1).0: &amp;bool))"> if is_false<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="125:13-125:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
124:21-126:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="125:13-125:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
124:21-126:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="125:13-125:27: @1[0]: _2 = const 10_i32
124:21-126:10: @1[1]: _3 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="126:10-126:10: @2[0]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="127:9-127:35: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;closure should be unused&quot;
127:9-127:35: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
127:9-127:46: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
128:6-128:6: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3,4⦊</span>"closure should be unused".to_owned()</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="127:9-127:35: @3[4]: _6 = const &quot;closure should be unused&quot;
127:9-127:35: @3[5]: _5 = &amp;(*_6)
127:9-127:46: @3.Call: _0 = &lt;str as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
128:6-128:6: @4.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@3,4</span></span></span></span></div>

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
Preview this file as rendered HTML from the github source at:
For revisions in Pull Requests (PR):
* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>closure.main-{closure#4} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 130"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">| _unused_arg: u8 | </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="131:53-131:67: @0[0]: (*((*_1).0: &amp;mut i32)) = Add((*((*_1).0: &amp;mut i32)), const 1_i32)
131:53-131:67: @0[1]: _0 = const ()
131:67-131:67: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>countdown += 1<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span></span></div>

View File

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>closure.main-{closure#5} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 95"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="96:23-98:6: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#5}::promoted[1]
96:23-98:6: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
96:23-98:6: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
96:23-98:6: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
97:28-97:61: @0[14]: _13 = ()
97:28-97:61: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
97:28-97:61: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#5}::promoted[0]
97:28-97:61: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
97:28-97:61: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
97:28-97:61: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
97:28-97:61: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
97:9-97:62: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
96:23-98:6: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
96:23-98:6: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="96:23-98:6: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#5}::promoted[1]
96:23-98:6: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
96:23-98:6: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
96:23-98:6: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
97:28-97:61: @0[14]: _13 = ()
97:28-97:61: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
97:28-97:61: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#5}::promoted[0]
97:28-97:61: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
97:28-97:61: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
97:28-97:61: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
97:28-97:61: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
97:9-97:62: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
96:23-98:6: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
96:23-98:6: @2.Return: return"> $crate::io::_print($crate::format_args_nl!($($arg)*));</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="96:23-98:6: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#5}::promoted[1]
96:23-98:6: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
96:23-98:6: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
96:23-98:6: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
97:28-97:61: @0[14]: _13 = ()
97:28-97:61: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
97:28-97:61: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#5}::promoted[0]
97:28-97:61: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
97:28-97:61: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
97:28-97:61: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
97:28-97:61: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
97:9-97:62: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
96:23-98:6: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
96:23-98:6: @2.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>closure.main-{closure#6} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 140"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">| _unused_arg: u8 | </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="141:70-141:82: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#6}::promoted[1]
141:70-141:82: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
141:70-141:82: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
141:70-141:82: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
141:61-141:83: @0[14]: _13 = ()
141:61-141:83: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
141:61-141:83: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#6}::promoted[0]
141:61-141:83: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
141:61-141:83: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
141:61-141:83: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
141:61-141:83: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
141:61-141:83: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
141:61-141:83: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
141:85-141:85: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2⦊</span>{ println!("not called") }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>closure.main-{closure#7} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 142"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">| _unused_arg: u8 | </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="144:18-144:30: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#7}::promoted[1]
144:18-144:30: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
144:18-144:30: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
144:18-144:30: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
144:9-144:31: @0[14]: _13 = ()
144:9-144:31: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
144:9-144:31: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#7}::promoted[0]
144:9-144:31: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
144:9-144:31: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
144:9-144:31: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
144:9-144:31: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
144:9-144:31: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
144:9-144:31: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
145:6-145:6: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="144:18-144:30: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#7}::promoted[1]
144:18-144:30: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
144:18-144:30: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
144:18-144:30: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
144:9-144:31: @0[14]: _13 = ()
144:9-144:31: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
144:9-144:31: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#7}::promoted[0]
144:9-144:31: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
144:9-144:31: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
144:9-144:31: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
144:9-144:31: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
144:9-144:31: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
144:9-144:31: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
145:6-145:6: @2.Return: return"> println!("not called")</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="144:18-144:30: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#7}::promoted[1]
144:18-144:30: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
144:18-144:30: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
144:18-144:30: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
144:9-144:31: @0[14]: _13 = ()
144:9-144:31: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
144:9-144:31: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#7}::promoted[0]
144:9-144:31: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
144:9-144:31: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
144:9-144:31: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
144:9-144:31: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
144:9-144:31: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
144:9-144:31: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
145:6-145:6: @2.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>closure.main-{closure#8} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 146"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">|</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _unused_arg: u8</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> | </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="149:18-149:30: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#8}::promoted[1]
149:18-149:30: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
149:18-149:30: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
149:18-149:30: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
149:9-149:31: @0[14]: _13 = ()
149:9-149:31: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
149:9-149:31: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#8}::promoted[0]
149:9-149:31: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
149:9-149:31: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
149:9-149:31: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
149:9-149:31: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
149:9-149:31: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
149:9-149:31: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
149:33-149:33: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2⦊</span>{ println!("not called") }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>closure.main-{closure#9} - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 150"><span class="line"> <span class="code" style="--layer: 0">|</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _unused_arg: u8</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> | </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="153:18-153:30: @0[5]: _15 = const main::{closure#9}::promoted[1]
153:18-153:30: @0[6]: _7 = &amp;(*_15)
153:18-153:30: @0[7]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
153:18-153:30: @0[8]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
153:9-153:31: @0[14]: _13 = ()
153:9-153:31: @0[15]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
153:9-153:31: @0[16]: _14 = const main::{closure#9}::promoted[0]
153:9-153:31: @0[17]: _11 = &amp;(*_14)
153:9-153:31: @0[18]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
153:9-153:31: @0[19]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
153:9-153:31: @0.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
153:9-153:31: @1.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
153:9-153:31: @2[5]: _0 = const ()
153:33-153:33: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2⦊</span>{ println!("not called") }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>conditions.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() <span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="4:25-4:26: @0[1]: _1 = const 0_u32
4:9-4:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
5:8-5:12: @0[5]: _3 = const true"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="4:25-4:26: @0[1]: _1 = const 0_u32
4:9-4:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
5:8-5:12: @0[5]: _3 = const true"> if true<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:9-6:23: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_u32
5:13-7:6: @1[1]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:9-6:23: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_u32
5:13-7:6: @1[1]: _2 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:9-6:23: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_u32
5:13-7:6: @1[1]: _2 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:6-7:6: @2[0]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> const B: u32 = 100;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:10: @19[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)"><span class="annotation">@19⦊</span>x<span class="annotation">⦉@19</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> = if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:16-10:25: @3[5]: _6 = _1
10:16-10:29: @3[6]: _5 = Gt(move _6, const 7_u32)"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span>countdown &gt; 7<span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:23: @4[0]: _7 = CheckedSub(_1, const 4_u32)
11:9-11:23: @6[0]: _1 = move (_7.0: u32)
12:9-12:10: @6[1]: _4 = const main::B"><span class="annotation">@4,6⦊</span>countdown -= 4;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:23: @4[0]: _7 = CheckedSub(_1, const 4_u32)
11:9-11:23: @6[0]: _1 = move (_7.0: u32)
12:9-12:10: @6[1]: _4 = const main::B"> B<span class="annotation">⦉@4,6</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="13:15-13:24: @5[2]: _9 = _1
13:15-13:28: @5[3]: _8 = Gt(move _9, const 2_u32)"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span>countdown &gt; 2<span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="14:12-14:21: @7[5]: _14 = _1
14:12-14:25: @7[6]: _13 = Lt(move _14, const 1_u32)"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span>countdown &lt; 1<span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:29-14:38: @13[2]: _16 = _1
14:29-14:42: @13[3]: _15 = Gt(move _16, const 5_u32)"><span class="annotation">@13⦊</span>countdown &gt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@13</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="14:46-14:55: @10[2]: _18 = _1
14:46-14:60: @10[3]: _17 = Ne(move _18, const 9_u32)"><span class="annotation">@10⦊</span>countdown != 9<span class="annotation">⦉@10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:13-15:26: @15[0]: _1 = const 0_u32
14:61-16:10: @15[1]: _10 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@15⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:13-15:26: @15[0]: _1 = const 0_u32
14:61-16:10: @15[1]: _10 = const ()"> countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:13-15:26: @15[0]: _1 = const 0_u32
14:61-16:10: @15[1]: _10 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@15</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="16:10-16:10: @16[0]: _10 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@16⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="17:9-17:23: @17[2]: _19 = CheckedSub(_1, const 5_u32)
17:9-17:23: @18[0]: _1 = move (_19.0: u32)
18:9-18:18: @18[1]: _4 = _1"><span class="annotation">@17,18⦊</span>countdown -= 5;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="17:9-17:23: @17[2]: _19 = CheckedSub(_1, const 5_u32)
17:9-17:23: @18[0]: _1 = move (_19.0: u32)
18:9-18:18: @18[1]: _4 = _1"> countdown<span class="annotation">⦉@17,18</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="20:9-20:15: @8[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@8⦊</span>return<span class="annotation">⦉@8</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:25-23:26: @19[3]: _21 = const 0_i32
23:9-23:22: @19[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _21)
24:8-24:12: @19[7]: _23 = const true"><span class="annotation">@19⦊</span>mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:25-23:26: @19[3]: _21 = const 0_i32
23:9-23:22: @19[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _21)
24:8-24:12: @19[7]: _23 = const true"> if true<span class="annotation">⦉@19</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:9-25:23: @20[0]: _21 = const 10_i32
24:13-26:6: @20[1]: _22 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@20⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:9-25:23: @20[0]: _21 = const 10_i32
24:13-26:6: @20[1]: _22 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:9-25:23: @20[0]: _21 = const 10_i32
24:13-26:6: @20[1]: _22 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@20</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="26:6-26:6: @21[0]: _22 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@21⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@21</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="28:8-28:17: @22[5]: _26 = _21
28:8-28:21: @22[6]: _25 = Gt(move _26, const 7_i32)"><span class="annotation">@22⦊</span>countdown &gt; 7<span class="annotation">⦉@22</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="29:9-29:23: @23[0]: _27 = CheckedSub(_21, const 4_i32)
29:9-29:23: @25[0]: _21 = move (_27.0: i32)
28:22-30:6: @25[1]: _24 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@23,25⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="29:9-29:23: @23[0]: _27 = CheckedSub(_21, const 4_i32)
29:9-29:23: @25[0]: _21 = move (_27.0: i32)
28:22-30:6: @25[1]: _24 = const ()"> countdown -= 4;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="29:9-29:23: @23[0]: _27 = CheckedSub(_21, const 4_i32)
29:9-29:23: @25[0]: _21 = move (_27.0: i32)
28:22-30:6: @25[1]: _24 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@23,25</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="30:15-30:24: @24[2]: _29 = _21
30:15-30:28: @24[3]: _28 = Gt(move _29, const 2_i32)"><span class="annotation">@24⦊</span>countdown &gt; 2<span class="annotation">⦉@24</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:12-31:21: @26[5]: _34 = _21
31:12-31:25: @26[6]: _33 = Lt(move _34, const 1_i32)"><span class="annotation">@26⦊</span>countdown &lt; 1<span class="annotation">⦉@26</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="31:29-31:38: @32[2]: _36 = _21
31:29-31:42: @32[3]: _35 = Gt(move _36, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@32⦊</span>countdown &gt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@32</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:46-31:55: @29[2]: _38 = _21
31:46-31:60: @29[3]: _37 = Ne(move _38, const 9_i32)"><span class="annotation">@29⦊</span>countdown != 9<span class="annotation">⦉@29</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="32:13-32:26: @34[0]: _21 = const 0_i32
31:61-33:10: @34[1]: _30 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@34⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="32:13-32:26: @34[0]: _21 = const 0_i32
31:61-33:10: @34[1]: _30 = const ()"> countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="32:13-32:26: @34[0]: _21 = const 0_i32
31:61-33:10: @34[1]: _30 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@34</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:10-33:10: @35[0]: _30 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@35⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@35</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="34:9-34:23: @36[2]: _39 = CheckedSub(_21, const 5_i32)
34:9-34:23: @37[0]: _21 = move (_39.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@36,37⦊</span>countdown -= 5<span class="annotation">⦉@36,37</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:9-36:15: @27[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@27⦊</span>return<span class="annotation">⦉@27</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="39:8-39:12: @38[4]: _42 = const true"><span class="annotation">@38⦊</span>true<span class="annotation">⦉@38</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="40:29-40:30: @39[1]: _43 = const 0_i32
40:13-40:26: @39[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _43)
41:12-41:16: @39[5]: _45 = const true"><span class="annotation">@39⦊</span>mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="40:29-40:30: @39[1]: _43 = const 0_i32
40:13-40:26: @39[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _43)
41:12-41:16: @39[5]: _45 = const true"> if true<span class="annotation">⦉@39</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="42:13-42:27: @41[0]: _43 = const 10_i32
41:17-43:10: @41[1]: _44 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@41⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="42:13-42:27: @41[0]: _43 = const 10_i32
41:17-43:10: @41[1]: _44 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="42:13-42:27: @41[0]: _43 = const 10_i32
41:17-43:10: @41[1]: _44 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@41</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="43:10-43:10: @42[0]: _44 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@42⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@42</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="45:12-45:21: @43[4]: _47 = _43
45:12-45:25: @43[5]: _46 = Gt(move _47, const 7_i32)"><span class="annotation">@43⦊</span>countdown &gt; 7<span class="annotation">⦉@43</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="46:13-46:27: @44[0]: _48 = CheckedSub(_43, const 4_i32)
46:13-46:27: @46[0]: _43 = move (_48.0: i32)
45:26-47:10: @46[1]: _41 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@44,46⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="46:13-46:27: @44[0]: _48 = CheckedSub(_43, const 4_i32)
46:13-46:27: @46[0]: _43 = move (_48.0: i32)
45:26-47:10: @46[1]: _41 = const ()"> countdown -= 4;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="46:13-46:27: @44[0]: _48 = CheckedSub(_43, const 4_i32)
46:13-46:27: @46[0]: _43 = move (_48.0: i32)
45:26-47:10: @46[1]: _41 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@44,46</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="48:17-48:26: @45[2]: _50 = _43
48:17-48:30: @45[3]: _49 = Gt(move _50, const 2_i32)"><span class="annotation">@45⦊</span>countdown &gt; 2<span class="annotation">⦉@45</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="49:16-49:25: @47[5]: _55 = _43
49:16-49:29: @47[6]: _54 = Lt(move _55, const 1_i32)"><span class="annotation">@47⦊</span>countdown &lt; 1<span class="annotation">⦉@47</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="49:33-49:42: @53[2]: _57 = _43
49:33-49:46: @53[3]: _56 = Gt(move _57, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@53⦊</span>countdown &gt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@53</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="49:50-49:59: @50[2]: _59 = _43
49:50-49:64: @50[3]: _58 = Ne(move _59, const 9_i32)"><span class="annotation">@50⦊</span>countdown != 9<span class="annotation">⦉@50</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="50:17-50:30: @55[0]: _43 = const 0_i32
49:65-51:14: @55[1]: _51 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@55⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="50:17-50:30: @55[0]: _43 = const 0_i32
49:65-51:14: @55[1]: _51 = const ()"> countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="50:17-50:30: @55[0]: _43 = const 0_i32
49:65-51:14: @55[1]: _51 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@55</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="51:14-51:14: @56[0]: _51 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@56⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@56</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="52:13-52:27: @57[2]: _60 = CheckedSub(_43, const 5_i32)
52:13-52:27: @58[0]: _43 = move (_60.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@57,58⦊</span>countdown -= 5<span class="annotation">⦉@57,58</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="54:13-54:19: @48[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@48⦊</span>return<span class="annotation">⦉@48</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="56:6-56:6: @40[0]: _41 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@40⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@40</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // Note: closing brace shows uncovered (vs. `0` for implicit else) because condition literal</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // `true` was const-evaluated. The compiler knows the `if` block will be executed.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="59:25-59:26: @60[3]: _62 = const 0_i32
59:9-59:22: @60[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _62)
60:8-60:12: @60[7]: _64 = const true"><span class="annotation">@60⦊</span>mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="59:25-59:26: @60[3]: _62 = const 0_i32
59:9-59:22: @60[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _62)
60:8-60:12: @60[7]: _64 = const true"> if true<span class="annotation">⦉@60</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="61:9-61:22: @61[0]: _62 = const 1_i32
60:13-62:6: @61[1]: _63 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@61⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="61:9-61:22: @61[0]: _62 = const 1_i32
60:13-62:6: @61[1]: _63 = const ()"> countdown = 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="61:9-61:22: @61[0]: _62 = const 1_i32
60:13-62:6: @61[1]: _63 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@61</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="62:6-62:6: @62[0]: _63 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@62⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@62</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="64:9-64:10: @81[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _65)"><span class="annotation">@81⦊</span>z<span class="annotation">⦉@81</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> = if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="64:16-64:25: @63[5]: _67 = _62
64:16-64:29: @63[6]: _66 = Gt(move _67, const 7_i32)"><span class="annotation">@63⦊</span>countdown &gt; 7<span class="annotation">⦉@63</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="65:9-65:23: @64[0]: _68 = CheckedSub(_62, const 4_i32)
65:9-65:23: @66[0]: _62 = move (_68.0: i32)
64:30-66:6: @66[1]: _65 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@64,66⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="65:9-65:23: @64[0]: _68 = CheckedSub(_62, const 4_i32)
65:9-65:23: @66[0]: _62 = move (_68.0: i32)
64:30-66:6: @66[1]: _65 = const ()"> countdown -= 4;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="65:9-65:23: @64[0]: _68 = CheckedSub(_62, const 4_i32)
65:9-65:23: @66[0]: _62 = move (_68.0: i32)
64:30-66:6: @66[1]: _65 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@64,66</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="66:15-66:24: @65[2]: _70 = _62
66:15-66:28: @65[3]: _69 = Gt(move _70, const 2_i32)"><span class="annotation">@65⦊</span>countdown &gt; 2<span class="annotation">⦉@65</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="67:12-67:21: @67[5]: _75 = _62
67:12-67:25: @67[6]: _74 = Lt(move _75, const 1_i32)"><span class="annotation">@67⦊</span>countdown &lt; 1<span class="annotation">⦉@67</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="67:29-67:38: @73[2]: _77 = _62
67:29-67:42: @73[3]: _76 = Gt(move _77, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@73⦊</span>countdown &gt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@73</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="67:46-67:55: @70[2]: _79 = _62
67:46-67:60: @70[3]: _78 = Ne(move _79, const 9_i32)"><span class="annotation">@70⦊</span>countdown != 9<span class="annotation">⦉@70</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:13-68:26: @75[0]: _62 = const 0_i32
67:61-69:10: @75[1]: _71 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@75⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:13-68:26: @75[0]: _62 = const 0_i32
67:61-69:10: @75[1]: _71 = const ()"> countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="68:13-68:26: @75[0]: _62 = const 0_i32
67:61-69:10: @75[1]: _71 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@75</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="69:10-69:10: @76[0]: _71 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@76⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@76</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="70:9-70:23: @77[2]: _80 = CheckedSub(_62, const 5_i32)
70:9-70:23: @78[0]: _62 = move (_80.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@77,78⦊</span>countdown -= 5<span class="annotation">⦉@77,78</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="72:35-72:44: @68[1]: _82 = _62
72:13-72:32: @68[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _82)
73:18-73:27: @68[9]: _113 = const main::promoted[1]
73:18-73:27: @68[10]: _88 = &amp;(*_113)
73:18-73:27: @68[11]: _87 = &amp;(*_88)
73:18-73:27: @68[12]: _86 = move _87 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
73:9-73:29: @68[18]: _94 = ()
73:9-73:29: @68[19]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _94)
73:9-73:29: @68[20]: _112 = const main::promoted[0]
73:9-73:29: @68[21]: _92 = &amp;(*_112)
73:9-73:29: @68[22]: _91 = &amp;(*_92)
73:9-73:29: @68[23]: _90 = move _91 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
73:9-73:29: @68.Call: _85 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _86, move _90) -&gt; [return: bb79, unwind: bb102]
73:9-73:29: @79.Call: _84 = std::io::_print(move _85) -&gt; [return: bb80, unwind: bb102]
73:9-73:29: @80[5]: _83 = const ()
74:9-74:15: @80[7]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@68,79,80⦊</span>should_be_reachable = countdown;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="72:35-72:44: @68[1]: _82 = _62
72:13-72:32: @68[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _82)
73:18-73:27: @68[9]: _113 = const main::promoted[1]
73:18-73:27: @68[10]: _88 = &amp;(*_113)
73:18-73:27: @68[11]: _87 = &amp;(*_88)
73:18-73:27: @68[12]: _86 = move _87 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
73:9-73:29: @68[18]: _94 = ()
73:9-73:29: @68[19]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _94)
73:9-73:29: @68[20]: _112 = const main::promoted[0]
73:9-73:29: @68[21]: _92 = &amp;(*_112)
73:9-73:29: @68[22]: _91 = &amp;(*_92)
73:9-73:29: @68[23]: _90 = move _91 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
73:9-73:29: @68.Call: _85 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _86, move _90) -&gt; [return: bb79, unwind: bb102]
73:9-73:29: @79.Call: _84 = std::io::_print(move _85) -&gt; [return: bb80, unwind: bb102]
73:9-73:29: @80[5]: _83 = const ()
74:9-74:15: @80[7]: _0 = const ()"> println!("reached");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="72:35-72:44: @68[1]: _82 = _62
72:13-72:32: @68[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _82)
73:18-73:27: @68[9]: _113 = const main::promoted[1]
73:18-73:27: @68[10]: _88 = &amp;(*_113)
73:18-73:27: @68[11]: _87 = &amp;(*_88)
73:18-73:27: @68[12]: _86 = move _87 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
73:9-73:29: @68[18]: _94 = ()
73:9-73:29: @68[19]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _94)
73:9-73:29: @68[20]: _112 = const main::promoted[0]
73:9-73:29: @68[21]: _92 = &amp;(*_112)
73:9-73:29: @68[22]: _91 = &amp;(*_92)
73:9-73:29: @68[23]: _90 = move _91 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
