Add supported LSP features to

This commit is contained in:
Hirokazu Hata 2019-01-24 02:16:20 +09:00
parent 118e11e50b
commit 33b8d25d52

View File

@ -71,6 +71,79 @@ the HIR boundary? That is, use rust analyzer for parsing, macro expansion and
related bits of name resolution, but leave the rest (including type inference
and trait selection) to the existing rustc.
## Supported LSP features
### General
- [x] [initialize](
- [x] [initialized](
- [x] [shutdown](
- [ ] [exit](
- [x] [$/cancelRequest](
### Workspace
- [ ] [workspace/workspaceFolders](
- [ ] [workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders](
- [x] [workspace/didChangeConfiguration](
- [ ] [workspace/configuration](
- [x] [workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles](
- [x] [workspace/symbol](
- [x] [workspace/executeCommand](
- `apply_code_action`
- [ ] [workspace/applyEdit](
### Text Synchronization
- [x] [textDocument/didOpen](
- [x] [textDocument/didChange](
- [ ] [textDocument/willSave](
- [ ] [textDocument/willSaveWaitUntil](
- [x] [textDocument/didSave](
- [x] [textDocument/didClose](
### Diagnostics
- [x] [textDocument/publishDiagnostics](
### Lanuguage Features
- [x] [textDocument/completion](
- open close: false
- change: Full
- will save: false
- will save wait until: false
- save: false
- [x] [completionItem/resolve](
- resolve provider: none
- trigger characters: `:`, `.`
- [x] [textDocument/hover](
- [x] [textDocument/signatureHelp](
- trigger characters: `(`, `,`, `)`
- [ ] [textDocument/declaration](
- [x] [textDocument/definition](
- [ ] [textDocument/typeDefinition](
- [ ] [textDocument/implementation](
- [x] [textDocument/references](
- [x] [textDocument/documentHighlight](
- [x] [textDocument/documentSymbol](
- [x] [textDocument/codeAction](
- ra_lsp.syntaxTree
- ra_lsp.extendSelection
- ra_lsp.matchingBrace
- ra_lsp.parentModule
- ra_lsp.joinLines
- ra_lsp.analyzerStatus
- [x] [textDocument/codeLens](
- [ ] [textDocument/documentLink](
- [ ] [documentLink/resolve](
- [ ] [textDocument/documentColor](
- [ ] [textDocument/colorPresentation](
- [x] [textDocument/formatting](
- [ ] [textDocument/rangeFormatting](
- [x] [textDocument/onTypeFormatting](
- first trigger character: `=`
- more trigger character `.`
- [x] [textDocument/rename](
- [x] [textDocument/prepareRename](
- [x] [textDocument/foldingRange](
## Getting in touch
We have a Discord server dedicated to compilers and language servers