mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:03:35 +00:00
add naive_layout_of
This commit is contained in:
@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ impl EraseType
impl EraseType for Result<ty::layout::TyAndNaiveLayout<'_>, &ty::layout::LayoutError<'_>> {
type Result =
[u8; size_of::<Result<ty::layout::TyAndNaiveLayout<'_>, &ty::layout::LayoutError<'_>>>()];
impl EraseType for Result<ty::Const<'_>, mir::interpret::LitToConstError> {
type Result = [u8; size_of::<Result<ty::Const<'static>, mir::interpret::LitToConstError>>()];
@ -1394,6 +1394,17 @@ rustc_queries! {
desc { "computing layout of `{}`", key.value }
/// Computes the naive layout estimate of a type. Note that this implicitly
/// executes in "reveal all" mode, and will normalize the input type.
/// Unlike `layout_of`, this doesn't recurse behind reference types.
query naive_layout_of(
key: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
) -> Result<ty::layout::TyAndNaiveLayout<'tcx>, &'tcx ty::layout::LayoutError<'tcx>> {
desc { "computing layout (naive) of `{}`", key.value }
/// Compute a `FnAbi` suitable for indirect calls, i.e. to `fn` pointers.
/// NB: this doesn't handle virtual calls - those should use `fn_abi_of_instance`
@ -621,6 +621,61 @@ impl<T, E> MaybeResult<T> for Result<T, E> {
pub type TyAndLayout<'tcx> = rustc_target::abi::TyAndLayout<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, HashStable)]
pub struct TyAndNaiveLayout<'tcx> {
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub layout: NaiveLayout,
impl std::ops::Deref for TyAndNaiveLayout<'_> {
type Target = NaiveLayout;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl std::ops::DerefMut for TyAndNaiveLayout<'_> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.layout
/// A naive underestimation of the layout of a type.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, HashStable)]
pub struct NaiveLayout {
pub min_size: Size,
pub min_align: Align,
impl NaiveLayout {
pub const EMPTY: Self = Self { min_size: Size::ZERO, min_align: Align::ONE };
pub fn is_underestimate_of(&self, layout: Layout<'_>) -> bool {
self.min_size <= layout.size() && self.min_align <= layout.align().abi
pub fn pad_to_align(self) -> Self {
Self { min_size: self.min_size.align_to(self.min_align), min_align: self.min_align }
pub fn concat<C: HasDataLayout>(&self, other: &Self, cx: &C) -> Option<Self> {
Some(Self {
min_size: self.min_size.checked_add(other.min_size, cx)?,
min_align: std::cmp::max(self.min_align, other.min_align),
pub fn union(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
Self {
min_size: std::cmp::max(self.min_size, other.min_size),
min_align: std::cmp::max(self.min_align, other.min_align),
/// Trait for contexts that want to be able to compute layouts of types.
/// This automatically gives access to `LayoutOf`, through a blanket `impl`.
pub trait LayoutOfHelpers<'tcx>: HasDataLayout + HasTyCtxt<'tcx> + HasParamEnv<'tcx> {
@ -673,6 +728,18 @@ pub trait LayoutOf<'tcx>: LayoutOfHelpers<'tcx> {
.map_err(|err| self.handle_layout_err(*err, span, ty)),
/// Computes the naive layout estimate of a type. Note that this implicitly
/// executes in "reveal all" mode, and will normalize the input type.
