Rewrite exhaustiveness checker

Issue #2111
This commit is contained in:
Marijn Haverbeke 2012-04-24 11:13:25 +02:00
parent c9e3f387f4
commit 9f99c3263b
15 changed files with 273 additions and 237 deletions

View File

@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ fn unop_to_str(op: unop) -> str {
deref { ret "*"; }
not { ret "!"; }
neg { ret "-"; }
addr_of { ret "&"; }

View File

@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, pieces: [piece], args: [@ast::expr])
ty_octal { ret make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, "uint", cnv, arg); }
ty_float { ret make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, "float", cnv, arg); }
ty_poly { ret make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, "poly", cnv, arg); }
_ { cx.span_unimpl(sp, unsupported); }
fn log_conv(c: conv) {

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ fn format_addr(ip: ip_addr) -> str {
ipv4(a, b, c, d) {
#fmt["%u.%u.%u.%u", a as uint, b as uint, c as uint, d as uint]
_ { fail "Unsupported address type"; }

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ fn default_configuration(sess: session, argv0: str, input: str) ->
session::os_macos { "libc.dylib" }
session::os_linux { "" }
session::os_freebsd { "" }
_ { "" }
// _ { "" }
let mk = attr::mk_name_value_item_str;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::ast_util::{variant_def_ids, dummy_sp, unguarded_pat};
import middle::const_eval::{compare_lit_exprs, lit_expr_eq};
import const_eval::{eval_const_expr, const_val, const_int,
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::print::pprust::pat_to_str;
import pat_util::*;
@ -35,28 +35,20 @@ fn check_expr(tcx: ty::ctxt, ex: @expr, &&s: (), v: visit::vt<()>) {
// Check for unreachable patterns
fn check_arms(tcx: ty::ctxt, arms: [arm]) {
let mut i = 0;
/* Check for unreachable patterns */
let mut seen = [];
for arms.each {|arm|
for arm.pats.each {|arm_pat|
let mut reachable = true;
let mut j = 0;
while j < i {
if option::is_none(arms[j].guard) {
for vec::each(arms[j].pats) {|prev_pat|
if pattern_supersedes(tcx, prev_pat, arm_pat) {
reachable = false;
j += 1;
if !reachable {
tcx.sess.span_err(arm_pat.span, "unreachable pattern");
for arm.pats.each {|pat|
let v = [pat];
alt is_useful(tcx, seen, v) {
not_useful {
tcx.sess.span_err(pat.span, "unreachable pattern");
_ {}
if option::is_none(arm.guard) { seen += [v]; }
i += 1;
@ -68,229 +60,269 @@ fn raw_pat(p: @pat) -> @pat {
fn check_exhaustive(tcx: ty::ctxt, sp: span, pats: [@pat]) {
if pats.len() == 0u {
tcx.sess.span_err(sp, "non-exhaustive patterns");
// If there a non-refutable pattern in the set, we're okay.
for pats.each {|pat| if !is_refutable(tcx, pat) { ret; } }
alt ty::get(ty::node_id_to_type(tcx, pats[0].id)).struct {
ty::ty_enum(id, _) {
check_exhaustive_enum(tcx, id, sp, pats);
ty::ty_box(_) {
check_exhaustive(tcx, sp, vec::filter_map(pats, {|p|
alt raw_pat(p).node { pat_box(sub) { some(sub) } _ { none } }
ty::ty_uniq(_) {
check_exhaustive(tcx, sp, vec::filter_map(pats, {|p|
alt raw_pat(p).node { pat_uniq(sub) { some(sub) } _ { none } }
ty::ty_tup(ts) {
let cols = vec::to_mut(vec::from_elem(ts.len(), []));
for pats.each {|p|
alt raw_pat(p).node {
pat_tup(sub) {
vec::iteri(sub) {|i, sp| cols[i] += [sp];}
_ {}
vec::iter(cols) {|col| check_exhaustive(tcx, sp, col); }
ty::ty_rec(fs) {