73:9-73:29: @68.Call: _85 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _86, move _90) -&gt; [return: bb79, unwind: bb102]
73:9-73:29: @79.Call: _84 = std::io::_print(move _85) -&gt; [return: bb80, unwind: bb102]
73:9-73:29: @80[5]: _83 = const ()
74:9-74:15: @80[7]: _0 = const ()"> return<span class="annotation">⦉@68,79,80</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="77:9-77:10: @97[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _95)"><span class="annotation">@97⦊</span>w<span class="annotation">⦉@97</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> = if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="77:16-77:25: @81[5]: _97 = _62
77:16-77:29: @81[6]: _96 = Gt(move _97, const 7_i32)"><span class="annotation">@81⦊</span>countdown &gt; 7<span class="annotation">⦉@81</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="78:9-78:23: @82[0]: _98 = CheckedSub(_62, const 4_i32)
78:9-78:23: @84[0]: _62 = move (_98.0: i32)
77:30-79:6: @84[1]: _95 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@82,84⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="78:9-78:23: @82[0]: _98 = CheckedSub(_62, const 4_i32)
78:9-78:23: @84[0]: _62 = move (_98.0: i32)
77:30-79:6: @84[1]: _95 = const ()"> countdown -= 4;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="78:9-78:23: @82[0]: _98 = CheckedSub(_62, const 4_i32)
78:9-78:23: @84[0]: _62 = move (_98.0: i32)
77:30-79:6: @84[1]: _95 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@82,84</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="79:15-79:24: @83[2]: _100 = _62
79:15-79:28: @83[3]: _99 = Gt(move _100, const 2_i32)"><span class="annotation">@83⦊</span>countdown &gt; 2<span class="annotation">⦉@83</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="80:12-80:21: @85[5]: _105 = _62
80:12-80:25: @85[6]: _104 = Lt(move _105, const 1_i32)"><span class="annotation">@85⦊</span>countdown &lt; 1<span class="annotation">⦉@85</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="80:29-80:38: @91[2]: _107 = _62
80:29-80:42: @91[3]: _106 = Gt(move _107, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@91⦊</span>countdown &gt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@91</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="80:46-80:55: @88[2]: _109 = _62
80:46-80:60: @88[3]: _108 = Ne(move _109, const 9_i32)"><span class="annotation">@88⦊</span>countdown != 9<span class="annotation">⦉@88</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="81:13-81:26: @93[0]: _62 = const 0_i32
80:61-82:10: @93[1]: _101 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@93⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="81:13-81:26: @93[0]: _62 = const 0_i32
80:61-82:10: @93[1]: _101 = const ()"> countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="81:13-81:26: @93[0]: _62 = const 0_i32
80:61-82:10: @93[1]: _101 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@93</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="82:10-82:10: @94[0]: _101 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@94⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@94</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="83:9-83:23: @95[2]: _110 = CheckedSub(_62, const 5_i32)
83:9-83:23: @96[0]: _62 = move (_110.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@95,96⦊</span>countdown -= 5<span class="annotation">⦉@95,96</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="85:9-85:15: @86[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@86⦊</span>return<span class="annotation">⦉@86</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="87:2-87:2: @101.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@101⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@101</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>dead_code.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 26"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:19-31:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
31:19-31:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
31:19-31:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
31:19-31:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
31:9-31:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
33:25-33:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
33:9-33:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
34:8-34:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:19-31:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
31:19-31:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
31:19-31:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
31:19-31:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
31:9-31:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
33:25-33:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
33:9-33:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
34:8-34:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:19-31:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
31:19-31:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
31:19-31:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
31:19-31:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
31:9-31:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
33:25-33:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
33:9-33:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
34:8-34:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:19-31:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
31:19-31:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
31:19-31:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
31:19-31:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
31:9-31:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
33:25-33:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
33:9-33:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
34:8-34:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:19-31:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
31:19-31:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
31:19-31:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
31:19-31:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
31:9-31:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
33:25-33:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
33:9-33:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
34:8-34:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:19-31:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
31:19-31:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
31:19-31:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
31:19-31:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
31:9-31:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
33:25-33:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
33:9-33:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
34:8-34:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:19-31:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
31:19-31:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
31:19-31:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
31:19-31:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
31:9-31:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
33:25-33:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
33:9-33:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
34:8-34:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:19-31:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
31:19-31:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
31:19-31:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
31:19-31:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
31:9-31:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
33:25-33:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
33:9-33:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
34:8-34:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> if is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-35:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
34:16-36:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-35:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
34:16-36:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-35:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
34:16-36:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:6-36:6: @5[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="37:2-37:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
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<title>dead_code.unused_fn - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
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/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 14"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:19-19:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
19:19-19:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
19:19-19:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
19:19-19:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
19:9-19:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
21:25-21:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
21:9-21:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
22:8-22:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn unused_fn() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:19-19:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
19:19-19:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
19:19-19:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
19:19-19:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
19:9-19:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
21:25-21:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
21:9-21:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
22:8-22:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:19-19:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
19:19-19:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
19:19-19:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
19:19-19:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
19:9-19:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
21:25-21:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
21:9-21:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
22:8-22:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:19-19:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
19:19-19:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
19:19-19:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
19:19-19:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
19:9-19:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
21:25-21:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
21:9-21:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
22:8-22:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:19-19:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
19:19-19:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
19:19-19:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
19:19-19:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
19:9-19:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
21:25-21:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
21:9-21:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
22:8-22:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:19-19:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
19:19-19:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
19:19-19:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
19:19-19:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
19:9-19:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
21:25-21:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
21:9-21:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
22:8-22:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:19-19:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
19:19-19:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
19:19-19:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
19:19-19:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
19:9-19:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
21:25-21:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
21:9-21:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
22:8-22:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:19-19:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
19:19-19:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
19:19-19:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
19:19-19:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
19:9-19:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
21:25-21:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
21:9-21:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
22:8-22:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> if is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-23:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:16-24:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-23:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:16-24:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-23:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:16-24:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:6-24:6: @5[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:2-25:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>dead_code.unused_pub_fn_not_in_library - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>pub fn unused_pub_fn_not_in_library() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> if is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="12:6-12:6: @5[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:2-13:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
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<title>doctest.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 72"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() <span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="74:8-74:12: @0[1]: _1 = const true"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>true<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="75:9-75:26: @4[0]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="75:9-75:26: @3[1]: _15 = core::panicking::AssertKind::Eq
75:9-75:26: @3[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _15)
75:9-75:26: @3[5]: _17 = move _15
75:9-75:26: @3[8]: _19 = &amp;(*_8)
75:9-75:26: @3[9]: _18 = &amp;(*_19)
75:9-75:26: @3[12]: _21 = &amp;(*_9)
75:9-75:26: @3[13]: _20 = &amp;(*_21)
75:9-75:26: @3[15]: _22 = std::option::Option::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;::None
75:9-75:26: @3.Call: core::panicking::assert_failed::&lt;i32, i32&gt;(move _17, move _18, move _20, move _22) -&gt; bb8"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 1);<span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="75:9-75:26: @4[0]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="77:9-77:26: @6[0]: _23 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="77:9-77:26: @5[1]: _36 = core::panicking::AssertKind::Eq
77:9-77:26: @5[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _36)
77:9-77:26: @5[5]: _38 = move _36
77:9-77:26: @5[8]: _40 = &amp;(*_29)
77:9-77:26: @5[9]: _39 = &amp;(*_40)
77:9-77:26: @5[12]: _42 = &amp;(*_30)
77:9-77:26: @5[13]: _41 = &amp;(*_42)
77:9-77:26: @5[15]: _43 = std::option::Option::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;::None
77:9-77:26: @5.Call: core::panicking::assert_failed::&lt;i32, i32&gt;(move _38, move _39, move _41, move _43) -&gt; bb8"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 2);<span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="77:9-77:26: @6[0]: _23 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="79:2-79:2: @7.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>doctest_crate.fn_run_in_doctests - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 1"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>pub fn fn_run_in_doctests(conditional: usize) <span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="3:11-3:22: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>conditional<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 1 =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="4:14-4:30: @7[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="4:14-4:30: @6[1]: _14 = core::panicking::AssertKind::Eq
4:14-4:30: @6[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _14)
4:14-4:30: @6[5]: _16 = move _14
4:14-4:30: @6[8]: _18 = &amp;(*_7)
4:14-4:30: @6[9]: _17 = &amp;(*_18)
4:14-4:30: @6[12]: _20 = &amp;(*_8)
4:14-4:30: @6[13]: _19 = &amp;(*_20)
4:14-4:30: @6[15]: _21 = std::option::Option::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;::None
4:14-4:30: @6.Call: core::panicking::assert_failed::&lt;i32, i32&gt;(move _16, move _17, move _19, move _21) -&gt; bb17"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 1)<span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="4:14-4:30: @7[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">, // this is run,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 2 =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:14-5:30: @10[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@10⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="5:14-5:30: @9[1]: _34 = core::panicking::AssertKind::Eq
5:14-5:30: @9[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _34)
5:14-5:30: @9[5]: _36 = move _34
5:14-5:30: @9[8]: _38 = &amp;(*_27)
5:14-5:30: @9[9]: _37 = &amp;(*_38)
5:14-5:30: @9[12]: _40 = &amp;(*_28)
5:14-5:30: @9[13]: _39 = &amp;(*_40)
5:14-5:30: @9[15]: _41 = std::option::Option::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;::None
5:14-5:30: @9.Call: core::panicking::assert_failed::&lt;i32, i32&gt;(move _36, move _37, move _39, move _41) -&gt; bb17"><span class="annotation">@9⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 1)<span class="annotation">⦉@9</span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:14-5:30: @10[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">, // this,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 3 =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:14-6:30: @13[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@13⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="6:14-6:30: @12[1]: _54 = core::panicking::AssertKind::Eq
6:14-6:30: @12[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _54)
6:14-6:30: @12[5]: _56 = move _54
6:14-6:30: @12[8]: _58 = &amp;(*_47)
6:14-6:30: @12[9]: _57 = &amp;(*_58)
6:14-6:30: @12[12]: _60 = &amp;(*_48)
6:14-6:30: @12[13]: _59 = &amp;(*_60)
6:14-6:30: @12[15]: _61 = std::option::Option::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;::None
6:14-6:30: @12.Call: core::panicking::assert_failed::&lt;i32, i32&gt;(move _56, move _57, move _59, move _61) -&gt; bb17"><span class="annotation">@12⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 1)<span class="annotation">⦉@12</span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:14-6:30: @13[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@13</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">, // and this too</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:14-7:30: @15[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@15⦊</span></span></span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 2" title="7:14-7:30: @14[1]: _74 = core::panicking::AssertKind::Eq
7:14-7:30: @14[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _74)
7:14-7:30: @14[5]: _76 = move _74
7:14-7:30: @14[8]: _78 = &amp;(*_67)
7:14-7:30: @14[9]: _77 = &amp;(*_78)
7:14-7:30: @14[12]: _80 = &amp;(*_68)
7:14-7:30: @14[13]: _79 = &amp;(*_80)
7:14-7:30: @14[15]: _81 = std::option::Option::&lt;std::fmt::Arguments&gt;::None
7:14-7:30: @14.Call: core::panicking::assert_failed::&lt;i32, i32&gt;(move _76, move _77, move _79, move _81) -&gt; bb17"><span class="annotation">@14⦊</span>assert_eq!(1, 2)<span class="annotation">⦉@14</span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:14-7:30: @15[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">⦉@15</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">, // however this is not</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="9:2-9:2: @16.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@16⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@16</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>drop_trait.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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content: counter(line) ": ";
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body:active .annotation {
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 13"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:24-15:48: @0[1]: _1 = Firework { strength: const 1_i32 }
15:9-15:21: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
17:16-17:42: @0[4]: _2 = Firework { strength: const 100_i32 }
17:9-17:13: @0[5]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
19:8-19:12: @0[8]: _4 = const true"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(),u8&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:24-15:48: @0[1]: _1 = Firework { strength: const 1_i32 }
15:9-15:21: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
17:16-17:42: @0[4]: _2 = Firework { strength: const 100_i32 }
17:9-17:13: @0[5]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
19:8-19:12: @0[8]: _4 = const true"> let _firecracker = Firework { strength: 1 };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:24-15:48: @0[1]: _1 = Firework { strength: const 1_i32 }
15:9-15:21: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
17:16-17:42: @0[4]: _2 = Firework { strength: const 100_i32 }
17:9-17:13: @0[5]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
19:8-19:12: @0[8]: _4 = const true"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:24-15:48: @0[1]: _1 = Firework { strength: const 1_i32 }
15:9-15:21: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
17:16-17:42: @0[4]: _2 = Firework { strength: const 100_i32 }
17:9-17:13: @0[5]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
19:8-19:12: @0[8]: _4 = const true"> let _tnt = Firework { strength: 100 };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:24-15:48: @0[1]: _1 = Firework { strength: const 1_i32 }
15:9-15:21: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
17:16-17:42: @0[4]: _2 = Firework { strength: const 100_i32 }
17:9-17:13: @0[5]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
19:8-19:12: @0[8]: _4 = const true"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:24-15:48: @0[1]: _1 = Firework { strength: const 1_i32 }
15:9-15:21: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
17:16-17:42: @0[4]: _2 = Firework { strength: const 100_i32 }
17:9-17:13: @0[5]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
19:8-19:12: @0[8]: _4 = const true"> if true<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="20:18-20:41: @1[6]: _21 = const main::promoted[1]
20:18-20:41: @1[7]: _11 = &amp;(*_21)
20:18-20:41: @1[8]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
20:18-20:41: @1[9]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:9-20:43: @1[15]: _17 = ()
20:9-20:43: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _17)
20:9-20:43: @1[17]: _20 = const main::promoted[0]
20:9-20:43: @1[18]: _15 = &amp;(*_20)
20:9-20:43: @1[19]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
20:9-20:43: @1[20]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:9-20:43: @1.Call: _8 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _9, move _13) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb11]
20:9-20:43: @3.Call: _7 = std::io::_print(move _8) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb11]
20:9-20:43: @4[5]: _6 = const ()
21:16-21:22: @4[7]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Err(const 1_u8)"><span class="annotation">@1,3,4,8,9⦊</span>println!("Exiting with error...");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="20:18-20:41: @1[6]: _21 = const main::promoted[1]
20:18-20:41: @1[7]: _11 = &amp;(*_21)
20:18-20:41: @1[8]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
20:18-20:41: @1[9]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:9-20:43: @1[15]: _17 = ()
20:9-20:43: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _17)
20:9-20:43: @1[17]: _20 = const main::promoted[0]
20:9-20:43: @1[18]: _15 = &amp;(*_20)
20:9-20:43: @1[19]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
20:9-20:43: @1[20]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:9-20:43: @1.Call: _8 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _9, move _13) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb11]
20:9-20:43: @3.Call: _7 = std::io::_print(move _8) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb11]
20:9-20:43: @4[5]: _6 = const ()
21:16-21:22: @4[7]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Err(const 1_u8)"> return Err(1)<span class="annotation">⦉@1,3,4,8,9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:6-22:6: @2[0]: _3 = const ()
24:13-24:40: @2[4]: _18 = Firework { strength: const 1000_i32 }
26:8-26:10: @5[2]: _19 = ()
26:5-26:11: @5[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _19)"><span class="annotation">@2,5,6,7⦊</span></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:6-22:6: @2[0]: _3 = const ()
24:13-24:40: @2[4]: _18 = Firework { strength: const 1000_i32 }
26:8-26:10: @5[2]: _19 = ()
26:5-26:11: @5[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _19)"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:6-22:6: @2[0]: _3 = const ()
24:13-24:40: @2[4]: _18 = Firework { strength: const 1000_i32 }
26:8-26:10: @5[2]: _19 = ()
26:5-26:11: @5[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _19)"> let _ = Firework { strength: 1000 };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:6-22:6: @2[0]: _3 = const ()
24:13-24:40: @2[4]: _18 = Firework { strength: const 1000_i32 }
26:8-26:10: @5[2]: _19 = ()
26:5-26:11: @5[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _19)"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:6-22:6: @2[0]: _3 = const ()
24:13-24:40: @2[4]: _18 = Firework { strength: const 1000_i32 }
26:8-26:10: @5[2]: _19 = ()
26:5-26:11: @5[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _19)"> Ok(())<span class="annotation">⦉@2,5,6,7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="27:2-27:2: @10.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@10⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@10</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>drop_trait.{impl#0}-drop - Coverage Spans</title>
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counter-increment: line;
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body:active .annotation {
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 8"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:18-10:36: @0[6]: _19 = const &lt;Firework as std::ops::Drop&gt;::drop::promoted[0]
10:18-10:36: @0[7]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
10:18-10:36: @0[8]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
10:18-10:36: @0[9]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:38-10:51: @0[17]: _14 = &amp;((*_1).0: i32)
10:9-10:53: @0[18]: _13 = (move _14,)
10:9-10:53: @0[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
10:9-10:53: @0[22]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;i32)
10:9-10:53: @0[25]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
10:9-10:53: @0[27]: _18 = &lt;i32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
10:9-10:53: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;i32&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
10:9-10:53: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
10:9-10:53: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
10:9-10:53: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:53: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
9:24-11:6: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
11:6-11:6: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn drop(&amp;mut self) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:18-10:36: @0[6]: _19 = const &lt;Firework as std::ops::Drop&gt;::drop::promoted[0]
10:18-10:36: @0[7]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
10:18-10:36: @0[8]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
10:18-10:36: @0[9]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:38-10:51: @0[17]: _14 = &amp;((*_1).0: i32)
10:9-10:53: @0[18]: _13 = (move _14,)
10:9-10:53: @0[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
10:9-10:53: @0[22]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;i32)
10:9-10:53: @0[25]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
10:9-10:53: @0[27]: _18 = &lt;i32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
10:9-10:53: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;i32&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
10:9-10:53: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
10:9-10:53: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
10:9-10:53: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:53: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
9:24-11:6: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
11:6-11:6: @3.Return: return"> println!("BOOM times {}!!!", self.strength);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:18-10:36: @0[6]: _19 = const &lt;Firework as std::ops::Drop&gt;::drop::promoted[0]
10:18-10:36: @0[7]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
10:18-10:36: @0[8]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
10:18-10:36: @0[9]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:38-10:51: @0[17]: _14 = &amp;((*_1).0: i32)
10:9-10:53: @0[18]: _13 = (move _14,)
10:9-10:53: @0[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
10:9-10:53: @0[22]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;i32)
10:9-10:53: @0[25]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
10:9-10:53: @0[27]: _18 = &lt;i32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r i32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
10:9-10:53: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;i32&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
10:9-10:53: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
10:9-10:53: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
10:9-10:53: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
10:9-10:53: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
10:9-10:53: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
9:24-11:6: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
11:6-11:6: @3.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>generics.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
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body:active .annotation {
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 21"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(),u8&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"> let mut firecracker = Firework { strength: 1 };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"> firecracker.set_strength(2);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"> let mut tnt = Firework { strength: 100.1 };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"> tnt.set_strength(200.1);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"> tnt.set_strength(300.3);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:27-23:51: @0[1]: _1 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1_i32 }
23:9-23:24: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:5-24:16: @0[5]: _3 = &amp;mut _1