/// Unlike `layout_of`, this doesn't recurse behind reference types.
fn naive_layout_of(
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> Result<TyAndNaiveLayout<'tcx>, &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>> {
impl<'tcx, C: LayoutOfHelpers<'tcx>> LayoutOf<'tcx> for C {}
@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ impl QueryJobId {
while let Some(id) = current_id {
let info = query_map.get(&id).unwrap();
// FIXME: This string comparison should probably not be done.
if format!("{:?}", info.query.dep_kind) == "layout_of" {
let query_name = format!("{:?}", info.query.dep_kind);
if query_name == "layout_of" || query_name == "naive_layout_of" {
depth += 1;
last_layout = Some((info.clone(), depth));
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ use rustc_index::{IndexSlice, IndexVec};
use rustc_middle::mir::{GeneratorLayout, GeneratorSavedLocal};
use rustc_middle::query::Providers;
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::{
IntegerExt, LayoutCx, LayoutError, LayoutOf, TyAndLayout, MAX_SIMD_LANES,
IntegerExt, LayoutCx, LayoutError, LayoutOf, NaiveLayout, TyAndLayout, TyAndNaiveLayout,
use rustc_middle::ty::{
self, AdtDef, EarlyBinder, GenericArgsRef, ReprOptions, Ty, TyCtxt, TypeVisitableExt,
@ -24,14 +25,14 @@ use crate::errors::{
use crate::layout_sanity_check::sanity_check_layout;
pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
*providers = Providers { layout_of, ..*providers };
*providers = Providers { layout_of, naive_layout_of, ..*providers };
#[instrument(skip(tcx, query), level = "debug")]
fn layout_of<'tcx>(
fn naive_layout_of<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
query: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>,
) -> Result<TyAndLayout<'tcx>, &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>> {
) -> Result<TyAndNaiveLayout<'tcx>, &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>> {
let (param_env, ty) = query.into_parts();
@ -51,18 +52,45 @@ fn layout_of<'tcx>(
if ty != unnormalized_ty {
// Ensure this layout is also cached for the normalized type.
return tcx.naive_layout_of(param_env.and(ty));
let cx = LayoutCx { tcx, param_env };
let layout = naive_layout_of_uncached(&cx, ty)?;
Ok(TyAndNaiveLayout { ty, layout })
#[instrument(skip(tcx, query), level = "debug")]
fn layout_of<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
query: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>,
) -> Result<TyAndLayout<'tcx>, &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>> {
let (param_env, unnormalized_ty) = query.into_parts();
let param_env = param_env.with_reveal_all_normalized(tcx);
// `naive_layout_of` takes care of normalizing the type.
let naive = tcx.naive_layout_of(query)?;
let ty = naive.ty;
if ty != unnormalized_ty {
// Ensure this layout is also cached for the normalized type.
return tcx.layout_of(param_env.and(ty));
let cx = LayoutCx { tcx, param_env };
let layout = layout_of_uncached(&cx, ty)?;
if !naive.is_underestimate_of(layout) {
"the estimated naive layout is bigger than the actual layout:\n{:#?}\n{:#?}",
let layout = TyAndLayout { ty, layout };
record_layout_for_printing(&cx, layout);
sanity_check_layout(&cx, &layout);
@ -75,6 +103,132 @@ fn error<'tcx>(
fn naive_layout_of_uncached<'tcx>(
cx: &LayoutCx<'tcx, TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
) -> Result<NaiveLayout, &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>> {
let tcx = cx.tcx;
let dl = cx.data_layout();
let scalar =
|value: Primitive| NaiveLayout { min_size: value.size(dl), min_align: value.align(dl).abi };
let univariant = |fields: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = Ty<'tcx>>,
repr: &ReprOptions|
-> Result<NaiveLayout, &'tcx LayoutError<'tcx>> {
// For simplicity, ignore inter-field padding; this may underestimate the size.
// FIXME(reference_niches): Be smarter and implement something closer to the real layout logic.
let mut layout = NaiveLayout::EMPTY;
for field in fields {
let field = cx.naive_layout_of(field)?;
layout = layout
.concat(&field, cx)
.ok_or_else(|| error(cx, LayoutError::SizeOverflow(ty)))?;
if let Some(align) = repr.align {
layout.min_align = std::cmp::max(layout.min_align, align);
if let Some(pack) = repr.pack {
layout.min_align = std::cmp::min(layout.min_align, pack);
Ok(match *ty.kind() {
// Basic scalars
ty::Bool => scalar(Int(I8, false)),
ty::Char => scalar(Int(I32, false)),
ty::Int(ity) => scalar(Int(Integer::from_int_ty(dl, ity), true)),
ty::Uint(ity) => scalar(Int(Integer::from_uint_ty(dl, ity), false)),
ty::Float(fty) => scalar(match fty {
ty::FloatTy::F32 => F32,
ty::FloatTy::F64 => F64,
ty::FnPtr(_) => scalar(Pointer(dl.instruction_address_space)),
// The never type.
