Add AST definitions for struct/variant fields etc.

Fixes #117
This commit is contained in:
Florian Diebold 2018-12-25 13:01:47 +01:00
parent 6fcd38cc81
commit 4cb7b0f2af
3 changed files with 256 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -363,3 +363,34 @@ impl<'a, N: AstNode<'a>> Iterator for AstChildren<'a, N> {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum StructFlavor<'a> {
impl<'a> StructFlavor<'a> {
fn from_node<N: AstNode<'a>>(node: N) -> StructFlavor<'a> {
if let Some(nfdl) = child_opt::<_, NamedFieldDefList>(node) {
} else if let Some(pfl) = child_opt::<_, PosFieldList>(node) {
} else {
impl<'a> StructDef<'a> {
pub fn flavor(self) -> StructFlavor<'a> {
impl<'a> EnumVariant<'a> {
pub fn flavor(self) -> StructFlavor<'a> {

View File

@ -806,7 +806,94 @@ impl<'a> ast::NameOwner<'a> for EnumDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> ast::TypeParamsOwner<'a> for EnumDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> ast::AttrsOwner<'a> for EnumDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> ast::DocCommentsOwner<'a> for EnumDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> EnumDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> EnumDef<'a> {
pub fn variant_list(self) -> Option<EnumVariantList<'a>> {
// EnumVariant
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)]
pub struct EnumVariantNode<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes> = OwnedRoot> {
pub(crate) syntax: SyntaxNode<R>,
pub type EnumVariant<'a> = EnumVariantNode<RefRoot<'a>>;
impl<R1: TreeRoot<RaTypes>, R2: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> PartialEq<EnumVariantNode<R1>> for EnumVariantNode<R2> {
fn eq(&self, other: &EnumVariantNode<R1>) -> bool { self.syntax == other.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Eq for EnumVariantNode<R> {}
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Hash for EnumVariantNode<R> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) { self.syntax.hash(state) }
impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for EnumVariant<'a> {
fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> Option<Self> {
match syntax.kind() {
ENUM_VARIANT => Some(EnumVariant { syntax }),
_ => None,
fn syntax(self) -> SyntaxNodeRef<'a> { self.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> EnumVariantNode<R> {
pub fn borrowed(&self) -> EnumVariant {
EnumVariantNode { syntax: self.syntax.borrowed() }
pub fn owned(&self) -> EnumVariantNode {
EnumVariantNode { syntax: self.syntax.owned() }
impl<'a> ast::NameOwner<'a> for EnumVariant<'a> {}
impl<'a> EnumVariant<'a> {
pub fn expr(self) -> Option<Expr<'a>> {
// EnumVariantList
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)]
pub struct EnumVariantListNode<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes> = OwnedRoot> {
pub(crate) syntax: SyntaxNode<R>,
pub type EnumVariantList<'a> = EnumVariantListNode<RefRoot<'a>>;
impl<R1: TreeRoot<RaTypes>, R2: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> PartialEq<EnumVariantListNode<R1>> for EnumVariantListNode<R2> {
fn eq(&self, other: &EnumVariantListNode<R1>) -> bool { self.syntax == other.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Eq for EnumVariantListNode<R> {}
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Hash for EnumVariantListNode<R> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) { self.syntax.hash(state) }
impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for EnumVariantList<'a> {
fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> Option<Self> {
match syntax.kind() {
ENUM_VARIANT_LIST => Some(EnumVariantList { syntax }),
_ => None,
fn syntax(self) -> SyntaxNodeRef<'a> { self.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> EnumVariantListNode<R> {
pub fn borrowed(&self) -> EnumVariantList {
EnumVariantListNode { syntax: self.syntax.borrowed() }
pub fn owned(&self) -> EnumVariantListNode {
EnumVariantListNode { syntax: self.syntax.owned() }
impl<'a> EnumVariantList<'a> {
pub fn variants(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = EnumVariant<'a>> + 'a {
// Expr
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
@ -2189,7 +2276,52 @@ impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> NamedFieldDefNode<R> {
impl<'a> ast::NameOwner<'a> for NamedFieldDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> ast::AttrsOwner<'a> for NamedFieldDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> NamedFieldDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> NamedFieldDef<'a> {
pub fn type_ref(self) -> Option<TypeRef<'a>> {
// NamedFieldDefList
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)]
pub struct NamedFieldDefListNode<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes> = OwnedRoot> {
pub(crate) syntax: SyntaxNode<R>,
pub type NamedFieldDefList<'a> = NamedFieldDefListNode<RefRoot<'a>>;
impl<R1: TreeRoot<RaTypes>, R2: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> PartialEq<NamedFieldDefListNode<R1>> for NamedFieldDefListNode<R2> {
fn eq(&self, other: &NamedFieldDefListNode<R1>) -> bool { self.syntax == other.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Eq for NamedFieldDefListNode<R> {}
