mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 13:24:22 +00:00
macros: add helper functions for invalid attrs
Remove some duplicated code between both diagnostic derives by introducing helper functions for reporting an error in case of a invalid attribute. Signed-off-by: David Wood <david.wood@huawei.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
use crate::diagnostics::error::{span_err, throw_span_err, SessionDiagnosticDeriveError};
use crate::diagnostics::error::{
invalid_nested_attr, span_err, throw_invalid_attr, throw_invalid_nested_attr, throw_span_err,
use crate::diagnostics::utils::{
option_inner_ty, report_error_if_not_applied_to_span, type_matches_path, FieldInfo, HasFieldMap,
@ -292,39 +295,24 @@ impl SessionDiagnosticDeriveBuilder {
let nested = match meta {
Meta::List(MetaList { nested, .. }) => nested,
Meta::Path(..) => throw_span_err!(
&format!("`#[{}]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute", name)
Meta::NameValue(..) => throw_span_err!(
&format!("`#[{} = ...]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute", name)
Meta::List(MetaList { ref nested, .. }) => nested,
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta),
let kind = match name {
"error" => SessionDiagnosticKind::Error,
"warning" => SessionDiagnosticKind::Warn,
other => throw_span_err!(
&format!("`#[{}(...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute", other)
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| {
diag.help("only `error` and `warning` are valid attributes")
self.set_kind_once(kind, span)?;
let mut tokens = Vec::new();
for attr in nested {
let span = attr.span().unwrap();
let meta = match attr {
for nested_attr in nested {
let meta = match nested_attr {
syn::NestedMeta::Meta(meta) => meta,
syn::NestedMeta::Lit(_) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}(\"...\")]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute",
_ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr),
let path = meta.path();
@ -340,49 +328,12 @@ impl SessionDiagnosticDeriveBuilder {
"code" => {
tokens.push(self.set_code_once(s.value(), s.span().unwrap()));
other => {
let diag = span_err(
"`#[{}({} = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute",
name, other
_ => invalid_nested_attr(attr, &nested_attr)
.help("only `slug` and `code` are valid nested attributes")
Meta::NameValue(..) => {
"`#[{}({} = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute",
name, nested_name
.help("value must be a string")
Meta::Path(..) => {
"`#[{}({})]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute",
name, nested_name
Meta::List(..) => {
"`#[{}({}(...))]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute",
name, nested_name
_ => invalid_nested_attr(attr, &nested_attr).emit(),
@ -478,7 +429,6 @@ impl SessionDiagnosticDeriveBuilder {
info: FieldInfo<'_>,
) -> Result<TokenStream, SessionDiagnosticDeriveError> {
let diag = &self.diag;
let span = attr.span().unwrap();
let field_binding = &info.binding.binding;
let name = attr.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
@ -502,43 +452,31 @@ impl SessionDiagnosticDeriveBuilder {
report_error_if_not_applied_to_span(attr, &info)?;
Ok(self.add_subdiagnostic(field_binding, name, name))
other => throw_span_err!(
&format!("`#[{}]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute", other)
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| {
.help("only `skip_arg`, `primary_span`, `label`, `note` and `help` are valid field attributes")
Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit: syn::Lit::Str(s), .. }) => match name {
Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit: syn::Lit::Str(ref s), .. }) => match name {
"label" | "note" | "help" => {
report_error_if_not_applied_to_span(attr, &info)?;
Ok(self.add_subdiagnostic(field_binding, name, &s.value()))
other => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{} = ...]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute",
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| {
diag.help("only `label`, `note` and `help` are valid field attributes")
Meta::NameValue(_) => throw_span_err!(
&format!("`#[{} = ...]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute", name),
|diag| diag.help("value must be a string")
Meta::List(MetaList { path, nested, .. }) => {
Meta::List(MetaList { ref path, ref nested, .. }) => {
let name = path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
let name = name.as_ref();
match name {
"suggestion" | "suggestion_short" | "suggestion_hidden"
| "suggestion_verbose" => (),
other => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}(...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute",
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| {
