
131 lines
4.4 KiB

{ pkgs, haskellLib }:
with haskellLib;
inherit (pkgs) lib;
disableParallelBuilding = haskellLib.overrideCabal (drv: { enableParallelBuilding = false; });
self: super: {
llvmPackages = lib.dontRecurseIntoAttrs self.ghc.llvmPackages;
# Disable GHC core libraries
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
Cabal-syntax = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
exceptions = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-bignum = null;
ghc-boot = null;
ghc-boot-th = null;
ghc-compact = null;
ghc-experimental = null;
ghc-heap = null;
ghc-internal = null;
ghc-platform = null;
ghc-prim = null;
ghc-toolchain = null;
ghci = null;
haskeline = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
mtl = null;
os-string = null;
parsec = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
semaphore-compat = null;
stm = null;
system-cxx-std-lib = null;
template-haskell = null;
# GHC only builds terminfo if it is a native compiler
terminfo = if pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform == pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform then null else doDistribute self.terminfo_0_4_1_6;
text = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
xhtml = null;
gi-gtk = disableParallelBuilding;
# Version upgrades
# Upgrade to accommodate new core library versions, where the authors have
# already made the relevant changes.
aeson = doDistribute self.aeson_2_2_3_0;
apply-refact = doDistribute self.apply-refact_0_14_0_0;
attoparsec-aeson = doDistribute self.attoparsec-aeson_2_2_2_0;
extensions = doDistribute self.extensions_0_1_0_2;
fourmolu = doDistribute self.fourmolu_0_16_2_0;
hashable = doDistribute self.hashable_1_4_7_0;
integer-conversion = doDistribute self.integer-conversion_0_1_1;
ghc-lib-parser = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser_9_10_1_20240511;
ghc-lib-parser-ex = doDistribute self.ghc-lib-parser-ex_9_10_0_0;
lens = doDistribute self.lens_5_3_2;
lukko = doDistribute self.lukko_0_1_2;
ormolu = doDistribute self.ormolu_0_7_7_0;
primitive = doDistribute (dontCheck self.primitive_0_9_0_0); # tests introduce a recursive dependency via hspec
quickcheck-instances = doDistribute self.quickcheck-instances_0_3_31;
rebase = doDistribute self.rebase_1_21_1;
rerebase = doDistribute self.rerebase_1_21_1;
scientific = doDistribute self.scientific_0_3_8_0;
semirings = doDistribute self.semirings_0_7;
th-abstraction = doDistribute;
uuid-types = doDistribute self.uuid-types_1_0_6;
# A given major version of ghc-exactprint only supports one version of GHC.
ghc-exactprint = doDistribute self.ghc-exactprint_1_9_0_0;
ghc-exactprint_1_9_0_0 = addBuildDepends [
] super.ghc-exactprint_1_9_0_0;
# Jailbreaks
base64 = doJailbreak super.base64; # base <4.20
commutative-semigroups = doJailbreak super.commutative-semigroups; # base <4.20
floskell = doJailbreak super.floskell; # base <4.20
lucid = doJailbreak super.lucid; # base <4.20
tar = doJailbreak super.tar; # base <4.20
tree-diff = doJailbreak super.tree-diff; # base <4.20
time-compat = doJailbreak super.time-compat; # base <4.20
bitvec = doJailbreak super.bitvec; # primitive <0.9
apply-refact_0_14_0_0 = doJailbreak super.apply-refact_0_14_0_0; # ghc-exactprint <1.9
retrie = doJailbreak super.retrie; # base <4.20, ghc<9.9, ghc-exactprint<1.9
hashable_1_4_7_0 = doJailbreak super.hashable_1_4_7_0; # relax bounds for QuickCheck, tasty, and tasty-quickcheck
hashable_1_5_0_0 = doJailbreak super.hashable_1_5_0_0; # relax bounds for QuickCheck, tasty, and tasty-quickcheck
# Test suite issues
call-stack = dontCheck; # expects the package to be named "main", but we generate a name
lifted-base = dontCheck super.lifted-base; # doesn't compile with transformers ==0.6.*
lukko_0_1_2 = dontCheck super.lukko_0_1_2; # doesn't compile with tasty ==1.4.*
resolv = dontCheck super.resolv; # doesn't compile with filepath ==1.5.*
primitive-unlifted = dontCheck super.primitive-unlifted; # doesn't compile with primitive ==0.9.*
haskell-language-server = disableCabalFlag "retrie" (disableCabalFlag "hlint" (disableCabalFlag "stylishhaskel" (super.haskell-language-server.override {stylish-haskell = null;retrie = null;apply-refact=null;hlint = null;})));