mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 18:04:13 +00:00
Add the platform intrinsic generator script.
This python script will consume an appropriately formatted JSON file and output either a Rust file for use in librustc_platform_intrinsics, or an extern block for importing the intrinsics in an external library. The --help flag has details.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
# Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
# file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
# http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
# <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
# option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import json
import argparse
import sys
import re
import textwrap
SPEC = re.compile(
r'^(?:(?P<id>[iusfIUSF])(?:\((?P<start>\d*)-(?P<end>\d*)\)|(?P<width>\d*))' +
class IntrinsicSet(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self._platform = json['platform']
self._intrinsic_prefix = json['intrinsic_prefix']
self._llvm_prefix = json['llvm_prefix']
self._intrinsics = json['intrinsics']
self._type_info = json['number_info']
self._widths = json['widths']
def intrinsics(self):
for raw in self._intrinsics:
yield GenericIntrinsic(self,
raw['intrinsic'], raw['width'], raw['llvm'],
raw['ret'], raw['args'])
def llvm_prefix(self):
return self._llvm_prefix
def intrinsic_prefix(self):
return self._intrinsic_prefix
def width_name(self, bitwidth):
return self._widths[str(bitwidth)]
def number_type_info(self, value):
data = self._type_info[value.__class__.__name__.lower()]
bitwidth = value.bitwidth()
raw_dtype = data['data_type']
dtype = raw_dtype[str(bitwidth)]
except KeyError:
dtype = raw_dtype['pattern'].format(bitwidth = bitwidth)
return PlatformTypeInfo(data['kind'],
class PlatformTypeInfo(object):
def __init__(self, kind, data_type, llvm_name, width = None):
self.kind = kind
self.data_type = data_type
self.llvm_name = llvm_name
if width is not None:
self.width = width
def vectorize(self, length, width):
return PlatformTypeInfo(self.kind, self.data_type,
'v{}{}'.format(length, self.llvm_name),
class Type(object):
def __init__(self, bitwidth):
self._bitwidth = bitwidth
def bitwidth(self):
return self._bitwidth
def modify(self, spec, width):
raise NotImplementedError()
class Number(Type):
def __init__(self, bitwidth):
Type.__init__(self, bitwidth)
def modify(self, spec, width):
if spec == 'w':
return self.__class__(self.bitwidth() * 2)
elif spec == 'n':
return self.__class__(self.bitwidth() // 2)
elif spec == 'v':
return Vector(self, width // self.bitwidth())
raise ValueError('unknown modification spec {}', spec)
def type_info(self, platform_info):
return platform_info.number_type_info(self)
class Signed(Number):
def __init__(self, bitwidth):
Number.__init__(self, bitwidth)
def modify(self, spec, width):
if spec == 'u':
return Unsigned(self.bitwidth())
elif spec == 's':
return Signed(self.bitwidth())
return Number.modify(self, spec, width)
def compiler_ctor(self):
return 'i({})'.format(self.bitwidth())
def llvm_name(self):
return 'i{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
def rust_name(self):
return 'i{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
class Unsigned(Number):
def __init__(self, bitwidth):
Number.__init__(self, bitwidth)
def modify(self, spec, width):
if spec == 'u':
return Unsigned(self.bitwidth())
elif spec == 's':
return Signed(self.bitwidth())
return Number.modify(self, spec, width)
def compiler_ctor(self):
return 'u({})'.format(self.bitwidth())
def llvm_name(self):
return 'i{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
def rust_name(self):
return 'u{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
class Float(Number):
def __init__(self, bitwidth):
assert bitwidth in (32, 64)
Number.__init__(self, bitwidth)
def compiler_ctor(self):
return 'f({})'.format(self.bitwidth())
def llvm_name(self):
return 'f{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
def rust_name(self):
return 'f{}'.format(self.bitwidth())
class Vector(Type):
def __init__(self, elem, length):
assert isinstance(elem, Type) and not isinstance(elem, Vector)
elem.bitwidth() * length)
self._length = length
self._elem = elem
def modify(self, spec, width):
if spec == 'h':
return Vector(self._elem, self._length // 2)
elif spec == 'd':
return Vector(self._elem, self._length * 2)
elif spec.startswith('x'):
new_bitwidth = int(spec[1:])
return Vector(self._elem, new_bitwidth // self._elem.bitwidth())
return Vector(self._elem.modify(spec, width), self._length)
def compiler_ctor(self):
return 'v({}, {})'.format(self._elem.compiler_ctor(), self._length)
def rust_name(self):