let cols = vec::from_elem(fs.len(), {mut wild: false,
mut pats: []});
for pats.each {|p|
alt raw_pat(p).node {
pat_rec(sub, _) {
vec::iteri(fs) {|i, field|
alt vec::find(sub, {|pf| pf.ident == field.ident }) {
some(pf) { cols[i].pats += [pf.pat]; }
none { cols[i].wild = true; }
_ {}
vec::iter(cols) {|col|
if !col.wild { check_exhaustive(tcx, sp, copy col.pats); }
ty::ty_bool {
let mut saw_true = false, saw_false = false;
for pats.each {|p|
alt raw_pat(p).node {
pat_lit(@{node: expr_lit(@{node: lit_bool(b), _}), _}) {
if b { saw_true = true; }
else { saw_false = true; }
_ {}
if !saw_true { tcx.sess.span_err(
sp, "non-exhaustive bool patterns: true not covered"); }
if !saw_false { tcx.sess.span_err(
sp, "non-exhaustive bool patterns: false not covered"); }
ty::ty_nil {
let seen = vec::any(pats, {|p|
alt raw_pat(p).node {
pat_lit(@{node: expr_lit(@{node: lit_nil, _}), _}) { true }
_ { false }
if !seen { tcx.sess.span_err(sp, "non-exhaustive patterns"); }
// Literal patterns are always considered non-exhaustive
_ {
tcx.sess.span_err(sp, "non-exhaustive literal patterns");
fn check_exhaustive_enum(tcx: ty::ctxt, enum_id: def_id, sp: span,
pats: [@pat]) {
let variants = enum_variants(tcx, enum_id);
let columns_by_variant = vec::map(*variants, {|v|
{mut seen: false,
cols: vec::to_mut(vec::from_elem(v.args.len(), []))}
for pats.each {|pat|
let pat = raw_pat(pat);
alt tcx.def_map.get( {
def_variant(_, id) {
let variant_idx =
option::get(vec::position(*variants, {|v| == id}));
let arg_len = variants[variant_idx].args.len();
columns_by_variant[variant_idx].seen = true;
alt pat.node {
pat_enum(_, some(args)) {
vec::iteri(args) {|i, p|
columns_by_variant[variant_idx].cols[i] += [p];
pat_enum(_, none) {
/* (*) pattern -- we fill in n '_' patterns, if the variant
has n args */
let wild_pat = @{id: tcx.sess.next_node_id(),
node: pat_wild, span: pat.span};
uint::range(0u, arg_len) {|i|
columns_by_variant[variant_idx].cols[i] += [wild_pat]};
_ {}
let ext = alt is_useful(tcx, vec::map(pats, {|p| [p]}), [wild()]) {
not_useful { ret; } // This is good, wildcard pattern isn't reachable
useful_ { none }
useful(ty, ctor) {
alt ty::get(ty).struct {
ty::ty_bool {
alt check ctor {
val(const_int(1i64)) { some("true") }
val(const_int(0i64)) { some("false") }
_ {}
ty::ty_enum(id, _) {
let vid = alt check ctor { variant(id) { id } };
alt check vec::find(*ty::enum_variants(tcx, id),
{|v| == vid}) {
some(v) { some( }
_ { none }
let msg = "non-exhaustive patterns" + alt ext {
some(s) { ": " + s + " not covered" }
none { "" }
tcx.sess.span_err(sp, msg);
vec::iteri(columns_by_variant) {|i, cv|
if !cv.seen {
tcx.sess.span_err(sp, "non-exhaustive patterns: variant `" +
variants[i].name + "` not covered");
type matrix = [[@pat]];
enum useful { useful(ty::t, ctor), useful_, not_useful }
enum ctor {
range(const_val, const_val),
// Algorithm from
// Whether a vector `v` of patterns is 'useful' in relation to a set of such
// vectors `m` is defined as there being a set of inputs that will match `v`
// but not any of the sets in `m`.
// This is used both for reachability checking (if a pattern isn't useful in
// relation to preceding patterns, it is not reachable) and exhaustiveness
// checking (if a wildcard pattern is useful in relation to a matrix, the
// matrix isn't exhaustive).
fn is_useful(tcx: ty::ctxt, m: matrix, v: [@pat]) -> useful {