ty::Never => NaiveLayout::EMPTY,
// Potentially-wide pointers.
ty::Ref(_, _, _) | ty::RawPtr(_) => {
// TODO(reference_niches): handle wide pointers
ty::Dynamic(_, _, ty::DynStar) => {
let ptr = scalar(Pointer(AddressSpace::DATA));
ptr.concat(&ptr, cx).ok_or_else(|| error(cx, LayoutError::SizeOverflow(ty)))?
// Arrays and slices.
ty::Array(element, _count) => {
let element = cx.naive_layout_of(element)?;
NaiveLayout {
min_size: Size::ZERO, // TODO(reference_niches): proper array size
min_align: element.min_align,
ty::Slice(element) => {
NaiveLayout { min_size: Size::ZERO, min_align: cx.naive_layout_of(element)?.min_align }
ty::Str => NaiveLayout::EMPTY,
// Odd unit types.
ty::FnDef(..) | ty::Dynamic(_, _, ty::Dyn) | ty::Foreign(..) => NaiveLayout::EMPTY,
// FIXME(reference_niches): try to actually compute a reasonable layout estimate,
// without duplicating too much code from `generator_layout`.
ty::Generator(..) => NaiveLayout::EMPTY,
ty::Closure(_, ref substs) => {
univariant(&mut substs.as_closure().upvar_tys(), &ReprOptions::default())?
ty::Tuple(tys) => univariant(&mut tys.iter(), &ReprOptions::default())?,
ty::Adt(def, substs) if def.is_union() => {
let repr = def.repr();
let only_variant = &def.variants()[FIRST_VARIANT];
only_variant.fields.iter().try_fold(NaiveLayout::EMPTY, |layout, f| {
let mut fields = std::iter::once(f.ty(tcx, substs));
univariant(&mut fields, &repr).map(|l| layout.union(&l))
ty::Adt(def, substs) => {
// For simplicity, assume that any discriminant field (if it exists)
// gets niched inside one of the variants; this will underestimate the size
// (and sometimes alignment) of enums.
// FIXME(reference_niches): Be smarter and actually take into accoount the discriminant.
let repr = def.repr();
def.variants().iter().try_fold(NaiveLayout::EMPTY, |layout, v| {
let mut fields = v.fields.iter().map(|f| f.ty(tcx, substs));
let vlayout = univariant(&mut fields, &repr)?;
// Types with no meaningful known layout.
ty::Alias(..) => {
// NOTE(eddyb) `layout_of` query should've normalized these away,
// if that was possible, so there's no reason to try again here.
return Err(error(cx, LayoutError::Unknown(ty)));
ty::Bound(..) | ty::GeneratorWitness(..) | ty::GeneratorWitnessMIR(..) | ty::Infer(_) => {
bug!("Layout::compute: unexpected type `{}`", ty)
ty::Placeholder(..) | ty::Param(_) | ty::Error(_) => {
return Err(error(cx, LayoutError::Unknown(ty)));
fn univariant_uninterned<'tcx>(
cx: &LayoutCx<'tcx, TyCtxt<'tcx>>,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
@ -146,6 +300,14 @@ fn layout_of_uncached<'tcx>(
ty::Ref(_, pointee, _) | ty::RawPtr(ty::TypeAndMut { ty: pointee, .. }) => {
let mut data_ptr = scalar_unit(Pointer(AddressSpace::DATA));
if !ty.is_unsafe_ptr() {
match cx.naive_layout_of(pointee) {
// TODO(reference_niches): actually use the naive layout to set
// reference niches; the query is still kept to for testing purposes.