return '{}x{}'.format(self._elem.rust_name(), self._length)
def type_info(self, platform_info):
elem_info = self._elem.type_info(platform_info)
return elem_info.vectorize(self._length,
class Aggregate(Type):
def __init__(self, flatten, elems):
self._flatten = flatten
self._elems = elems
sum(elem.bitwidth() for elem in elems))
def __repr__(self):
return '<Aggregate {}>'.format(self._elems)
def compiler_ctor(self):
return 'agg({}, vec![{}])'.format('true' if self._flatten else 'false',
', '.join(elem.compiler_ctor() for elem in self._elems))
def rust_name(self):
return '({})'.format(', '.join(elem.rust_name() for elem in self._elems))
def type_info(self, platform_info):
#return PlatformTypeInfo(None, None, self._llvm_name)
return None
TYPE_ID_LOOKUP = {'i': [Signed, Unsigned],
's': [Signed],
'u': [Unsigned],
'f': [Float]}
class TypeSpec(object):
def __init__(self, spec):
if not isinstance(spec, list):
spec = [spec]
self.spec = spec
def enumerate(self, width):
for spec in self.spec:
match = SPEC.match(spec)
if match:
id = match.group('id')
is_vector = id.islower()
type_ctors = TYPE_ID_LOOKUP[id.lower()]
start = match.group('start')
if start is not None:
end = match.group('end')
start = end = match.group('width')
start = int(start)
end = int(end)
bitwidth = start
while bitwidth <= end:
for ctor in type_ctors:
scalar = ctor(bitwidth)
if is_vector:
yield Vector(scalar, width // bitwidth)
yield scalar
bitwidth *= 2
print('Failed to parse: {}'.format(spec), file=sys.stderr)
def resolve(self, width, zero):
assert len(self.spec) == 1
spec = self.spec[0]
match = SPEC.match(spec)
if match:
id = match.group('id')
if id is not None:
options = list(self.enumerate(width))
assert len(options) == 1
return options[0]
reference = match.group('reference')
if reference != '0':
raise NotImplementedError('only argument 0 (return value) references are supported')
ret = zero
for x in match.group('modifiers') or []:
ret = ret.modify(x, width)
force = match.group('force_width')
if force is not None:
ret = ret.modify(force, width)
return ret
elif spec.startswith('('):
if spec.endswith(')'):
raise NotImplementedError()
elif spec.endswith(')f'):
true_spec = spec[1:-2]
flatten = True
elems = [TypeSpec(subspec).resolve(width, zero) for subspec in true_spec.split(',')]
return Aggregate(flatten, elems)
class GenericIntrinsic(object):
def __init__(self, platform, intrinsic, widths, llvm_name, ret, args):
self._platform = platform
self.intrinsic = intrinsic
self.widths = map(int, widths)
self.llvm_name = llvm_name
self.ret = TypeSpec(ret)
self.args = list(map(TypeSpec, args))
def monomorphise(self):
for width in self.widths:
assert width in (64, 128)
for ret in self.ret.enumerate(width):
args = [arg.resolve(width, ret) for arg in self.args]
yield MonomorphicIntrinsic(self._platform, self.intrinsic, width, self.llvm_name,
ret, args)
class MonomorphicIntrinsic(object):
def __init__(self, platform, intrinsic, width, llvm_name, ret, args):
self._platform = platform
self._intrinsic = intrinsic
self._width = '' if width == 64 else 'q'
self._llvm_name = llvm_name
self._ret_raw = ret
self._ret = ret.type_info(platform)
self._args_raw = args
self._args = [arg.type_info(platform) for arg in args]
def llvm_name(self):
if self._llvm_name.startswith('!'):
return self._llvm_name[1:].format(self._ret, *self._args)
return self._platform.llvm_prefix() + self._llvm_name.format(self._ret, *self._args)
def intrinsic_suffix(self):
return self._intrinsic.format(self._ret,
width = self._width)
def intrinsic_name(self):
return self._platform.intrinsic_prefix() + self.intrinsic_suffix()
def compiler_args(self):
return ', '.join(arg.compiler_ctor() for arg in self._args_raw)
def compiler_ret(self):
return self._ret_raw.compiler_ctor()
def compiler_signature(self):
return '({}) -> {}'.format(self.compiler_args(), self.compiler_ret())
def intrinsic_signature(self):
names = 'xyzwabcdef'
return '({}) -> {}'.format(', '.join('{}: {}'.format(name, arg.rust_name())
for name, arg in zip(names, self._args_raw)),
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
description = 'Render an intrinsic definition JSON to various formats.',
epilog = textwrap.dedent('''\
An intrinsic definition consists of a map with fields:
- intrinsic: pattern for the name(s) of the vendor's C intrinsic(s)
- llvm: pattern for the name(s) of the internal llvm intrinsic(s)
- width: a vector of vector bit-widths the pattern works with
- ret: type specifier for the return value
- arguments: vector of type specifiers for arguments
The width and types describe a range of possible intrinsics,
and these are fed back into the intrinsic and llvm patterns to
create the appropriate definitions.