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Hash for NamedFieldDefListNode<R> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) { self.syntax.hash(state) }
impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for NamedFieldDefList<'a> {
fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> Option<Self> {
match syntax.kind() {
NAMED_FIELD_DEF_LIST => Some(NamedFieldDefList { syntax }),
_ => None,
fn syntax(self) -> SyntaxNodeRef<'a> { self.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> NamedFieldDefListNode<R> {
pub fn borrowed(&self) -> NamedFieldDefList {
NamedFieldDefListNode { syntax: self.syntax.borrowed() }
pub fn owned(&self) -> NamedFieldDefListNode {
NamedFieldDefListNode { syntax: self.syntax.owned() }
impl<'a> NamedFieldDefList<'a> {
pub fn fields(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NamedFieldDef<'a>> + 'a {
// NamedFieldList
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)]
@ -2830,6 +2962,89 @@ impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> PointerTypeNode<R> {
impl<'a> PointerType<'a> {}
// PosField
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)]
pub struct PosFieldNode<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes> = OwnedRoot> {
pub(crate) syntax: SyntaxNode<R>,
pub type PosField<'a> = PosFieldNode<RefRoot<'a>>;
impl<R1: TreeRoot<RaTypes>, R2: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> PartialEq<PosFieldNode<R1>> for PosFieldNode<R2> {
fn eq(&self, other: &PosFieldNode<R1>) -> bool { self.syntax == other.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Eq for PosFieldNode<R> {}
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Hash for PosFieldNode<R> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) { self.syntax.hash(state) }
impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for PosField<'a> {
fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> Option<Self> {
match syntax.kind() {
POS_FIELD => Some(PosField { syntax }),
_ => None,
fn syntax(self) -> SyntaxNodeRef<'a> { self.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> PosFieldNode<R> {
pub fn borrowed(&self) -> PosField {
PosFieldNode { syntax: self.syntax.borrowed() }
pub fn owned(&self) -> PosFieldNode {
PosFieldNode { syntax: self.syntax.owned() }
impl<'a> ast::AttrsOwner<'a> for PosField<'a> {}
impl<'a> PosField<'a> {
pub fn type_ref(self) -> Option<TypeRef<'a>> {
// PosFieldList
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)]
pub struct PosFieldListNode<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes> = OwnedRoot> {
pub(crate) syntax: SyntaxNode<R>,
pub type PosFieldList<'a> = PosFieldListNode<RefRoot<'a>>;
impl<R1: TreeRoot<RaTypes>, R2: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> PartialEq<PosFieldListNode<R1>> for PosFieldListNode<R2> {
fn eq(&self, other: &PosFieldListNode<R1>) -> bool { self.syntax == other.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Eq for PosFieldListNode<R> {}
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> Hash for PosFieldListNode<R> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) { self.syntax.hash(state) }
impl<'a> AstNode<'a> for PosFieldList<'a> {
fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNodeRef<'a>) -> Option<Self> {
match syntax.kind() {
POS_FIELD_LIST => Some(PosFieldList { syntax }),
_ => None,
fn syntax(self) -> SyntaxNodeRef<'a> { self.syntax }
impl<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes>> PosFieldListNode<R> {
pub fn borrowed(&self) -> PosFieldList {
PosFieldListNode { syntax: self.syntax.borrowed() }
pub fn owned(&self) -> PosFieldListNode {
PosFieldListNode { syntax: self.syntax.owned() }
impl<'a> PosFieldList<'a> {
pub fn fields(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = PosField<'a>> + 'a {
// PrefixExpr
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)]
pub struct PrefixExprNode<R: TreeRoot<RaTypes> = OwnedRoot> {
@ -3438,11 +3653,7 @@ impl<'a> ast::NameOwner<'a> for StructDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> ast::TypeParamsOwner<'a> for StructDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> ast::AttrsOwner<'a> for StructDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> ast::DocCommentsOwner<'a> for StructDef<'a> {}
impl<'a> StructDef<'a> {
pub fn fields(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NamedFieldDef<'a>> + 'a {
impl<'a> StructDef<'a> {}
// StructLit
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy,)]

View File

@ -261,18 +261,20 @@ Grammar(
collections: [
["fields", "NamedFieldDef"]
"NamedFieldDef": ( traits: ["NameOwner", "AttrsOwner"] ),
"NamedFieldDefList": (collections: [["fields", "NamedFieldDef"]]),
"NamedFieldDef": ( traits: ["NameOwner", "AttrsOwner"], options: ["TypeRef"] ),
"PosFieldList": (collections: [["fields", "PosField"]]),
"PosField": ( traits: ["AttrsOwner"], options: ["TypeRef"]),
"EnumDef": ( traits: [
] ),
], options: [["variant_list", "EnumVariantList"]] ),
"EnumVariantList": ( collections: [["variants", "EnumVariant"]] ),
"EnumVariant": ( traits: ["NameOwner"], options: ["Expr"] ),
"TraitDef": ( traits: ["NameOwner", "AttrsOwner", "DocCommentsOwner"] ),
"Module": (
traits: ["NameOwner", "AttrsOwner", "DocCommentsOwner" ],