Ok(_) => (),
// This can happen when computing the `SizeSkeleton` of a generic type.
Err(LayoutError::Unknown(_)) => (),
Err(err) => return Err(err),
data_ptr.valid_range_mut().start = 1;
@ -558,18 +720,15 @@ fn layout_of_uncached<'tcx>(
// Types with no meaningful known layout.
ty::Alias(..) => {
// NOTE(eddyb) `layout_of` query should've normalized these away,
// if that was possible, so there's no reason to try again here.
return Err(error(cx, LayoutError::Unknown(ty)));
ty::Bound(..) | ty::GeneratorWitness(..) | ty::GeneratorWitnessMIR(..) | ty::Infer(_) => {
bug!("Layout::compute: unexpected type `{}`", ty)
ty::Placeholder(..) | ty::Param(_) | ty::Error(_) => {
return Err(error(cx, LayoutError::Unknown(ty)));
| ty::Bound(..)
| ty::GeneratorWitness(..)
| ty::GeneratorWitnessMIR(..)
| ty::Infer(_)
| ty::Placeholder(..)
| ty::Param(_)
| ty::Error(_) => {
unreachable!("already rejected by `naive_layout_of`");
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
//@error-in-other-file: a cycle occurred during layout computation
//~^ ERROR: cycle detected when computing layout of
//~^ ERROR: cycle detected when computing layout (naive) of
use std::mem;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
error[E0391]: cycle detected when computing layout of `S<S<()>>`
error[E0391]: cycle detected when computing layout (naive) of `S<S<()>>`
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `<S<()> as Tr>::I`...
= note: ...which again requires computing layout of `S<S<()>>`, completing the cycle
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `<S<()> as Tr>::I`...
= note: ...which again requires computing layout (naive) of `S<S<()>>`, completing the cycle
= note: cycle used when computing layout of `S<S<()>>`
= note: see https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/overview.html#queries and https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/query.html for more information
error: post-monomorphization error: a cycle occurred during layout computation
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ note: ...which requires const-evaluating + checking `Foo::bytes::{constant#0}`..
LL | bytes: [u8; std::mem::size_of::<Foo>()]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `Foo`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `[u8; std::mem::size_of::<Foo>()]`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `Foo`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `[u8; std::mem::size_of::<Foo>()]`...
= note: ...which requires normalizing `[u8; std::mem::size_of::<Foo>()]`...
= note: ...which again requires evaluating type-level constant, completing the cycle
note: cycle used when checking that `Foo` is well-formed
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ note: ...which requires const-evaluating + checking `Foo::bytes::{constant#0}`..
LL | bytes: [u8; unsafe { intrinsics::size_of::<Foo>() }],
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `Foo`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `[u8; unsafe { intrinsics::size_of::<Foo>() }]`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `Foo`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `[u8; unsafe { intrinsics::size_of::<Foo>() }]`...
= note: ...which requires normalizing `[u8; unsafe { intrinsics::size_of::<Foo>() }]`...
= note: ...which again requires evaluating type-level constant, completing the cycle
note: cycle used when checking that `Foo` is well-formed
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ note: ...which requires type-checking `make_dyn_star`...
LL | fn make_dyn_star<'a, T: PointerLike + Debug + 'a>(t: T) -> impl PointerLike + Debug + 'a {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `make_dyn_star::{opaque#0}`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `make_dyn_star::{opaque#0}`...
= note: ...which requires normalizing `make_dyn_star::{opaque#0}`...