24:5-24:32: @0.Call: _2 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt;::set_strength(move _3, const 2_i32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb15]
26:19-26:47: @1[3]: _4 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt; { strength: const 100.09999999999999f64 }
26:9-26:16: @1[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
27:5-27:8: @1[7]: _6 = &amp;mut _4
27:5-27:28: @1.Call: _5 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _6, const 200.09999999999999f64) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb14]
28:5-28:8: @2[4]: _8 = &amp;mut _4
28:5-28:28: @2.Call: _7 = Firework::&lt;f64&gt;::set_strength(move _8, const 300.30000000000001f64) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
30:8-30:12: @3[4]: _10 = const true"> if true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="31:18-31:41: @4[6]: _27 = const main::promoted[1]
31:18-31:41: @4[7]: _17 = &amp;(*_27)
31:18-31:41: @4[8]: _16 = &amp;(*_17)
31:18-31:41: @4[9]: _15 = move _16 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
31:9-31:43: @4[15]: _23 = ()
31:9-31:43: @4[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _23)
31:9-31:43: @4[17]: _26 = const main::promoted[0]
31:9-31:43: @4[18]: _21 = &amp;(*_26)
31:9-31:43: @4[19]: _20 = &amp;(*_21)
31:9-31:43: @4[20]: _19 = move _20 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
31:9-31:43: @4.Call: _14 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _15, move _19) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb14]
31:9-31:43: @6.Call: _13 = std::io::_print(move _14) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
31:9-31:43: @7[5]: _12 = const ()
32:16-32:22: @7[7]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Err(const 1_u8)"><span class="annotation">@4,6,7,11,12⦊</span>println!("Exiting with error...");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="31:18-31:41: @4[6]: _27 = const main::promoted[1]
31:18-31:41: @4[7]: _17 = &amp;(*_27)
31:18-31:41: @4[8]: _16 = &amp;(*_17)
31:18-31:41: @4[9]: _15 = move _16 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
31:9-31:43: @4[15]: _23 = ()
31:9-31:43: @4[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _23)
31:9-31:43: @4[17]: _26 = const main::promoted[0]
31:9-31:43: @4[18]: _21 = &amp;(*_26)
31:9-31:43: @4[19]: _20 = &amp;(*_21)
31:9-31:43: @4[20]: _19 = move _20 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
31:9-31:43: @4.Call: _14 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _15, move _19) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb14]
31:9-31:43: @6.Call: _13 = std::io::_print(move _14) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
31:9-31:43: @7[5]: _12 = const ()
32:16-32:22: @7[7]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Err(const 1_u8)"> return Err(1)<span class="annotation">⦉@4,6,7,11,12</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"><span class="annotation">@5,8,9,10⦊</span> // The remaining lines below have no coverage because `if true` (with the constant literal</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"> // `true`) is guaranteed to execute the `then` block, which is also guaranteed to `return`.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"> // Thankfully, in the normal case, conditions are not guaranteed ahead of time, and as shown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"> // in other tests, the lines below would have coverage (which would show they had `0`</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"> // executions, assuming the condition still evaluated to `true`).</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"> let _ = Firework { strength: 1000 };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="33:6-33:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()
39:13-39:40: @5[4]: _24 = Firework::&lt;i32&gt; { strength: const 1000_i32 }
41:8-41:10: @8[2]: _25 = ()
41:5-41:11: @8[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _25)"> Ok(())<span class="annotation">⦉@5,8,9,10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="42:2-42:2: @13.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@13⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@13</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>generics.{impl#0}-set_strength - Coverage Spans</title>
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content: counter(line) ": ";
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 9"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="11:25-11:37: @0[1]: _3 = _2
11:9-11:37: @0[2]: ((*_1).0: T) = move _3
10:49-12:6: @0[4]: _0 = const ()
12:6-12:6: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn set_strength(&amp;mut self, new_strength: T) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="11:25-11:37: @0[1]: _3 = _2
11:9-11:37: @0[2]: ((*_1).0: T) = move _3
10:49-12:6: @0[4]: _0 = const ()
12:6-12:6: @0.Return: return"> self.strength = new_strength;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="11:25-11:37: @0[1]: _3 = _2
11:9-11:37: @0[2]: ((*_1).0: T) = move _3
10:49-12:6: @0[4]: _0 = const ()
12:6-12:6: @0.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>generics.{impl#1}-drop - Coverage Spans</title>
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content: counter(line) ": ";
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font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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color: #551133;
.code {
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padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
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display: none;
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body:active .annotation {
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 16"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:18-18:36: @0[6]: _19 = const &lt;Firework&lt;T&gt; as std::ops::Drop&gt;::drop::promoted[0]
18:18-18:36: @0[7]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
18:18-18:36: @0[8]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
18:18-18:36: @0[9]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
18:38-18:51: @0[17]: _14 = &amp;((*_1).0: T)
18:9-18:53: @0[18]: _13 = (move _14,)
18:9-18:53: @0[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
18:9-18:53: @0[22]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;T)
18:9-18:53: @0[25]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
18:9-18:53: @0[27]: _18 = &lt;T as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r T, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
18:9-18:53: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;T&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
18:9-18:53: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
18:9-18:53: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
18:9-18:53: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
18:9-18:53: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
17:24-19:6: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
19:6-19:6: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn drop(&amp;mut self) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:18-18:36: @0[6]: _19 = const &lt;Firework&lt;T&gt; as std::ops::Drop&gt;::drop::promoted[0]
18:18-18:36: @0[7]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
18:18-18:36: @0[8]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
18:18-18:36: @0[9]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
18:38-18:51: @0[17]: _14 = &amp;((*_1).0: T)
18:9-18:53: @0[18]: _13 = (move _14,)
18:9-18:53: @0[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
18:9-18:53: @0[22]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;T)
18:9-18:53: @0[25]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
18:9-18:53: @0[27]: _18 = &lt;T as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r T, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
18:9-18:53: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;T&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
18:9-18:53: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
18:9-18:53: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
18:9-18:53: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
18:9-18:53: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
17:24-19:6: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
19:6-19:6: @3.Return: return"> println!("BOOM times {}!!!", self.strength);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:18-18:36: @0[6]: _19 = const &lt;Firework&lt;T&gt; as std::ops::Drop&gt;::drop::promoted[0]
18:18-18:36: @0[7]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
18:18-18:36: @0[8]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
18:18-18:36: @0[9]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
18:38-18:51: @0[17]: _14 = &amp;((*_1).0: T)
18:9-18:53: @0[18]: _13 = (move _14,)
18:9-18:53: @0[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
18:9-18:53: @0[22]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;T)
18:9-18:53: @0[25]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
18:9-18:53: @0[27]: _18 = &lt;T as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r T, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
18:9-18:53: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;T&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
18:9-18:53: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
18:9-18:53: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
18:9-18:53: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
18:9-18:53: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
18:9-18:53: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
17:24-19:6: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
19:6-19:6: @3.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>if.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> let</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> is_true</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> std::env::args().len()</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> ==</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> 1</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> let</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> mut</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> 0</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:9-10:25: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb8]
10:9-10:25: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
10:9-10:31: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb7]
10:9-12:10: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
8:5-8:12: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
18:9-18:10: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
15:9-16:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
21:9-21:16: @3[5]: _6 = _1"> is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-25:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:5-27:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-25:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:5-27:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-25:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:5-27:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-25:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:5-27:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> 10</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-25:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:5-27:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-25:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
22:5-27:6: @4[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="27:6-27:6: @5[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="28:2-28:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>if_else.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb11]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb10]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
11:9-11:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:9-15:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
12:5-17:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:9-15:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
12:5-17:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:9-15:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
12:5-17:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:9-15:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
12:5-17:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> 10</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:9-15:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
12:5-17:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="13:9-15:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
12:5-17:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else // Note coverage region difference without semicolon</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="20:9-22:16: @5[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
20:9-22:16: @5[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span>countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="20:9-22:16: @5[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
20:9-22:16: @5[1]: _6 = const ()"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="20:9-22:16: @5[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
20:9-22:16: @5[1]: _6 = const ()"> 100<span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="26:9-26:16: @6[3]: _8 = _1"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span>is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:9-30:15: @7[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
27:5-32:6: @7[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:9-30:15: @7[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
27:5-32:6: @7[1]: _0 = const ()"> countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:9-30:15: @7[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
27:5-32:6: @7[1]: _0 = const ()"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:9-30:15: @7[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
27:5-32:6: @7[1]: _0 = const ()"> 10</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:9-30:15: @7[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
27:5-32:6: @7[1]: _0 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:9-30:15: @7[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
27:5-32:6: @7[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-37:16: @8[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
34:5-39:6: @8[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@8⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-37:16: @8[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
34:5-39:6: @8[1]: _0 = const ()"> countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-37:16: @8[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
34:5-39:6: @8[1]: _0 = const ()"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-37:16: @8[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
34:5-39:6: @8[1]: _0 = const ()"> 100</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-37:16: @8[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
34:5-39:6: @8[1]: _0 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:9-37:16: @8[0]: _5 = const 100_i32
34:5-39:6: @8[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@8</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="40:2-40:2: @9.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@9⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@9</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
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<title>inline.display - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 40"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>fn display&lt;T: Display&gt;(xs: &amp;[T]) <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> for </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="42:9-42:10: @8[1]: _13 = ((_9 as Some).0: &amp;T)
42:9-42:10: @8[3]: _14 = _13
42:9-42:10: @8[4]: _7 = move _14
42:9-42:10: @8[5]: _8 = const ()
42:9-42:10: @8[13]: FakeRead(ForLet, _16)"><span class="annotation">@6,8,9,10,11⦊</span>x<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8,9,10,11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> in </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="42:14-42:16: @8[12]: _16 = _7
43:16-43:20: @8[20]: _47 = const display::&lt;T&gt;::promoted[2]
43:16-43:20: @8[21]: _22 = &amp;(*_47)
43:16-43:20: @8[22]: _21 = &amp;(*_22)
43:16-43:20: @8[23]: _20 = move _21 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
43:22-43:23: @8[31]: _29 = &amp;_16
43:9-43:25: @8[32]: _28 = (move _29,)
43:9-43:25: @8[34]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _28)
43:9-43:25: @8[36]: _30 = (_28.0: &amp;&amp;T)
43:9-43:25: @8[39]: _32 = &amp;(*_30)
43:9-43:25: @8[41]: _33 = &lt;&amp;T as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;T, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
43:9-43:25: @8.Call: _31 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;T&gt;(move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
43:9-43:25: @9[2]: _27 = [move _31]
43:9-43:25: @9[5]: _26 = &amp;_27
43:9-43:25: @9[6]: _25 = &amp;(*_26)
43:9-43:25: @9[7]: _24 = move _25 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
43:9-43:25: @9.Call: _19 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _20, move _24) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
43:9-43:25: @10.Call: _18 = std::io::_print(move _19) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
42:17-44:6: @11[6]: _17 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6,8,9,10,11⦊</span>xs {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="42:14-42:16: @8[12]: _16 = _7
43:16-43:20: @8[20]: _47 = const display::&lt;T&gt;::promoted[2]
43:16-43:20: @8[21]: _22 = &amp;(*_47)
43:16-43:20: @8[22]: _21 = &amp;(*_22)
43:16-43:20: @8[23]: _20 = move _21 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
43:22-43:23: @8[31]: _29 = &amp;_16
43:9-43:25: @8[32]: _28 = (move _29,)
43:9-43:25: @8[34]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _28)
43:9-43:25: @8[36]: _30 = (_28.0: &amp;&amp;T)
43:9-43:25: @8[39]: _32 = &amp;(*_30)
43:9-43:25: @8[41]: _33 = &lt;&amp;T as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;T, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
43:9-43:25: @8.Call: _31 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;T&gt;(move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
43:9-43:25: @9[2]: _27 = [move _31]
43:9-43:25: @9[5]: _26 = &amp;_27
43:9-43:25: @9[6]: _25 = &amp;(*_26)
43:9-43:25: @9[7]: _24 = move _25 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
43:9-43:25: @9.Call: _19 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _20, move _24) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
43:9-43:25: @10.Call: _18 = std::io::_print(move _19) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
42:17-44:6: @11[6]: _17 = const ()"> print!("{}", x);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="42:14-42:16: @8[12]: _16 = _7
43:16-43:20: @8[20]: _47 = const display::&lt;T&gt;::promoted[2]
43:16-43:20: @8[21]: _22 = &amp;(*_47)
43:16-43:20: @8[22]: _21 = &amp;(*_22)
43:16-43:20: @8[23]: _20 = move _21 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
43:22-43:23: @8[31]: _29 = &amp;_16
43:9-43:25: @8[32]: _28 = (move _29,)
43:9-43:25: @8[34]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _28)
43:9-43:25: @8[36]: _30 = (_28.0: &amp;&amp;T)
43:9-43:25: @8[39]: _32 = &amp;(*_30)
43:9-43:25: @8[41]: _33 = &lt;&amp;T as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r &amp;T, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
43:9-43:25: @8.Call: _31 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;&amp;T&gt;(move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
43:9-43:25: @9[2]: _27 = [move _31]
43:9-43:25: @9[5]: _26 = &amp;_27
43:9-43:25: @9[6]: _25 = &amp;(*_26)
43:9-43:25: @9[7]: _24 = move _25 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
43:9-43:25: @9.Call: _19 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _20, move _24) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
43:9-43:25: @10.Call: _18 = std::io::_print(move _19) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb14]
42:17-44:6: @11[6]: _17 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8,9,10,11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="45:5-45:16: @5[13]: _46 = const display::&lt;T&gt;::promoted[1]
45:5-45:16: @5[14]: _38 = &amp;(*_46)
45:5-45:16: @5[15]: _37 = &amp;(*_38)
45:5-45:16: @5[16]: _36 = move _37 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
45:5-45:16: @5[22]: _44 = ()
45:5-45:16: @5[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _44)
45:5-45:16: @5[24]: _45 = const display::&lt;T&gt;::promoted[0]
45:5-45:16: @5[25]: _42 = &amp;(*_45)
45:5-45:16: @5[26]: _41 = &amp;(*_42)
45:5-45:16: @5[27]: _40 = move _41 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
45:5-45:16: @5.Call: _35 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _36, move _40) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
45:5-45:16: @12.Call: _34 = std::io::_print(move _35) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb14]
46:2-46:2: @13.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@5,12,13⦊</span>println!();</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="45:5-45:16: @5[13]: _46 = const display::&lt;T&gt;::promoted[1]
45:5-45:16: @5[14]: _38 = &amp;(*_46)
45:5-45:16: @5[15]: _37 = &amp;(*_38)
45:5-45:16: @5[16]: _36 = move _37 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
45:5-45:16: @5[22]: _44 = ()
45:5-45:16: @5[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _44)
45:5-45:16: @5[24]: _45 = const display::&lt;T&gt;::promoted[0]
45:5-45:16: @5[25]: _42 = &amp;(*_45)
45:5-45:16: @5[26]: _41 = &amp;(*_42)
45:5-45:16: @5[27]: _40 = move _41 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
45:5-45:16: @5.Call: _35 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _36, move _40) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
45:5-45:16: @12.Call: _34 = std::io::_print(move _35) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb14]
46:2-46:2: @13.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@5,12,13</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
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<title>inline.error - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 48"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="50:5-50:21: @0.Call: std::rt::begin_panic::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(const &quot;error&quot;) -&gt; bb1
49:12-51:2: @1.Resume: resume"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>fn error() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="50:5-50:21: @0.Call: std::rt::begin_panic::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(const &quot;error&quot;) -&gt; bb1
49:12-51:2: @1.Resume: resume"> panic!("error");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="50:5-50:21: @0.Call: std::rt::begin_panic::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(const &quot;error&quot;) -&gt; bb1
49:12-51:2: @1.Resume: resume">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
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<title>inline.length - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 29"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:5-31:7: @0[1]: _2 = &amp;(*_1)
31:5-31:13: @0.Call: _0 = core::slice::&lt;impl [T]&gt;::len(move _2) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb2]
32:2-32:2: @1.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>fn length&lt;T&gt;(xs: &amp;[T]) -&gt; usize {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:5-31:7: @0[1]: _2 = &amp;(*_1)
31:5-31:13: @0.Call: _0 = core::slice::&lt;impl [T]&gt;::len(move _2) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb2]
32:2-32:2: @1.Return: return"> xs.len()</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:5-31:7: @0[1]: _2 = &amp;(*_1)
31:5-31:13: @0.Call: _0 = core::slice::&lt;impl [T]&gt;::len(move _2) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb2]
32:2-32:2: @1.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
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<title>inline.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 4"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:18-6:34: @0[4]: _6 = const main::promoted[0]
6:18-6:34: @0[5]: _4 = &amp;(*_6)
6:18-6:34: @0[6]: _3 = &amp;(*_4)
6:18-6:34: @0[7]: _2 = move _3 as &amp;[char] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:5-6:35: @0.Call: _1 = permutations::&lt;char&gt;(move _2) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb2]
5:11-7:2: @1[3]: _0 = const ()
7:2-7:2: @1.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:18-6:34: @0[4]: _6 = const main::promoted[0]
6:18-6:34: @0[5]: _4 = &amp;(*_6)
6:18-6:34: @0[6]: _3 = &amp;(*_4)
6:18-6:34: @0[7]: _2 = move _3 as &amp;[char] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:5-6:35: @0.Call: _1 = permutations::&lt;char&gt;(move _2) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb2]
5:11-7:2: @1[3]: _0 = const ()
7:2-7:2: @1.Return: return"> permutations(&amp;['a', 'b', 'c']);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:18-6:34: @0[4]: _6 = const main::promoted[0]
6:18-6:34: @0[5]: _4 = &amp;(*_6)
6:18-6:34: @0[6]: _3 = &amp;(*_4)
6:18-6:34: @0[7]: _2 = move _3 as &amp;[char] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:5-6:35: @0.Call: _1 = permutations::&lt;char&gt;(move _2) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb2]
5:11-7:2: @1[3]: _0 = const ()
7:2-7:2: @1.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
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<title>inline.permutate - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 14"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="16:20-16:22: @0[2]: _4 = &amp;(*_1)
16:13-16:23: @0.Call: _3 = length::&lt;T&gt;(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb22]
16:9-16:10: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
17:8-17:9: @1[4]: _6 = _2
17:13-17:14: @1[6]: _7 = _3
17:8-17:14: @1[7]: _5 = Eq(move _6, move _7)"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>fn permutate&lt;T: Copy + Display&gt;(xs: &amp;mut [T], k: usize) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="16:20-16:22: @0[2]: _4 = &amp;(*_1)
16:13-16:23: @0.Call: _3 = length::&lt;T&gt;(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb22]
16:9-16:10: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
17:8-17:9: @1[4]: _6 = _2
17:13-17:14: @1[6]: _7 = _3
17:8-17:14: @1[7]: _5 = Eq(move _6, move _7)"> let n = length(xs);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="16:20-16:22: @0[2]: _4 = &amp;(*_1)
16:13-16:23: @0.Call: _3 = length::&lt;T&gt;(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb22]
16:9-16:10: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
17:8-17:9: @1[4]: _6 = _2
17:13-17:14: @1[6]: _7 = _3
17:8-17:14: @1[7]: _5 = Eq(move _6, move _7)"> if k == n<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="18:17-18:19: @2[2]: _9 = &amp;(*_1)
18:9-18:20: @2.Call: _8 = display::&lt;T&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb22]
17:15-19:6: @4[2]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2,4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="18:17-18:19: @2[2]: _9 = &amp;(*_1)
18:9-18:20: @2.Call: _8 = display::&lt;T&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb22]
17:15-19:6: @4[2]: _0 = const ()"> display(xs);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="18:17-18:19: @2[2]: _9 = &amp;(*_1)
18:9-18:20: @2.Call: _8 = display::&lt;T&gt;(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb22]
17:15-19:6: @4[2]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@2,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:15-19:16: @3[2]: _11 = _2
19:19-19:20: @3[4]: _12 = _3
19:15-19:20: @3[5]: _10 = Lt(move _11, move _12)"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span>k &lt; n<span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> for </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="20:13-20:14: @14[1]: _25 = ((_21 as Some).0: usize)
20:13-20:14: @14[3]: _26 = _25
20:13-20:14: @14[4]: _19 = move _26
20:13-20:14: @14[5]: _20 = const ()
20:13-20:14: @14[13]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)"><span class="annotation">@12,14,15,16,17,18⦊</span>i<span class="annotation">⦉@12,14,15,16,17,18</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> in </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="20:18-20:19: @5[3]: _15 = _2
20:21-20:22: @5[5]: _16 = _3"><span class="annotation">@5,7⦊</span>k..n<span class="annotation">⦉@5,7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:18-21:20: @14[17]: _31 = &amp;mut (*_1)
21:22-21:23: @14[19]: _32 = _28
21:25-21:26: @14[21]: _33 = _2
21:13-21:27: @14.Call: _30 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _31, move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb22]
22:23-22:25: @15[6]: _35 = &amp;mut (*_1)
22:27-22:28: @15[9]: _37 = _2
22:27-22:32: @15[10]: _38 = CheckedAdd(_37, const 1_usize)
22:27-22:32: @16[0]: _36 = move (_38.0: usize)
22:13-22:33: @16.Call: _34 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _35, move _36) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb22]
23:18-23:20: @17[5]: _40 = &amp;mut (*_1)
23:22-23:23: @17[7]: _41 = _28
23:25-23:26: @17[9]: _42 = _2
23:13-23:27: @17.Call: _39 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _40, move _41, move _42) -&gt; [return: bb18, unwind: bb22]
20:23-24:10: @18[4]: _29 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@12,14,15,16,17,18⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:18-21:20: @14[17]: _31 = &amp;mut (*_1)
21:22-21:23: @14[19]: _32 = _28
21:25-21:26: @14[21]: _33 = _2
21:13-21:27: @14.Call: _30 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _31, move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb22]
22:23-22:25: @15[6]: _35 = &amp;mut (*_1)
22:27-22:28: @15[9]: _37 = _2
22:27-22:32: @15[10]: _38 = CheckedAdd(_37, const 1_usize)
22:27-22:32: @16[0]: _36 = move (_38.0: usize)
22:13-22:33: @16.Call: _34 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _35, move _36) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb22]
23:18-23:20: @17[5]: _40 = &amp;mut (*_1)
23:22-23:23: @17[7]: _41 = _28
23:25-23:26: @17[9]: _42 = _2
23:13-23:27: @17.Call: _39 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _40, move _41, move _42) -&gt; [return: bb18, unwind: bb22]
20:23-24:10: @18[4]: _29 = const ()"> swap(xs, i, k);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:18-21:20: @14[17]: _31 = &amp;mut (*_1)
21:22-21:23: @14[19]: _32 = _28
21:25-21:26: @14[21]: _33 = _2
21:13-21:27: @14.Call: _30 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _31, move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb22]
22:23-22:25: @15[6]: _35 = &amp;mut (*_1)
22:27-22:28: @15[9]: _37 = _2
22:27-22:32: @15[10]: _38 = CheckedAdd(_37, const 1_usize)
22:27-22:32: @16[0]: _36 = move (_38.0: usize)
22:13-22:33: @16.Call: _34 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _35, move _36) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb22]
23:18-23:20: @17[5]: _40 = &amp;mut (*_1)
23:22-23:23: @17[7]: _41 = _28
23:25-23:26: @17[9]: _42 = _2
23:13-23:27: @17.Call: _39 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _40, move _41, move _42) -&gt; [return: bb18, unwind: bb22]
20:23-24:10: @18[4]: _29 = const ()"> permutate(xs, k + 1);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:18-21:20: @14[17]: _31 = &amp;mut (*_1)