.help("only `suggestion{,_short,_hidden,_verbose}` are valid field attributes")
let (span_, applicability) = self.span_and_applicability_of_ty(info)?;
@ -546,22 +484,14 @@ impl SessionDiagnosticDeriveBuilder {
let mut msg = None;
let mut code = None;
for attr in nested {
let meta = match attr {
syn::NestedMeta::Meta(meta) => meta,
syn::NestedMeta::Lit(_) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}(\"...\")]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute",
for nested_attr in nested {
let meta = match nested_attr {
syn::NestedMeta::Meta(ref meta) => meta,
syn::NestedMeta::Lit(_) => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr),
let span = meta.span().unwrap();
let nested_name = meta.path().segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
let nested_name = nested_name.as_str();
match meta {
Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit: syn::Lit::Str(s), .. }) => {
match nested_name {
@ -572,37 +502,14 @@ impl SessionDiagnosticDeriveBuilder {
let formatted_str = self.build_format(&s.value(), s.span());
code = Some(formatted_str);
other => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}({} = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute",
name, other
_ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr, |diag| {
"only `message` and `code` are valid field attributes",
Meta::NameValue(..) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}({} = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute",
name, nested_name
|diag| diag.help("value must be a string")
Meta::Path(..) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}({})]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute",
name, nested_name
Meta::List(..) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}({}(...))]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute",
name, nested_name
_ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr),
@ -619,6 +526,7 @@ impl SessionDiagnosticDeriveBuilder {
Ok(quote! { #diag.#method(#span_, #msg, #code, #applicability); })
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta),
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
use proc_macro::{Diagnostic, Level, MultiSpan};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn;
use syn::{spanned::Spanned, Attribute, Error as SynError, Meta, NestedMeta};
pub(crate) enum SessionDiagnosticDeriveError {
@ -24,37 +24,109 @@ impl SessionDiagnosticDeriveError {
impl From<SynError> for SessionDiagnosticDeriveError {
fn from(e: SynError) -> Self {
/// Helper function for use with `throw_*` macros - constraints `$f` to an `impl FnOnce`.
pub(crate) fn _throw_err(
diag: Diagnostic,
f: impl FnOnce(Diagnostic) -> Diagnostic,
) -> SessionDiagnosticDeriveError {
/// Returns an error diagnostic on span `span` with msg `msg`.
pub(crate) fn span_err(span: impl MultiSpan, msg: &str) -> Diagnostic {
Diagnostic::spanned(span, Level::Error, msg)
/// For methods that return a `Result<_, SessionDiagnosticDeriveError>`:
/// Emit a diagnostic on span `$span` with msg `$msg` (optionally performing additional decoration
/// using the `FnOnce` passed in `diag`) and return `Err(ErrorHandled)`.
/// For methods that return a `Result<_, SessionDiagnosticDeriveError>`:
macro_rules! throw_span_err {
($span:expr, $msg:expr) => {{ throw_span_err!($span, $msg, |diag| diag) }};
($span:expr, $msg:expr, $f:expr) => {{
return Err(crate::diagnostics::error::_throw_span_err($span, $msg, $f));
let diag = span_err($span, $msg);
return Err(crate::diagnostics::error::_throw_err(diag, $f));
pub(crate) use throw_span_err;
/// When possible, prefer using `throw_span_err!` over using this function directly. This only
/// exists as a function to constrain `f` to an `impl FnOnce`.
pub(crate) fn _throw_span_err(
span: impl MultiSpan,
msg: &str,
f: impl FnOnce(Diagnostic) -> Diagnostic,
) -> SessionDiagnosticDeriveError {
let diag = span_err(span, msg);
/// Returns an error diagnostic for an invalid attribute.
pub(crate) fn invalid_attr(attr: &Attribute, meta: &Meta) -> Diagnostic {
let span = attr.span().unwrap();
let name = attr.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
let name = name.as_str();
impl From<syn::Error> for SessionDiagnosticDeriveError {
fn from(e: syn::Error) -> Self {
match meta {
Meta::Path(_) => span_err(span, &format!("`#[{}]` is not a valid attribute", name)),
Meta::NameValue(_) => {
span_err(span, &format!("`#[{} = ...]` is not a valid attribute", name))
Meta::List(_) => span_err(span, &format!("`#[{}(...)]` is not a valid attribute", name)),
/// Emit a error diagnostic for an invalid attribute (optionally performing additional decoration
/// using the `FnOnce` passed in `diag`) and return `Err(ErrorHandled)`.