if m.len() == 0u { ret useful_; }
if m[0].len() == 0u { ret not_useful; }
let real_pat = alt vec::find(m, {|r| r[0].id != 0}) {
some(r) { r[0] } none { v[0] }
let left_ty = if == 0 { ty::mk_nil(tcx) }
else { ty::node_id_to_type(tcx, };
alt pat_ctor_id(tcx, v[0]) {
none {
if is_complete(tcx, m, left_ty) {
alt ty::get(left_ty).struct {
ty::ty_bool {
alt is_useful_specialized(tcx, m, v, val(const_int(1i64)),
0u, left_ty){
not_useful {
is_useful_specialized(tcx, m, v, val(const_int(0i64)),
0u, left_ty)
u { u }
ty::ty_enum(eid, _) {
for (*ty::enum_variants(tcx, eid)).each {|va|
alt is_useful_specialized(tcx, m, v, variant(,
va.args.len(), left_ty) {
not_useful {}
u { ret u; }
_ {
let arity = ctor_arity(tcx, single, left_ty);
is_useful_specialized(tcx, m, v, single, arity, left_ty)
} else {
vec::iter(cv.cols) {|col| check_exhaustive(tcx, sp, col); }
is_useful(tcx, vec::filter_map(m, {|r| default(tcx, r)}),
some(v0_ctor) {
let arity = ctor_arity(tcx, v0_ctor, left_ty);
is_useful_specialized(tcx, m, v, v0_ctor, arity, left_ty)
fn pattern_supersedes(tcx: ty::ctxt, a: @pat, b: @pat) -> bool {
fn patterns_supersede(tcx: ty::ctxt, as: [@pat], bs: [@pat]) -> bool {
let mut i = 0;
for as.each {|a|
if !pattern_supersedes(tcx, a, bs[i]) { ret false; }
i += 1;
ret true;
fn field_patterns_supersede(tcx: ty::ctxt, fas: [field_pat],
fbs: [field_pat]) -> bool {
let wild = @{id: 0, node: pat_wild, span: dummy_sp()};
for fas.each {|fa|
let mut pb = wild;
for fbs.each {|fb|
if fa.ident == fb.ident { pb = fb.pat; }
if !pattern_supersedes(tcx, fa.pat, pb) { ret false; }
ret true;
fn is_useful_specialized(tcx: ty::ctxt, m: matrix, v: [@pat], ctor: ctor,
arity: uint, lty: ty::t) -> useful {
let ms = vec::filter_map(m, {|r| specialize(tcx, r, ctor, arity, lty)});
alt is_useful(tcx, ms, option::get(specialize(tcx, v, ctor, arity, lty))){
useful_ { useful(lty, ctor) }
u { u }
alt a.node {
pat_ident(_, some(p)) { pattern_supersedes(tcx, p, b) }
fn pat_ctor_id(tcx: ty::ctxt, p: @pat) -> option<ctor> {
let pat = raw_pat(p);
alt pat.node {
pat_wild { none }
pat_ident(_, _) | pat_enum(_, _) {
alt tcx.def_map.find( {
some(def_variant(_, id)) { some(variant(id)) }
_ { none }
pat_lit(expr) { some(val(eval_const_expr(tcx, expr))) }
pat_range(lo, hi) {
some(range(eval_const_expr(tcx, lo), eval_const_expr(tcx, hi)))
pat_box(_) | pat_uniq(_) | pat_rec(_, _) | pat_tup(_) { some(single) }
fn is_wild(tcx: ty::ctxt, p: @pat) -> bool {
let pat = raw_pat(p);
alt pat.node {
pat_wild { true }
pat_ident(_, none) {
let opt_def_a = tcx.def_map.find(;
alt opt_def_a {
some(def_variant(_, _)) { opt_def_a == tcx.def_map.find( }
// This is a binding
pat_ident(_, _) {
alt tcx.def_map.find( {
some(def_variant(_, _)) { false }
_ { true }
pat_enum(va, suba) {
alt b.node {
pat_enum(vb, some(subb)) {
tcx.def_map.get( == tcx.def_map.get( &&
alt suba { none { true }
some(subaa) {
patterns_supersede(tcx, subaa, subb)
_ { false }
fn is_complete(tcx: ty::ctxt, m: matrix, left_ty: ty::t) -> bool {
alt ty::get(left_ty).struct {
ty::ty_box(_) | ty::ty_uniq(_) | ty::ty_tup(_) | ty::ty_rec(_) {
for m.each {|r|
if !is_wild(tcx, r[0]) { ret true; }
ret false;
ty::ty_enum(eid, _) {
let mut found = [];
for m.each {|r|
option::iter(pat_ctor_id(tcx, r[0])) {|id|
if !vec::contains(found, id) { found += [id]; }
found.len() == (*ty::enum_variants(tcx, eid)).len()