21:22-21:23: @14[19]: _32 = _28
21:25-21:26: @14[21]: _33 = _2
21:13-21:27: @14.Call: _30 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _31, move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb22]
22:23-22:25: @15[6]: _35 = &amp;mut (*_1)
22:27-22:28: @15[9]: _37 = _2
22:27-22:32: @15[10]: _38 = CheckedAdd(_37, const 1_usize)
22:27-22:32: @16[0]: _36 = move (_38.0: usize)
22:13-22:33: @16.Call: _34 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _35, move _36) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb22]
23:18-23:20: @17[5]: _40 = &amp;mut (*_1)
23:22-23:23: @17[7]: _41 = _28
23:25-23:26: @17[9]: _42 = _2
23:13-23:27: @17.Call: _39 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _40, move _41, move _42) -&gt; [return: bb18, unwind: bb22]
20:23-24:10: @18[4]: _29 = const ()"> swap(xs, i, k);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:18-21:20: @14[17]: _31 = &amp;mut (*_1)
21:22-21:23: @14[19]: _32 = _28
21:25-21:26: @14[21]: _33 = _2
21:13-21:27: @14.Call: _30 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _31, move _32, move _33) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb22]
22:23-22:25: @15[6]: _35 = &amp;mut (*_1)
22:27-22:28: @15[9]: _37 = _2
22:27-22:32: @15[10]: _38 = CheckedAdd(_37, const 1_usize)
22:27-22:32: @16[0]: _36 = move (_38.0: usize)
22:13-22:33: @16.Call: _34 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _35, move _36) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb22]
23:18-23:20: @17[5]: _40 = &amp;mut (*_1)
23:22-23:23: @17[7]: _41 = _28
23:25-23:26: @17[9]: _42 = _2
23:13-23:27: @17.Call: _39 = swap::&lt;T&gt;(move _40, move _41, move _42) -&gt; [return: bb18, unwind: bb22]
20:23-24:10: @18[4]: _29 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@12,14,15,16,17,18</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="26:9-26:16: @6.Call: _43 = error() -&gt; [return: bb19, unwind: bb22]
25:12-27:6: @19[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6,19⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="26:9-26:16: @6.Call: _43 = error() -&gt; [return: bb19, unwind: bb22]
25:12-27:6: @19[1]: _0 = const ()"> error();</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="26:9-26:16: @6.Call: _43 = error() -&gt; [return: bb19, unwind: bb22]
25:12-27:6: @19[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@6,19</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="28:2-28:2: @21.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@21⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@21</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
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<title>inline.permutations - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
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display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 9"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="11:18-11:20: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;(*_1)
11:18-11:31: @0.Call: _2 = &lt;[T] as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb6]
11:9-11:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
12:15-12:22: @1[7]: _8 = &amp;mut _2
12:15-12:22: @1[8]: _7 = &amp;mut (*_8)
12:15-12:22: @1.Call: _6 = &lt;std::vec::Vec&lt;T&gt; as std::ops::DerefMut&gt;::deref_mut(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
12:15-12:22: @2[0]: _5 = &amp;mut (*_6)
12:5-12:26: @2.Call: _4 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _5, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
10:46-13:2: @3[4]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4⦊</span>fn permutations&lt;T: Copy + Display&gt;(xs: &amp;[T]) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="11:18-11:20: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;(*_1)
11:18-11:31: @0.Call: _2 = &lt;[T] as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb6]
11:9-11:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
12:15-12:22: @1[7]: _8 = &amp;mut _2
12:15-12:22: @1[8]: _7 = &amp;mut (*_8)
12:15-12:22: @1.Call: _6 = &lt;std::vec::Vec&lt;T&gt; as std::ops::DerefMut&gt;::deref_mut(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
12:15-12:22: @2[0]: _5 = &amp;mut (*_6)
12:5-12:26: @2.Call: _4 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _5, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
10:46-13:2: @3[4]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @4.Return: return"> let mut ys = xs.to_owned();</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="11:18-11:20: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;(*_1)
11:18-11:31: @0.Call: _2 = &lt;[T] as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb6]
11:9-11:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
12:15-12:22: @1[7]: _8 = &amp;mut _2
12:15-12:22: @1[8]: _7 = &amp;mut (*_8)
12:15-12:22: @1.Call: _6 = &lt;std::vec::Vec&lt;T&gt; as std::ops::DerefMut&gt;::deref_mut(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
12:15-12:22: @2[0]: _5 = &amp;mut (*_6)
12:5-12:26: @2.Call: _4 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _5, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
10:46-13:2: @3[4]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @4.Return: return"> permutate(&amp;mut ys, 0);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="11:18-11:20: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;(*_1)
11:18-11:31: @0.Call: _2 = &lt;[T] as std::borrow::ToOwned&gt;::to_owned(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb6]
11:9-11:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
12:15-12:22: @1[7]: _8 = &amp;mut _2
12:15-12:22: @1[8]: _7 = &amp;mut (*_8)
12:15-12:22: @1.Call: _6 = &lt;std::vec::Vec&lt;T&gt; as std::ops::DerefMut&gt;::deref_mut(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
12:15-12:22: @2[0]: _5 = &amp;mut (*_6)
12:5-12:26: @2.Call: _4 = permutate::&lt;T&gt;(move _5, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
10:46-13:2: @3[4]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @4.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>inline.swap - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
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display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 34"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:16-36:17: @0[2]: _5 = _2
36:13-36:18: @0[3]: _6 = Len((*_1))
36:13-36:18: @0[4]: _7 = Lt(_5, _6)
36:13-36:18: @1[0]: _4 = (*_1)[_5]
36:9-36:10: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
37:16-37:17: @1[5]: _9 = _3
37:13-37:18: @1[6]: _10 = Len((*_1))
37:13-37:18: @1[7]: _11 = Lt(_9, _10)
37:13-37:18: @2[0]: _8 = (*_1)[_9]
37:8-37:9: @2[2]: _12 = _2
37:5-37:10: @2[3]: _13 = Len((*_1))
37:5-37:10: @2[4]: _14 = Lt(_12, _13)
37:5-37:18: @3[0]: (*_1)[_12] = move _8
38:13-38:14: @3[5]: _15 = _4
38:8-38:9: @3[7]: _16 = _3
38:5-38:10: @3[8]: _17 = Len((*_1))
38:5-38:10: @3[9]: _18 = Lt(_16, _17)
38:5-38:14: @4[0]: (*_1)[_16] = move _15
35:52-39:2: @4[3]: _0 = const ()
39:2-39:2: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4⦊</span>fn swap&lt;T: Copy&gt;(xs: &amp;mut [T], i: usize, j: usize) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:16-36:17: @0[2]: _5 = _2
36:13-36:18: @0[3]: _6 = Len((*_1))
36:13-36:18: @0[4]: _7 = Lt(_5, _6)
36:13-36:18: @1[0]: _4 = (*_1)[_5]
36:9-36:10: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
37:16-37:17: @1[5]: _9 = _3
37:13-37:18: @1[6]: _10 = Len((*_1))
37:13-37:18: @1[7]: _11 = Lt(_9, _10)
37:13-37:18: @2[0]: _8 = (*_1)[_9]
37:8-37:9: @2[2]: _12 = _2
37:5-37:10: @2[3]: _13 = Len((*_1))
37:5-37:10: @2[4]: _14 = Lt(_12, _13)
37:5-37:18: @3[0]: (*_1)[_12] = move _8
38:13-38:14: @3[5]: _15 = _4
38:8-38:9: @3[7]: _16 = _3
38:5-38:10: @3[8]: _17 = Len((*_1))
38:5-38:10: @3[9]: _18 = Lt(_16, _17)
38:5-38:14: @4[0]: (*_1)[_16] = move _15
35:52-39:2: @4[3]: _0 = const ()
39:2-39:2: @4.Return: return"> let t = xs[i];</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:16-36:17: @0[2]: _5 = _2
36:13-36:18: @0[3]: _6 = Len((*_1))
36:13-36:18: @0[4]: _7 = Lt(_5, _6)
36:13-36:18: @1[0]: _4 = (*_1)[_5]
36:9-36:10: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
37:16-37:17: @1[5]: _9 = _3
37:13-37:18: @1[6]: _10 = Len((*_1))
37:13-37:18: @1[7]: _11 = Lt(_9, _10)
37:13-37:18: @2[0]: _8 = (*_1)[_9]
37:8-37:9: @2[2]: _12 = _2
37:5-37:10: @2[3]: _13 = Len((*_1))
37:5-37:10: @2[4]: _14 = Lt(_12, _13)
37:5-37:18: @3[0]: (*_1)[_12] = move _8
38:13-38:14: @3[5]: _15 = _4
38:8-38:9: @3[7]: _16 = _3
38:5-38:10: @3[8]: _17 = Len((*_1))
38:5-38:10: @3[9]: _18 = Lt(_16, _17)
38:5-38:14: @4[0]: (*_1)[_16] = move _15
35:52-39:2: @4[3]: _0 = const ()
39:2-39:2: @4.Return: return"> xs[i] = xs[j];</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:16-36:17: @0[2]: _5 = _2
36:13-36:18: @0[3]: _6 = Len((*_1))
36:13-36:18: @0[4]: _7 = Lt(_5, _6)
36:13-36:18: @1[0]: _4 = (*_1)[_5]
36:9-36:10: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
37:16-37:17: @1[5]: _9 = _3
37:13-37:18: @1[6]: _10 = Len((*_1))
37:13-37:18: @1[7]: _11 = Lt(_9, _10)
37:13-37:18: @2[0]: _8 = (*_1)[_9]
37:8-37:9: @2[2]: _12 = _2
37:5-37:10: @2[3]: _13 = Len((*_1))
37:5-37:10: @2[4]: _14 = Lt(_12, _13)
37:5-37:18: @3[0]: (*_1)[_12] = move _8
38:13-38:14: @3[5]: _15 = _4
38:8-38:9: @3[7]: _16 = _3
38:5-38:10: @3[8]: _17 = Len((*_1))
38:5-38:10: @3[9]: _18 = Lt(_16, _17)
38:5-38:14: @4[0]: (*_1)[_16] = move _15
35:52-39:2: @4[3]: _0 = const ()
39:2-39:2: @4.Return: return"> xs[j] = t;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:16-36:17: @0[2]: _5 = _2
36:13-36:18: @0[3]: _6 = Len((*_1))
36:13-36:18: @0[4]: _7 = Lt(_5, _6)
36:13-36:18: @1[0]: _4 = (*_1)[_5]
36:9-36:10: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _4)
37:16-37:17: @1[5]: _9 = _3
37:13-37:18: @1[6]: _10 = Len((*_1))
37:13-37:18: @1[7]: _11 = Lt(_9, _10)
37:13-37:18: @2[0]: _8 = (*_1)[_9]
37:8-37:9: @2[2]: _12 = _2
37:5-37:10: @2[3]: _13 = Len((*_1))
37:5-37:10: @2[4]: _14 = Lt(_12, _13)
37:5-37:18: @3[0]: (*_1)[_12] = move _8
38:13-38:14: @3[5]: _15 = _4
38:8-38:9: @3[7]: _16 = _3
38:5-38:10: @3[8]: _17 = Len((*_1))
38:5-38:10: @3[9]: _18 = Lt(_16, _17)
38:5-38:14: @4[0]: (*_1)[_16] = move _15
35:52-39:2: @4[3]: _0 = const ()
39:2-39:2: @4.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>inner_items.main-InTrait-default_trait_func - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 32"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="34:13-34:30: @0.Call: _2 = main::in_func(const main::IN_CONST) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
35:13-35:17: @1[3]: _4 = &amp;mut (*_1)
35:13-35:38: @1.Call: _3 = &lt;Self as main::InTrait&gt;::trait_func(move _4, const main::IN_CONST) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
33:42-36:10: @2[2]: _0 = const ()
36:10-36:10: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2⦊</span>fn default_trait_func(&amp;mut self) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="34:13-34:30: @0.Call: _2 = main::in_func(const main::IN_CONST) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
35:13-35:17: @1[3]: _4 = &amp;mut (*_1)
35:13-35:38: @1.Call: _3 = &lt;Self as main::InTrait&gt;::trait_func(move _4, const main::IN_CONST) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
33:42-36:10: @2[2]: _0 = const ()
36:10-36:10: @2.Return: return"> in_func(IN_CONST);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="34:13-34:30: @0.Call: _2 = main::in_func(const main::IN_CONST) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
35:13-35:17: @1[3]: _4 = &amp;mut (*_1)
35:13-35:38: @1.Call: _3 = &lt;Self as main::InTrait&gt;::trait_func(move _4, const main::IN_CONST) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
33:42-36:10: @2[2]: _0 = const ()
36:10-36:10: @2.Return: return"> self.trait_func(IN_CONST);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="34:13-34:30: @0.Call: _2 = main::in_func(const main::IN_CONST) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
35:13-35:17: @1[3]: _4 = &amp;mut (*_1)
35:13-35:38: @1.Call: _3 = &lt;Self as main::InTrait&gt;::trait_func(move _4, const main::IN_CONST) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
33:42-36:10: @2[2]: _0 = const ()
36:10-36:10: @2.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>inner_items.main-in_func - Coverage Spans</title>
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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color: #4444ff;
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 17"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:17-19:18: @0[1]: _2 = const 1_u32
19:13-19:14: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
20:17-20:18: @0[5]: _4 = _1
20:21-20:22: @0[7]: _5 = _2
20:17-20:22: @0[8]: _6 = CheckedAdd(_4, _5)
20:17-20:22: @1[0]: _3 = move (_6.0: u32)
20:13-20:14: @1[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
21:18-21:26: @1[9]: _23 = const main::in_func::promoted[0]
21:18-21:26: @1[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_23)
21:18-21:26: @1[11]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
21:18-21:26: @1[12]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:28-21:29: @1[20]: _18 = &amp;_3
21:9-21:30: @1[21]: _17 = (move _18,)
21:9-21:30: @1[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _17)
21:9-21:30: @1[25]: _19 = (_17.0: &amp;u32)
21:9-21:30: @1[28]: _21 = &amp;(*_19)
21:9-21:30: @1[30]: _22 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
21:9-21:30: @1.Call: _20 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _21, move _22) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @2[2]: _16 = [move _20]
21:9-21:30: @2[5]: _15 = &amp;_16
21:9-21:30: @2[6]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
21:9-21:30: @2[7]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:9-21:30: @2.Call: _8 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _9, move _13) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @3.Call: _7 = std::io::_print(move _8) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @4[6]: _0 = const ()
22:6-22:6: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4⦊</span>fn in_func(a: u32) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:17-19:18: @0[1]: _2 = const 1_u32
19:13-19:14: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
20:17-20:18: @0[5]: _4 = _1
20:21-20:22: @0[7]: _5 = _2
20:17-20:22: @0[8]: _6 = CheckedAdd(_4, _5)
20:17-20:22: @1[0]: _3 = move (_6.0: u32)
20:13-20:14: @1[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
21:18-21:26: @1[9]: _23 = const main::in_func::promoted[0]
21:18-21:26: @1[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_23)
21:18-21:26: @1[11]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
21:18-21:26: @1[12]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:28-21:29: @1[20]: _18 = &amp;_3
21:9-21:30: @1[21]: _17 = (move _18,)
21:9-21:30: @1[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _17)
21:9-21:30: @1[25]: _19 = (_17.0: &amp;u32)
21:9-21:30: @1[28]: _21 = &amp;(*_19)
21:9-21:30: @1[30]: _22 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
21:9-21:30: @1.Call: _20 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _21, move _22) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @2[2]: _16 = [move _20]
21:9-21:30: @2[5]: _15 = &amp;_16
21:9-21:30: @2[6]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
21:9-21:30: @2[7]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:9-21:30: @2.Call: _8 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _9, move _13) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @3.Call: _7 = std::io::_print(move _8) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @4[6]: _0 = const ()
22:6-22:6: @4.Return: return"> let b = 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:17-19:18: @0[1]: _2 = const 1_u32
19:13-19:14: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
20:17-20:18: @0[5]: _4 = _1
20:21-20:22: @0[7]: _5 = _2
20:17-20:22: @0[8]: _6 = CheckedAdd(_4, _5)
20:17-20:22: @1[0]: _3 = move (_6.0: u32)
20:13-20:14: @1[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
21:18-21:26: @1[9]: _23 = const main::in_func::promoted[0]
21:18-21:26: @1[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_23)
21:18-21:26: @1[11]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
21:18-21:26: @1[12]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:28-21:29: @1[20]: _18 = &amp;_3
21:9-21:30: @1[21]: _17 = (move _18,)
21:9-21:30: @1[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _17)
21:9-21:30: @1[25]: _19 = (_17.0: &amp;u32)
21:9-21:30: @1[28]: _21 = &amp;(*_19)
21:9-21:30: @1[30]: _22 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
21:9-21:30: @1.Call: _20 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _21, move _22) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @2[2]: _16 = [move _20]
21:9-21:30: @2[5]: _15 = &amp;_16
21:9-21:30: @2[6]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
21:9-21:30: @2[7]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:9-21:30: @2.Call: _8 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _9, move _13) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @3.Call: _7 = std::io::_print(move _8) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @4[6]: _0 = const ()
22:6-22:6: @4.Return: return"> let c = a + b;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:17-19:18: @0[1]: _2 = const 1_u32
19:13-19:14: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
20:17-20:18: @0[5]: _4 = _1
20:21-20:22: @0[7]: _5 = _2
20:17-20:22: @0[8]: _6 = CheckedAdd(_4, _5)
20:17-20:22: @1[0]: _3 = move (_6.0: u32)
20:13-20:14: @1[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
21:18-21:26: @1[9]: _23 = const main::in_func::promoted[0]
21:18-21:26: @1[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_23)
21:18-21:26: @1[11]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
21:18-21:26: @1[12]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:28-21:29: @1[20]: _18 = &amp;_3
21:9-21:30: @1[21]: _17 = (move _18,)
21:9-21:30: @1[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _17)
21:9-21:30: @1[25]: _19 = (_17.0: &amp;u32)
21:9-21:30: @1[28]: _21 = &amp;(*_19)
21:9-21:30: @1[30]: _22 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
21:9-21:30: @1.Call: _20 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _21, move _22) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @2[2]: _16 = [move _20]
21:9-21:30: @2[5]: _15 = &amp;_16
21:9-21:30: @2[6]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
21:9-21:30: @2[7]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:9-21:30: @2.Call: _8 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _9, move _13) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @3.Call: _7 = std::io::_print(move _8) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @4[6]: _0 = const ()
22:6-22:6: @4.Return: return"> println!("c = {}", c)</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:17-19:18: @0[1]: _2 = const 1_u32
19:13-19:14: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
20:17-20:18: @0[5]: _4 = _1
20:21-20:22: @0[7]: _5 = _2
20:17-20:22: @0[8]: _6 = CheckedAdd(_4, _5)
20:17-20:22: @1[0]: _3 = move (_6.0: u32)
20:13-20:14: @1[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _3)
21:18-21:26: @1[9]: _23 = const main::in_func::promoted[0]
21:18-21:26: @1[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_23)
21:18-21:26: @1[11]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
21:18-21:26: @1[12]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:28-21:29: @1[20]: _18 = &amp;_3
21:9-21:30: @1[21]: _17 = (move _18,)
21:9-21:30: @1[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _17)
21:9-21:30: @1[25]: _19 = (_17.0: &amp;u32)
21:9-21:30: @1[28]: _21 = &amp;(*_19)
21:9-21:30: @1[30]: _22 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
21:9-21:30: @1.Call: _20 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _21, move _22) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @2[2]: _16 = [move _20]
21:9-21:30: @2[5]: _15 = &amp;_16
21:9-21:30: @2[6]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
21:9-21:30: @2[7]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
21:9-21:30: @2.Call: _8 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _9, move _13) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @3.Call: _7 = std::io::_print(move _8) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb5]
21:9-21:30: @4[6]: _0 = const ()
22:6-22:6: @4.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
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<title>inner_items.main-{impl#0}-trait_func - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 39"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="41:37-41:41: @0[1]: _3 = _2
41:13-41:41: @0[2]: _4 = CheckedAdd(((*_1).0: u32), _3)
41:13-41:41: @1[0]: ((*_1).0: u32) = move (_4.0: u32)
42:21-42:41: @1[4]: _6 = ((*_1).0: u32)
42:13-42:42: @1.Call: _5 = main::in_func(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
40:45-43:10: @2[2]: _0 = const ()
43:10-43:10: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2⦊</span>fn trait_func(&amp;mut self, incr: u32) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="41:37-41:41: @0[1]: _3 = _2
41:13-41:41: @0[2]: _4 = CheckedAdd(((*_1).0: u32), _3)
41:13-41:41: @1[0]: ((*_1).0: u32) = move (_4.0: u32)
42:21-42:41: @1[4]: _6 = ((*_1).0: u32)
42:13-42:42: @1.Call: _5 = main::in_func(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
40:45-43:10: @2[2]: _0 = const ()
43:10-43:10: @2.Return: return"> self.in_struct_field += incr;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="41:37-41:41: @0[1]: _3 = _2
41:13-41:41: @0[2]: _4 = CheckedAdd(((*_1).0: u32), _3)
41:13-41:41: @1[0]: ((*_1).0: u32) = move (_4.0: u32)
42:21-42:41: @1[4]: _6 = ((*_1).0: u32)
42:13-42:42: @1.Call: _5 = main::in_func(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
40:45-43:10: @2[2]: _0 = const ()
43:10-43:10: @2.Return: return"> in_func(self.in_struct_field);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="41:37-41:41: @0[1]: _3 = _2
41:13-41:41: @0[2]: _4 = CheckedAdd(((*_1).0: u32), _3)
41:13-41:41: @1[0]: ((*_1).0: u32) = move (_4.0: u32)
42:21-42:41: @1[4]: _6 = ((*_1).0: u32)
42:13-42:42: @1.Call: _5 = main::in_func(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
40:45-43:10: @2[2]: _0 = const ()
43:10-43:10: @2.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>inner_items.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
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line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() <span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> if is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_u32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_u32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> countdown = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:23: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_u32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="12:6-12:6: @5[0]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> mod in_mod {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> const IN_MOD_CONST: u32 = 1000;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> fn in_func(a: u32) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let b = 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let c = a + b;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> println!("c = {}", c)</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> struct InStruct {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> in_struct_field: u32,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> const IN_CONST: u32 = 1234;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> trait InTrait {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> fn trait_func(&amp;mut self, incr: u32);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> fn default_trait_func(&amp;mut self) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> in_func(IN_CONST);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> self.trait_func(IN_CONST);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> impl InTrait for InStruct {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> fn trait_func(&amp;mut self, incr: u32) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> self.in_struct_field += incr;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> in_func(self.in_struct_field);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> type InType = String;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="48:8-48:15: @6[4]: _9 = _1"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span>is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="49:17-49:26: @7[2]: _11 = _5
49:9-49:27: @7.Call: _10 = main::in_func(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb13]
48:16-50:6: @9[2]: _8 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@7,9⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="49:17-49:26: @7[2]: _11 = _5
49:9-49:27: @7.Call: _10 = main::in_func(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb13]
48:16-50:6: @9[2]: _8 = const ()"> in_func(countdown);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="49:17-49:26: @7[2]: _11 = _5
49:9-49:27: @7.Call: _10 = main::in_func(move _11) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb13]
48:16-50:6: @9[2]: _8 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@7,9</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="50:6-50:6: @8[0]: _8 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@8⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@8</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="52:19-54:6: @10[3]: _12 = main::InStruct { in_struct_field: const 101_u32 }
52:9-52:16: @10[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _12)
56:5-56:8: @10[7]: _14 = &amp;mut _12
56:5-56:29: @10.Call: _13 = &lt;main::InStruct as main::InTrait&gt;::default_trait_func(move _14) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb13]
57:2-57:2: @11.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@10,11⦊</span>mut val = InStruct {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="52:19-54:6: @10[3]: _12 = main::InStruct { in_struct_field: const 101_u32 }
52:9-52:16: @10[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _12)
56:5-56:8: @10[7]: _14 = &amp;mut _12
56:5-56:29: @10.Call: _13 = &lt;main::InStruct as main::InTrait&gt;::default_trait_func(move _14) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb13]
57:2-57:2: @11.Return: return"> in_struct_field: 101,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="52:19-54:6: @10[3]: _12 = main::InStruct { in_struct_field: const 101_u32 }
52:9-52:16: @10[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _12)
56:5-56:8: @10[7]: _14 = &amp;mut _12
56:5-56:29: @10.Call: _13 = &lt;main::InStruct as main::InTrait&gt;::default_trait_func(move _14) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb13]
57:2-57:2: @11.Return: return"> };</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="52:19-54:6: @10[3]: _12 = main::InStruct { in_struct_field: const 101_u32 }
52:9-52:16: @10[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _12)
56:5-56:8: @10[7]: _14 = &amp;mut _12
56:5-56:29: @10.Call: _13 = &lt;main::InStruct as main::InTrait&gt;::default_trait_func(move _14) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb13]
57:2-57:2: @11.Return: return"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="52:19-54:6: @10[3]: _12 = main::InStruct { in_struct_field: const 101_u32 }
52:9-52:16: @10[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _12)
56:5-56:8: @10[7]: _14 = &amp;mut _12
56:5-56:29: @10.Call: _13 = &lt;main::InStruct as main::InTrait&gt;::default_trait_func(move _14) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb13]
57:2-57:2: @11.Return: return"> val.default_trait_func();</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="52:19-54:6: @10[3]: _12 = main::InStruct { in_struct_field: const 101_u32 }
52:9-52:16: @10[4]: FakeRead(ForLet, _12)
56:5-56:8: @10[7]: _14 = &amp;mut _12
56:5-56:29: @10.Call: _13 = &lt;main::InStruct as main::InTrait&gt;::default_trait_func(move _14) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb13]
57:2-57:2: @11.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@10,11</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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For revisions in Pull Requests (PR):
* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
* Replace "master" with the PR branch name
<title>lazy_boolean.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
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background-color: #222222;
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border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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font-style: italic;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:33-9:42: @3[2]: _8 = (const 0_i32, const 0_i32, const 0_i32)
9:10-9:15: @3[4]: _5 = (_8.0: i32)
9:17-9:22: @3[6]: _6 = (_8.1: i32)
9:24-9:29: @3[8]: _7 = (_8.2: i32)
10:8-10:15: @3[12]: _10 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:33-9:42: @3[2]: _8 = (const 0_i32, const 0_i32, const 0_i32)
9:10-9:15: @3[4]: _5 = (_8.0: i32)
9:17-9:22: @3[6]: _6 = (_8.1: i32)
9:24-9:29: @3[8]: _7 = (_8.2: i32)
10:8-10:15: @3[12]: _10 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:33-9:42: @3[2]: _8 = (const 0_i32, const 0_i32, const 0_i32)
9:10-9:15: @3[4]: _5 = (_8.0: i32)
9:17-9:22: @3[6]: _6 = (_8.1: i32)
9:24-9:29: @3[8]: _7 = (_8.2: i32)
10:8-10:15: @3[12]: _10 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:33-9:42: @3[2]: _8 = (const 0_i32, const 0_i32, const 0_i32)
9:10-9:15: @3[4]: _5 = (_8.0: i32)
9:17-9:22: @3[6]: _6 = (_8.1: i32)
9:24-9:29: @3[8]: _7 = (_8.2: i32)
10:8-10:15: @3[12]: _10 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:33-9:42: @3[2]: _8 = (const 0_i32, const 0_i32, const 0_i32)
9:10-9:15: @3[4]: _5 = (_8.0: i32)
9:17-9:22: @3[6]: _6 = (_8.1: i32)
9:24-9:29: @3[8]: _7 = (_8.2: i32)
10:8-10:15: @3[12]: _10 = _1"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:33-9:42: @3[2]: _8 = (const 0_i32, const 0_i32, const 0_i32)
9:10-9:15: @3[4]: _5 = (_8.0: i32)
9:17-9:22: @3[6]: _6 = (_8.1: i32)
9:24-9:29: @3[8]: _7 = (_8.2: i32)
10:8-10:15: @3[12]: _10 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:33-9:42: @3[2]: _8 = (const 0_i32, const 0_i32, const 0_i32)
9:10-9:15: @3[4]: _5 = (_8.0: i32)
9:17-9:22: @3[6]: _6 = (_8.1: i32)
9:24-9:29: @3[8]: _7 = (_8.2: i32)
10:8-10:15: @3[12]: _10 = _1"> let (mut a, mut b, mut c) = (0, 0, 0);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:33-9:42: @3[2]: _8 = (const 0_i32, const 0_i32, const 0_i32)
9:10-9:15: @3[4]: _5 = (_8.0: i32)
9:17-9:22: @3[6]: _6 = (_8.1: i32)
9:24-9:29: @3[8]: _7 = (_8.2: i32)
10:8-10:15: @3[12]: _10 = _1"> if is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 1_i32
12:9-12:15: @4[1]: _6 = const 10_i32
13:9-13:16: @4[2]: _7 = const 100_i32
10:16-14:6: @4[3]: _9 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 1_i32
12:9-12:15: @4[1]: _6 = const 10_i32
13:9-13:16: @4[2]: _7 = const 100_i32
10:16-14:6: @4[3]: _9 = const ()"> a = 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 1_i32
12:9-12:15: @4[1]: _6 = const 10_i32
13:9-13:16: @4[2]: _7 = const 100_i32
10:16-14:6: @4[3]: _9 = const ()"> b = 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 1_i32
12:9-12:15: @4[1]: _6 = const 10_i32
13:9-13:16: @4[2]: _7 = const 100_i32
10:16-14:6: @4[3]: _9 = const ()"> c = 100;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 1_i32
12:9-12:15: @4[1]: _6 = const 10_i32
