mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 04:03:56 +00:00

This allows for adding new, conditionally set, derivation attributes to an existing derivation without changing any output paths in the case where the condition is not met.
2122 lines
54 KiB
2122 lines
54 KiB
Nix evaluation tests for various lib functions.
Since these tests are implemented with Nix evaluation, error checking is limited to what `builtins.tryEval` can detect, which is `throw`'s and `abort`'s, without error messages.
If you need to test error messages or more complex evaluations, see ./modules.sh, ./sources.sh or ./filesystem.sh as examples.
To run these tests:
[nixpkgs]$ nix-instantiate --eval --strict lib/tests/misc.nix
If the resulting list is empty, all tests passed.
Alternatively, to run all `lib` tests:
[nixpkgs]$ nix-build lib/tests/release.nix
with import ../default.nix;
testingThrow = expr: {
expr = (builtins.tryEval (builtins.seq expr "didn't throw"));
expected = { success = false; value = false; };
testingEval = expr: {
expr = (builtins.tryEval expr).success;
expected = true;
testingDeepThrow = expr: testingThrow (builtins.deepSeq expr expr);
testSanitizeDerivationName = { name, expected }:
drv = derivation {
name = strings.sanitizeDerivationName name;
builder = "x";
system = "x";
in {
# Evaluate the derivation so an invalid name would be caught
expr = builtins.seq drv.drvPath drv.name;
inherit expected;
runTests {
testFunctionArgsMakeOverridable = {
expr = functionArgs (makeOverridable ({ a, b, c ? null}: {}));
expected = { a = false; b = false; c = true; };
testFunctionArgsMakeOverridableOverride = {
expr = functionArgs (makeOverridable ({ a, b, c ? null }: {}) { a = 1; b = 2; }).override;
expected = { a = false; b = false; c = true; };
testId = {
expr = id 1;
expected = 1;
testConst = {
expr = const 2 3;
expected = 2;
testPipe = {
expr = pipe 2 [
(x: x + 2) # 2 + 2 = 4
(x: x * 2) # 4 * 2 = 8
expected = 8;
testPipeEmpty = {
expr = pipe 2 [];
expected = 2;
testPipeStrings = {
expr = pipe [ 3 4 ] [
(map toString)
(map (s: s + "\n"))
expected = ''
testOr = {
expr = or true false;
expected = true;
testAnd = {
expr = and true false;
expected = false;
testFix = {
expr = fix (x: {a = if x ? a then "a" else "b";});
expected = {a = "a";};
testComposeExtensions = {
expr = let obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = self.bar; });
f = self: super: { bar = false; baz = true; };
g = self: super: { bar = super.baz or false; };
f_o_g = composeExtensions f g;
composed = obj.extend f_o_g;
in composed.foo;
expected = true;
testComposeManyExtensions0 = {
expr = let obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = true; });
emptyComposition = composeManyExtensions [];
composed = obj.extend emptyComposition;
in composed.foo;
expected = true;
testComposeManyExtensions =
let f = self: super: { bar = false; baz = true; };
g = self: super: { bar = super.baz or false; };
h = self: super: { qux = super.bar or false; };
obj = makeExtensible (self: { foo = self.qux; });
in {
expr = let composition = composeManyExtensions [f g h];
composed = obj.extend composition;
in composed.foo;
expected = (obj.extend (composeExtensions f (composeExtensions g h))).foo;
testBitAnd = {
expr = (bitAnd 3 10);
expected = 2;
testBitOr = {
expr = (bitOr 3 10);
expected = 11;
testBitXor = {
expr = (bitXor 3 10);
expected = 9;
testToHexString = {
expr = toHexString 250;
expected = "FA";
testToBaseDigits = {
expr = toBaseDigits 2 6;
expected = [ 1 1 0 ];
testFunctionArgsFunctor = {
expr = functionArgs { __functor = self: { a, b }: null; };
expected = { a = false; b = false; };
testFunctionArgsSetFunctionArgs = {
expr = functionArgs (setFunctionArgs (args: args.x) { x = false; });
expected = { x = false; };
testConcatMapStrings = {
expr = concatMapStrings (x: x + ";") ["a" "b" "c"];
expected = "a;b;c;";
testConcatStringsSep = {
expr = concatStringsSep "," ["a" "b" "c"];
expected = "a,b,c";
testConcatLines = {
expr = concatLines ["a" "b" "c"];
expected = "a\nb\nc\n";
testReplicateString = {
expr = strings.replicate 5 "hello";
expected = "hellohellohellohellohello";
testSplitStringsSimple = {
expr = strings.splitString "." "a.b.c.d";
expected = [ "a" "b" "c" "d" ];
testSplitStringsEmpty = {
expr = strings.splitString "." "a..b";
expected = [ "a" "" "b" ];
testSplitStringsOne = {
expr = strings.splitString ":" "a.b";
expected = [ "a.b" ];
testSplitStringsNone = {
expr = strings.splitString "." "";
expected = [ "" ];
testSplitStringsFirstEmpty = {
expr = strings.splitString "/" "/a/b/c";
expected = [ "" "a" "b" "c" ];
testSplitStringsLastEmpty = {
expr = strings.splitString ":" "2001:db8:0:0042::8a2e:370:";
expected = [ "2001" "db8" "0" "0042" "" "8a2e" "370" "" ];
testSplitStringsRegex = {
expr = strings.splitString "\\[{}]()^$?*+|." "A\\[{}]()^$?*+|.B";
expected = [ "A" "B" ];
testSplitStringsDerivation = {
expr = take 3 (strings.splitString "/" (derivation {
name = "name";
builder = "builder";
system = "system";
