Make CastKind::Misc handling more clean and general

This commit is contained in:
bjorn3 2019-02-24 17:25:13 +01:00
parent be377f9eb2
commit 23a9dcd947

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@ -466,124 +466,92 @@ fn trans_stmt<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(
Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::Misc, operand, to_ty) => {
let operand = trans_operand(fx, operand);
let from_ty = operand.layout().ty;
match (&from_ty.sty, &to_ty.sty) {
(ty::Ref(..), ty::Ref(..))
| (ty::Ref(..), ty::RawPtr(..))
| (ty::RawPtr(..), ty::Ref(..))
| (ty::RawPtr(..), ty::RawPtr(..))
| (ty::FnPtr(..), ty::RawPtr(..)) => {
fn is_fat_ptr<'a, 'tcx: 'a>(fx: &FunctionCx<'a, 'tcx, impl Backend>, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
.map(|ty::TypeAndMut {ty: pointee_ty, mutbl: _ }| fx.layout_of(pointee_ty).is_unsized())
if is_fat_ptr(fx, from_ty) {
if is_fat_ptr(fx, to_ty) {
// fat-ptr -> fat-ptr
lval.write_cvalue(fx, operand.unchecked_cast_to(dest_layout));
} else {
// fat-ptr -> thin-ptr
let (ptr, _extra) = operand.load_value_pair(fx);
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(ptr, dest_layout))
(ty::RawPtr(..), ty::Uint(_))
| (ty::RawPtr(..), ty::Int(_))
| (ty::FnPtr(..), ty::Uint(_))
if to_ty.sty == fx.tcx.types.usize.sty
|| to_ty.sty == fx.tcx.types.isize.sty
|| fx.clif_type(to_ty).unwrap() == pointer_ty(fx.tcx) =>
lval.write_cvalue(fx, operand.unchecked_cast_to(dest_layout));
} else if let ty::Adt(adt_def, _substs) = from_ty.sty {
// enum -> discriminant value
match to_ty.sty {
ty::Uint(_) | ty::Int(_) => {},
_ => unreachable!("cast adt {} -> {}", from_ty, to_ty),
(ty::Uint(_), ty::RawPtr(..)) if from_ty.sty == fx.tcx.types.usize.sty => {
lval.write_cvalue(fx, operand.unchecked_cast_to(dest_layout));
(ty::Int(_), ty::RawPtr(..)) if from_ty.sty == fx.tcx.types.isize.sty => {
lval.write_cvalue(fx, operand.unchecked_cast_to(dest_layout));
(ty::Char, ty::Uint(_))
| (ty::Uint(_), ty::Char)
| (ty::Uint(_), ty::Int(_))
| (ty::Uint(_), ty::Uint(_)) => {
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
let res = crate::common::clif_intcast(
// FIXME avoid forcing to stack
let place =
CPlace::Addr(operand.force_stack(fx), None, operand.layout());
let discr = trans_get_discriminant(fx, place, fx.layout_of(to_ty));
lval.write_cvalue(fx, discr);
} else {
let from_clif_ty = fx.clif_type(from_ty).unwrap();
let to_clif_ty = fx.clif_type(to_ty).unwrap();
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
let signed = match from_ty.sty {
ty::Ref(..) | ty::RawPtr(..) | ty::FnPtr(..) | ty::Char | ty::Uint(..) | ty::Bool => false,
ty::Int(..) => true,
ty::Float(..) => false, // `signed` is unused for floats
_ => panic!("{}", from_ty),
let res = if from_clif_ty.is_int() && to_clif_ty.is_int() {
// int-like -> int-like
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
(ty::Int(_), ty::Int(_)) | (ty::Int(_), ty::Uint(_)) => {
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
let res = crate::common::clif_intcast(
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
(ty::Float(from_flt), ty::Float(to_flt)) => {
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
let res = match (from_flt, to_flt) {
(FloatTy::F32, FloatTy::F64) => {
fx.bcx.ins().fpromote(types::F64, from)
(FloatTy::F64, FloatTy::F32) => {
fx.bcx.ins().fdemote(types::F32, from)
_ => from,
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
(ty::Float(_), ty::Int(_)) => {
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
let i_type = fx.clif_type(to_ty).unwrap();
let res = fx.bcx.ins().fcvt_to_sint_sat(i_type, from);
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
(ty::Float(_), ty::Uint(_)) => {
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
let i_type = fx.clif_type(to_ty).unwrap();
let res = fx.bcx.ins().fcvt_to_uint_sat(i_type, from);
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
(ty::Int(_), ty::Float(_)) => {
let from_ty = fx.clif_type(from_ty).unwrap();
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
} else if from_clif_ty.is_int() && to_clif_ty.is_float() {
// int-like -> float
// FIXME missing encoding for fcvt_from_sint.f32.i8
let from = if from_ty == types::I8 || from_ty == types::I16 {
fx.bcx.ins().sextend(types::I32, from)
} else {
let f_type = fx.clif_type(to_ty).unwrap();
let res = fx.bcx.ins().fcvt_from_sint(f_type, from);
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
(ty::Uint(_), ty::Float(_)) => {
let from_ty = fx.clif_type(from_ty).unwrap();
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
// FIXME missing encoding for fcvt_from_uint.f32.i8
let from = if from_ty == types::I8 || from_ty == types::I16 {
let from = if from_clif_ty == types::I8 || from_clif_ty == types::I16 {
fx.bcx.ins().uextend(types::I32, from)
} else {
let f_type = fx.clif_type(to_ty).unwrap();
let res = fx.bcx.ins().fcvt_from_uint(f_type, from);
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
(ty::Bool, ty::Uint(_)) | (ty::Bool, ty::Int(_)) => {
let to_ty = fx.clif_type(to_ty).unwrap();
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
let res = if to_ty != types::I8 {
fx.bcx.ins().uextend(to_ty, from)
if signed {
fx.bcx.ins().fcvt_from_sint(to_clif_ty, from)
} else {
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
(ty::Adt(adt_def, _substs), ty::Uint(_))
| (ty::Adt(adt_def, _substs), ty::Int(_))
if adt_def.is_enum() =>
// FIXME avoid forcing to stack
let place =
CPlace::Addr(operand.force_stack(fx), None, operand.layout());
let discr = trans_get_discriminant(fx, place, fx.layout_of(to_ty));
lval.write_cvalue(fx, discr);
_ => unimpl!("rval misc {:?} {:?}", from_ty, to_ty),
fx.bcx.ins().fcvt_from_uint(to_clif_ty, from)
} else if from_clif_ty.is_float() && to_clif_ty.is_int() {
// float -> int-like
let from = operand.load_scalar(fx);
if signed {
fx.bcx.ins().fcvt_to_sint_sat(to_clif_ty, from)
} else {
fx.bcx.ins().fcvt_to_uint_sat(to_clif_ty, from)
} else if from_clif_ty.is_float() && to_clif_ty.is_float() {
// float -> float
match (from_clif_ty, to_clif_ty) {
(types::F32, types::F64) => {
fx.bcx.ins().fpromote(types::F64, from)
(types::F64, types::F32) => {
fx.bcx.ins().fdemote(types::F32, from)
_ => from,
} else {
unimpl!("rval misc {:?} {:?}", from_ty, to_ty)
lval.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::ByVal(res, dest_layout));
Rvalue::Cast(CastKind::ClosureFnPointer, operand, _ty) => {