13:9-13:16: @4[2]: _7 = const 100_i32
10:16-14:6: @4[3]: _9 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:6-14:6: @5[0]: _9 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="16:9-16:17: @9[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _11)"><span class="annotation">@9⦊</span>somebool<span class="annotation">⦉@9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:13-18:14: @6[5]: _13 = _5
18:17-18:18: @6[7]: _14 = _6
18:13-18:18: @6[8]: _12 = Lt(move _13, move _14)"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span>a &lt; b<span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> ||</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="20:13-20:14: @8[2]: _16 = _6
20:17-20:18: @8[4]: _17 = _7
20:13-20:18: @8[5]: _15 = Lt(move _16, move _17)"><span class="annotation">@8⦊</span>b &lt; c<span class="annotation">⦉@8</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-23:17: @12[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _18)"><span class="annotation">@12⦊</span>somebool<span class="annotation">⦉@12</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:13-25:14: @9[6]: _20 = _6
25:17-25:18: @9[8]: _21 = _5
25:13-25:18: @9[9]: _19 = Lt(move _20, move _21)"><span class="annotation">@9⦊</span>b &lt; a<span class="annotation">⦉@9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> ||</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="27:13-27:14: @11[2]: _23 = _6
27:17-27:18: @11[4]: _24 = _7
27:13-27:18: @11[5]: _22 = Lt(move _23, move _24)"><span class="annotation">@11⦊</span>b &lt; c<span class="annotation">⦉@11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="29:9-29:17: @15[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _25)"><span class="annotation">@15⦊</span>somebool<span class="annotation">⦉@15</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> = </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="29:20-29:21: @12[6]: _27 = _5
29:24-29:25: @12[8]: _28 = _6
29:20-29:25: @12[9]: _26 = Lt(move _27, move _28)"><span class="annotation">@12⦊</span>a &lt; b<span class="annotation">⦉@12</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> &amp;&amp; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="29:29-29:30: @14[2]: _30 = _6
29:33-29:34: @14[4]: _31 = _7
29:29-29:34: @14[5]: _29 = Lt(move _30, move _31)"><span class="annotation">@14⦊</span>b &lt; c<span class="annotation">⦉@14</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="30:9-30:17: @18[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _32)"><span class="annotation">@18⦊</span>somebool<span class="annotation">⦉@18</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> = </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="30:20-30:21: @15[6]: _34 = _6
30:24-30:25: @15[8]: _35 = _5
30:20-30:25: @15[9]: _33 = Lt(move _34, move _35)"><span class="annotation">@15⦊</span>b &lt; a<span class="annotation">⦉@15</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> &amp;&amp; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="30:29-30:30: @17[2]: _37 = _6
30:33-30:34: @17[4]: _38 = _7
30:29-30:34: @17[5]: _36 = Lt(move _37, move _38)"><span class="annotation">@17⦊</span>b &lt; c<span class="annotation">⦉@17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="34:9-34:16: @18[6]: _41 = _1
33:9-34:16: @18[7]: _40 = Not(move _41)"><span class="annotation">@18⦊</span>!</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="34:9-34:16: @18[6]: _41 = _1
33:9-34:16: @18[7]: _40 = Not(move _41)"> is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@18</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:9-36:14: @19[0]: _5 = const 2_i32
35:5-38:6: @19[1]: _39 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@19⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:9-36:14: @19[0]: _5 = const 2_i32
35:5-38:6: @19[1]: _39 = const ()"> a = 2</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:9-36:14: @19[0]: _5 = const 2_i32
35:5-38:6: @19[1]: _39 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:9-36:14: @19[0]: _5 = const 2_i32
35:5-38:6: @19[1]: _39 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@19</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="38:6-38:6: @20[0]: _39 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@20⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@20</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="41:9-41:16: @21[4]: _43 = _1"><span class="annotation">@21⦊</span>is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@21</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="43:9-43:15: @22[0]: _6 = const 30_i32
42:5-45:6: @22[1]: _42 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@22⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="43:9-43:15: @22[0]: _6 = const 30_i32
42:5-45:6: @22[1]: _42 = const ()"> b = 30</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="43:9-43:15: @22[0]: _6 = const 30_i32
42:5-45:6: @22[1]: _42 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="43:9-43:15: @22[0]: _6 = const 30_i32
42:5-45:6: @22[1]: _42 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@22</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="48:9-48:16: @23[0]: _7 = const 400_i32
47:5-50:6: @23[1]: _42 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@23⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="48:9-48:16: @23[0]: _7 = const 400_i32
47:5-50:6: @23[1]: _42 = const ()"> c = 400</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="48:9-48:16: @23[0]: _7 = const 400_i32
47:5-50:6: @23[1]: _42 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="48:9-48:16: @23[0]: _7 = const 400_i32
47:5-50:6: @23[1]: _42 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@23</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="52:9-52:16: @24[5]: _46 = _1
52:8-52:16: @24[6]: _45 = Not(move _46)"><span class="annotation">@24⦊</span>!is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@24</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="53:9-53:14: @25[0]: _5 = const 2_i32
52:17-54:6: @25[1]: _44 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@25⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="53:9-53:14: @25[0]: _5 = const 2_i32
52:17-54:6: @25[1]: _44 = const ()"> a = 2;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="53:9-53:14: @25[0]: _5 = const 2_i32
52:17-54:6: @25[1]: _44 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@25</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="54:6-54:6: @26[0]: _44 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@26⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@26</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="56:8-56:15: @27[3]: _47 = _1"><span class="annotation">@27⦊</span>is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@27</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="57:9-57:15: @28[0]: _6 = const 30_i32
56:16-58:6: @28[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@28⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="57:9-57:15: @28[0]: _6 = const 30_i32
56:16-58:6: @28[1]: _0 = const ()"> b = 30;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="57:9-57:15: @28[0]: _6 = const 30_i32
56:16-58:6: @28[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@28</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="59:9-59:16: @29[0]: _7 = const 400_i32
58:12-60:6: @29[1]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@29⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="59:9-59:16: @29[0]: _7 = const 400_i32
58:12-60:6: @29[1]: _0 = const ()"> c = 400;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="59:9-59:16: @29[0]: _7 = const 400_i32
58:12-60:6: @29[1]: _0 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@29</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="61:2-61:2: @30.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@30⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@30</span></span></span></span></div>

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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> let result</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> loop</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> break</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> 10</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-11:10: @0.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb1, cleanup: bb2]
9:13-9:15: @1[0]: _1 = const 10_i32
4:9-4:15: @1[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:11-13:2: @1[2]: _0 = const ()
13:2-13:2: @1.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>loops_branches.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
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display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 21"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:22-23:31: @0[1]: _1 = DebugTest
23:9-23:19: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:14-24:20: @0[9]: _19 = const main::promoted[0]
24:14-24:20: @0[10]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
24:14-24:20: @0[11]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
24:14-24:20: @0[12]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:22-24:32: @0[20]: _14 = &amp;_1
24:5-24:34: @0[21]: _13 = (move _14,)
24:5-24:34: @0[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
24:5-24:34: @0[25]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;DebugTest)
24:5-24:34: @0[28]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
24:5-24:34: @0[30]: _18 = &lt;DebugTest as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r DebugTest, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
24:5-24:34: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;DebugTest&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
24:5-24:34: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
24:5-24:34: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
24:5-24:34: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:5-24:34: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
22:11-25:2: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
25:2-25:2: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:22-23:31: @0[1]: _1 = DebugTest
23:9-23:19: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:14-24:20: @0[9]: _19 = const main::promoted[0]
24:14-24:20: @0[10]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
24:14-24:20: @0[11]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
24:14-24:20: @0[12]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:22-24:32: @0[20]: _14 = &amp;_1
24:5-24:34: @0[21]: _13 = (move _14,)
24:5-24:34: @0[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
24:5-24:34: @0[25]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;DebugTest)
24:5-24:34: @0[28]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
24:5-24:34: @0[30]: _18 = &lt;DebugTest as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r DebugTest, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
24:5-24:34: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;DebugTest&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
24:5-24:34: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
24:5-24:34: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
24:5-24:34: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:5-24:34: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
22:11-25:2: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
25:2-25:2: @3.Return: return"> let debug_test = DebugTest;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:22-23:31: @0[1]: _1 = DebugTest
23:9-23:19: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:14-24:20: @0[9]: _19 = const main::promoted[0]
24:14-24:20: @0[10]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
24:14-24:20: @0[11]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
24:14-24:20: @0[12]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:22-24:32: @0[20]: _14 = &amp;_1
24:5-24:34: @0[21]: _13 = (move _14,)
24:5-24:34: @0[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
24:5-24:34: @0[25]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;DebugTest)
24:5-24:34: @0[28]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
24:5-24:34: @0[30]: _18 = &lt;DebugTest as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r DebugTest, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
24:5-24:34: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;DebugTest&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
24:5-24:34: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
24:5-24:34: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
24:5-24:34: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:5-24:34: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
22:11-25:2: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
25:2-25:2: @3.Return: return"> println!("{:?}", debug_test);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:22-23:31: @0[1]: _1 = DebugTest
23:9-23:19: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
24:14-24:20: @0[9]: _19 = const main::promoted[0]
24:14-24:20: @0[10]: _7 = &amp;(*_19)
24:14-24:20: @0[11]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
24:14-24:20: @0[12]: _5 = move _6 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:22-24:32: @0[20]: _14 = &amp;_1
24:5-24:34: @0[21]: _13 = (move _14,)
24:5-24:34: @0[23]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _13)
24:5-24:34: @0[25]: _15 = (_13.0: &amp;DebugTest)
24:5-24:34: @0[28]: _17 = &amp;(*_15)
24:5-24:34: @0[30]: _18 = &lt;DebugTest as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r DebugTest, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
24:5-24:34: @0.Call: _16 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;DebugTest&gt;(move _17, move _18) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @1[2]: _12 = [move _16]
24:5-24:34: @1[5]: _11 = &amp;_12
24:5-24:34: @1[6]: _10 = &amp;(*_11)
24:5-24:34: @1[7]: _9 = move _10 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
24:5-24:34: @1.Call: _4 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _5, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @2.Call: _3 = std::io::_print(move _4) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
24:5-24:34: @3[6]: _2 = const ()
22:11-25:2: @3[8]: _0 = const ()
25:2-25:2: @3.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
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<title>loops_branches.{impl#0}-fmt - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
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line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 8"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:12-10:16: @0[2]: _4 = const true"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn fmt(&amp;self, f: &amp;mut std::fmt::Formatter) -&gt; std::fmt::Result {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:12-10:16: @0[2]: _4 = const true"> if true<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:16-11:21: @1[2]: _6 = const false"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>false<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> while </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="12:23-12:27: @5[1]: _8 = const true
12:23-12:27: @5[2]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _8)"><span class="annotation">@4,5⦊</span>true<span class="annotation">⦉@4,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="12:28-13:18: @8[0]: _7 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6,8⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="12:28-13:18: @8[0]: _7 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:14-14:14: @3[0]: _5 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="15:20-15:21: @9[6]: _13 = &amp;mut (*_2)
15:23-15:30: @9[11]: _32 = const &lt;DebugTest as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt::promoted[1]
15:23-15:30: @9[12]: _17 = &amp;(*_32)
15:23-15:30: @9[13]: _16 = &amp;(*_17)
15:23-15:30: @9[14]: _15 = move _16 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
15:13-15:31: @9[20]: _23 = ()
15:13-15:31: @9[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _23)
15:13-15:31: @9[22]: _31 = const &lt;DebugTest as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt::promoted[0]
15:13-15:31: @9[23]: _21 = &amp;(*_31)
15:13-15:31: @9[24]: _20 = &amp;(*_21)
15:13-15:31: @9[25]: _19 = move _20 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
15:13-15:31: @9.Call: _14 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _15, move _19) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb21]
15:13-15:31: @10.Call: _12 = std::fmt::Formatter::write_fmt(move _13, move _14) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb21]"><span class="annotation">@9,10,11,12⦊</span>write!(f, "error")<span class="annotation">⦉@9,10,11,12</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:31-15:32: @16[1]: _25 = ((_11 as Err).0: std::fmt::Error)
15:31-15:32: @16[4]: _28 = _25
15:31-15:32: @16.Call: _27 = &lt;std::fmt::Error as std::convert::From&lt;std::fmt::Error&gt;&gt;::from(move _28) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb21]"><span class="annotation">@14,16,17,18⦊</span>?<span class="annotation">⦉@14,16,17,18</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="16:16-17:10: @2[0]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="16:16-17:10: @2[0]: _3 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:12-18:14: @19[3]: _30 = ()
18:9-18:15: @19[4]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt;::Ok(move _30)"><span class="annotation">@19⦊</span>Ok(())<span class="annotation">⦉@19</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:6-19:6: @20.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@20⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@20</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
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* Replace "rust-lang" with the github PR author
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<title>match_or_pattern.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
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filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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background-color: #222222;
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line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"> let mut a: u8 = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"> let mut b: u8 = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb37]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb36]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:21-9:22: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_u8
9:9-9:14: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
9:16-9:18: @3[4]: AscribeUserType(_5, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] })
10:21-10:22: @3[6]: _6 = const 0_u8
10:9-10:14: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
10:16-10:18: @3[8]: AscribeUserType(_6, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] })
11:8-11:15: @3[11]: _8 = _1"> if is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="12:9-12:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 2_u8
13:9-13:14: @4[1]: _6 = const 0_u8
11:16-14:6: @4[2]: _7 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="12:9-12:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 2_u8
13:9-13:14: @4[1]: _6 = const 0_u8
11:16-14:6: @4[2]: _7 = const ()"> a = 2;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="12:9-12:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 2_u8
13:9-13:14: @4[1]: _6 = const 0_u8
11:16-14:6: @4[2]: _7 = const ()"> b = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="12:9-12:14: @4[0]: _5 = const 2_u8
13:9-13:14: @4[1]: _6 = const 0_u8
11:16-14:6: @4[2]: _7 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:6-14:6: @5[0]: _7 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="15:12-15:13: @6[5]: _11 = _5
15:15-15:16: @6[7]: _12 = _6
15:11-15:17: @6[8]: _10 = (move _11, move _12)
15:11-15:17: @6[11]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _10)"><span class="annotation">@6⦊</span>(a, b)<span class="annotation">⦉@6</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // Or patterns generate MIR `SwitchInt` with multiple targets to the same `BasicBlock`.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> // This test confirms a fix for Issue #79569.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> (0 | 1, 2 | 3) =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:27-18:29: @10[0]: _9 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@9,10⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@9,10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:14-19:16: @7[0]: _9 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="21:8-21:15: @11[4]: _14 = _1"><span class="annotation">@11⦊</span>is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:9-22:14: @12[0]: _5 = const 0_u8
23:9-23:14: @12[1]: _6 = const 0_u8
21:16-24:6: @12[2]: _13 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@12⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:9-22:14: @12[0]: _5 = const 0_u8
23:9-23:14: @12[1]: _6 = const 0_u8
21:16-24:6: @12[2]: _13 = const ()"> a = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:9-22:14: @12[0]: _5 = const 0_u8
23:9-23:14: @12[1]: _6 = const 0_u8
21:16-24:6: @12[2]: _13 = const ()"> b = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:9-22:14: @12[0]: _5 = const 0_u8
23:9-23:14: @12[1]: _6 = const 0_u8
21:16-24:6: @12[2]: _13 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@12</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:6-24:6: @13[0]: _13 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@13⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@13</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:12-25:13: @14[5]: _17 = _5
25:15-25:16: @14[7]: _18 = _6
25:11-25:17: @14[8]: _16 = (move _17, move _18)
25:11-25:17: @14[11]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _16)"><span class="annotation">@14⦊</span>(a, b)<span class="annotation">⦉@14</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> (0 | 1, 2 | 3) =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="26:27-26:29: @18[0]: _15 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@17,18⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@17,18</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="27:14-27:16: @15[0]: _15 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@15⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@15</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="29:8-29:15: @19[4]: _20 = _1"><span class="annotation">@19⦊</span>is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@19</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="30:9-30:14: @20[0]: _5 = const 2_u8
31:9-31:14: @20[1]: _6 = const 2_u8
29:16-32:6: @20[2]: _19 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@20⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="30:9-30:14: @20[0]: _5 = const 2_u8
31:9-31:14: @20[1]: _6 = const 2_u8
29:16-32:6: @20[2]: _19 = const ()"> a = 2;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="30:9-30:14: @20[0]: _5 = const 2_u8
31:9-31:14: @20[1]: _6 = const 2_u8
29:16-32:6: @20[2]: _19 = const ()"> b = 2;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="30:9-30:14: @20[0]: _5 = const 2_u8
31:9-31:14: @20[1]: _6 = const 2_u8
29:16-32:6: @20[2]: _19 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@20</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="32:6-32:6: @21[0]: _19 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@21⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@21</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="33:12-33:13: @22[5]: _23 = _5
33:15-33:16: @22[7]: _24 = _6
33:11-33:17: @22[8]: _22 = (move _23, move _24)
33:11-33:17: @22[11]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _22)"><span class="annotation">@22⦊</span>(a, b)<span class="annotation">⦉@22</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> (0 | 1, 2 | 3) =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="34:27-34:29: @26[0]: _21 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@25,26⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@25,26</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="35:14-35:16: @23[0]: _21 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@23⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@23</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="37:8-37:15: @27[4]: _26 = _1"><span class="annotation">@27⦊</span>is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@27</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="38:9-38:14: @28[0]: _5 = const 0_u8
39:9-39:14: @28[1]: _6 = const 2_u8
37:16-40:6: @28[2]: _25 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@28⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="38:9-38:14: @28[0]: _5 = const 0_u8
39:9-39:14: @28[1]: _6 = const 2_u8
37:16-40:6: @28[2]: _25 = const ()"> a = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="38:9-38:14: @28[0]: _5 = const 0_u8
39:9-39:14: @28[1]: _6 = const 2_u8
37:16-40:6: @28[2]: _25 = const ()"> b = 2;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="38:9-38:14: @28[0]: _5 = const 0_u8
39:9-39:14: @28[1]: _6 = const 2_u8
37:16-40:6: @28[2]: _25 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@28</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="40:6-40:6: @29[0]: _25 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@29⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@29</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="41:12-41:13: @30[4]: _28 = _5
41:15-41:16: @30[6]: _29 = _6
41:11-41:17: @30[7]: _27 = (move _28, move _29)
41:11-41:17: @30[10]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _27)"><span class="annotation">@30⦊</span>(a, b)<span class="annotation">⦉@30</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> (0 | 1, 2 | 3) =&gt; </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="42:27-42:29: @34[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@33,34⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@33,34</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _ =&gt; </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="43:14-43:16: @31[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@31⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@31</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="45:2-45:2: @35.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@35⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@35</span></span></span></span></div>

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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 0"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="2:19-2:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
2:19-2:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
2:19-2:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
2:19-2:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
2:9-2:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:25-3:27: @3[2]: _5 = const 10_i32
3:9-3:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="2:19-2:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
2:19-2:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
2:19-2:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
2:19-2:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
2:9-2:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:25-3:27: @3[2]: _5 = const 10_i32
3:9-3:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="2:19-2:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb32]
2:19-2:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
2:19-2:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb31]
2:19-2:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
2:9-2:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
3:25-3:27: @3[2]: _5 = const 10_i32
3:9-3:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)"> let mut countdown = 10<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> 'outer: while </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="5:19-5:28: @5[2]: _8 = _5
5:19-5:32: @5[3]: _7 = Gt(move _8, const 0_i32)
5:19-5:32: @5[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _7)"><span class="annotation">@4,5⦊</span>countdown &gt; 0<span class="annotation">⦉@4,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:21-6:24: @8[1]: _9 = const 100_i32
6:13-6:18: @8[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _9)
7:21-7:24: @8[4]: _10 = const 100_i32
7:13-7:18: @8[5]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"><span class="annotation">@6,8,9⦊</span>mut a = 100;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="6:21-6:24: @8[1]: _9 = const 100_i32
6:13-6:18: @8[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _9)
7:21-7:24: @8[4]: _10 = const 100_i32
7:13-7:18: @8[5]: FakeRead(ForLet, _10)"> let mut b = 100<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8,9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> for </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="8:13-8:14: @16[1]: _21 = ((_17 as Some).0: i32)
8:13-8:14: @16[3]: _22 = _21
8:13-8:14: @16[4]: _15 = move _22
8:13-8:14: @16[5]: _16 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@14,16⦊</span>_<span class="annotation">⦉@14,16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> in </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="8:18-8:23: @11[5]: _19 = &amp;mut _14
8:18-8:23: @11[6]: _18 = &amp;mut (*_19)
8:18-8:23: @11.Call: _17 = &lt;std::ops::Range&lt;i32&gt; as std::iter::Iterator&gt;::next(move _18) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb32]
8:18-8:23: @12[1]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _17)"><span class="annotation">@10,11,12⦊</span>0..50<span class="annotation">⦉@10,11,12</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="9:16-9:17: @16[15]: _27 = _9
9:16-9:22: @16[16]: _26 = Lt(move _27, const 30_i32)"><span class="annotation">@14,16⦊</span>a &lt; 30<span class="annotation">⦉@14,16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="10:17-10:22: @17[0]: _11 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@17⦊</span>break<span class="annotation">⦉@17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:14-11:14: @18[0]: _25 = const ()
12:13-12:19: @18[3]: _29 = CheckedSub(_9, const 5_i32)
12:13-12:19: @19[0]: _9 = move (_29.0: i32)
13:13-13:19: @19[1]: _30 = CheckedSub(_10, const 5_i32)
13:13-13:19: @20[0]: _10 = move (_30.0: i32)
14:16-14:17: @20[3]: _32 = _10
14:16-14:22: @20[4]: _31 = Lt(move _32, const 90_i32)"><span class="annotation">@18,19,20⦊</span></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:14-11:14: @18[0]: _25 = const ()
12:13-12:19: @18[3]: _29 = CheckedSub(_9, const 5_i32)
12:13-12:19: @19[0]: _9 = move (_29.0: i32)
13:13-13:19: @19[1]: _30 = CheckedSub(_10, const 5_i32)
13:13-13:19: @20[0]: _10 = move (_30.0: i32)
14:16-14:17: @20[3]: _32 = _10
14:16-14:22: @20[4]: _31 = Lt(move _32, const 90_i32)"> a -= 5;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:14-11:14: @18[0]: _25 = const ()
12:13-12:19: @18[3]: _29 = CheckedSub(_9, const 5_i32)
12:13-12:19: @19[0]: _9 = move (_29.0: i32)
13:13-13:19: @19[1]: _30 = CheckedSub(_10, const 5_i32)
13:13-13:19: @20[0]: _10 = move (_30.0: i32)
14:16-14:17: @20[3]: _32 = _10
14:16-14:22: @20[4]: _31 = Lt(move _32, const 90_i32)"> b -= 5;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:14-11:14: @18[0]: _25 = const ()
12:13-12:19: @18[3]: _29 = CheckedSub(_9, const 5_i32)
12:13-12:19: @19[0]: _9 = move (_29.0: i32)
13:13-13:19: @19[1]: _30 = CheckedSub(_10, const 5_i32)