ty::ty_nil { true }
ty::ty_bool {
let mut true_found = false, false_found = false;
for m.each {|r|
alt check pat_ctor_id(tcx, r[0]) {
none {}
some(val(const_int(1i64))) { true_found = true; }
some(val(const_int(0i64))) { false_found = true; }
true_found && false_found
_ { false }
fn ctor_arity(tcx: ty::ctxt, ctor: ctor, ty: ty::t) -> uint {
alt ty::get(ty).struct {
ty::ty_tup(fs) { fs.len() }
ty::ty_rec(fs) { fs.len() }
ty::ty_box(_) | ty::ty_uniq(_) { 1u }
ty::ty_enum(eid, _) {
let id = alt check ctor { variant(id) { id } };
alt check vec::find(*ty::enum_variants(tcx, eid), {|v| == id}) {
some(v) { v.args.len() }
_ { 0u }
fn wild() -> @pat {
@{id: 0, node: pat_wild, span: syntax::ast_util::dummy_sp()}
fn specialize(tcx: ty::ctxt, r: [@pat], ctor_id: ctor, arity: uint,
left_ty: ty::t) -> option<[@pat]> {
let r0 = raw_pat(r[0]);
alt r0.node {
pat_wild { some(vec::from_elem(arity, wild()) + vec::tail(r)) }
pat_ident(_, _) {
alt tcx.def_map.find( {
some(def_variant(_, id)) {
if variant(id) == ctor_id { some(vec::tail(r)) }
else { none }
_ { false }
_ { some(vec::from_elem(arity, wild()) + vec::tail(r)) }
pat_rec(suba, _) {
alt b.node {
pat_rec(subb, _) { field_patterns_supersede(tcx, suba, subb) }
_ { false }
pat_tup(suba) {
alt b.node {
pat_tup(subb) { patterns_supersede(tcx, suba, subb) }
_ { false }
pat_box(suba) {
alt b.node {
pat_box(subb) { pattern_supersedes(tcx, suba, subb) }
_ { pattern_supersedes(tcx, suba, b) }
pat_uniq(suba) {
alt b.node {
pat_uniq(subb) { pattern_supersedes(tcx, suba, subb) }
_ { pattern_supersedes(tcx, suba, b) }
pat_lit(la) {
alt b.node {
pat_lit(lb) { lit_expr_eq(tcx, la, lb) }
_ { false }
pat_range(begina, enda) {
alt b.node {
pat_lit(lb) {
compare_lit_exprs(tcx, begina, lb) <= 0 &&
compare_lit_exprs(tcx, enda, lb) >= 0
pat_enum(_, args) {
alt check tcx.def_map.get( {
def_variant(_, id) if variant(id) == ctor_id {
let args = alt args {
some(args) { args }
none { vec::from_elem(arity, wild()) }
some(args + vec::tail(r))
pat_range(beginb, endb) {
compare_lit_exprs(tcx, begina, beginb) <= 0 &&
compare_lit_exprs(tcx, enda, endb) >= 0
_ { false }
def_variant(_, _) { none }
pat_rec(flds, _) {
let ty_flds = alt check ty::get(left_ty).struct {
ty::ty_rec(flds) { flds }
let args = vec::map(ty_flds, {|ty_f|
alt vec::find(flds, {|f| f.ident == ty_f.ident}) {
some(f) { f.pat } _ { wild() }
some(args + vec::tail(r))
pat_tup(args) { some(args + vec::tail(r)) }
pat_box(a) | pat_uniq(a) { some([a] + vec::tail(r)) }
pat_lit(expr) {
let e_v = eval_const_expr(tcx, expr);
let match = alt check ctor_id {
val(v) { compare_const_vals(e_v, v) == 0 }
range(c_lo, c_hi) { compare_const_vals(c_lo, e_v) >= 0 &&
compare_const_vals(c_hi, e_v) <= 0 }
single { true }
if match { some(vec::tail(r)) } else { none }
pat_range(lo, hi) {
let (c_lo, c_hi) = alt check ctor_id {
val(v) { (v, v) }
range(lo, hi) { (lo, hi) }
single { ret some(vec::tail(r)); }
let v_lo = eval_const_expr(tcx, lo),
v_hi = eval_const_expr(tcx, hi);
let match = compare_const_vals(c_lo, v_lo) >= 0 &&
compare_const_vals(c_hi, v_hi) <= 0;
if match { some(vec::tail(r)) } else { none }
fn default(tcx: ty::ctxt, r: [@pat]) -> option<[@pat]> {
if is_wild(tcx, r[0]) { some(vec::tail(r)) }
else { none }
fn check_local(tcx: ty::ctxt, loc: @local, &&s: (), v: visit::vt<()>) {
visit::visit_local(loc, s, v);
if is_refutable(tcx, loc.node.pat) {