expected = ["" "nix" "store"];
testSplitVersionSingle = {
expr = versions.splitVersion "1";
expected = [ "1" ];
testSplitVersionDouble = {
expr = versions.splitVersion "1.2";
expected = [ "1" "2" ];
testSplitVersionTriple = {
expr = versions.splitVersion "1.2.3";
expected = [ "1" "2" "3" ];
testPadVersionLess = {
expr = versions.pad 3 "1.2";
expected = "1.2.0";
testPadVersionLessExtra = {
expr = versions.pad 3 "1.3-rc1";
expected = "1.3.0-rc1";
testPadVersionMore = {
expr = versions.pad 3 "";
expected = "1.2.3";
testIsStorePath = {
expr =
let goodPath =
in {
storePath = isStorePath goodPath;
storePathDerivation = isStorePath (import ../.. { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).hello;
storePathAppendix = isStorePath
nonAbsolute = isStorePath (concatStrings (tail (stringToCharacters goodPath)));
asPath = isStorePath (/. + goodPath);
otherPath = isStorePath "/something/else";
otherVals = {
attrset = isStorePath {};
list = isStorePath [];
int = isStorePath 42;
expected = {
storePath = true;
storePathDerivation = true;
storePathAppendix = false;
nonAbsolute = false;
asPath = true;
otherPath = false;
otherVals = {
attrset = false;
list = false;
int = false;
testEscapeXML = {
expr = escapeXML ''"test" 'test' < & >'';
expected = ""test" 'test' < & >";
testToShellVars = {
expr = ''
${toShellVars {
STRing01 = "just a 'string'";
_array_ = [ "with" "more strings" ];
assoc."with some" = ''
possibly newlines
drv = {
outPath = "/drv";
foo = "ignored attribute";
path = /path;
stringable = {
__toString = _: "hello toString";
bar = "ignored attribute";
expected = ''
STRing01='just a '\'''string'\''''
declare -a _array_=('with' 'more strings')
declare -A assoc=(['with some']='strings
possibly newlines
stringable='hello toString'
testHasInfixFalse = {
expr = hasInfix "c" "abde";
expected = false;
testHasInfixTrue = {
expr = hasInfix "c" "abcde";
expected = true;
testHasInfixDerivation = {
expr = hasInfix "hello" (import ../.. { system = "x86_64-linux"; }).hello;
expected = true;
testHasInfixPath = {
expr = hasInfix "tests" ./.;
expected = true;
testHasInfixPathStoreDir = {
expr = hasInfix builtins.storeDir ./.;
expected = true;
testHasInfixToString = {
expr = hasInfix "a" { __toString = _: "a"; };
expected = true;
testRemovePrefixExample1 = {
expr = removePrefix "foo." "foo.bar.baz";
expected = "bar.baz";
testRemovePrefixExample2 = {
expr = removePrefix "xxx" "foo.bar.baz";
expected = "foo.bar.baz";
testRemovePrefixEmptyPrefix = {
expr = removePrefix "" "foo";
expected = "foo";
testRemovePrefixEmptyString = {
expr = removePrefix "foo" "";
expected = "";
testRemovePrefixEmptyBoth = {
expr = removePrefix "" "";
expected = "";
testNormalizePath = {
expr = strings.normalizePath "//a/b//c////d/";
expected = "/a/b/c/d/";
testCharToInt = {
expr = strings.charToInt "A";
expected = 65;
testEscapeC = {
expr = strings.escapeC [ " " ] "Hello World";
expected = "Hello\\x20World";
testEscapeURL = testAllTrue [
("" == strings.escapeURL "")
("Hello" == strings.escapeURL "Hello")
("Hello%20World" == strings.escapeURL "Hello World")
("Hello%2FWorld" == strings.escapeURL "Hello/World")
("42%25" == strings.escapeURL "42%")
("%20%3F%26%3D%23%2B%25%21%3C%3E%23%22%7B%7D%7C%5C%5E%5B%5D%60%09%3A%2F%40%24%27%28%29%2A%2C%3B" == strings.escapeURL " ?&=#+%!<>#\"{}|\\^[]`\t:/@$'()*,;")
testToInt = testAllTrue [
# Naive
(123 == toInt "123")
(0 == toInt "0")
# Whitespace Padding
(123 == toInt " 123")
(123 == toInt "123 ")
(123 == toInt " 123 ")
(123 == toInt " 123 ")
(0 == toInt " 0")
(0 == toInt "0 ")
(0 == toInt " 0 ")
(-1 == toInt "-1")
(-1 == toInt " -1 ")
testToIntFails = testAllTrue [
( builtins.tryEval (toInt "") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt "123 123") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt "0 123") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt " 0d ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt " 1d ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt " d0 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt "00") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt "01") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt "002") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt " 002 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt " foo ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt " foo 123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toInt " foo123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
testToIntBase10 = testAllTrue [
# Naive
(123 == toIntBase10 "123")
(0 == toIntBase10 "0")
# Whitespace Padding
(123 == toIntBase10 " 123")
(123 == toIntBase10 "123 ")
(123 == toIntBase10 " 123 ")
(123 == toIntBase10 " 123 ")
(0 == toIntBase10 " 0")
(0 == toIntBase10 "0 ")
(0 == toIntBase10 " 0 ")
# Zero Padding
(123 == toIntBase10 "0123")
(123 == toIntBase10 "0000123")
(0 == toIntBase10 "000000")
# Whitespace and Zero Padding
(123 == toIntBase10 " 0123")
(123 == toIntBase10 "0123 ")
(123 == toIntBase10 " 0123 ")
