Refactor pairs/binops

This commit is contained in:
Nick Cameron 2017-01-11 12:06:23 +13:00
parent 7e2fcc27e1
commit 9be2971274
3 changed files with 116 additions and 180 deletions

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@ -80,7 +80,15 @@ fn format_expr(expr: &ast::Expr,
ast::ExprKind::Paren(ref subexpr) => rewrite_paren(context, subexpr, width, offset),
ast::ExprKind::Binary(ref op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
rewrite_binary_op(context, op, lhs, rhs, width, offset)
// FIXME: format comments between operands and operator
&format!(" {} ", context.snippet(op.span)),
ast::ExprKind::Unary(ref op, ref subexpr) => {
rewrite_unary_op(context, op, subexpr, width, offset)
@ -216,15 +224,14 @@ fn format_expr(expr: &ast::Expr,
rewrite_pair(&**expr, &**ty, "", ": ", "", context, width, offset)
ast::ExprKind::Index(ref expr, ref index) => {
let use_spaces = context.config.spaces_within_square_brackets;
let lbr = if use_spaces { "[ " } else { "[" };
let rbr = if use_spaces { " ]" } else { "]" };
rewrite_pair(&**expr, &**index, "", lbr, rbr, context, width, offset)
rewrite_index(&**expr, &**index, context, width, offset)
ast::ExprKind::Repeat(ref expr, ref repeats) => {
let use_spaces = context.config.spaces_within_square_brackets;
let lbr = if use_spaces { "[ " } else { "[" };
let rbr = if use_spaces { " ]" } else { "]" };
let (lbr, rbr) = if context.config.spaces_within_square_brackets {
("[ ", " ]")
} else {
("[", "]")
rewrite_pair(&**expr, &**repeats, lbr, "; ", rbr, context, width, offset)
ast::ExprKind::Range(ref lhs, ref rhs, limits) => {
@ -286,29 +293,63 @@ pub fn rewrite_pair<LHS, RHS>(lhs: &LHS,
where LHS: Rewrite,
RHS: Rewrite
let max_width = try_opt!(width.checked_sub(prefix.len() + infix.len() + suffix.len()));
let lhs_budget = try_opt!(width.checked_sub(prefix.len() + infix.len()));
let rhs_budget = try_opt!(width.checked_sub(suffix.len()));
binary_search(1, max_width, |lhs_budget| {
let lhs_offset = offset + prefix.len();
let lhs_str = match lhs.rewrite(context, lhs_budget, lhs_offset) {
Some(result) => result,
None => return Err(Ordering::Greater),
// Get "full width" rhs and see if it fits on the current line. This
// usually works fairly well since it tends to place operands of
// operations with high precendence close together.
// Note that this is non-conservative, but its just to see if it's even
// worth trying to put everything on one line.
let rhs_result = rhs.rewrite(context, rhs_budget, offset);
let last_line_width = last_line_width(&lhs_str);
let rhs_budget = match max_width.checked_sub(last_line_width) {
Some(b) => b,
None => return Err(Ordering::Less),
let rhs_indent = offset + last_line_width + prefix.len() + infix.len();
if let Some(rhs_result) = rhs_result {
// This is needed in case of line break not caused by a
// shortage of space, but by end-of-line comments, for example.
if !rhs_result.contains('\n') {
let lhs_result = lhs.rewrite(context, lhs_budget, offset);
if let Some(lhs_result) = lhs_result {
let mut result = format!("{}{}{}", prefix, lhs_result, infix);
let rhs_str = match rhs.rewrite(context, rhs_budget, rhs_indent) {
Some(result) => result,
None => return Err(Ordering::Less),
let remaining_width = width.checked_sub(last_line_width(&result)).unwrap_or(0);
Ok(format!("{}{}{}{}{}", prefix, lhs_str, infix, rhs_str, suffix))
if rhs_result.len() <= remaining_width {
return Some(result);
// Try rewriting the rhs into the remaining space.
let rhs_budget = try_opt!(remaining_width.checked_sub(suffix.len()));
if let Some(rhs_result) = rhs.rewrite(context, rhs_budget, offset + result.len()) {
if rhs_result.len() <= remaining_width {
return Some(result);
// We have to use multiple lines.
// Re-evaluate the rhs because we have more space now:
let infix = infix.trim_right();
let lhs_budget =
try_opt!(context.config.max_width.checked_sub(offset.width() + prefix.len() + infix.len()));
let rhs_budget = try_opt!(rhs_budget.checked_sub(prefix.len()));
let rhs_offset = offset + prefix.len();
let rhs_result = try_opt!(rhs.rewrite(context, rhs_budget, rhs_offset));
let lhs_result = try_opt!(lhs.rewrite(context, lhs_budget, offset));
pub fn rewrite_array<'a, I>(expr_iter: I,
@ -535,82 +576,6 @@ fn rewrite_closure(capture: ast::CaptureBy,
let rewrite = try_opt!(block.rewrite(&context, budget, Indent::empty()));
Some(format!("{} {}", prefix, rewrite))
// // This is where we figure out whether to use braces or not.
// let mut had_braces = true;
// let mut inner_block = body;
// let mut trailing_expr = stmt_expr(&inner_block.stmts[inner_block.stmts.len() - 1]);
// // If there is an inner block and we can ignore it, do so.
// if body.stmts.len() == 1 && trailing_expr.is_some() {
// if let Some(ref inner) = stmt_block(&inner_block.stmts[0]) {
// inner_block = inner;
// trailing_expr = if inner_block.stmts.is_empty() {
// None
// } else {
// stmt_expr(&inner_block.stmts[inner_block.stmts.len() - 1])
// };