View File

@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ fn check_item_ctypes(cx: ctxt, level: level, it: @ast::item) {
ast::native_item_fn(decl, tps) {
check_native_fn(cx, level, decl);
_ { }

View File

@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ fn ns_for_def(d: def) -> namespace {
ast::def_variant(_, _) { ns_val }
ast::def_fn(_, _) | ast::def_self(_) |
ast::def_const(_) | ast::def_arg(_, _) | ast::def_local(_, _) |
ast::def_upvar(_, _, _) | ast::def_self(_) { ns_val }
ast::def_upvar(_, _, _) { ns_val }
ast::def_mod(_) | ast::def_native_mod(_) { ns_module }
ast::def_ty(_) | ast::def_binding(_) | ast::def_use(_) |
ast::def_ty_param(_, _) | ast::def_prim_ty(_) | ast::def_class(_)

View File

@ -3694,7 +3694,6 @@ fn trans_stmt(cx: block, s: ast::stmt) -> block {
ast::decl_item(i) { trans_item(cx.fcx.ccx, *i); }
_ { cx.sess().unimpl("stmt variant"); }
ret bcx;

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ fn collect_ids_stmt(s: @stmt, rs: @mut [node_id]) {
*rs += [id];
_ { }

View File

@ -709,7 +709,6 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_stmt(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, s: @stmt) -> bool {
ret changed;
_ { ret false; }

View File

@ -5,27 +5,27 @@
//error-pattern: unreachable
fn main() {
alt 5u {
alt check 5u {
1u to 10u { }
5u to 6u { }
alt 5u {
alt check 5u {
3u to 6u { }
4u to 6u { }
alt 5u {
alt check 5u {
4u to 6u { }
4u to 6u { }
alt 'c' {
alt check 'c' {
'A' to 'z' {}
'a' to 'z' {}
alt 1.0 {
alt check 1.0 {
0.01 to 6.5 {}
0.02 {}

View File

@ -3,13 +3,23 @@ enum t { a, b, }
fn main() {
let x = a;
alt x { b { } } //! ERROR non-exhaustive patterns
alt true { //! ERROR non-exhaustive bool patterns
alt true { //! ERROR non-exhaustive patterns
true {}
alt @some(10) { //! ERROR non-exhaustive patterns
@none {}
alt (2, 3, 4) { //! ERROR non-exhaustive literal patterns
alt (2, 3, 4) { //! ERROR non-exhaustive patterns
(_, _, 4) {}
alt (a, a) { //! ERROR non-exhaustive patterns
(a, b) {}
(b, a) {}
// This is exhaustive, though the algorithm got it wrong at one point
alt (a, b) {
(a, _) {}
(_, a) {}
(b, b) {}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// error-pattern:squirrelcupcake
fn cmp() -> int {
alt(option::some('a'), option::none::<char>) {
alt check (option::some('a'), option::none::<char>) {
(option::some(_), _) { fail "squirrelcupcake"; }
(_, option::some(_)) { fail; }

View File

@ -2,5 +2,7 @@ fn main() {
alt @{foo: true, bar: some(10), baz: 20} {
@{foo: true, bar: some(_), _} {}
@{foo: false, bar: none, _} {}
@{foo: true, bar: none, _} {}
@{foo: false, bar: some(_), _} {}

View File

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ fn get_color_alt(color: color) -> str {
imaginary {"imaginary"}
purple {"purple"}
orange {"orange"}
_ {"unknown"}