(123 == toIntBase10 " 0000123")
(123 == toIntBase10 "0000123 ")
(123 == toIntBase10 " 0000123 ")
(0 == toIntBase10 " 000000")
(0 == toIntBase10 "000000 ")
(0 == toIntBase10 " 000000 ")
(-1 == toIntBase10 "-1")
(-1 == toIntBase10 " -1 ")
testToIntBase10Fails = testAllTrue [
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 "") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 "123 123") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 "0 123") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " 0d ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " 1d ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " d0 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " foo ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " foo 123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " foo 00123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
( builtins.tryEval (toIntBase10 " foo00123 ") == { success = false; value = false; } )
testFilter = {
expr = filter (x: x != "a") ["a" "b" "c" "a"];
expected = ["b" "c"];
testFold =
f = op: fold: fold op 0 (range 0 100);
# fold with associative operator
assoc = f builtins.add;
# fold with non-associative operator
nonAssoc = f builtins.sub;
in {
expr = {
assocRight = assoc foldr;
# right fold with assoc operator is same as left fold
assocRightIsLeft = assoc foldr == assoc foldl;
nonAssocRight = nonAssoc foldr;
nonAssocLeft = nonAssoc foldl;
# with non-assoc operator the fold results are not the same
nonAssocRightIsNotLeft = nonAssoc foldl != nonAssoc foldr;
# fold is an alias for foldr
foldIsRight = nonAssoc fold == nonAssoc foldr;
expected = {
assocRight = 5050;
assocRightIsLeft = true;
nonAssocRight = 50;
nonAssocLeft = (-5050);
nonAssocRightIsNotLeft = true;
foldIsRight = true;
testFoldl'Empty = {
expr = foldl' (acc: el: abort "operation not called") 0 [ ];
expected = 0;
testFoldl'IntegerAdding = {
expr = foldl' (acc: el: acc + el) 0 [ 1 2 3 ];
expected = 6;
# The accumulator isn't forced deeply
testFoldl'NonDeep = {
expr = take 3 (foldl'
(acc: el: [ el ] ++ acc)
[ (abort "unevaluated list entry") ]
[ 1 2 3 ]);
expected = [ 3 2 1 ];
# Compared to builtins.foldl', lib.foldl' evaluates the first accumulator strictly too
testFoldl'StrictInitial = {
expr = (builtins.tryEval (foldl' (acc: el: el) (throw "hello") [])).success;
expected = false;
# Make sure we don't get a stack overflow for large lists
# This number of elements would notably cause a stack overflow if it was implemented without the `foldl'` builtin
testFoldl'Large = {
expr = foldl' (acc: el: acc + el) 0 (range 0 100000);
expected = 5000050000;
testTake = testAllTrue [
([] == (take 0 [ 1 2 3 ]))
([1] == (take 1 [ 1 2 3 ]))
([ 1 2 ] == (take 2 [ 1 2 3 ]))
([ 1 2 3 ] == (take 3 [ 1 2 3 ]))
([ 1 2 3 ] == (take 4 [ 1 2 3 ]))
testListHasPrefixExample1 = {
expr = lists.hasPrefix [ 1 2 ] [ 1 2 3 4 ];
expected = true;
testListHasPrefixExample2 = {
expr = lists.hasPrefix [ 0 1 ] [ 1 2 3 4 ];
expected = false;
testListHasPrefixLazy = {
expr = lists.hasPrefix [ 1 ] [ 1 (abort "lib.lists.hasPrefix is not lazy") ];
expected = true;
testListHasPrefixEmptyPrefix = {
expr = lists.hasPrefix [ ] [ 1 2 ];
expected = true;
testListHasPrefixEmptyList = {
expr = lists.hasPrefix [ 1 2 ] [ ];
expected = false;
testListRemovePrefixExample1 = {
expr = lists.removePrefix [ 1 2 ] [ 1 2 3 4 ];
expected = [ 3 4 ];
testListRemovePrefixExample2 = {
expr = (builtins.tryEval (lists.removePrefix [ 0 1 ] [ 1 2 3 4 ])).success;
expected = false;
testListRemovePrefixEmptyPrefix = {
expr = lists.removePrefix [ ] [ 1 2 ];
expected = [ 1 2 ];
testListRemovePrefixEmptyList = {
expr = (builtins.tryEval (lists.removePrefix [ 1 2 ] [ ])).success;
expected = false;
testFoldAttrs = {
expr = foldAttrs (n: a: [n] ++ a) [] [
{ a = 2; b = 7; }
{ a = 3; c = 8; }
expected = { a = [ 2 3 ]; b = [7]; c = [8];};
testListCommonPrefixExample1 = {
expr = lists.commonPrefix [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] [ 1 2 4 8 ];
expected = [ 1 2 ];
testListCommonPrefixExample2 = {
expr = lists.commonPrefix [ 1 2 3 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 ];
expected = [ 1 2 3 ];
testListCommonPrefixExample3 = {
expr = lists.commonPrefix [ 1 2 3 ] [ 4 5 6 ];
expected = [ ];
testListCommonPrefixEmpty = {
expr = lists.commonPrefix [ ] [ 1 2 3 ];
expected = [ ];
testListCommonPrefixSame = {
expr = lists.commonPrefix [ 1 2 3 ] [ 1 2 3 ];
expected = [ 1 2 3 ];
testListCommonPrefixLazy = {
expr = lists.commonPrefix [ 1 ] [ 1 (abort "lib.lists.commonPrefix shouldn't evaluate this")];
expected = [ 1 ];
# This would stack overflow if `commonPrefix` were implemented using recursion
testListCommonPrefixLong =
longList = genList (n: n) 100000;
in {
expr = lists.commonPrefix longList longList;
expected = longList;
testSort = {
expr = sort builtins.lessThan [ 40 2 30 42 ];
expected = [2 30 40 42];
testSortOn = {
expr = sortOn stringLength [ "aa" "b" "cccc" ];
expected = [ "b" "aa" "cccc" ];
testSortOnEmpty = {