/// For methods that return a `Result<_, SessionDiagnosticDeriveError>`:
macro_rules! throw_invalid_attr {
($attr:expr, $meta:expr) => {{ throw_invalid_attr!($attr, $meta, |diag| diag) }};
($attr:expr, $meta:expr, $f:expr) => {{
let diag = crate::diagnostics::error::invalid_attr($attr, $meta);
return Err(crate::diagnostics::error::_throw_err(diag, $f));
pub(crate) use throw_invalid_attr;
/// Returns an error diagnostic for an invalid nested attribute.
pub(crate) fn invalid_nested_attr(attr: &Attribute, nested: &NestedMeta) -> Diagnostic {
let name = attr.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
let name = name.as_str();
let span = nested.span().unwrap();
let meta = match nested {
syn::NestedMeta::Meta(meta) => meta,
syn::NestedMeta::Lit(_) => {
return span_err(span, &format!("`#[{}(\"...\")]` is not a valid attribute", name));
let span = meta.span().unwrap();
let nested_name = meta.path().segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
let nested_name = nested_name.as_str();
match meta {
Meta::NameValue(..) => span_err(
&format!("`#[{}({} = ...)]` is not a valid attribute", name, nested_name),
Meta::Path(..) => {
span_err(span, &format!("`#[{}({})]` is not a valid attribute", name, nested_name))
Meta::List(..) => {
span_err(span, &format!("`#[{}({}(...))]` is not a valid attribute", name, nested_name))
/// Emit a error diagnostic for an invalid nested attribute (optionally performing additional
/// decoration using the `FnOnce` passed in `diag`) and return `Err(ErrorHandled)`.
/// For methods that return a `Result<_, SessionDiagnosticDeriveError>`:
macro_rules! throw_invalid_nested_attr {
($attr:expr, $nested_attr:expr) => {{ throw_invalid_nested_attr!($attr, $nested_attr, |diag| diag) }};
($attr:expr, $nested_attr:expr, $f:expr) => {{
let diag = crate::diagnostics::error::invalid_nested_attr($attr, $nested_attr);
return Err(crate::diagnostics::error::_throw_err(diag, $f));
pub(crate) use throw_invalid_nested_attr;
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
use crate::diagnostics::error::{span_err, throw_span_err, SessionDiagnosticDeriveError};
use crate::diagnostics::error::{
span_err, throw_invalid_attr, throw_invalid_nested_attr, throw_span_err,
use crate::diagnostics::utils::{
option_inner_ty, report_error_if_not_applied_to_applicability,
report_error_if_not_applied_to_span, FieldInfo, HasFieldMap, SetOnce,
@ -253,25 +256,11 @@ impl<'a> SessionSubdiagnosticDeriveBuilder<'a> {
let meta = attr.parse_meta()?;
let kind = match meta {
Meta::Path(_) => throw_span_err!(
&format!("`#[{}]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute", name)
Meta::NameValue(_) => throw_span_err!(
&format!("`#[{} = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute", name)
Meta::List(MetaList { nested, .. }) => {
for attr in nested {
let meta = match attr {
syn::NestedMeta::Meta(meta) => meta,
syn::NestedMeta::Lit(_) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}(\"...\")]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute",
Meta::List(MetaList { ref nested, .. }) => {
for nested_attr in nested {
let meta = match nested_attr {
syn::NestedMeta::Meta(ref meta) => meta,
_ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr),
let span = meta.span().unwrap();
@ -296,51 +285,22 @@ impl<'a> SessionSubdiagnosticDeriveBuilder<'a> {
self.applicability.set_once((quote! { #value }, span));
other => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}({} = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute",
name, other
_ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr, |diag| {
diag.help("only `code`, `slug` and `applicability` are valid nested attributes")
Meta::NameValue(..) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}({} = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute",
name, nested_name
|diag| diag.help("value must be a string")
Meta::Path(..) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}({})]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute",
name, nested_name
Meta::List(..) => throw_span_err!(
"`#[{}({}(...))]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute",
name, nested_name
_ => throw_invalid_nested_attr!(attr, &nested_attr),
let Ok(kind) = SubdiagnosticKind::from_str(name) else {
"`#[{}(...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute",
throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta)
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta),
if matches!(
@ -408,31 +368,11 @@ impl<'a> SessionSubdiagnosticDeriveBuilder<'a> {
"skip_arg" => {
return Ok(quote! {});
other => span_err(
"`#[{}]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute",
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta, |diag| {
diag.help("only `primary_span`, `applicability` and `skip_arg` are valid field attributes")
Meta::NameValue(_) => span_err(
"`#[{} = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute",
Meta::List(_) => span_err(
"`#[{}(...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute",
_ => throw_invalid_attr!(attr, &meta),
@ -44,47 +44,47 @@ enum SessionDiagnosticOnEnum {
#[error(code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
#[error = "E0123"]
//~^ ERROR `#[error = ...]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[error = ...]` is not a valid attribute
struct WrongStructAttrStyle {}
#[nonsense(code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
//~^ ERROR `#[nonsense(...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[nonsense(...)]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR diagnostic kind not specified
//~^^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `nonsense` in this scope
struct InvalidStructAttr {}
//~^ ERROR `#[error("...")]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[error("...")]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR `slug` not specified
struct InvalidLitNestedAttr {}
#[error(nonsense, code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
//~^ ERROR `#[error(nonsense)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[error(nonsense)]` is not a valid attribute
struct InvalidNestedStructAttr {}
#[error(nonsense("foo"), code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
//~^ ERROR `#[error(nonsense(...))]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[error(nonsense(...))]` is not a valid attribute
struct InvalidNestedStructAttr1 {}
#[error(nonsense = "...", code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
//~^ ERROR `#[error(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[error(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
struct InvalidNestedStructAttr2 {}
#[error(nonsense = 4, code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
//~^ ERROR `#[error(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[error(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
struct InvalidNestedStructAttr3 {}
