Factor out functions that extract comments around items

This commit is contained in:
Seiichi Uchida 2018-08-05 15:50:49 +09:00
parent 3ec6de1de8
commit 24fccdc45c

View File

@ -515,6 +515,139 @@ where
leave_last: bool,
pub fn extract_pre_comment(pre_snippet: &str) -> (Option<String>, ListItemCommentStyle) {
let trimmed_pre_snippet = pre_snippet.trim();
let has_single_line_comment = trimmed_pre_snippet.starts_with("//");
let has_block_comment = trimmed_pre_snippet.starts_with("/*");
if has_single_line_comment {
} else if has_block_comment {
let comment_end = pre_snippet.chars().rev().position(|c| c == '/').unwrap();
if pre_snippet
.take(comment_end + 1)
.any(|c| c == '\n')
} else {
} else {
(None, ListItemCommentStyle::None)
pub fn extract_post_comment(
post_snippet: &str,
comment_end: usize,
separator: &str,
) -> Option<String> {
let white_space: &[_] = &[' ', '\t'];
// Cleanup post-comment: strip separators and whitespace.
let post_snippet = post_snippet[..comment_end].trim();
let post_snippet_trimmed = if post_snippet.starts_with(|c| c == ',' || c == ':') {
} else if post_snippet.starts_with(separator) {
} else if post_snippet.ends_with(',') {
post_snippet[..(post_snippet.len() - 1)].trim_matches(white_space)
} else {
if !post_snippet_trimmed.is_empty() {
} else {
pub fn get_comment_end(
post_snippet: &str,
separator: &str,
terminator: &str,
is_last: bool,
) -> usize {
if is_last {
return post_snippet
.unwrap_or_else(|| post_snippet.len());
let mut block_open_index = post_snippet.find("/*");
// check if it really is a block comment (and not `//*` or a nested comment)
if let Some(i) = block_open_index {
match post_snippet.find('/') {
Some(j) if j < i => block_open_index = None,
_ if i > 0 && &post_snippet[i - 1..i] == "/" => block_open_index = None,
_ => (),
let newline_index = post_snippet.find('\n');
if let Some(separator_index) = post_snippet.find_uncommented(separator) {
match (block_open_index, newline_index) {
// Separator before comment, with the next item on same line.
// Comment belongs to next item.
(Some(i), None) if i > separator_index => separator_index + 1,
// Block-style post-comment before the separator.
(Some(i), None) => cmp::max(
find_comment_end(&post_snippet[i..]).unwrap() + i,
separator_index + 1,
// Block-style post-comment. Either before or after the separator.
(Some(i), Some(j)) if i < j => cmp::max(
find_comment_end(&post_snippet[i..]).unwrap() + i,
separator_index + 1,
// Potential *single* line comment.
(_, Some(j)) if j > separator_index => j + 1,
_ => post_snippet.len(),
} else if let Some(newline_index) = newline_index {
// Match arms may not have trailing comma. In any case, for match arms,
// we will assume that the post comment belongs to the next arm if they
// do not end with trailing comma.
newline_index + 1
} else {
// Account for extra whitespace between items. This is fiddly
// because of the way we divide pre- and post- comments.
fn has_extra_newline(post_snippet: &str, comment_end: usize) -> bool {
if post_snippet.is_empty() || comment_end == 0 {
return false;
// Everything from the separator to the next item.
let test_snippet = &post_snippet[comment_end - 1..];
let first_newline = test_snippet
.unwrap_or_else(|| test_snippet.len());
// From the end of the first line of comments.
let test_snippet = &test_snippet[first_newline..];
let first = test_snippet
.find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace())
.unwrap_or_else(|| test_snippet.len());
// From the end of the first line of comments to the next non-whitespace char.
let test_snippet = &test_snippet[..first];
// There were multiple line breaks which got trimmed to nothing.
count_newlines(test_snippet) > 1
impl<'a, T, I, F1, F2, F3> Iterator for ListItems<'a, I, F1, F2, F3>
I: Iterator<Item = T>,
@ -525,44 +658,13 @@ where
type Item = ListItem;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let white_space: &[_] = &[' ', '\t'];