expr = sortOn (throw "nope") [ ];
expected = [ ];
testSortOnIncomparable = {
expr =
(x: x.f x.ok)
(sortOn (x: x.ok) [
{ ok = 1; f = x: x; }
{ ok = 3; f = x: x + 3; }
{ ok = 2; f = x: x; }
expected = [ 1 2 6 ];
testReplicate = {
expr = replicate 3 "a";
expected = ["a" "a" "a"];
testToIntShouldConvertStringToInt = {
expr = toInt "27";
expected = 27;
testToIntShouldThrowErrorIfItCouldNotConvertToInt = {
expr = builtins.tryEval (toInt "\"foo\"");
expected = { success = false; value = false; };
testHasAttrByPathTrue = {
expr = hasAttrByPath ["a" "b"] { a = { b = "yey"; }; };
expected = true;
testHasAttrByPathFalse = {
expr = hasAttrByPath ["a" "b"] { a = { c = "yey"; }; };
expected = false;
testHasAttrByPathNonStrict = {
expr = hasAttrByPath [] (throw "do not use");
expected = true;
testLongestValidPathPrefix_empty_empty = {
expr = attrsets.longestValidPathPrefix [ ] { };
expected = [ ];
testLongestValidPathPrefix_empty_nonStrict = {
expr = attrsets.longestValidPathPrefix [ ] (throw "do not use");
expected = [ ];
testLongestValidPathPrefix_zero = {
expr = attrsets.longestValidPathPrefix [ "a" (throw "do not use") ] { d = null; };
expected = [ ];
testLongestValidPathPrefix_zero_b = {
expr = attrsets.longestValidPathPrefix [ "z" "z" ] "remarkably harmonious";
expected = [ ];
testLongestValidPathPrefix_one = {
expr = attrsets.longestValidPathPrefix [ "a" "b" "c" ] { a = null; };
expected = [ "a" ];
testLongestValidPathPrefix_two = {
expr = attrsets.longestValidPathPrefix [ "a" "b" "c" ] { a.b = null; };
expected = [ "a" "b" ];
testLongestValidPathPrefix_three = {
expr = attrsets.longestValidPathPrefix [ "a" "b" "c" ] { a.b.c = null; };
expected = [ "a" "b" "c" ];
testLongestValidPathPrefix_three_extra = {
expr = attrsets.longestValidPathPrefix [ "a" "b" "c" ] { a.b.c.d = throw "nope"; };
expected = [ "a" "b" "c" ];
testFindFirstIndexExample1 = {
expr = lists.findFirstIndex (x: x > 3) (abort "index found, so a default must not be evaluated") [ 1 6 4 ];
expected = 1;
testFindFirstIndexExample2 = {
expr = lists.findFirstIndex (x: x > 9) "a very specific default" [ 1 6 4 ];
expected = "a very specific default";
testFindFirstIndexEmpty = {
expr = lists.findFirstIndex (abort "when the list is empty, the predicate is not needed") null [];
expected = null;
testFindFirstIndexSingleMatch = {
expr = lists.findFirstIndex (x: x == 5) null [ 5 ];
expected = 0;
testFindFirstIndexSingleDefault = {
expr = lists.findFirstIndex (x: false) null [ (abort "if the predicate doesn't access the value, it must not be evaluated") ];
expected = null;
testFindFirstIndexNone = {
expr = builtins.tryEval (lists.findFirstIndex (x: x == 2) null [ 1 (throw "the last element must be evaluated when there's no match") ]);
expected = { success = false; value = false; };
# Makes sure that the implementation doesn't cause a stack overflow
testFindFirstIndexBig = {
expr = lists.findFirstIndex (x: x == 1000000) null (range 0 1000000);
expected = 1000000;
testFindFirstIndexLazy = {
expr = lists.findFirstIndex (x: x == 1) null [ 1 (abort "list elements after the match must not be evaluated") ];
expected = 0;
testFindFirstExample1 = {
expr = lists.findFirst (x: x > 3) 7 [ 1 6 4 ];
expected = 6;
testFindFirstExample2 = {
expr = lists.findFirst (x: x > 9) 7 [ 1 6 4 ];
expected = 7;
testAllUnique_true = {
expr = allUnique [ 3 2 4 1 ];
expected = true;
testAllUnique_false = {
expr = allUnique [ 3 2 3 4 ];
expected = false;
testConcatMapAttrs = {
expr = concatMapAttrs
(name: value: {
${name} = value;
${name + value} = value;
foo = "bar";
foobar = "baz";
expected = {
foo = "bar";
foobar = "baz";
foobarbaz = "baz";
# code from example
testFoldlAttrs = {
expr = {
example = foldlAttrs
(acc: name: value: {
sum = acc.sum + value;
names = acc.names ++ [ name ];
{ sum = 0; names = [ ]; }
foo = 1;
bar = 10;
# should just return the initial value
emptySet = foldlAttrs (throw "function not needed") 123 { };
# should just evaluate to the last value
valuesNotNeeded = foldlAttrs (acc: _name: _v: acc) 3 { z = throw "value z not needed"; a = throw "value a not needed"; };
# the accumulator doesnt have to be an attrset it can be as trivial as being just a number or string
trivialAcc = foldlAttrs (acc: _name: v: acc * 10 + v) 1 { z = 1; a = 2; };
expected = {
example = {
sum = 11;
names = [ "bar" "foo" ];
emptySet = 123;
valuesNotNeeded = 3;
trivialAcc = 121;
testMergeAttrsListExample1 = {
expr = attrsets.mergeAttrsList [ { a = 0; b = 1; } { c = 2; d = 3; } ];
expected = { a = 0; b = 1; c = 2; d = 3; };
testMergeAttrsListExample2 = {
expr = attrsets.mergeAttrsList [ { a = 0; } { a = 1; } ];
expected = { a = 1; };
testMergeAttrsListExampleMany =
list = genList (n:
listToAttrs (genList (m:
# Integer divide n by two to create duplicate attributes
str = "halfn${toString (n / 2)}m${toString m}";
nameValuePair str str
) 100)
) 100;
in {
expr = attrsets.mergeAttrsList list;
expected = foldl' mergeAttrs { } list;
# code from the example
testRecursiveUpdateUntil = {