#[error(code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
struct WrongPlaceField {
#[suggestion = "bar"]
//~^ ERROR `#[suggestion = ...]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[suggestion = ...]` is not a valid attribute
sp: Span,
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ struct MessageWrongType {
#[error(code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
struct InvalidPathFieldAttr {
//~^ ERROR `#[nonsense]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[nonsense]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `nonsense` in this scope
foo: String,
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ struct SuggestWithoutCode {
#[error(code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
struct SuggestWithBadKey {
#[suggestion(nonsense = "bar")]
//~^ ERROR `#[suggestion(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[suggestion(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
suggestion: (Span, Applicability),
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ struct SuggestWithBadKey {
#[error(code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
struct SuggestWithShorthandMsg {
#[suggestion(msg = "bar")]
//~^ ERROR `#[suggestion(msg = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[suggestion(msg = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
suggestion: (Span, Applicability),
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ struct SuggestWithDuplicateApplicabilityAndSpan {
#[error(code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
struct WrongKindOfAnnotation {
//~^ ERROR `#[label(...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[label(...)]` is not a valid attribute
z: Span,
@ -9,17 +9,19 @@ LL | | Bar,
LL | | }
| |_^
error: `#[error = ...]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
error: `#[error = ...]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:46:1
LL | #[error = "E0123"]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[nonsense(...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
error: `#[nonsense(...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:51:1
LL | #[nonsense(code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: only `error` and `warning` are valid attributes
error: diagnostic kind not specified
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:51:1
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ LL | | struct InvalidStructAttr {}
= help: use the `#[error(...)]` attribute to create an error
error: `#[error("...")]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
error: `#[error("...")]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:58:9
LL | #[error("E0123")]
@ -50,37 +52,39 @@ LL | | struct InvalidLitNestedAttr {}
= help: use the `#[error(slug = "...")]` attribute to set this diagnostic's slug
error: `#[error(nonsense)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
error: `#[error(nonsense)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:64:9
LL | #[error(nonsense, code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
| ^^^^^^^^
error: `#[error(nonsense(...))]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
error: `#[error(nonsense(...))]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:69:9
LL | #[error(nonsense("foo"), code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[error(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
error: `#[error(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:74:9
LL | #[error(nonsense = "...", code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: only `slug` and `code` are valid nested attributes
error: `#[error(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` struct attribute
error: `#[error(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:79:9
LL | #[error(nonsense = 4, code = "E0123", slug = "foo")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: value must be a string
error: `#[suggestion = ...]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
error: `#[suggestion = ...]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:86:5
LL | #[suggestion = "bar"]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: only `label`, `note` and `help` are valid field attributes
error: `error` specified multiple times
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:93:1
@ -153,11 +157,13 @@ error: the `#[primary_span]` attribute can only be applied to fields of type `Sp
LL | #[primary_span]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[nonsense]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
error: `#[nonsense]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:132:5
LL | #[nonsense]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: only `skip_arg`, `primary_span`, `label`, `note` and `help` are valid field attributes
error: the `#[label = ...]` attribute can only be applied to fields of type `Span`
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:149:5
@ -197,17 +203,21 @@ error: the `#[label = ...]` attribute can only be applied to fields of type `Spa
LL | #[label = "bar"]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[suggestion(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
error: `#[suggestion(nonsense = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:217:18
LL | #[suggestion(nonsense = "bar")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: only `message` and `code` are valid field attributes
error: `#[suggestion(msg = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
error: `#[suggestion(msg = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:225:18
LL | #[suggestion(msg = "bar")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: only `message` and `code` are valid field attributes
error: wrong field type for suggestion
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:247:5
@ -235,11 +245,13 @@ LL | |
LL | | suggestion: (Applicability, Applicability, Span),
| |____________________________________________________^
error: `#[label(...)]` is not a valid `SessionDiagnostic` field attribute
error: `#[label(...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:278:5
LL | #[label("bar")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: only `suggestion{,_short,_hidden,_verbose}` are valid field attributes
error: `#[help]` must come after `#[error(..)]` or `#[warn(..)]`
--> $DIR/diagnostic-derive.rs:399:1
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ struct C {
//~^ ERROR `#[label]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[label]` is not a valid attribute
struct D {
span: Span,
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ struct D {
//~^ ERROR `#[foo]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[foo]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `foo` in this scope
struct E {
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ struct E {
#[label = "..."]