= note: ...which again requires computing type of `make_dyn_star::{opaque#0}`, completing the cycle
note: cycle used when checking item types in top-level module
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// run-pass
#![recursion_limit = "129"]
// Making sure that no overflow occurs.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ LL | std::mem::transmute::<Option<()>, Option<&Other>>(None);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: source type: `Option<()>` (8 bits)
= note: target type: `Option<&Other>` (unable to determine layout for `Other` because `<() as Trait>::RefTarget` cannot be normalized)
= note: target type: `Option<&Other>` (unable to determine layout for `<() as Trait>::RefTarget` because `<() as Trait>::RefTarget` cannot be normalized)
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
//~ ERROR cycle detected when computing layout of `core::option::Option<S>`
//~ ERROR cycle detected when computing layout (naive) of `core::option::Option<S>`
//~| NOTE see https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/overview.html#queries and https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/query.html for more information
//~| NOTE ...which requires computing layout of `S`...
//~| NOTE ...which requires computing layout of `core::option::Option<<S as Mirror>::It>`...
//~| NOTE ...which again requires computing layout of `core::option::Option<S>`, completing the cycle
//~| NOTE cycle used when computing layout of `core::option::Option<<S as Mirror>::It>`
//~| NOTE ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `S`...
//~| NOTE ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `core::option::Option<<S as Mirror>::It>`...
//~| NOTE ...which again requires computing layout (naive) of `core::option::Option<S>`, completing the cycle
//~| NOTE cycle used when computing layout (naive) of `core::option::Option<<S as Mirror>::It>`
trait Mirror {
type It: ?Sized;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
error[E0391]: cycle detected when computing layout of `core::option::Option<S>`
error[E0391]: cycle detected when computing layout (naive) of `core::option::Option<S>`
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `S`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `core::option::Option<<S as Mirror>::It>`...
= note: ...which again requires computing layout of `core::option::Option<S>`, completing the cycle
= note: cycle used when computing layout of `core::option::Option<<S as Mirror>::It>`
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `S`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `core::option::Option<<S as Mirror>::It>`...
= note: ...which again requires computing layout (naive) of `core::option::Option<S>`, completing the cycle
= note: cycle used when computing layout (naive) of `core::option::Option<<S as Mirror>::It>`
= note: see https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/overview.html#queries and https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/query.html for more information
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
//~ ERROR overflow evaluating the requirement `&mut Self: DispatchFromDyn<&mut RustaceansAreAwesome>
//~ ERROR queries overflow the depth limit!
//~| HELP consider increasing the recursion limit
// build-fail
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
error[E0275]: overflow evaluating the requirement `&mut Self: DispatchFromDyn<&mut RustaceansAreAwesome>`
error: queries overflow the depth limit!
= help: consider increasing the recursion limit by adding a `#![recursion_limit = "2"]` attribute to your crate (`zero_overflow`)
= note: query depth increased by 2 when computing layout of `()`
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0275`.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// build-fail
//~^ ERROR cycle detected when computing layout of `Foo<()>`
//~^ ERROR cycle detected when computing layout (naive) of `Foo<()>`
trait A { type Assoc: ?Sized; }
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
error[E0391]: cycle detected when computing layout of `Foo<()>`
error[E0391]: cycle detected when computing layout (naive) of `Foo<()>`
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `<() as A>::Assoc`...
= note: ...which again requires computing layout of `Foo<()>`, completing the cycle
note: cycle used when elaborating drops for `main`
--> $DIR/recursive-type-2.rs:11:1
LL | fn main() {
| ^^^^^^^^^
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `<() as A>::Assoc`...
= note: ...which again requires computing layout (naive) of `Foo<()>`, completing the cycle
= note: cycle used when computing layout of `Foo<()>`
= note: see https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/overview.html#queries and https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org/query.html for more information
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ note: ...which requires type-checking `CONST_BUG`...
LL | const CONST_BUG: Bug<u8, ()> = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(|_: u8| ()) };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: ...which requires computing layout of `Bug<u8, ()>`...
= note: ...which requires computing layout (naive) of `Bug<u8, ()>`...
= note: ...which requires normalizing `Bug<u8, ()>`...
= note: ...which again requires computing type of `Bug::{opaque#0}`, completing the cycle
note: cycle used when checking item types in top-level module
Reference in New Issue
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