expr = recursiveUpdateUntil (path: l: r: path == ["foo"]) {
# first attribute set
foo.bar = 1;
foo.baz = 2;
bar = 3;
} {
#second attribute set
foo.bar = 1;
foo.quz = 2;
baz = 4;
expected = {
foo.bar = 1; # 'foo.*' from the second set
foo.quz = 2; #
bar = 3; # 'bar' from the first set
baz = 4; # 'baz' from the second set
testMatchAttrsMatchingExact = {
expr = matchAttrs { cpu = { bits = 64; }; } { cpu = { bits = 64; }; };
expected = true;
testMatchAttrsMismatch = {
expr = matchAttrs { cpu = { bits = 128; }; } { cpu = { bits = 64; }; };
expected = false;
testMatchAttrsMatchingImplicit = {
expr = matchAttrs { cpu = { }; } { cpu = { bits = 64; }; };
expected = true;
testMatchAttrsMissingAttrs = {
expr = matchAttrs { cpu = {}; } { };
expected = false;
testOverrideExistingEmpty = {
expr = overrideExisting {} { a = 1; };
expected = {};
testOverrideExistingDisjoint = {
expr = overrideExisting { b = 2; } { a = 1; };
expected = { b = 2; };
testOverrideExistingOverride = {
expr = overrideExisting { a = 3; b = 2; } { a = 1; };
expected = { a = 1; b = 2; };
testListAttrsReverse = let
exampleAttrs = {foo=1; bar="asdf"; baz = [1 3 3 7]; fnord=null;};
exampleSingletonList = [{name="foo"; value=1;}];
in {
expr = {
isReverseToListToAttrs = builtins.listToAttrs (attrsToList exampleAttrs) == exampleAttrs;
isReverseToAttrsToList = attrsToList (builtins.listToAttrs exampleSingletonList) == exampleSingletonList;
testDuplicatePruningBehaviour = attrsToList (builtins.listToAttrs [{name="a"; value=2;} {name="a"; value=1;}]);
expected = {
isReverseToAttrsToList = true;
isReverseToListToAttrs = true;
testDuplicatePruningBehaviour = [{name="a"; value=2;}];
testAttrsToListsCanDealWithFunctions = testingEval (
attrsToList { someFunc= a: a + 1;}
# these tests assume attributes are converted to lists
# in alphabetical order
testMkKeyValueDefault = {
expr = generators.mkKeyValueDefault {} ":" "f:oo" "bar";
expected = ''f\:oo:bar'';
testMkValueString = {
expr = let
vals = {
int = 42;
string = ''fo"o'';
bool = true;
bool2 = false;
null = null;
# float = 42.23; # floats are strange
in mapAttrs
(const (generators.mkValueStringDefault {}))
expected = {
int = "42";
string = ''fo"o'';
bool = "true";
bool2 = "false";
null = "null";
# float = "42.23" true false [ "bar" ] ]'';
testToKeyValue = {
expr = generators.toKeyValue {} {
key = "value";
"other=key" = "baz";
expected = ''
testToINIEmpty = {
expr = generators.toINI {} {};
expected = "";
testToINIEmptySection = {
expr = generators.toINI {} { foo = {}; bar = {}; };
expected = ''
testToINIDuplicateKeys = {
expr = generators.toINI { listsAsDuplicateKeys = true; } { foo.bar = true; baz.qux = [ 1 false ]; };
expected = ''
testToINIDefaultEscapes = {
expr = generators.toINI {} {
"no [ and ] allowed unescaped" = {
"and also no = in keys" = 42;
expected = ''
[no \[ and \] allowed unescaped]
and also no \= in keys=42
testToINIDefaultFull = {
expr = generators.toINI {} {
"section 1" = {
attribute1 = 5;
x = "Me-se JarJar Binx";
# booleans are converted verbatim by default
boolean = false;
"foo[]" = {
"he\\h=he" = "this is okay";
expected = ''
he\h\=he=this is okay
[section 1]
x=Me-se JarJar Binx
testToINIWithGlobalSectionEmpty = {
expr = generators.toINIWithGlobalSection {} {
globalSection = {
sections = {
expected = ''
testToINIWithGlobalSectionGlobalEmptyIsTheSameAsToINI =
sections = {
"section 1" = {
attribute1 = 5;
x = "Me-se JarJar Binx";
"foo" = {
"he\\h=he" = "this is okay";
in {
expr =
generators.toINIWithGlobalSection {} {
globalSection = {};
sections = sections;
expected = generators.toINI {} sections;
testToINIWithGlobalSectionFull = {
expr = generators.toINIWithGlobalSection {} {
globalSection = {
foo = "bar";
test = false;
sections = {
"section 1" = {
attribute1 = 5;
x = "Me-se JarJar Binx";
"foo" = {
"he\\h=he" = "this is okay";
expected = ''
he\h\=he=this is okay
[section 1]
x=Me-se JarJar Binx
testToGitINI = {
expr = generators.toGitINI {
user = {
email = "user@example.org";
name = "John Doe";
signingKey = "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF";
gpg.program = "path-to-gpg";
tag.gpgSign = true;
include.path = "~/path/to/config.inc";
includeIf."gitdif:~/src/dir".path = "~/path/to/conditional.inc";
extra = {
boolean = true;
integer = 38;
name = "value";
subsection.value = "test";
expected = ''
${"\t"}boolean = true
${"\t"}integer = 38
${"\t"}name = "value"
[extra "subsection"]
${"\t"}value = "test"
${"\t"}program = "path-to-gpg"
${"\t"}path = "~/path/to/config.inc"
[includeIf "gitdif:~/src/dir"]
${"\t"}path = "~/path/to/conditional.inc"
${"\t"}gpgSign = true
${"\t"}email = "user@example.org"
${"\t"}name = "John Doe"
${"\t"}signingKey = "00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF"
/* right now only invocation check */
testToJSONSimple =
let val = {
foobar = [ "baz" 1 2 3 ];
in {
expr = generators.toJSON {} val;
# trivial implementation
expected = builtins.toJSON val;
/* right now only invocation check */
testToYAMLSimple =