// } else if !force_block {
// had_braces = false;
// }
// }
// let try_single_line = is_simple_block(inner_block, context.codemap) &&
// inner_block.rules == ast::BlockCheckMode::Default;
// if try_single_line && !force_block {
// let must_preserve_braces =
// trailing_expr.is_none() ||
// !classify::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(left_most_sub_expr(trailing_expr.unwrap()));
// if !(must_preserve_braces && had_braces) &&
// (must_preserve_braces || !prefix.contains('\n')) {
// // If we got here, then we can try to format without braces.
// let inner_expr = &inner_block.stmts[0];
// let mut rewrite = inner_expr.rewrite(context, budget, offset + extra_offset);
// if must_preserve_braces {
// // If we are here, then failure to rewrite is unacceptable.
// if rewrite.is_none() {
// return None;
// }
// } else {
// // Checks if rewrite succeeded and fits on a single line.
// rewrite = and_one_line(rewrite);
// }
// if let Some(rewrite) = rewrite {
// return Some(format!("{} {}", prefix, rewrite));
// }
// }
// }
// // If we fell through the above block, then we need braces, but we might
// // still prefer a one-liner (we might also have fallen through because of
// // lack of space).
// if try_single_line && !prefix.contains('\n') {
// let inner_expr = &inner_block.stmts[0];
// // 4 = braces and spaces.
// let mut rewrite = inner_expr.rewrite(context,
// try_opt!(budget.checked_sub(4)),
// offset + extra_offset);
// // Checks if rewrite succeeded and fits on a single line.
// rewrite = and_one_line(rewrite);
// if let Some(rewrite) = rewrite {
// return Some(format!("{} {{ {} }}", prefix, rewrite));
// }
// }
// // We couldn't format the closure body as a single line expression; fall
// // back to block formatting.
// let mut context = context.clone();
// context.block_indent.alignment = 0;
// let body_rewrite = try_opt!(inner_block.rewrite(&context, budget, Indent::empty()));
// Some(format!("{} {}", prefix, body_rewrite))
fn and_one_line(x: Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
@ -1665,6 +1630,36 @@ fn rewrite_paren(context: &RewriteContext,
fn rewrite_index(expr: &ast::Expr,
index: &ast::Expr,
context: &RewriteContext,
width: usize,
offset: Indent)
-> Option<String> {
let expr_str = try_opt!(expr.rewrite(context, width, offset));
let (lbr, rbr) = if context.config.spaces_within_square_brackets {
("[ ", " ]")
} else {
("[", "]")
let budget = width.checked_sub(expr_str.len() + lbr.len() + rbr.len()).unwrap_or(0);
let index_str = index.rewrite(context, budget, offset);
if let Some(index_str) = index_str {
return Some(format!("{}{}{}{}", expr_str, lbr, index_str, rbr));
let indent = offset.block_indent(&context.config);
let indent = indent.to_string(&context.config);
// FIXME this is not right, since we don't take into account that width
// might be reduced from max_width by something on the right.
let budget =
try_opt!(context.config.max_width.checked_sub(indent.len() + lbr.len() + rbr.len()));
let index_str = try_opt!(index.rewrite(context, budget, offset));
Some(format!("{}\n{}{}{}{}", expr_str, indent, lbr, index_str, rbr))
fn rewrite_struct_lit<'a>(context: &RewriteContext,
path: &ast::Path,
fields: &'a [ast::Field],
@ -1886,62 +1881,6 @@ pub fn rewrite_tuple<'a, I>(context: &RewriteContext,
fn rewrite_binary_op(context: &RewriteContext,
op: &ast::BinOp,
lhs: &ast::Expr,
rhs: &ast::Expr,
width: usize,
offset: Indent)
-> Option<String> {
// FIXME: format comments between operands and operator
let operator_str = context.snippet(op.span);
// Get "full width" rhs and see if it fits on the current line. This
// usually works fairly well since it tends to place operands of
// operations with high precendence close together.
let rhs_result = try_opt!(rhs.rewrite(context, width, offset));
// Second condition is needed in case of line break not caused by a
// shortage of space, but by end-of-line comments, for example.
// Note that this is non-conservative, but its just to see if it's even
// worth trying to put everything on one line.
if rhs_result.len() + 2 + operator_str.len() < width && !rhs_result.contains('\n') {
// 1 = space between lhs expr and operator
if let Some(mut result) = lhs.rewrite(context, width - 1 - operator_str.len(), offset) {
result.push(' ');
result.push(' ');
let remaining_width = width.checked_sub(last_line_width(&result)).unwrap_or(0);
if rhs_result.len() <= remaining_width {
return Some(result);
if let Some(rhs_result) = rhs.rewrite(context, remaining_width, offset + result.len()) {
if rhs_result.len() <= remaining_width {
return Some(result);
// We have to use multiple lines.
// Re-evaluate the lhs because we have more space now:
let budget = try_opt!(context.config
.checked_sub(offset.width() + 1 + operator_str.len()));
Some(format!("{} {}\n{}{}",
try_opt!(lhs.rewrite(context, budget, offset)),
pub fn rewrite_unary_prefix<R: Rewrite>(context: &RewriteContext,
prefix: &str,
rewrite: &R,