## Type specifier grammar
type := vector | scalar | aggregate | reference
vector := vector_elem width |
vector_elem := 'i' | 'u' | 's' | 'f'
scalar := scalar_type number
scalar_type := 'U' | 'S' | 'F'
aggregate := '(' (type),* ')' 'f'?
reference := number modifiers*
modifiers := 'v' | 'h' | 'd' | 'n' | 'w' | 'u' | 's' |
'x' number
width = number | '(' number '-' number ')'
number = [0-9]+
## Vectors
The vector grammar is a pattern describing many possibilities
for arguments/return value. The `vector_elem` describes the
types of elements to use, and the `width` describes the (range
of) widths for those elements, which are then placed into a
vector with the `width` bitwidth. E.g. if an intrinsic has a
`width` that includes 128, and the return value is `i(8-32)`,
then some instantiation of that intrinsic will be `u8x16`,
`u32x4`, `i32x4`, etc.
### Elements
- i: integer, both signed and unsigned
- u: unsigned integer
- s: signed integer
- f: float
## Scalars
Similar to vectors, but these describe a single concrete type,
not a range. The number is the bitwidth.
### Types
- U: unsigned integer
- S: signed integer
- F: float
## Aggregates
An aggregate is a collection of multiple types; a tuple in
Rust terms, or an unnamed struct in LLVM. The `f` modifiers
forces the tuple to be flattened in the LLVM
intrinsic. E.g. if `llvm.foo` takes `(F32,S32)`:
- no `f` corresponds to `declare ... @llvm.foo({float, i32})`.
- having an `f` corresponds to `declare ... @llvm.foo(float, i32)`.
(Currently aggregates can not contain other aggregates.)
## References
A reference uses the type of another argument, with possible
modifications. The number refers to the type to use, starting
with 0 == return value, 1 == first argument, 2 == second
argument, etc. (Currently only referencing 0, the return
value, is supported.)
### Modifiers
- 'v': put a scalar into a vector of the current width (u32 -> u32x4, when width == 128)
- 'h': half the length of the vector (u32x4 -> u32x2)
- 'd': double the length of the vector (u32x2 -> u32x4)
- 'n': narrow the element of the vector (u32x4 -> u16x4)
- 'w': widen the element of the vector (u16x4 -> u32x4)
- 'u': force an integer (vector or scalar) to be unsigned (i32x4 -> u32x4)
- 's': force an integer (vector or scalar) to be signed (u32x4 -> i32x4)
- 'x' number: force the type to be a vector of bitwidth `number`.
parser.add_argument('--format', choices=FORMATS, required=True,
help = 'Output format.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
help = 'File to output to (default stdout).')
parser.add_argument('in_', metavar="FILE", type=argparse.FileType('r'),
help = 'JSON file to load')
return parser.parse_args()
class ExternBlock(object):
def __init__(self):
def open(self, platform):
return 'extern "platform-intrinsic" {'
def render(self, mono):
return ' fn {}{};'.format(mono.intrinsic_name(),
def close(self):
return '}'
class CompilerDefs(object):
def __init__(self):
def open(self, platform):
return '''\
// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// DO NOT EDIT: autogenerated by etc/platform-intrinsics/generator.py
// ignore-tidy-linelength
use {{Intrinsic, i, u, f, v, agg}};
use IntrinsicDef::Named;
use rustc::middle::ty;
pub fn find<'tcx>(_tcx: &ty::ctxt<'tcx>, name: &str) -> Option<Intrinsic> {{
if !name.starts_with("{0}") {{ return None }}
Some(match &name["{0}".len()..] {{'''.format(platform.intrinsic_prefix())
def render(self, mono):
return '''\
"{}" => Intrinsic {{
inputs: vec![{}],
output: {},
definition: Named("{}")
def close(self):
return '''\
_ => return None,
'extern-block': ExternBlock(),
'compiler-defs': CompilerDefs(),
def main():
args = parse_args()
in_ = args.in_
out = args.out
out_format = FORMATS[args.format]
intrinsics = IntrinsicSet(json.load(in_))
print(out_format.open(intrinsics), file=out)
for intr in intrinsics.intrinsics():
for mono in intr.monomorphise():
print(out_format.render(mono), file=out)
print(out_format.close(), file=out)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user