let val = {
list = [ { one = 1; } { two = 2; } ];
all = 42;
in {
expr = generators.toYAML {} val;
# trivial implementation
expected = builtins.toJSON val;
testToPretty =
deriv = derivation { name = "test"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "aarch64-linux"; };
in {
expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPretty { multiline = false; })) rec {
int = 42;
float = 0.1337;
bool = true;
emptystring = "";
string = "fn\${o}\"r\\d";
newlinestring = "\n";
path = /. + "/foo";
null_ = null;
function = x: x;
functionArgs = { arg ? 4, foo }: arg;
list = [ 3 4 function [ false ] ];
emptylist = [];
attrs = { foo = null; "foo b/ar" = "baz"; };
emptyattrs = {};
drv = deriv;
expected = rec {
int = "42";
float = "0.1337";
bool = "true";
emptystring = ''""'';
string = ''"fn\''${o}\"r\\d"'';
newlinestring = "\"\\n\"";
path = "/foo";
null_ = "null";
function = "<function>";
functionArgs = "<function, args: {arg?, foo}>";
list = "[ 3 4 ${function} [ false ] ]";
emptylist = "[ ]";
attrs = "{ foo = null; \"foo b/ar\" = \"baz\"; }";
emptyattrs = "{ }";
drv = "<derivation ${deriv.name}>";
testToPrettyLimit =
a.b = 1;
a.c = a;
in {
expr = generators.toPretty { } (generators.withRecursion { throwOnDepthLimit = false; depthLimit = 2; } a);
expected = "{\n b = 1;\n c = {\n b = \"<unevaluated>\";\n c = {\n b = \"<unevaluated>\";\n c = \"<unevaluated>\";\n };\n };\n}";
testToPrettyLimitThrow =
a.b = 1;
a.c = a;
in {
expr = (builtins.tryEval
(generators.toPretty { } (generators.withRecursion { depthLimit = 2; } a))).success;
expected = false;
testWithRecursionDealsWithFunctors =
functor = {
__functor = self: { a, b, }: null;
a = {
value = "1234";
b = functor;
c.d = functor;
in {
expr = generators.toPretty { } (generators.withRecursion { depthLimit = 1; throwOnDepthLimit = false; } a);
expected = "{\n b = <function, args: {a, b}>;\n c = {\n d = \"<unevaluated>\";\n };\n value = \"<unevaluated>\";\n}";
testToPrettyMultiline = {
expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPretty { })) rec {
list = [ 3 4 [ false ] ];
attrs = { foo = null; bar.foo = "baz"; };
newlinestring = "\n";
multilinestring = ''
multilinestring' = ''
expected = rec {
list = ''
attrs = ''
bar = {
foo = "baz";
foo = null;
newlinestring = "''\n \n''";
multilinestring = ''
multilinestring' = ''
testToPrettyAllowPrettyValues = {
expr = generators.toPretty { allowPrettyValues = true; }
{ __pretty = v: "«" + v + "»"; val = "foo"; };
expected = "«foo»";
testToPlist =
deriv = derivation { name = "test"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "aarch64-linux"; };
in {
expr = mapAttrs (const (generators.toPlist { })) {
value = {
nested.values = rec {
int = 42;
float = 0.1337;
bool = true;
emptystring = "";
string = "fn\${o}\"r\\d";
newlinestring = "\n";
path = /. + "/foo";
null_ = null;
list = [ 3 4 "test" ];
emptylist = [];
attrs = { foo = null; "foo b/ar" = "baz"; };
emptyattrs = {};
expected = { value = builtins.readFile ./test-to-plist-expected.plist; };
testToLuaEmptyAttrSet = {
expr = generators.toLua {} {};
expected = ''{}'';
testToLuaEmptyList = {
expr = generators.toLua {} [];
expected = ''{}'';
testToLuaListOfVariousTypes = {
expr = generators.toLua {} [ null 43 3.14159 true ];
expected = ''
testToLuaString = {
expr = generators.toLua {} ''double-quote (") and single quotes (')'';
expected = ''"double-quote (\") and single quotes (')"'';
testToLuaAttrsetWithLuaInline = {
expr = generators.toLua {} { x = generators.mkLuaInline ''"abc" .. "def"''; };
expected = ''
["x"] = ("abc" .. "def")
testToLuaAttrsetWithSpaceInKey = {
expr = generators.toLua {} { "some space and double-quote (\")" = 42; };
expected = ''
["some space and double-quote (\")"] = 42
testToLuaWithoutMultiline = {
expr = generators.toLua { multiline = false; } [ 41 43 ];
expected = ''{ 41, 43 }'';
testToLuaEmptyBindings = {
expr = generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } {};
expected = "";
testToLuaBindings = {
expr = generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } { x1 = 41; _y = { a = 43; }; };
expected = ''
_y = {
["a"] = 43
x1 = 41
testToLuaPartialTableBindings = {
expr = generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } { "x.y" = 42; };
expected = ''
x.y = 42
testToLuaIndentedBindings = {
expr = generators.toLua { asBindings = true; indent = " "; } { x = { y = 42; }; };
expected = " x = {\n [\"y\"] = 42\n }\n";
testToLuaBindingsWithSpace = testingThrow (
generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } { "with space" = 42; }
testToLuaBindingsWithLeadingDigit = testingThrow (
generators.toLua { asBindings = true; } { "11eleven" = 42; }
testToLuaBasicExample = {
expr = generators.toLua {} {
cmd = [ "typescript-language-server" "--stdio" ];
settings.workspace.library = generators.mkLuaInline ''vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true)'';
expected = ''
["cmd"] = {
["settings"] = {
["workspace"] = {
["library"] = (vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true))