13:13-13:19: @20[0]: _10 = move (_30.0: i32)
14:16-14:17: @20[3]: _32 = _10
14:16-14:22: @20[4]: _31 = Lt(move _32, const 90_i32)"> if b &lt; 90<span class="annotation">⦉@18,19,20</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:17-15:24: @21[0]: _33 = CheckedSub(_9, const 10_i32)
15:17-15:24: @23[0]: _9 = move (_33.0: i32)
16:20-16:27: @23[2]: _34 = _1"><span class="annotation">@21,23⦊</span>a -= 10;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="15:17-15:24: @21[0]: _33 = CheckedSub(_9, const 10_i32)
15:17-15:24: @23[0]: _9 = move (_33.0: i32)
16:20-16:27: @23[2]: _34 = _1"> if is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@21,23</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="17:21-17:33: @24[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@24⦊</span>break 'outer<span class="annotation">⦉@24</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:21-19:27: @25[0]: _36 = CheckedSub(_9, const 2_i32)
19:21-19:27: @26[0]: _9 = move (_36.0: i32)
18:24-20:18: @26[1]: _24 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@25,26⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:21-19:27: @25[0]: _36 = CheckedSub(_9, const 2_i32)
19:21-19:27: @26[0]: _9 = move (_36.0: i32)
18:24-20:18: @26[1]: _24 = const ()"> a -= 2;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:21-19:27: @25[0]: _36 = CheckedSub(_9, const 2_i32)
19:21-19:27: @26[0]: _9 = move (_36.0: i32)
18:24-20:18: @26[1]: _24 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@25,26</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:14-21:14: @22[0]: _24 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@22⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@22</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:9-23:23: @28[4]: _37 = CheckedSub(_5, const 1_i32)
23:9-23:23: @29[0]: _5 = move (_37.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@28,29⦊</span>countdown -= 1<span class="annotation">⦉@28,29</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:2-25:2: @30.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@30⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@30</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>overflow.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 14"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="16:25-16:27: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
16:9-16:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(),u8&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="16:25-16:27: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
16:9-16:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"> let mut countdown = 10<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> while </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="17:11-17:20: @2[2]: _5 = _1
17:11-17:24: @2[3]: _4 = Gt(move _5, const 0_i32)
17:11-17:24: @2[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _4)"><span class="annotation">@1,2⦊</span>countdown &gt; 0<span class="annotation">⦉@1,2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:12-18:21: @5[3]: _8 = _1
18:12-18:26: @5[4]: _7 = Eq(move _8, const 1_i32)"><span class="annotation">@3,5⦊</span>countdown == 1<span class="annotation">⦉@3,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:26-19:44: @6.Call: _9 = might_overflow(const 10_u32) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb21]
19:17-19:23: @8[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _9)
20:22-20:34: @8[7]: _51 = const main::promoted[1]
20:22-20:34: @8[8]: _15 = &amp;(*_51)
20:22-20:34: @8[9]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
20:22-20:34: @8[10]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:36-20:42: @8[18]: _22 = &amp;_9
20:13-20:44: @8[19]: _21 = (move _22,)
20:13-20:44: @8[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _21)
20:13-20:44: @8[23]: _23 = (_21.0: &amp;u32)
20:13-20:44: @8[26]: _25 = &amp;(*_23)
20:13-20:44: @8[28]: _26 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
20:13-20:44: @8.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @9[2]: _20 = [move _24]
20:13-20:44: @9[5]: _19 = &amp;_20
20:13-20:44: @9[6]: _18 = &amp;(*_19)
20:13-20:44: @9[7]: _17 = move _18 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:13-20:44: @9.Call: _12 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _13, move _17) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @10.Call: _11 = std::io::_print(move _12) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @11[6]: _10 = const ()
18:27-21:10: @11[8]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6,8,9,10,11⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:26-19:44: @6.Call: _9 = might_overflow(const 10_u32) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb21]
19:17-19:23: @8[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _9)
20:22-20:34: @8[7]: _51 = const main::promoted[1]
20:22-20:34: @8[8]: _15 = &amp;(*_51)
20:22-20:34: @8[9]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
20:22-20:34: @8[10]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:36-20:42: @8[18]: _22 = &amp;_9
20:13-20:44: @8[19]: _21 = (move _22,)
20:13-20:44: @8[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _21)
20:13-20:44: @8[23]: _23 = (_21.0: &amp;u32)
20:13-20:44: @8[26]: _25 = &amp;(*_23)
20:13-20:44: @8[28]: _26 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
20:13-20:44: @8.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @9[2]: _20 = [move _24]
20:13-20:44: @9[5]: _19 = &amp;_20
20:13-20:44: @9[6]: _18 = &amp;(*_19)
20:13-20:44: @9[7]: _17 = move _18 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:13-20:44: @9.Call: _12 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _13, move _17) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @10.Call: _11 = std::io::_print(move _12) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @11[6]: _10 = const ()
18:27-21:10: @11[8]: _6 = const ()"> let result = might_overflow(10);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:26-19:44: @6.Call: _9 = might_overflow(const 10_u32) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb21]
19:17-19:23: @8[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _9)
20:22-20:34: @8[7]: _51 = const main::promoted[1]
20:22-20:34: @8[8]: _15 = &amp;(*_51)
20:22-20:34: @8[9]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
20:22-20:34: @8[10]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:36-20:42: @8[18]: _22 = &amp;_9
20:13-20:44: @8[19]: _21 = (move _22,)
20:13-20:44: @8[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _21)
20:13-20:44: @8[23]: _23 = (_21.0: &amp;u32)
20:13-20:44: @8[26]: _25 = &amp;(*_23)
20:13-20:44: @8[28]: _26 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
20:13-20:44: @8.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @9[2]: _20 = [move _24]
20:13-20:44: @9[5]: _19 = &amp;_20
20:13-20:44: @9[6]: _18 = &amp;(*_19)
20:13-20:44: @9[7]: _17 = move _18 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:13-20:44: @9.Call: _12 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _13, move _17) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @10.Call: _11 = std::io::_print(move _12) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @11[6]: _10 = const ()
18:27-21:10: @11[8]: _6 = const ()"> println!("Result: {}", result);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:26-19:44: @6.Call: _9 = might_overflow(const 10_u32) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb21]
19:17-19:23: @8[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _9)
20:22-20:34: @8[7]: _51 = const main::promoted[1]
20:22-20:34: @8[8]: _15 = &amp;(*_51)
20:22-20:34: @8[9]: _14 = &amp;(*_15)
20:22-20:34: @8[10]: _13 = move _14 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:36-20:42: @8[18]: _22 = &amp;_9
20:13-20:44: @8[19]: _21 = (move _22,)
20:13-20:44: @8[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _21)
20:13-20:44: @8[23]: _23 = (_21.0: &amp;u32)
20:13-20:44: @8[26]: _25 = &amp;(*_23)
20:13-20:44: @8[28]: _26 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
20:13-20:44: @8.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @9[2]: _20 = [move _24]
20:13-20:44: @9[5]: _19 = &amp;_20
20:13-20:44: @9[6]: _18 = &amp;(*_19)
20:13-20:44: @9[7]: _17 = move _18 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
20:13-20:44: @9.Call: _12 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _13, move _17) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @10.Call: _11 = std::io::_print(move _12) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb21]
20:13-20:44: @11[6]: _10 = const ()
18:27-21:10: @11[8]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8,9,10,11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="21:19-21:28: @7[2]: _28 = _1
21:19-21:32: @7[3]: _27 = Lt(move _28, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span>countdown &lt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:26-22:43: @12.Call: _29 = might_overflow(const 1_u32) -&gt; [return: bb14, unwind: bb21]
22:17-22:23: @14[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _29)
23:22-23:34: @14[7]: _50 = const main::promoted[0]
23:22-23:34: @14[8]: _35 = &amp;(*_50)
23:22-23:34: @14[9]: _34 = &amp;(*_35)
23:22-23:34: @14[10]: _33 = move _34 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
23:36-23:42: @14[18]: _42 = &amp;_29
23:13-23:44: @14[19]: _41 = (move _42,)
23:13-23:44: @14[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _41)
23:13-23:44: @14[23]: _43 = (_41.0: &amp;u32)
23:13-23:44: @14[26]: _45 = &amp;(*_43)
23:13-23:44: @14[28]: _46 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
23:13-23:44: @14.Call: _44 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _45, move _46) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @15[2]: _40 = [move _44]
23:13-23:44: @15[5]: _39 = &amp;_40
23:13-23:44: @15[6]: _38 = &amp;(*_39)
23:13-23:44: @15[7]: _37 = move _38 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
23:13-23:44: @15.Call: _32 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _33, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb16, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @16.Call: _31 = std::io::_print(move _32) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @17[6]: _30 = const ()
21:33-24:10: @17[8]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@12,14,15,16,17⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:26-22:43: @12.Call: _29 = might_overflow(const 1_u32) -&gt; [return: bb14, unwind: bb21]
22:17-22:23: @14[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _29)
23:22-23:34: @14[7]: _50 = const main::promoted[0]
23:22-23:34: @14[8]: _35 = &amp;(*_50)
23:22-23:34: @14[9]: _34 = &amp;(*_35)
23:22-23:34: @14[10]: _33 = move _34 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
23:36-23:42: @14[18]: _42 = &amp;_29
23:13-23:44: @14[19]: _41 = (move _42,)
23:13-23:44: @14[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _41)
23:13-23:44: @14[23]: _43 = (_41.0: &amp;u32)
23:13-23:44: @14[26]: _45 = &amp;(*_43)
23:13-23:44: @14[28]: _46 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
23:13-23:44: @14.Call: _44 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _45, move _46) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @15[2]: _40 = [move _44]
23:13-23:44: @15[5]: _39 = &amp;_40
23:13-23:44: @15[6]: _38 = &amp;(*_39)
23:13-23:44: @15[7]: _37 = move _38 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
23:13-23:44: @15.Call: _32 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _33, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb16, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @16.Call: _31 = std::io::_print(move _32) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @17[6]: _30 = const ()
21:33-24:10: @17[8]: _6 = const ()"> let result = might_overflow(1);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:26-22:43: @12.Call: _29 = might_overflow(const 1_u32) -&gt; [return: bb14, unwind: bb21]
22:17-22:23: @14[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _29)
23:22-23:34: @14[7]: _50 = const main::promoted[0]
23:22-23:34: @14[8]: _35 = &amp;(*_50)
23:22-23:34: @14[9]: _34 = &amp;(*_35)
23:22-23:34: @14[10]: _33 = move _34 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
23:36-23:42: @14[18]: _42 = &amp;_29
23:13-23:44: @14[19]: _41 = (move _42,)
23:13-23:44: @14[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _41)
23:13-23:44: @14[23]: _43 = (_41.0: &amp;u32)
23:13-23:44: @14[26]: _45 = &amp;(*_43)
23:13-23:44: @14[28]: _46 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
23:13-23:44: @14.Call: _44 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _45, move _46) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @15[2]: _40 = [move _44]
23:13-23:44: @15[5]: _39 = &amp;_40
23:13-23:44: @15[6]: _38 = &amp;(*_39)
23:13-23:44: @15[7]: _37 = move _38 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
23:13-23:44: @15.Call: _32 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _33, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb16, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @16.Call: _31 = std::io::_print(move _32) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @17[6]: _30 = const ()
21:33-24:10: @17[8]: _6 = const ()"> println!("Result: {}", result);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:26-22:43: @12.Call: _29 = might_overflow(const 1_u32) -&gt; [return: bb14, unwind: bb21]
22:17-22:23: @14[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _29)
23:22-23:34: @14[7]: _50 = const main::promoted[0]
23:22-23:34: @14[8]: _35 = &amp;(*_50)
23:22-23:34: @14[9]: _34 = &amp;(*_35)
23:22-23:34: @14[10]: _33 = move _34 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
23:36-23:42: @14[18]: _42 = &amp;_29
23:13-23:44: @14[19]: _41 = (move _42,)
23:13-23:44: @14[21]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _41)
23:13-23:44: @14[23]: _43 = (_41.0: &amp;u32)
23:13-23:44: @14[26]: _45 = &amp;(*_43)
23:13-23:44: @14[28]: _46 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
23:13-23:44: @14.Call: _44 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _45, move _46) -&gt; [return: bb15, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @15[2]: _40 = [move _44]
23:13-23:44: @15[5]: _39 = &amp;_40
23:13-23:44: @15[6]: _38 = &amp;(*_39)
23:13-23:44: @15[7]: _37 = move _38 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
23:13-23:44: @15.Call: _32 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _33, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb16, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @16.Call: _31 = std::io::_print(move _32) -&gt; [return: bb17, unwind: bb21]
23:13-23:44: @17[6]: _30 = const ()
21:33-24:10: @17[8]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@12,14,15,16,17</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:10-24:10: @13[0]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@13⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@13</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="25:9-25:23: @19[2]: _47 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
25:9-25:23: @20[0]: _1 = move (_47.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@19,20⦊</span>countdown -= 1<span class="annotation">⦉@19,20</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="27:8-27:10: @4[4]: _49 = ()
27:5-27:11: @4[5]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _49)
28:2-28:2: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>Ok(())</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="27:8-27:10: @4[4]: _49 = ()
27:5-27:11: @4[5]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _49)
28:2-28:2: @4.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>overflow.might_overflow - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:8-5:14: @0[3]: _4 = _1
5:8-5:18: @0[4]: _3 = Gt(move _4, const 5_u32)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn might_overflow(to_add: u32) -&gt; u32 {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:8-5:14: @0[3]: _4 = _1
5:8-5:18: @0[4]: _3 = Gt(move _4, const 5_u32)"> if to_add &gt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:18-6:47: @1[6]: _61 = const might_overflow::promoted[4]
6:18-6:47: @1[7]: _10 = &amp;(*_61)
6:18-6:47: @1[8]: _9 = &amp;(*_10)
6:18-6:47: @1[9]: _8 = move _9 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:49: @1[15]: _16 = ()
6:9-6:49: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _16)
6:9-6:49: @1[17]: _60 = const might_overflow::promoted[3]
6:9-6:49: @1[18]: _14 = &amp;(*_60)
6:9-6:49: @1[19]: _13 = &amp;(*_14)
6:9-6:49: @1[20]: _12 = move _13 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:49: @1.Call: _7 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _8, move _12) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
6:9-6:49: @3.Call: _6 = std::io::_print(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb14]
6:9-6:49: @4[5]: _5 = const ()
5:19-7:6: @4[7]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@1,3,4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:18-6:47: @1[6]: _61 = const might_overflow::promoted[4]
6:18-6:47: @1[7]: _10 = &amp;(*_61)
6:18-6:47: @1[8]: _9 = &amp;(*_10)
6:18-6:47: @1[9]: _8 = move _9 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:49: @1[15]: _16 = ()
6:9-6:49: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _16)
6:9-6:49: @1[17]: _60 = const might_overflow::promoted[3]
6:9-6:49: @1[18]: _14 = &amp;(*_60)
6:9-6:49: @1[19]: _13 = &amp;(*_14)
6:9-6:49: @1[20]: _12 = move _13 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:49: @1.Call: _7 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _8, move _12) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
6:9-6:49: @3.Call: _6 = std::io::_print(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb14]
6:9-6:49: @4[5]: _5 = const ()
5:19-7:6: @4[7]: _2 = const ()"> println!("this will probably overflow");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:18-6:47: @1[6]: _61 = const might_overflow::promoted[4]
6:18-6:47: @1[7]: _10 = &amp;(*_61)
6:18-6:47: @1[8]: _9 = &amp;(*_10)
6:18-6:47: @1[9]: _8 = move _9 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:49: @1[15]: _16 = ()
6:9-6:49: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _16)
6:9-6:49: @1[17]: _60 = const might_overflow::promoted[3]
6:9-6:49: @1[18]: _14 = &amp;(*_60)
6:9-6:49: @1[19]: _13 = &amp;(*_14)
6:9-6:49: @1[20]: _12 = move _13 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:49: @1.Call: _7 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _8, move _12) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb14]
6:9-6:49: @3.Call: _6 = std::io::_print(move _7) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb14]
6:9-6:49: @4[5]: _5 = const ()
5:19-7:6: @4[7]: _2 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@1,3,4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:6-7:6: @2[0]: _2 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="8:18-8:30: @5[3]: _18 = CheckedSub(const core::num::&lt;impl u32&gt;::MAX, const 5_u32)
8:18-8:30: @6[0]: _17 = move (_18.0: u32)
8:9-8:15: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _17)
9:14-9:38: @6[8]: _59 = const might_overflow::promoted[2]
9:14-9:38: @6[9]: _24 = &amp;(*_59)
9:14-9:38: @6[10]: _23 = &amp;(*_24)
9:14-9:38: @6[11]: _22 = move _23 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:40-9:46: @6[19]: _31 = &amp;_17
9:48-9:54: @6[21]: _32 = &amp;_1
9:5-9:56: @6[22]: _30 = (move _31, move _32)
9:5-9:56: @6[25]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _30)
9:5-9:56: @6[27]: _33 = (_30.0: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[29]: _34 = (_30.1: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[32]: _36 = &amp;(*_33)
9:5-9:56: @6[34]: _37 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @6.Call: _35 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _36, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @7[4]: _39 = &amp;(*_34)
9:5-9:56: @7[6]: _40 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @7.Call: _38 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _39, move _40) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @8[2]: _29 = [move _35, move _38]
9:5-9:56: @8[7]: _28 = &amp;_29
9:5-9:56: @8[8]: _27 = &amp;(*_28)
9:5-9:56: @8[9]: _26 = move _27 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:5-9:56: @8.Call: _21 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _22, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @9.Call: _20 = std::io::_print(move _21) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @10[6]: _19 = const ()
10:18-10:24: @10[10]: _42 = _1
10:27-10:33: @10[12]: _43 = _17
10:18-10:33: @10[13]: _44 = CheckedAdd(_42, _43)
10:18-10:33: @11[0]: _41 = move (_44.0: u32)
10:9-10:15: @11[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _41)
11:14-11:47: @11[10]: _58 = const might_overflow::promoted[1]
11:14-11:47: @11[11]: _50 = &amp;(*_58)
11:14-11:47: @11[12]: _49 = &amp;(*_50)
11:14-11:47: @11[13]: _48 = move _49 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11[19]: _56 = ()
11:5-11:49: @11[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _56)
11:5-11:49: @11[21]: _57 = const might_overflow::promoted[0]
11:5-11:49: @11[22]: _54 = &amp;(*_57)
11:5-11:49: @11[23]: _53 = &amp;(*_54)
11:5-11:49: @11[24]: _52 = move _53 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11.Call: _47 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _48, move _52) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @12.Call: _46 = std::io::_print(move _47) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @13[5]: _45 = const ()
12:5-12:11: @13[7]: _0 = _41
13:2-13:2: @13.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13⦊</span>add_to = u32::MAX - 5;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="8:18-8:30: @5[3]: _18 = CheckedSub(const core::num::&lt;impl u32&gt;::MAX, const 5_u32)
8:18-8:30: @6[0]: _17 = move (_18.0: u32)
8:9-8:15: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _17)
9:14-9:38: @6[8]: _59 = const might_overflow::promoted[2]
9:14-9:38: @6[9]: _24 = &amp;(*_59)
9:14-9:38: @6[10]: _23 = &amp;(*_24)
9:14-9:38: @6[11]: _22 = move _23 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:40-9:46: @6[19]: _31 = &amp;_17
9:48-9:54: @6[21]: _32 = &amp;_1
9:5-9:56: @6[22]: _30 = (move _31, move _32)
9:5-9:56: @6[25]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _30)
9:5-9:56: @6[27]: _33 = (_30.0: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[29]: _34 = (_30.1: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[32]: _36 = &amp;(*_33)
9:5-9:56: @6[34]: _37 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @6.Call: _35 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _36, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @7[4]: _39 = &amp;(*_34)
9:5-9:56: @7[6]: _40 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @7.Call: _38 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _39, move _40) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @8[2]: _29 = [move _35, move _38]
9:5-9:56: @8[7]: _28 = &amp;_29
9:5-9:56: @8[8]: _27 = &amp;(*_28)
9:5-9:56: @8[9]: _26 = move _27 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:5-9:56: @8.Call: _21 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _22, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @9.Call: _20 = std::io::_print(move _21) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @10[6]: _19 = const ()
10:18-10:24: @10[10]: _42 = _1
10:27-10:33: @10[12]: _43 = _17
10:18-10:33: @10[13]: _44 = CheckedAdd(_42, _43)
10:18-10:33: @11[0]: _41 = move (_44.0: u32)
10:9-10:15: @11[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _41)
11:14-11:47: @11[10]: _58 = const might_overflow::promoted[1]
11:14-11:47: @11[11]: _50 = &amp;(*_58)
11:14-11:47: @11[12]: _49 = &amp;(*_50)
11:14-11:47: @11[13]: _48 = move _49 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11[19]: _56 = ()
11:5-11:49: @11[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _56)
11:5-11:49: @11[21]: _57 = const might_overflow::promoted[0]
11:5-11:49: @11[22]: _54 = &amp;(*_57)
11:5-11:49: @11[23]: _53 = &amp;(*_54)
11:5-11:49: @11[24]: _52 = move _53 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11.Call: _47 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _48, move _52) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @12.Call: _46 = std::io::_print(move _47) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @13[5]: _45 = const ()
12:5-12:11: @13[7]: _0 = _41
13:2-13:2: @13.Return: return"> println!("does {} + {} overflow?", add_to, to_add);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="8:18-8:30: @5[3]: _18 = CheckedSub(const core::num::&lt;impl u32&gt;::MAX, const 5_u32)
8:18-8:30: @6[0]: _17 = move (_18.0: u32)
8:9-8:15: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _17)
9:14-9:38: @6[8]: _59 = const might_overflow::promoted[2]
9:14-9:38: @6[9]: _24 = &amp;(*_59)
9:14-9:38: @6[10]: _23 = &amp;(*_24)
9:14-9:38: @6[11]: _22 = move _23 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:40-9:46: @6[19]: _31 = &amp;_17
9:48-9:54: @6[21]: _32 = &amp;_1
9:5-9:56: @6[22]: _30 = (move _31, move _32)
9:5-9:56: @6[25]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _30)
9:5-9:56: @6[27]: _33 = (_30.0: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[29]: _34 = (_30.1: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[32]: _36 = &amp;(*_33)
9:5-9:56: @6[34]: _37 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @6.Call: _35 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _36, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @7[4]: _39 = &amp;(*_34)
9:5-9:56: @7[6]: _40 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @7.Call: _38 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _39, move _40) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @8[2]: _29 = [move _35, move _38]
9:5-9:56: @8[7]: _28 = &amp;_29
9:5-9:56: @8[8]: _27 = &amp;(*_28)
9:5-9:56: @8[9]: _26 = move _27 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:5-9:56: @8.Call: _21 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _22, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @9.Call: _20 = std::io::_print(move _21) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @10[6]: _19 = const ()
10:18-10:24: @10[10]: _42 = _1
10:27-10:33: @10[12]: _43 = _17
10:18-10:33: @10[13]: _44 = CheckedAdd(_42, _43)
10:18-10:33: @11[0]: _41 = move (_44.0: u32)
10:9-10:15: @11[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _41)
11:14-11:47: @11[10]: _58 = const might_overflow::promoted[1]
11:14-11:47: @11[11]: _50 = &amp;(*_58)
11:14-11:47: @11[12]: _49 = &amp;(*_50)
11:14-11:47: @11[13]: _48 = move _49 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11[19]: _56 = ()
11:5-11:49: @11[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _56)
11:5-11:49: @11[21]: _57 = const might_overflow::promoted[0]
11:5-11:49: @11[22]: _54 = &amp;(*_57)
11:5-11:49: @11[23]: _53 = &amp;(*_54)
11:5-11:49: @11[24]: _52 = move _53 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11.Call: _47 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _48, move _52) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @12.Call: _46 = std::io::_print(move _47) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @13[5]: _45 = const ()
12:5-12:11: @13[7]: _0 = _41
13:2-13:2: @13.Return: return"> let result = to_add + add_to;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="8:18-8:30: @5[3]: _18 = CheckedSub(const core::num::&lt;impl u32&gt;::MAX, const 5_u32)
8:18-8:30: @6[0]: _17 = move (_18.0: u32)
8:9-8:15: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _17)
9:14-9:38: @6[8]: _59 = const might_overflow::promoted[2]
9:14-9:38: @6[9]: _24 = &amp;(*_59)
9:14-9:38: @6[10]: _23 = &amp;(*_24)
9:14-9:38: @6[11]: _22 = move _23 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:40-9:46: @6[19]: _31 = &amp;_17
9:48-9:54: @6[21]: _32 = &amp;_1
9:5-9:56: @6[22]: _30 = (move _31, move _32)
9:5-9:56: @6[25]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _30)
9:5-9:56: @6[27]: _33 = (_30.0: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[29]: _34 = (_30.1: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[32]: _36 = &amp;(*_33)
9:5-9:56: @6[34]: _37 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @6.Call: _35 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _36, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @7[4]: _39 = &amp;(*_34)
9:5-9:56: @7[6]: _40 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @7.Call: _38 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _39, move _40) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @8[2]: _29 = [move _35, move _38]
9:5-9:56: @8[7]: _28 = &amp;_29
9:5-9:56: @8[8]: _27 = &amp;(*_28)
9:5-9:56: @8[9]: _26 = move _27 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:5-9:56: @8.Call: _21 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _22, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @9.Call: _20 = std::io::_print(move _21) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @10[6]: _19 = const ()
10:18-10:24: @10[10]: _42 = _1
10:27-10:33: @10[12]: _43 = _17
10:18-10:33: @10[13]: _44 = CheckedAdd(_42, _43)
10:18-10:33: @11[0]: _41 = move (_44.0: u32)
10:9-10:15: @11[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _41)
11:14-11:47: @11[10]: _58 = const might_overflow::promoted[1]
11:14-11:47: @11[11]: _50 = &amp;(*_58)
11:14-11:47: @11[12]: _49 = &amp;(*_50)
11:14-11:47: @11[13]: _48 = move _49 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11[19]: _56 = ()
11:5-11:49: @11[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _56)
11:5-11:49: @11[21]: _57 = const might_overflow::promoted[0]
11:5-11:49: @11[22]: _54 = &amp;(*_57)
11:5-11:49: @11[23]: _53 = &amp;(*_54)
11:5-11:49: @11[24]: _52 = move _53 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11.Call: _47 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _48, move _52) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @12.Call: _46 = std::io::_print(move _47) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @13[5]: _45 = const ()
12:5-12:11: @13[7]: _0 = _41
13:2-13:2: @13.Return: return"> println!("continuing after overflow check");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="8:18-8:30: @5[3]: _18 = CheckedSub(const core::num::&lt;impl u32&gt;::MAX, const 5_u32)
8:18-8:30: @6[0]: _17 = move (_18.0: u32)
8:9-8:15: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _17)
9:14-9:38: @6[8]: _59 = const might_overflow::promoted[2]
9:14-9:38: @6[9]: _24 = &amp;(*_59)
9:14-9:38: @6[10]: _23 = &amp;(*_24)
9:14-9:38: @6[11]: _22 = move _23 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:40-9:46: @6[19]: _31 = &amp;_17
9:48-9:54: @6[21]: _32 = &amp;_1
9:5-9:56: @6[22]: _30 = (move _31, move _32)
9:5-9:56: @6[25]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _30)
9:5-9:56: @6[27]: _33 = (_30.0: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[29]: _34 = (_30.1: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[32]: _36 = &amp;(*_33)
9:5-9:56: @6[34]: _37 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @6.Call: _35 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _36, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @7[4]: _39 = &amp;(*_34)
9:5-9:56: @7[6]: _40 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @7.Call: _38 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _39, move _40) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @8[2]: _29 = [move _35, move _38]
9:5-9:56: @8[7]: _28 = &amp;_29
9:5-9:56: @8[8]: _27 = &amp;(*_28)