//~^ ERROR `#[label = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[label = ...]` is not a valid attribute
struct F {
span: Span,
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ struct F {
#[label(bug = "...")]
//~^ ERROR `#[label(bug = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[label(bug = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
struct G {
span: Span,
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ struct G {
//~^ ERROR `#[label("...")]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[label("...")]` is not a valid attribute
struct H {
span: Span,
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ struct H {
#[label(slug = 4)]
//~^ ERROR `#[label(slug = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[label(slug = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
struct J {
span: Span,
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ struct J {
//~^ ERROR `#[label(slug(...))]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[label(slug(...))]` is not a valid attribute
struct K {
span: Span,
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ struct K {
//~^ ERROR `#[label(slug)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[label(slug)]` is not a valid attribute
struct L {
span: Span,
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ enum O {
enum P {
//~^ ERROR `#[bar]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[bar]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `bar` in this scope
A {
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ enum P {
enum Q {
#[bar = "..."]
//~^ ERROR `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `bar` in this scope
A {
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ enum Q {
enum R {
#[bar = 4]
//~^ ERROR `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `bar` in this scope
A {
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ enum R {
enum S {
//~^ ERROR `#[bar("...")]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[bar("...")]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `bar` in this scope
A {
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ struct X {
span: Span,
//~^ ERROR `#[bar]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[bar]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `bar` in this scope
bar: String,
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ struct Y {
span: Span,
#[bar = "..."]
//~^ ERROR `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `bar` in this scope
bar: String,
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ struct Z {
span: Span,
//~^ ERROR `#[bar(...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute
//~^ ERROR `#[bar(...)]` is not a valid attribute
//~^^ ERROR cannot find attribute `bar` in this scope
bar: String,
@ -8,51 +8,51 @@ LL | | var: String,
LL | | }
| |_^
error: `#[label]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[label]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:54:1
LL | #[label]
| ^^^^^^^^
error: `#[foo]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[foo]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:63:1
LL | #[foo]
| ^^^^^^
error: `#[label = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[label = ...]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:73:1
LL | #[label = "..."]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[label(bug = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[label(bug = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:82:9
LL | #[label(bug = "...")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: only `code`, `slug` and `applicability` are valid nested attributes
error: `#[label("...")]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:91:1
error: `#[label("...")]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:91:9
LL | #[label("...")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| ^^^^^
error: `#[label(slug = ...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[label(slug = ...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:100:9
LL | #[label(slug = 4)]
| ^^^^^^^^
= help: value must be a string
error: `#[label(slug(...))]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[label(slug(...))]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:109:9
LL | #[label(slug("..."))]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[label(slug)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[label(slug)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:118:9
LL | #[label(slug)]
@ -76,29 +76,29 @@ error: unsupported type attribute for subdiagnostic enum
LL | #[foo]
| ^^^^^^
error: `#[bar]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[bar]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:159:5
LL | #[bar]
| ^^^^^^
error: `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:171:5
LL | #[bar = "..."]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
error: `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:183:5
LL | #[bar = 4]
| ^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[bar("...")]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:195:5
error: `#[bar("...")]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:195:11
LL | #[bar("...")]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| ^^^^^
error: `code` is not a valid nested attribute of a `label` attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:207:5
@ -136,19 +136,21 @@ error: `#[applicability]` is only valid on suggestions
LL | #[applicability]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[bar]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute
error: `#[bar]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:256:5
LL | #[bar]
| ^^^^^^
= help: only `primary_span`, `applicability` and `skip_arg` are valid field attributes
error: `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute
error: `#[bar = ...]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:267:5
LL | #[bar = "..."]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: `#[bar(...)]` is not a valid `SessionSubdiagnostic` field attribute
error: `#[bar(...)]` is not a valid attribute
--> $DIR/subdiagnostic-derive.rs:278:5
LL | #[bar("...")]
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