View File

@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ fn foo() -> bool {
fn bar() {
let range = (111111111 + 333333333333333333 + 1111 + 400000000000000000)..(2222 +
let range = (111111111 + 333333333333333333 + 1111 + 400000000000000000)..
(2222 + 2333333333333333);
let another_range = 5..some_func(a, b /* comment */);
@ -226,19 +226,17 @@ fn casts() {
fn indices() {
let x = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb + cccccccccccccccc)[x +
y +
let y = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb +
cccccccccccccccc)[xxxxx + yyyyy + zzzzz];
let x = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb + cccccccccccccccc)
[x + y + z];
let y = (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb + cccccccccccccccc)
[xxxxx + yyyyy + zzzzz];
fn repeats() {
let x = [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb + cccccccccccccccc; x +
y +
let y = [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb +
cccccccccccccccc; xxxxx + yyyyy + zzzzz];
let x = [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb + cccccccccccccccc;
x + y + z];
let y = [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb + cccccccccccccccc;
xxxxx + yyyyy + zzzzz];
fn blocks() {
@ -260,8 +258,8 @@ fn issue767() {
fn ranges() {
let x = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb;
let y =
let y = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
let z = ...x;

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@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
fn main() {
let xxxxxxxxxxx =
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy: SomeTrait<AA, BB, CC>;
let xxxxxxxxxxx = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:
SomeTrait<AA, BB, CC>;
let xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx =
let xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:
let z = funk(yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
let z = funk(yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, wwwwww):
x: u32 - 1u32 / 10f32: u32