9:5-9:56: @8[9]: _26 = move _27 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:5-9:56: @8.Call: _21 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _22, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @9.Call: _20 = std::io::_print(move _21) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @10[6]: _19 = const ()
10:18-10:24: @10[10]: _42 = _1
10:27-10:33: @10[12]: _43 = _17
10:18-10:33: @10[13]: _44 = CheckedAdd(_42, _43)
10:18-10:33: @11[0]: _41 = move (_44.0: u32)
10:9-10:15: @11[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _41)
11:14-11:47: @11[10]: _58 = const might_overflow::promoted[1]
11:14-11:47: @11[11]: _50 = &amp;(*_58)
11:14-11:47: @11[12]: _49 = &amp;(*_50)
11:14-11:47: @11[13]: _48 = move _49 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11[19]: _56 = ()
11:5-11:49: @11[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _56)
11:5-11:49: @11[21]: _57 = const might_overflow::promoted[0]
11:5-11:49: @11[22]: _54 = &amp;(*_57)
11:5-11:49: @11[23]: _53 = &amp;(*_54)
11:5-11:49: @11[24]: _52 = move _53 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11.Call: _47 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _48, move _52) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @12.Call: _46 = std::io::_print(move _47) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @13[5]: _45 = const ()
12:5-12:11: @13[7]: _0 = _41
13:2-13:2: @13.Return: return"> result</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="8:18-8:30: @5[3]: _18 = CheckedSub(const core::num::&lt;impl u32&gt;::MAX, const 5_u32)
8:18-8:30: @6[0]: _17 = move (_18.0: u32)
8:9-8:15: @6[1]: FakeRead(ForLet, _17)
9:14-9:38: @6[8]: _59 = const might_overflow::promoted[2]
9:14-9:38: @6[9]: _24 = &amp;(*_59)
9:14-9:38: @6[10]: _23 = &amp;(*_24)
9:14-9:38: @6[11]: _22 = move _23 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:40-9:46: @6[19]: _31 = &amp;_17
9:48-9:54: @6[21]: _32 = &amp;_1
9:5-9:56: @6[22]: _30 = (move _31, move _32)
9:5-9:56: @6[25]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _30)
9:5-9:56: @6[27]: _33 = (_30.0: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[29]: _34 = (_30.1: &amp;u32)
9:5-9:56: @6[32]: _36 = &amp;(*_33)
9:5-9:56: @6[34]: _37 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @6.Call: _35 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _36, move _37) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @7[4]: _39 = &amp;(*_34)
9:5-9:56: @7[6]: _40 = &lt;u32 as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r u32, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
9:5-9:56: @7.Call: _38 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;u32&gt;(move _39, move _40) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @8[2]: _29 = [move _35, move _38]
9:5-9:56: @8[7]: _28 = &amp;_29
9:5-9:56: @8[8]: _27 = &amp;(*_28)
9:5-9:56: @8[9]: _26 = move _27 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:5-9:56: @8.Call: _21 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _22, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb9, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @9.Call: _20 = std::io::_print(move _21) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb14]
9:5-9:56: @10[6]: _19 = const ()
10:18-10:24: @10[10]: _42 = _1
10:27-10:33: @10[12]: _43 = _17
10:18-10:33: @10[13]: _44 = CheckedAdd(_42, _43)
10:18-10:33: @11[0]: _41 = move (_44.0: u32)
10:9-10:15: @11[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _41)
11:14-11:47: @11[10]: _58 = const might_overflow::promoted[1]
11:14-11:47: @11[11]: _50 = &amp;(*_58)
11:14-11:47: @11[12]: _49 = &amp;(*_50)
11:14-11:47: @11[13]: _48 = move _49 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11[19]: _56 = ()
11:5-11:49: @11[20]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _56)
11:5-11:49: @11[21]: _57 = const might_overflow::promoted[0]
11:5-11:49: @11[22]: _54 = &amp;(*_57)
11:5-11:49: @11[23]: _53 = &amp;(*_54)
11:5-11:49: @11[24]: _52 = move _53 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
11:5-11:49: @11.Call: _47 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _48, move _52) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @12.Call: _46 = std::io::_print(move _47) -&gt; [return: bb13, unwind: bb14]
11:5-11:49: @13[5]: _45 = const ()
12:5-12:11: @13[7]: _0 = _41
13:2-13:2: @13.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13</span></span></span></span></div>

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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 12"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:25-14:27: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
14:9-14:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(), u8&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:25-14:27: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
14:9-14:22: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"> let mut countdown = 10<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> while </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="15:11-15:20: @2[2]: _5 = _1
15:11-15:24: @2[3]: _4 = Gt(move _5, const 0_i32)
15:11-15:24: @2[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _4)"><span class="annotation">@1,2⦊</span>countdown &gt; 0<span class="annotation">⦉@1,2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="16:12-16:21: @5[3]: _8 = _1
16:12-16:26: @5[4]: _7 = Eq(move _8, const 1_i32)"><span class="annotation">@3,5⦊</span>countdown == 1<span class="annotation">⦉@3,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="17:13-17:30: @6.Call: _9 = might_panic(const true) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb15]
16:27-18:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6,8⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="17:13-17:30: @6.Call: _9 = might_panic(const true) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb15]
16:27-18:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"> might_panic(true);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="17:13-17:30: @6.Call: _9 = might_panic(const true) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb15]
16:27-18:10: @8[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:19-18:28: @7[2]: _11 = _1
18:19-18:32: @7[3]: _10 = Lt(move _11, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span>countdown &lt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:13-19:31: @9.Call: _12 = might_panic(const false) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb15]
18:33-20:10: @11[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@9,11⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:13-19:31: @9.Call: _12 = might_panic(const false) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb15]
18:33-20:10: @11[1]: _6 = const ()"> might_panic(false);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="19:13-19:31: @9.Call: _12 = might_panic(const false) -&gt; [return: bb11, unwind: bb15]
18:33-20:10: @11[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@9,11</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="20:10-20:10: @10[0]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@10⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:9-21:23: @13[2]: _13 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
21:9-21:23: @14[0]: _1 = move (_13.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@13,14⦊</span>countdown -= 1<span class="annotation">⦉@13,14</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:8-23:10: @4[4]: _15 = ()
23:5-23:11: @4[5]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _15)
24:2-24:2: @4.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>Ok(())</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="23:8-23:10: @4[4]: _15 = ()
23:5-23:11: @4[5]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _15)
24:2-24:2: @4.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>panic_unwind.might_panic - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn might_panic(should_panic: bool) <span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:8-5:20: @0[1]: _2 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>should_panic<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:18-6:32: @1[6]: _33 = const might_panic::promoted[3]
6:18-6:32: @1[7]: _9 = &amp;(*_33)
6:18-6:32: @1[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
6:18-6:32: @1[9]: _7 = move _8 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:34: @1[15]: _15 = ()
6:9-6:34: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _15)
6:9-6:34: @1[17]: _32 = const might_panic::promoted[2]
6:9-6:34: @1[18]: _13 = &amp;(*_32)
6:9-6:34: @1[19]: _12 = &amp;(*_13)
6:9-6:34: @1[20]: _11 = move _12 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:34: @1.Call: _6 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _7, move _11) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb7]
6:9-6:34: @3.Call: _5 = std::io::_print(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb7]
6:9-6:34: @4[5]: _4 = const ()
7:9-7:26: @4.Call: std::rt::begin_panic::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(const &quot;panics&quot;) -&gt; bb7"><span class="annotation">@1,3,4⦊</span>println!("panicking...");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:18-6:32: @1[6]: _33 = const might_panic::promoted[3]
6:18-6:32: @1[7]: _9 = &amp;(*_33)
6:18-6:32: @1[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_9)
6:18-6:32: @1[9]: _7 = move _8 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:34: @1[15]: _15 = ()
6:9-6:34: @1[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _15)
6:9-6:34: @1[17]: _32 = const might_panic::promoted[2]
6:9-6:34: @1[18]: _13 = &amp;(*_32)
6:9-6:34: @1[19]: _12 = &amp;(*_13)
6:9-6:34: @1[20]: _11 = move _12 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
6:9-6:34: @1.Call: _6 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _7, move _11) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb7]
6:9-6:34: @3.Call: _5 = std::io::_print(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb7]
6:9-6:34: @4[5]: _4 = const ()
7:9-7:26: @4.Call: std::rt::begin_panic::&lt;&amp;str&gt;(const &quot;panics&quot;) -&gt; bb7"> panic!("panics");<span class="annotation">⦉@1,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="9:18-9:31: @2[6]: _31 = const might_panic::promoted[1]
9:18-9:31: @2[7]: _23 = &amp;(*_31)
9:18-9:31: @2[8]: _22 = &amp;(*_23)
9:18-9:31: @2[9]: _21 = move _22 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:9-9:33: @2[15]: _29 = ()
9:9-9:33: @2[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)
9:9-9:33: @2[17]: _30 = const might_panic::promoted[0]
9:9-9:33: @2[18]: _27 = &amp;(*_30)
9:9-9:33: @2[19]: _26 = &amp;(*_27)
9:9-9:33: @2[20]: _25 = move _26 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:9-9:33: @2.Call: _20 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _21, move _25) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb7]
9:9-9:33: @5.Call: _19 = std::io::_print(move _20) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb7]
9:9-9:33: @6[5]: _18 = const ()
8:12-10:6: @6[7]: _0 = const ()
11:2-11:2: @6.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@2,5,6⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="9:18-9:31: @2[6]: _31 = const might_panic::promoted[1]
9:18-9:31: @2[7]: _23 = &amp;(*_31)
9:18-9:31: @2[8]: _22 = &amp;(*_23)
9:18-9:31: @2[9]: _21 = move _22 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:9-9:33: @2[15]: _29 = ()
9:9-9:33: @2[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)
9:9-9:33: @2[17]: _30 = const might_panic::promoted[0]
9:9-9:33: @2[18]: _27 = &amp;(*_30)
9:9-9:33: @2[19]: _26 = &amp;(*_27)
9:9-9:33: @2[20]: _25 = move _26 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:9-9:33: @2.Call: _20 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _21, move _25) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb7]
9:9-9:33: @5.Call: _19 = std::io::_print(move _20) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb7]
9:9-9:33: @6[5]: _18 = const ()
8:12-10:6: @6[7]: _0 = const ()
11:2-11:2: @6.Return: return"> println!("Don't Panic");</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="9:18-9:31: @2[6]: _31 = const might_panic::promoted[1]
9:18-9:31: @2[7]: _23 = &amp;(*_31)
9:18-9:31: @2[8]: _22 = &amp;(*_23)
9:18-9:31: @2[9]: _21 = move _22 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:9-9:33: @2[15]: _29 = ()
9:9-9:33: @2[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)
9:9-9:33: @2[17]: _30 = const might_panic::promoted[0]
9:9-9:33: @2[18]: _27 = &amp;(*_30)
9:9-9:33: @2[19]: _26 = &amp;(*_27)
9:9-9:33: @2[20]: _25 = move _26 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:9-9:33: @2.Call: _20 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _21, move _25) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb7]
9:9-9:33: @5.Call: _19 = std::io::_print(move _20) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb7]
9:9-9:33: @6[5]: _18 = const ()
8:12-10:6: @6[7]: _0 = const ()
11:2-11:2: @6.Return: return"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="9:18-9:31: @2[6]: _31 = const might_panic::promoted[1]
9:18-9:31: @2[7]: _23 = &amp;(*_31)
9:18-9:31: @2[8]: _22 = &amp;(*_23)
9:18-9:31: @2[9]: _21 = move _22 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:9-9:33: @2[15]: _29 = ()
9:9-9:33: @2[16]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _29)
9:9-9:33: @2[17]: _30 = const might_panic::promoted[0]
9:9-9:33: @2[18]: _27 = &amp;(*_30)
9:9-9:33: @2[19]: _26 = &amp;(*_27)
9:9-9:33: @2[20]: _25 = move _26 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
9:9-9:33: @2.Call: _20 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _21, move _25) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb7]
9:9-9:33: @5.Call: _19 = std::io::_print(move _20) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb7]
9:9-9:33: @6[5]: _18 = const ()
8:12-10:6: @6[7]: _0 = const ()
11:2-11:2: @6.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@2,5,6</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 20"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:25-22:46: @0.Call: _1 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 2_usize, const 1_usize) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb9]
22:9-22:22: @1[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
23:25-23:46: @1.Call: _2 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 3_usize, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb9]
23:9-23:22: @2[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
25:14-25:32: @2[7]: _33 = const main::promoted[0]
25:14-25:32: @2[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_33)
25:14-25:32: @2[9]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
25:14-25:32: @2[10]: _6 = move _7 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:34-25:47: @2[18]: _15 = &amp;_1
25:49-25:62: @2[20]: _16 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:77: @2[24]: _19 = &amp;_1
25:80-25:93: @2[26]: _20 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:93: @2.Call: _18 = &lt;Version as std::cmp::PartialOrd&gt;::lt(move _19, move _20) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]
25:64-25:93: @3[2]: _17 = &amp;_18
25:5-25:95: @3[3]: _14 = (move _15, move _16, move _17)
25:5-25:95: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _14)
25:5-25:95: @3[9]: _21 = (_14.0: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[11]: _22 = (_14.1: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[13]: _23 = (_14.2: &amp;bool)
25:5-25:95: @3[16]: _25 = &amp;(*_21)
25:5-25:95: @3[18]: _26 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @3.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @4[4]: _28 = &amp;(*_22)
25:5-25:95: @4[6]: _29 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @4.Call: _27 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _28, move _29) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @5[4]: _31 = &amp;(*_23)
25:5-25:95: @5[6]: _32 = &lt;bool as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r bool, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @5.Call: _30 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;bool&gt;(move _31, move _32) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @6[2]: _13 = [move _24, move _27, move _30]
25:5-25:95: @6[9]: _12 = &amp;_13
25:5-25:95: @6[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
25:5-25:95: @6[11]: _10 = move _11 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:5-25:95: @6.Call: _5 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _6, move _10) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @7.Call: _4 = std::io::_print(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @8[7]: _3 = const ()
21:11-26:2: @8[9]: _0 = const ()
26:2-26:2: @8.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:25-22:46: @0.Call: _1 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 2_usize, const 1_usize) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb9]
22:9-22:22: @1[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
23:25-23:46: @1.Call: _2 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 3_usize, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb9]
23:9-23:22: @2[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
25:14-25:32: @2[7]: _33 = const main::promoted[0]
25:14-25:32: @2[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_33)
25:14-25:32: @2[9]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
25:14-25:32: @2[10]: _6 = move _7 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:34-25:47: @2[18]: _15 = &amp;_1
25:49-25:62: @2[20]: _16 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:77: @2[24]: _19 = &amp;_1
25:80-25:93: @2[26]: _20 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:93: @2.Call: _18 = &lt;Version as std::cmp::PartialOrd&gt;::lt(move _19, move _20) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]
25:64-25:93: @3[2]: _17 = &amp;_18
25:5-25:95: @3[3]: _14 = (move _15, move _16, move _17)
25:5-25:95: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _14)
25:5-25:95: @3[9]: _21 = (_14.0: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[11]: _22 = (_14.1: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[13]: _23 = (_14.2: &amp;bool)
25:5-25:95: @3[16]: _25 = &amp;(*_21)
25:5-25:95: @3[18]: _26 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @3.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @4[4]: _28 = &amp;(*_22)
25:5-25:95: @4[6]: _29 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @4.Call: _27 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _28, move _29) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @5[4]: _31 = &amp;(*_23)
25:5-25:95: @5[6]: _32 = &lt;bool as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r bool, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @5.Call: _30 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;bool&gt;(move _31, move _32) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @6[2]: _13 = [move _24, move _27, move _30]
25:5-25:95: @6[9]: _12 = &amp;_13
25:5-25:95: @6[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
25:5-25:95: @6[11]: _10 = move _11 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:5-25:95: @6.Call: _5 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _6, move _10) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @7.Call: _4 = std::io::_print(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @8[7]: _3 = const ()
21:11-26:2: @8[9]: _0 = const ()
26:2-26:2: @8.Return: return"> let version_3_2_1 = Version::new(3, 2, 1);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:25-22:46: @0.Call: _1 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 2_usize, const 1_usize) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb9]
22:9-22:22: @1[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
23:25-23:46: @1.Call: _2 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 3_usize, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb9]
23:9-23:22: @2[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
25:14-25:32: @2[7]: _33 = const main::promoted[0]
25:14-25:32: @2[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_33)
25:14-25:32: @2[9]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
25:14-25:32: @2[10]: _6 = move _7 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:34-25:47: @2[18]: _15 = &amp;_1
25:49-25:62: @2[20]: _16 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:77: @2[24]: _19 = &amp;_1
25:80-25:93: @2[26]: _20 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:93: @2.Call: _18 = &lt;Version as std::cmp::PartialOrd&gt;::lt(move _19, move _20) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]
25:64-25:93: @3[2]: _17 = &amp;_18
25:5-25:95: @3[3]: _14 = (move _15, move _16, move _17)
25:5-25:95: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _14)
25:5-25:95: @3[9]: _21 = (_14.0: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[11]: _22 = (_14.1: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[13]: _23 = (_14.2: &amp;bool)
25:5-25:95: @3[16]: _25 = &amp;(*_21)
25:5-25:95: @3[18]: _26 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @3.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @4[4]: _28 = &amp;(*_22)
25:5-25:95: @4[6]: _29 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @4.Call: _27 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _28, move _29) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @5[4]: _31 = &amp;(*_23)
25:5-25:95: @5[6]: _32 = &lt;bool as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r bool, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @5.Call: _30 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;bool&gt;(move _31, move _32) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @6[2]: _13 = [move _24, move _27, move _30]
25:5-25:95: @6[9]: _12 = &amp;_13
25:5-25:95: @6[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
25:5-25:95: @6[11]: _10 = move _11 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:5-25:95: @6.Call: _5 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _6, move _10) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @7.Call: _4 = std::io::_print(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @8[7]: _3 = const ()
21:11-26:2: @8[9]: _0 = const ()
26:2-26:2: @8.Return: return"> let version_3_3_0 = Version::new(3, 3, 0);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:25-22:46: @0.Call: _1 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 2_usize, const 1_usize) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb9]
22:9-22:22: @1[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
23:25-23:46: @1.Call: _2 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 3_usize, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb9]
23:9-23:22: @2[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
25:14-25:32: @2[7]: _33 = const main::promoted[0]
25:14-25:32: @2[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_33)
25:14-25:32: @2[9]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
25:14-25:32: @2[10]: _6 = move _7 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:34-25:47: @2[18]: _15 = &amp;_1
25:49-25:62: @2[20]: _16 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:77: @2[24]: _19 = &amp;_1
25:80-25:93: @2[26]: _20 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:93: @2.Call: _18 = &lt;Version as std::cmp::PartialOrd&gt;::lt(move _19, move _20) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]
25:64-25:93: @3[2]: _17 = &amp;_18
25:5-25:95: @3[3]: _14 = (move _15, move _16, move _17)
25:5-25:95: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _14)
25:5-25:95: @3[9]: _21 = (_14.0: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[11]: _22 = (_14.1: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[13]: _23 = (_14.2: &amp;bool)
25:5-25:95: @3[16]: _25 = &amp;(*_21)
25:5-25:95: @3[18]: _26 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @3.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @4[4]: _28 = &amp;(*_22)
25:5-25:95: @4[6]: _29 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @4.Call: _27 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _28, move _29) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @5[4]: _31 = &amp;(*_23)
25:5-25:95: @5[6]: _32 = &lt;bool as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r bool, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @5.Call: _30 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;bool&gt;(move _31, move _32) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @6[2]: _13 = [move _24, move _27, move _30]
25:5-25:95: @6[9]: _12 = &amp;_13
25:5-25:95: @6[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
25:5-25:95: @6[11]: _10 = move _11 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:5-25:95: @6.Call: _5 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _6, move _10) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @7.Call: _4 = std::io::_print(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @8[7]: _3 = const ()
21:11-26:2: @8[9]: _0 = const ()
26:2-26:2: @8.Return: return"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:25-22:46: @0.Call: _1 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 2_usize, const 1_usize) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb9]
22:9-22:22: @1[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
23:25-23:46: @1.Call: _2 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 3_usize, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb9]
23:9-23:22: @2[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
25:14-25:32: @2[7]: _33 = const main::promoted[0]
25:14-25:32: @2[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_33)
25:14-25:32: @2[9]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
25:14-25:32: @2[10]: _6 = move _7 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:34-25:47: @2[18]: _15 = &amp;_1
25:49-25:62: @2[20]: _16 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:77: @2[24]: _19 = &amp;_1
25:80-25:93: @2[26]: _20 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:93: @2.Call: _18 = &lt;Version as std::cmp::PartialOrd&gt;::lt(move _19, move _20) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]
25:64-25:93: @3[2]: _17 = &amp;_18
25:5-25:95: @3[3]: _14 = (move _15, move _16, move _17)
25:5-25:95: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _14)
25:5-25:95: @3[9]: _21 = (_14.0: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[11]: _22 = (_14.1: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[13]: _23 = (_14.2: &amp;bool)
25:5-25:95: @3[16]: _25 = &amp;(*_21)
25:5-25:95: @3[18]: _26 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @3.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @4[4]: _28 = &amp;(*_22)
25:5-25:95: @4[6]: _29 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @4.Call: _27 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _28, move _29) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @5[4]: _31 = &amp;(*_23)
25:5-25:95: @5[6]: _32 = &lt;bool as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r bool, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @5.Call: _30 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;bool&gt;(move _31, move _32) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @6[2]: _13 = [move _24, move _27, move _30]
25:5-25:95: @6[9]: _12 = &amp;_13
25:5-25:95: @6[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
25:5-25:95: @6[11]: _10 = move _11 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:5-25:95: @6.Call: _5 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _6, move _10) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @7.Call: _4 = std::io::_print(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @8[7]: _3 = const ()
21:11-26:2: @8[9]: _0 = const ()
26:2-26:2: @8.Return: return"> println!("{:?} &lt; {:?} = {}", version_3_2_1, version_3_3_0, version_3_2_1 &lt; version_3_3_0);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="22:25-22:46: @0.Call: _1 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 2_usize, const 1_usize) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb9]
22:9-22:22: @1[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
23:25-23:46: @1.Call: _2 = Version::new(const 3_usize, const 3_usize, const 0_usize) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb9]
23:9-23:22: @2[0]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)
25:14-25:32: @2[7]: _33 = const main::promoted[0]
25:14-25:32: @2[8]: _8 = &amp;(*_33)
25:14-25:32: @2[9]: _7 = &amp;(*_8)
25:14-25:32: @2[10]: _6 = move _7 as &amp;[&amp;str] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:34-25:47: @2[18]: _15 = &amp;_1
25:49-25:62: @2[20]: _16 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:77: @2[24]: _19 = &amp;_1
25:80-25:93: @2[26]: _20 = &amp;_2
25:64-25:93: @2.Call: _18 = &lt;Version as std::cmp::PartialOrd&gt;::lt(move _19, move _20) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb9]
25:64-25:93: @3[2]: _17 = &amp;_18
25:5-25:95: @3[3]: _14 = (move _15, move _16, move _17)
25:5-25:95: @3[7]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _14)
25:5-25:95: @3[9]: _21 = (_14.0: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[11]: _22 = (_14.1: &amp;Version)
25:5-25:95: @3[13]: _23 = (_14.2: &amp;bool)
25:5-25:95: @3[16]: _25 = &amp;(*_21)
25:5-25:95: @3[18]: _26 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @3.Call: _24 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _25, move _26) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @4[4]: _28 = &amp;(*_22)
25:5-25:95: @4[6]: _29 = &lt;Version as std::fmt::Debug&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r Version, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @4.Call: _27 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;Version&gt;(move _28, move _29) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @5[4]: _31 = &amp;(*_23)
25:5-25:95: @5[6]: _32 = &lt;bool as std::fmt::Display&gt;::fmt as for&lt;&#39;r, &#39;s, &#39;t0&gt; fn(&amp;&#39;r bool, &amp;&#39;s mut std::fmt::Formatter&lt;&#39;t0&gt;) -&gt; std::result::Result&lt;(), std::fmt::Error&gt; (Pointer(ReifyFnPointer))
25:5-25:95: @5.Call: _30 = std::fmt::ArgumentV1::new::&lt;bool&gt;(move _31, move _32) -&gt; [return: bb6, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @6[2]: _13 = [move _24, move _27, move _30]
25:5-25:95: @6[9]: _12 = &amp;_13
25:5-25:95: @6[10]: _11 = &amp;(*_12)
25:5-25:95: @6[11]: _10 = move _11 as &amp;[std::fmt::ArgumentV1] (Pointer(Unsize))
25:5-25:95: @6.Call: _5 = std::fmt::Arguments::new_v1(move _6, move _10) -&gt; [return: bb7, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @7.Call: _4 = std::io::_print(move _5) -&gt; [return: bb8, unwind: bb9]
25:5-25:95: @8[7]: _3 = const ()
21:11-26:2: @8[9]: _0 = const ()
26:2-26:2: @8.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.{impl#0}-new - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 11"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:13-14:18: @0[1]: _4 = _1
15:13-15:18: @0[3]: _5 = _2
16:13-16:18: @0[5]: _6 = _3
13:9-17:10: @0[6]: _0 = Version { major: move _4, minor: move _5, patch: move _6 }
18:6-18:6: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>pub fn new(major: usize, minor: usize, patch: usize) -&gt; Self {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:13-14:18: @0[1]: _4 = _1
15:13-15:18: @0[3]: _5 = _2
16:13-16:18: @0[5]: _6 = _3
13:9-17:10: @0[6]: _0 = Version { major: move _4, minor: move _5, patch: move _6 }
18:6-18:6: @0.Return: return"> Self {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:13-14:18: @0[1]: _4 = _1
15:13-15:18: @0[3]: _5 = _2
16:13-16:18: @0[5]: _6 = _3
13:9-17:10: @0[6]: _0 = Version { major: move _4, minor: move _5, patch: move _6 }