self.inner.next().map(|item| {
let mut new_lines = false;
// Pre-comment
let pre_snippet = self
.span_to_snippet(mk_sp(self.prev_span_end, (self.get_lo)(&item)))
let trimmed_pre_snippet = pre_snippet.trim();
let has_single_line_comment = trimmed_pre_snippet.starts_with("//");
let has_block_comment = trimmed_pre_snippet.starts_with("/*");
let (pre_comment, pre_comment_style) = if has_single_line_comment {
} else if has_block_comment {
let comment_end = pre_snippet.chars().rev().position(|c| c == '/').unwrap();
if pre_snippet
.take(comment_end + 1)
.any(|c| c == '\n')
} else {
} else {
(None, ListItemCommentStyle::None)
let (pre_comment, pre_comment_style) = extract_pre_comment(pre_snippet);
// Post-comment
let next_start = match self.inner.peek() {
@ -573,94 +675,16 @@ where
.span_to_snippet(mk_sp((self.get_hi)(&item), next_start))
let comment_end = get_comment_end(
let new_lines = has_extra_newline(post_snippet, comment_end);
let post_comment = extract_post_comment(post_snippet, comment_end, self.separator);
let comment_end = match self.inner.peek() {
Some(..) => {
let mut block_open_index = post_snippet.find("/*");
// check if it really is a block comment (and not `//*` or a nested comment)
if let Some(i) = block_open_index {
match post_snippet.find('/') {
Some(j) if j < i => block_open_index = None,
_ if i > 0 && &post_snippet[i - 1..i] == "/" => block_open_index = None,
_ => (),
let newline_index = post_snippet.find('\n');
if let Some(separator_index) = post_snippet.find_uncommented(self.separator) {
match (block_open_index, newline_index) {
// Separator before comment, with the next item on same line.
// Comment belongs to next item.
(Some(i), None) if i > separator_index => separator_index + 1,
// Block-style post-comment before the separator.
(Some(i), None) => cmp::max(
find_comment_end(&post_snippet[i..]).unwrap() + i,
separator_index + 1,
// Block-style post-comment. Either before or after the separator.
(Some(i), Some(j)) if i < j => cmp::max(
find_comment_end(&post_snippet[i..]).unwrap() + i,
separator_index + 1,
// Potential *single* line comment.
(_, Some(j)) if j > separator_index => j + 1,
_ => post_snippet.len(),
} else if let Some(newline_index) = newline_index {
// Match arms may not have trailing comma. In any case, for match arms,
// we will assume that the post comment belongs to the next arm if they
// do not end with trailing comma.
newline_index + 1
} else {
None => post_snippet
.unwrap_or_else(|| post_snippet.len()),
if !post_snippet.is_empty() && comment_end > 0 {
// Account for extra whitespace between items. This is fiddly
// because of the way we divide pre- and post- comments.
// Everything from the separator to the next item.
let test_snippet = &post_snippet[comment_end - 1..];
let first_newline = test_snippet
.unwrap_or_else(|| test_snippet.len());
// From the end of the first line of comments.
let test_snippet = &test_snippet[first_newline..];
let first = test_snippet
.find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace())
.unwrap_or_else(|| test_snippet.len());
// From the end of the first line of comments to the next non-whitespace char.
let test_snippet = &test_snippet[..first];
if count_newlines(test_snippet) > 1 {
// There were multiple line breaks which got trimmed to nothing.
new_lines = true;
// Cleanup post-comment: strip separators and whitespace.
self.prev_span_end = (self.get_hi)(&item) + BytePos(comment_end as u32);
let post_snippet = post_snippet[..comment_end].trim();
let post_snippet_trimmed = if post_snippet.starts_with(|c| c == ',' || c == ':') {
} else if post_snippet.starts_with(self.separator) {
} else if post_snippet.ends_with(',') {
post_snippet[..(post_snippet.len() - 1)].trim_matches(white_space)
} else {
let post_comment = if !post_snippet_trimmed.is_empty() {
} else {
ListItem {