18:6-18:6: @0.Return: return"> major,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:13-14:18: @0[1]: _4 = _1
15:13-15:18: @0[3]: _5 = _2
16:13-16:18: @0[5]: _6 = _3
13:9-17:10: @0[6]: _0 = Version { major: move _4, minor: move _5, patch: move _6 }
18:6-18:6: @0.Return: return"> minor,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:13-14:18: @0[1]: _4 = _1
15:13-15:18: @0[3]: _5 = _2
16:13-16:18: @0[5]: _6 = _3
13:9-17:10: @0[6]: _0 = Version { major: move _4, minor: move _5, patch: move _6 }
18:6-18:6: @0.Return: return"> patch,</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:13-14:18: @0[1]: _4 = _1
15:13-15:18: @0[3]: _5 = _2
16:13-16:18: @0[5]: _6 = _3
13:9-17:10: @0[6]: _0 = Version { major: move _4, minor: move _5, patch: move _6 }
18:6-18:6: @0.Return: return"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:13-14:18: @0[1]: _4 = _1
15:13-15:18: @0[3]: _5 = _2
16:13-16:18: @0[5]: _6 = _3
13:9-17:10: @0[6]: _0 = Version { major: move _4, minor: move _5, patch: move _6 }
18:6-18:6: @0.Return: return"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.{impl#1}-cmp - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
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display: inline-block;
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color: #223311;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">Ord</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="4:54-4:54: @15.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@15⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@15</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.{impl#2}-partial_cmp - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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color: #551133;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">PartialOrd</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="4:49-4:49: @18.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@18⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@18</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.{impl#4}-assert_receiver_is_total_eq - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
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display: inline-block;
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color: #223311;
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color: #551133;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="4:35-4:37: @0[0]: _0 = const ()
4:37-4:37: @0.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">Eq</span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.{impl#6}-eq - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
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display: inline-block;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
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body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">PartialEq</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="4:33-4:33: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.{impl#6}-ne - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
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line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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color: #223311;
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color: #551133;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">PartialEq</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="4:33-4:33: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.{impl#7}-fmt - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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color: #551133;
.code {
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hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="4:17-4:22: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, (*_1))
4:17-4:22: @0[2]: _3 = &amp;((*_1).0: usize)
4:17-4:22: @0[4]: _4 = &amp;((*_1).1: usize)
4:17-4:22: @0[6]: _5 = &amp;((*_1).2: usize)
4:17-4:22: @0[10]: _8 = &amp;mut (*_2)
4:17-4:22: @0[13]: _10 = const &quot;Version&quot;
4:17-4:22: @0[14]: _9 = &amp;(*_10)
4:17-4:22: @0.Call: _7 = std::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct(move _8, move _9) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb6]
4:17-4:22: @1[2]: _6 = &amp;mut _7
4:17-4:22: @1[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _6)
4:17-4:22: @1[7]: _12 = &amp;mut (*_6)
4:17-4:22: @1[10]: _14 = const &quot;major&quot;
4:17-4:22: @1[11]: _13 = &amp;(*_14)
4:17-4:22: @1[16]: _18 = &amp;(*_3)
4:17-4:22: @1[17]: _17 = &amp;_18
4:17-4:22: @1[18]: _16 = &amp;(*_17)
4:17-4:22: @1[19]: _15 = move _16 as &amp;dyn std::fmt::Debug (Pointer(Unsize))
4:17-4:22: @1.Call: _11 = std::fmt::DebugStruct::field(move _12, move _13, move _15) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb6]
4:17-4:22: @2[9]: _20 = &amp;mut (*_6)
4:17-4:22: @2[12]: _22 = const &quot;minor&quot;
4:17-4:22: @2[13]: _21 = &amp;(*_22)
4:17-4:22: @2[18]: _26 = &amp;(*_4)
4:17-4:22: @2[19]: _25 = &amp;_26
4:17-4:22: @2[20]: _24 = &amp;(*_25)
4:17-4:22: @2[21]: _23 = move _24 as &amp;dyn std::fmt::Debug (Pointer(Unsize))
4:17-4:22: @2.Call: _19 = std::fmt::DebugStruct::field(move _20, move _21, move _23) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb6]
4:17-4:22: @3[9]: _28 = &amp;mut (*_6)
4:17-4:22: @3[12]: _30 = const &quot;patch&quot;
4:17-4:22: @3[13]: _29 = &amp;(*_30)
4:17-4:22: @3[18]: _34 = &amp;(*_5)
4:17-4:22: @3[19]: _33 = &amp;_34
4:17-4:22: @3[20]: _32 = &amp;(*_33)
4:17-4:22: @3[21]: _31 = move _32 as &amp;dyn std::fmt::Debug (Pointer(Unsize))
4:17-4:22: @3.Call: _27 = std::fmt::DebugStruct::field(move _28, move _29, move _31) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb6]
4:17-4:22: @4[8]: _35 = &amp;mut (*_6)
4:17-4:22: @4.Call: _0 = std::fmt::DebugStruct::finish(move _35) -&gt; [return: bb5, unwind: bb6]
4:22-4:22: @5.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3,4,5⦊</span>Debug<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3,4,5</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>partial_eq.{impl#8}-clone - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"> <span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="4:10-4:15: @0[0]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, (*_1))
4:10-4:15: @0[2]: _2 = &amp;((*_1).0: usize)
4:10-4:15: @0[4]: _3 = &amp;((*_1).1: usize)
4:10-4:15: @0[6]: _4 = &amp;((*_1).2: usize)
4:10-4:15: @0[10]: _7 = &amp;(*_2)
4:10-4:15: @0[11]: _6 = &amp;(*_7)
4:10-4:15: @0.Call: _5 = &lt;usize as std::clone::Clone&gt;::clone(move _6) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb4]
4:10-4:15: @1[4]: _10 = &amp;(*_3)
4:10-4:15: @1[5]: _9 = &amp;(*_10)
4:10-4:15: @1.Call: _8 = &lt;usize as std::clone::Clone&gt;::clone(move _9) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb4]
4:10-4:15: @2[4]: _13 = &amp;(*_4)
4:10-4:15: @2[5]: _12 = &amp;(*_13)
4:10-4:15: @2.Call: _11 = &lt;usize as std::clone::Clone&gt;::clone(move _12) -&gt; [return: bb3, unwind: bb4]
4:10-4:15: @3[1]: _0 = Version { major: move _5, minor: move _8, patch: move _11 }
4:15-4:15: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>Clone<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span></span></div>

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@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
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<title>simple_loop.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
width: 3.8em;
display: inline-block;
text-align: right;
filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
.code {
color: #dddddd;
background-color: #222222;
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
line-height: 1.4em;
border-bottom: 2px solid #222222;
white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
.odd {
background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
.even {
background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
.code {
--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> let mut countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb13]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb12]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 0_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
12:9-12:16: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="14:9-16:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
13:5-18:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="14:9-16:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
13:5-18:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="14:9-16:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
13:5-18:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> =</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="14:9-16:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
13:5-18:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> 10</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="14:9-16:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
13:5-18:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="14:9-16:15: @4[0]: _5 = const 10_i32
13:5-18:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="18:6-18:6: @5[0]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> loop</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:13-23:22: @8[3]: _11 = _5
23:13-25:14: @8[4]: _10 = Eq(move _11, const 0_i32)"><span class="annotation">@7,8⦊</span>countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:13-23:22: @8[3]: _11 = _5
23:13-25:14: @8[4]: _10 = Eq(move _11, const 0_i32)"> ==</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="23:13-23:22: @8[3]: _11 = _5
23:13-25:14: @8[4]: _10 = Eq(move _11, const 0_i32)"> 0<span class="annotation">⦉@7,8</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="27:13-27:18: @9[0]: _0 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@9⦊</span>break<span class="annotation">⦉@9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="29:10-29:10: @10[0]: _9 = const ()
30:9-32:10: @10[3]: _13 = CheckedSub(_5, const 1_i32)
30:9-32:10: @11[0]: _5 = move (_13.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@10,11⦊</span></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="29:10-29:10: @10[0]: _9 = const ()
30:9-32:10: @10[3]: _13 = CheckedSub(_5, const 1_i32)
30:9-32:10: @11[0]: _5 = move (_13.0: i32)"> countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="29:10-29:10: @10[0]: _9 = const ()
30:9-32:10: @10[3]: _13 = CheckedSub(_5, const 1_i32)
30:9-32:10: @11[0]: _5 = move (_13.0: i32)"> -=</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="29:10-29:10: @10[0]: _9 = const ()
30:9-32:10: @10[3]: _13 = CheckedSub(_5, const 1_i32)
30:9-32:10: @11[0]: _5 = move (_13.0: i32)"> 1<span class="annotation">⦉@10,11</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="35:2-35:2: @9.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@9⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@9</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>simple_match.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 2"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb21]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 1_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2,3⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb21]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 1_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // Initialize test constants in a way that cannot be determined at compile time, to ensure</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb21]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 1_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // rustc and LLVM cannot optimize out statements (or coverage counters) downstream from</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb21]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 1_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> // dependent conditions.</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb21]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 1_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> let is_true = std::env::args().len() == 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb21]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 1_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb21]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 1_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> let mut countdown = 1;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="7:19-7:35: @0.Call: _4 = std::env::args() -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb21]
7:19-7:35: @1[0]: _3 = &amp;_4
7:19-7:41: @1.Call: _2 = &lt;std::env::Args as std::iter::ExactSizeIterator&gt;::len(move _3) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb20]
7:19-7:46: @2[1]: _1 = Eq(move _2, const 1_usize)
7:9-7:16: @2[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)
9:25-9:26: @3[2]: _5 = const 1_i32
9:9-9:22: @3[3]: FakeRead(ForLet, _5)
10:8-10:15: @3[6]: _7 = _1"> if is_true<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2,3</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:22: @4[0]: _5 = const 0_i32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@4⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:22: @4[0]: _5 = const 0_i32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> countdown = 0;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="11:9-11:22: @4[0]: _5 = const 0_i32
10:16-12:6: @4[1]: _6 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@4</span></span></span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="12:6-12:6: @5[0]: _6 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> for</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="15:9-15:10: @14[1]: _18 = ((_14 as Some).0: i32)
15:9-15:10: @14[3]: _19 = _18
15:9-15:10: @14[4]: _12 = move _19
15:9-15:10: @14[5]: _13 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@12,14,16⦊</span>_<span class="annotation">⦉@12,14,16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> in</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="17:9-17:13: @9[5]: _16 = &amp;mut _10
17:9-17:13: @9[6]: _15 = &amp;mut (*_16)
17:9-17:13: @9.Call: _14 = &lt;std::ops::Range&lt;i32&gt; as std::iter::Iterator&gt;::next(move _15) -&gt; [return: bb10, unwind: bb21]
17:9-17:13: @10[1]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _14)"><span class="annotation">@8,9,10⦊</span>0..2<span class="annotation">⦉@8,9,10</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> let z</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> match</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="22:13-22:22: @14[13]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _5)"><span class="annotation">@12,14,16⦊</span>countdown<span class="annotation">⦉@12,14,16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="24:13-24:14: @17[3]: _23 = _5"><span class="annotation">@17⦊</span>x<span class="annotation">⦉@17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="26:17-26:18: @16[4]: _26 = (*_24)
26:17-28:18: @16[5]: _25 = Lt(move _26, const 1_i32)"><span class="annotation">@12,14,16⦊</span>x</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="26:17-26:18: @16[4]: _26 = (*_24)
26:17-28:18: @16[5]: _25 = Lt(move _26, const 1_i32)"> &lt;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="26:17-26:18: @16[4]: _26 = (*_24)
26:17-28:18: @16[5]: _25 = Lt(move _26, const 1_i32)"> 1<span class="annotation">⦉@12,14,16</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =&gt;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:21-31:30: @17[5]: _27 = _5
31:17-31:30: @17[6]: _22 = move _27
33:25-33:34: @17[9]: _28 = _5
33:21-33:22: @17[10]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)
35:17-35:31: @17[11]: _5 = const 10_i32
30:13-37:14: @17[12]: _21 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@17⦊</span>{</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:21-31:30: @17[5]: _27 = _5
31:17-31:30: @17[6]: _22 = move _27
33:25-33:34: @17[9]: _28 = _5
33:21-33:22: @17[10]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)
35:17-35:31: @17[11]: _5 = const 10_i32
30:13-37:14: @17[12]: _21 = const ()"> z = countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:21-31:30: @17[5]: _27 = _5
31:17-31:30: @17[6]: _22 = move _27
33:25-33:34: @17[9]: _28 = _5
33:21-33:22: @17[10]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)
35:17-35:31: @17[11]: _5 = const 10_i32
30:13-37:14: @17[12]: _21 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:21-31:30: @17[5]: _27 = _5
31:17-31:30: @17[6]: _22 = move _27
33:25-33:34: @17[9]: _28 = _5
33:21-33:22: @17[10]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)
35:17-35:31: @17[11]: _5 = const 10_i32
30:13-37:14: @17[12]: _21 = const ()"> let y = countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:21-31:30: @17[5]: _27 = _5
31:17-31:30: @17[6]: _22 = move _27
33:25-33:34: @17[9]: _28 = _5
33:21-33:22: @17[10]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)
35:17-35:31: @17[11]: _5 = const 10_i32
30:13-37:14: @17[12]: _21 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:21-31:30: @17[5]: _27 = _5
31:17-31:30: @17[6]: _22 = move _27
33:25-33:34: @17[9]: _28 = _5
33:21-33:22: @17[10]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)
35:17-35:31: @17[11]: _5 = const 10_i32
30:13-37:14: @17[12]: _21 = const ()"> countdown = 10</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:21-31:30: @17[5]: _27 = _5
31:17-31:30: @17[6]: _22 = move _27
33:25-33:34: @17[9]: _28 = _5
33:21-33:22: @17[10]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)
35:17-35:31: @17[11]: _5 = const 10_i32
30:13-37:14: @17[12]: _21 = const ()"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="31:21-31:30: @17[5]: _27 = _5
31:17-31:30: @17[6]: _22 = move _27
33:25-33:34: @17[9]: _28 = _5
33:21-33:22: @17[10]: FakeRead(ForLet, _28)
35:17-35:31: @17[11]: _5 = const 10_i32
30:13-37:14: @17[12]: _21 = const ()"> }<span class="annotation">⦉@17</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> _</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> =&gt;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="40:13-40:15: @15[0]: _21 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@15⦊</span>{}<span class="annotation">⦉@15</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="43:2-43:2: @11.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@11⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@11</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>tight_inf_loop.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 0"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="2:8-2:13: @0[1]: _1 = const false"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn main() {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="2:8-2:13: @0[1]: _1 = const false"> if false<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="3:9-3:16: @3.FalseUnwind: falseUnwind -&gt; [real: bb4, cleanup: bb5]
3:14-3:16: @4[0]: _3 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@3,4⦊</span>loop {}<span class="annotation">⦉@3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="4:6-4:6: @2[0]: _0 = const ()
5:2-5:2: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="4:6-4:6: @2[0]: _0 = const ()
5:2-5:2: @2.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title> - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 3"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:8-5:20: @0[1]: _2 = _1"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn call(return_error: bool) -&gt; Result&lt;(),()&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:8-5:20: @0[1]: _2 = _1"> if return_error<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="6:13-6:15: @1[1]: _3 = ()
6:9-6:16: @1[2]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), ()&gt;::Err(move _3)"><span class="annotation">@1⦊</span>Err(())<span class="annotation">⦉@1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> } else {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="8:12-8:14: @2[1]: _4 = ()
8:9-8:15: @2[2]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), ()&gt;::Ok(move _4)"><span class="annotation">@2⦊</span>Ok(())<span class="annotation">⦉@2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="10:2-10:2: @3.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@3⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@3</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>try_error_result.main - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
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brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
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color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 11"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:21-14:23: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
13:9-14:18: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"><span class="annotation">@0,1⦊</span>fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(),()&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:21-14:23: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
13:9-14:18: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"> let mut</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="14:21-14:23: @0[1]: _1 = const 10_i32
13:9-14:18: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _1)"> countdown = 10<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> for</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="17:9-17:10: @8[1]: _13 = ((_9 as Some).0: i32)
17:9-17:10: @8[3]: _14 = _13
17:9-17:10: @8[4]: _7 = move _14
17:9-17:10: @8[5]: _8 = const ()"><span class="annotation">@6,8,9⦊</span>_<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8,9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> in</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="19:9-19:14: @3[5]: _11 = &amp;mut _5
19:9-19:14: @3[6]: _10 = &amp;mut (*_11)
19:9-19:14: @3.Call: _9 = &lt;std::ops::Range&lt;i32&gt; as std::iter::Iterator&gt;::next(move _10) -&gt; [return: bb4, unwind: bb39]
19:9-19:14: @4[1]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _9)"><span class="annotation">@2,3,4⦊</span>0..10<span class="annotation">⦉@2,3,4</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:9-22:17: @8[12]: _17 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
21:9-22:17: @9[0]: _1 = move (_17.0: i32)
25:13-25:22: @9[3]: _19 = _1
25:13-25:26: @9[4]: _18 = Lt(move _19, const 5_i32)"><span class="annotation">@6,8,9⦊</span>countdown</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:9-22:17: @8[12]: _17 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
21:9-22:17: @9[0]: _1 = move (_17.0: i32)
25:13-25:22: @9[3]: _19 = _1
25:13-25:26: @9[4]: _18 = Lt(move _19, const 5_i32)"> -= 1</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:9-22:17: @8[12]: _17 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
21:9-22:17: @9[0]: _1 = move (_17.0: i32)
25:13-25:22: @9[3]: _19 = _1
25:13-25:26: @9[4]: _18 = Lt(move _19, const 5_i32)"> ;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:9-22:17: @8[12]: _17 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
21:9-22:17: @9[0]: _1 = move (_17.0: i32)
25:13-25:22: @9[3]: _19 = _1
25:13-25:26: @9[4]: _18 = Lt(move _19, const 5_i32)"> if</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="21:9-22:17: @8[12]: _17 = CheckedSub(_1, const 1_i32)
21:9-22:17: @9[0]: _1 = move (_17.0: i32)
25:13-25:22: @9[3]: _19 = _1
25:13-25:26: @9[4]: _18 = Lt(move _19, const 5_i32)"> countdown &lt; 5<span class="annotation">⦉@6,8,9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="27:13-27:41: @10.Call: _22 = call(const true) -&gt; [return: bb12, unwind: bb39]"><span class="annotation">@10,12,13⦊</span>call(/*return_error=*/ true)<span class="annotation">⦉@10,12,13</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="27:41-27:42: @17[1]: _24 = ((_21 as Err).0: ())
27:41-27:42: @17[4]: _27 = _24
27:41-27:42: @17.Call: _26 = &lt;() as std::convert::From&lt;()&gt;&gt;::from(move _27) -&gt; [return: bb18, unwind: bb39]"><span class="annotation">@15,17,18,19⦊</span>?<span class="annotation">⦉@15,17,18,19</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="28:13-28:42: @14.Call: _31 = call(const false) -&gt; [return: bb20, unwind: bb39]"><span class="annotation">@14,20,21⦊</span>call(/*return_error=*/ false)<span class="annotation">⦉@14,20,21</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="28:42-28:43: @25[1]: _33 = ((_30 as Err).0: ())
28:42-28:43: @25[4]: _36 = _33
28:42-28:43: @25.Call: _35 = &lt;() as std::convert::From&lt;()&gt;&gt;::from(move _36) -&gt; [return: bb26, unwind: bb39]"><span class="annotation">@23,25,26,27⦊</span>?<span class="annotation">⦉@23,25,26,27</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> else</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="32:13-32:42: @11.Call: _40 = call(const false) -&gt; [return: bb28, unwind: bb39]"><span class="annotation">@11,28,29⦊</span>call(/*return_error=*/ false)<span class="annotation">⦉@11,28,29</span></span></span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="32:42-32:43: @33[1]: _42 = ((_39 as Err).0: ())
32:42-32:43: @33[4]: _45 = _42
32:42-32:43: @33.Call: _44 = &lt;() as std::convert::From&lt;()&gt;&gt;::from(move _45) -&gt; [return: bb34, unwind: bb39]"><span class="annotation">@31,33,34,35⦊</span>?<span class="annotation">⦉@31,33,34,35</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="35:8-35:10: @5[9]: _47 = ()
35:5-35:11: @5[10]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), ()&gt;::Ok(move _47)"><span class="annotation">@5⦊</span>Ok(())<span class="annotation">⦉@5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"></span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="36:2-36:2: @38.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@38⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@38</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title> - Coverage Spans</title>
.line {
counter-increment: line;
.line:before {
content: counter(line) ": ";
font-family: Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
font-style: italic;
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filter: opacity(50%);
-webkit-user-select: none;
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color: #dddddd;
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white-space: pre;
display: inline-block;
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background-color: #55bbff;
color: #223311;
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background-color: #ee7756;
color: #551133;
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--index: calc(var(--layer) - 1);
padding-top: calc(var(--index) * 0.15em);
hue-rotate(calc(var(--index) * 25deg))
saturate(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 2%)))
brightness(calc(100% - (var(--index) * 1.5%)));
.annotation {
color: #4444ff;
font-family: monospace;
font-style: italic;
display: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body:active .annotation {
/* requires holding mouse down anywhere on the page */
display: inline-block;
span:hover .annotation {
/* requires hover over a span ONLY on its first line */
display: inline-block;
<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 0"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="2:17-2:18: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
2:9-2:14: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)"><span class="annotation">@0⦊</span>fn foo&lt;T&gt;(x: T) {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="2:17-2:18: @0[1]: _2 = const 0_i32
2:9-2:14: @0[2]: FakeRead(ForLet, _2)"> let mut i = 0<span class="annotation">⦉@0</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> while </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="3:11-3:12: @2[2]: _5 = _2
3:11-3:17: @2[3]: _4 = Lt(move _5, const 10_i32)
3:11-3:17: @2[5]: FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace, _4)"><span class="annotation">@1,2⦊</span>i &lt; 10<span class="annotation">⦉@1,2</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="4:9-4:10: @5[3]: _8 = _2
4:9-4:15: @5[4]: _7 = Ne(move _8, const 0_i32)"><span class="annotation">@3,5⦊</span>i != 0<span class="annotation">⦉@3,5</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> || </span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="4:19-4:20: @7[2]: _10 = _2
4:19-4:25: @7[3]: _9 = Ne(move _10, const 0_i32)"><span class="annotation">@7⦊</span>i != 0<span class="annotation">⦉@7</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> </span><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="5:9-5:15: @8[3]: _11 = CheckedAdd(_2, const 1_i32)
5:9-5:15: @9[0]: _2 = move (_11.0: i32)"><span class="annotation">@8,9⦊</span>i += 1<span class="annotation">⦉@8,9</span></span></span><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">;</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0"> }</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code" style="--layer: 0">}</span><span><span class="code odd" style="--layer: 1" title="7:2-7:2: @10.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@4,10⦊</span><span class="annotation">⦉@4,10</span></span></span></span></div>

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<title>unused.main - Coverage Spans</title>
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<div class="code" style="counter-reset: line 34"><span class="line"><span><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:5-36:18: @0.Call: _1 = foo::&lt;u32&gt;(const 0_u32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
37:5-37:20: @1.Call: _2 = foo::&lt;f32&gt;(const 0f32) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
38:8-38:10: @2[2]: _3 = ()
38:5-38:11: @2[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _3)
39:2-39:2: @2.Return: return"><span class="annotation">@0,1,2⦊</span>fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(), u8&gt; {</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:5-36:18: @0.Call: _1 = foo::&lt;u32&gt;(const 0_u32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
37:5-37:20: @1.Call: _2 = foo::&lt;f32&gt;(const 0f32) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
38:8-38:10: @2[2]: _3 = ()
38:5-38:11: @2[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _3)
39:2-39:2: @2.Return: return"> foo::&lt;u32&gt;(0);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:5-36:18: @0.Call: _1 = foo::&lt;u32&gt;(const 0_u32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
37:5-37:20: @1.Call: _2 = foo::&lt;f32&gt;(const 0f32) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
38:8-38:10: @2[2]: _3 = ()
38:5-38:11: @2[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _3)
39:2-39:2: @2.Return: return"> foo::&lt;f32&gt;(0.0);</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:5-36:18: @0.Call: _1 = foo::&lt;u32&gt;(const 0_u32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
37:5-37:20: @1.Call: _2 = foo::&lt;f32&gt;(const 0f32) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
38:8-38:10: @2[2]: _3 = ()
38:5-38:11: @2[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _3)
39:2-39:2: @2.Return: return"> Ok(())</span></span>
<span class="line"><span class="code even" style="--layer: 1" title="36:5-36:18: @0.Call: _1 = foo::&lt;u32&gt;(const 0_u32) -&gt; [return: bb1, unwind: bb3]
37:5-37:20: @1.Call: _2 = foo::&lt;f32&gt;(const 0f32) -&gt; [return: bb2, unwind: bb3]
38:8-38:10: @2[2]: _3 = ()
38:5-38:11: @2[3]: _0 = std::result::Result::&lt;(), u8&gt;::Ok(move _3)
39:2-39:2: @2.Return: return">}<span class="annotation">⦉@0,1,2</span></span></span></span></div>

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