testToGNUCommandLine = {
expr = cli.toGNUCommandLine {} {
data = builtins.toJSON { id = 0; };
X = "PUT";
retry = 3;
retry-delay = null;
url = [ "https://example.com/foo" "https://example.com/bar" ];
silent = false;
verbose = true;
expected = [
"-X" "PUT"
"--data" "{\"id\":0}"
"--retry" "3"
"--url" "https://example.com/foo"
"--url" "https://example.com/bar"
testToGNUCommandLineShell = {
expr = cli.toGNUCommandLineShell {} {
data = builtins.toJSON { id = 0; };
X = "PUT";
retry = 3;
retry-delay = null;
url = [ "https://example.com/foo" "https://example.com/bar" ];
silent = false;
verbose = true;
expected = "'-X' 'PUT' '--data' '{\"id\":0}' '--retry' '3' '--url' 'https://example.com/foo' '--url' 'https://example.com/bar' '--verbose'";
testSanitizeDerivationNameLeadingDots = testSanitizeDerivationName {
name = "..foo";
expected = "foo";
testSanitizeDerivationNameUnicode = testSanitizeDerivationName {
name = "fö";
expected = "f-";
testSanitizeDerivationNameAscii = testSanitizeDerivationName {
name = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~";
expected = "-+--.-0123456789-=-?-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-";
testSanitizeDerivationNameTooLong = testSanitizeDerivationName {
name = "This string is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong";
expected = "loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong";
testSanitizeDerivationNameTooLongWithInvalid = testSanitizeDerivationName {
name = "Hello there aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &&&&&&&&";
expected = "there-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-";
testSanitizeDerivationNameEmpty = testSanitizeDerivationName {
name = "";
expected = "unknown";
testFreeformOptions = {
expr =
submodule = { lib, ... }: {
freeformType = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule {
options.bar = lib.mkOption {};
options.bar = lib.mkOption {};
module = { lib, ... }: {
options.foo = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.submodule submodule;
options = (evalModules {
modules = [ module ];
locs = filter (o: ! o.internal) (optionAttrSetToDocList options);
in map (o: o.loc) locs;
expected = [ [ "_module" "args" ] [ "foo" ] [ "foo" "<name>" "bar" ] [ "foo" "bar" ] ];
testCartesianProductOfEmptySet = {
expr = cartesianProductOfSets {};
expected = [ {} ];
testCartesianProductOfOneSet = {
expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ 1 2 3 ]; };
expected = [ { a = 1; } { a = 2; } { a = 3; } ];
testCartesianProductOfTwoSets = {
expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ 1 ]; b = [ 10 20 ]; };
expected = [
{ a = 1; b = 10; }
{ a = 1; b = 20; }
testCartesianProductOfTwoSetsWithOneEmpty = {
expr = cartesianProductOfSets { a = [ ]; b = [ 10 20 ]; };
expected = [ ];
testCartesianProductOfThreeSets = {
expr = cartesianProductOfSets {
a = [ 1 2 3 ];
b = [ 10 20 30 ];
c = [ 100 200 300 ];
expected = [
{ a = 1; b = 10; c = 100; }
{ a = 1; b = 10; c = 200; }
{ a = 1; b = 10; c = 300; }
{ a = 1; b = 20; c = 100; }
{ a = 1; b = 20; c = 200; }
{ a = 1; b = 20; c = 300; }
{ a = 1; b = 30; c = 100; }
{ a = 1; b = 30; c = 200; }
{ a = 1; b = 30; c = 300; }
{ a = 2; b = 10; c = 100; }
{ a = 2; b = 10; c = 200; }
{ a = 2; b = 10; c = 300; }
{ a = 2; b = 20; c = 100; }
{ a = 2; b = 20; c = 200; }
{ a = 2; b = 20; c = 300; }
{ a = 2; b = 30; c = 100; }
{ a = 2; b = 30; c = 200; }
{ a = 2; b = 30; c = 300; }
{ a = 3; b = 10; c = 100; }
{ a = 3; b = 10; c = 200; }
{ a = 3; b = 10; c = 300; }
{ a = 3; b = 20; c = 100; }
{ a = 3; b = 20; c = 200; }
{ a = 3; b = 20; c = 300; }
{ a = 3; b = 30; c = 100; }
{ a = 3; b = 30; c = 200; }
{ a = 3; b = 30; c = 300; }
# The example from the showAttrPath documentation
testShowAttrPathExample = {
expr = showAttrPath [ "foo" "10" "bar" ];
expected = "foo.\"10\".bar";
testShowAttrPathEmpty = {
expr = showAttrPath [];
expected = "<root attribute path>";
testShowAttrPathVarious = {
expr = showAttrPath [
expected = ''".".foo."2".a2-b._bc'de'';
testGroupBy = {
expr = groupBy (n: toString (mod n 5)) (range 0 16);
expected = {
"0" = [ 0 5 10 15 ];
"1" = [ 1 6 11 16 ];
"2" = [ 2 7 12 ];
"3" = [ 3 8 13 ];
"4" = [ 4 9 14 ];
testGroupBy' = {
expr = groupBy' builtins.add 0 (x: boolToString (x > 2)) [ 5 1 2 3 4 ];
expected = { false = 3; true = 12; };
# The example from the updateManyAttrsByPath documentation
testUpdateManyAttrsByPathExample = {
expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
path = [ "a" "b" ];
update = old: { d = old.c; };
path = [ "a" "b" "c" ];
update = old: old + 1;
path = [ "x" "y" ];
update = old: "xy";
] { a.b.c = 0; };
expected = { a = { b = { d = 1; }; }; x = { y = "xy"; }; };
# If there are no updates, the value is passed through
testUpdateManyAttrsByPathNone = {
expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [] "something";
expected = "something";
# A single update to the root path is just like applying the function directly
testUpdateManyAttrsByPathSingleIncrement = {
expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
path = [ ];
update = old: old + 1;
] 0;
expected = 1;
# Multiple updates can be applied are done in order
testUpdateManyAttrsByPathMultipleIncrements = {
expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
path = [ ];
update = old: old + "a";
path = [ ];
update = old: old + "b";
path = [ ];
update = old: old + "c";
] "";
expected = "abc";
# If an update doesn't use the value, all previous updates are not evaluated
testUpdateManyAttrsByPathLazy = {
expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
path = [ ];
update = old: old + throw "nope";
path = [ ];
update = old: "untainted";
] (throw "start");
expected = "untainted";
# Deeply nested attributes can be updated without affecting others
testUpdateManyAttrsByPathDeep = {
expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
path = [ "a" "b" "c" ];
update = old: old + 1;
] {
a.b.c = 0;
a.b.z = 0;
a.y.z = 0;
x.y.z = 0;
expected = {
a.b.c = 1;
a.b.z = 0;
a.y.z = 0;
x.y.z = 0;
# Nested attributes are updated first
testUpdateManyAttrsByPathNestedBeforehand = {
expr = updateManyAttrsByPath [
path = [ "a" ];
update = old: old // { x = old.b; };
path = [ "a" "b" ];
update = old: old + 1;
] {
a.b = 0;
expected = {
a.b = 1;
a.x = 1;
## Levenshtein distance functions and co.
testCommonPrefixLengthEmpty = {
expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "" "hello";
expected = 0;
testCommonPrefixLengthSame = {
expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "hello" "hello";
expected = 5;
testCommonPrefixLengthDiffering = {
expr = strings.commonPrefixLength "hello" "hey";
expected = 2;
testCommonSuffixLengthEmpty = {
expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "" "hello";
expected = 0;
testCommonSuffixLengthSame = {
expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "hello" "hello";
expected = 5;
testCommonSuffixLengthDiffering = {
expr = strings.commonSuffixLength "test" "rest";
expected = 3;
testLevenshteinEmpty = {
expr = strings.levenshtein "" "";
expected = 0;
testLevenshteinOnlyAdd = {
expr = strings.levenshtein "" "hello there";
expected = 11;
testLevenshteinOnlyRemove = {
expr = strings.levenshtein "hello there" "";
expected = 11;
testLevenshteinOnlyTransform = {
expr = strings.levenshtein "abcdef" "ghijkl";
expected = 6;
testLevenshteinMixed = {
expr = strings.levenshtein "kitchen" "sitting";
expected = 5;
testLevenshteinAtMostZeroFalse = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 0 "foo" "boo";
expected = false;
testLevenshteinAtMostZeroTrue = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 0 "foo" "foo";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostOneFalse = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 1 "car" "ct";
expected = false;
testLevenshteinAtMostOneTrue = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 1 "car" "cr";
expected = true;
# We test levenshteinAtMost 2 particularly well because it uses a complicated
# implementation
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsEmpty = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "" "";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsZero = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "abcdef";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoIsOne = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "abddef";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0False = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "aczyef";
expected = false;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0Outer = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zbcdez";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0DelLeft = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bcdefz";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff0DelRight = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zabcde";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1False = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bddez";
expected = false;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1DelLeft = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "bcdez";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff1DelRight = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "abcdef" "zbcde";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff2False = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "hxo";
expected = false;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff2True = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "heo";
expected = true;
testLevenshteinAtMostTwoDiff3 = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 "hello" "ho";
expected = false;
testLevenshteinAtMostThreeFalse = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 3 "hello" "Holla!";
expected = false;
testLevenshteinAtMostThreeTrue = {
expr = strings.levenshteinAtMost 3 "hello" "Holla";
expected = true;
testLazyDerivationIsLazyInDerivationForAttrNames = {
expr = attrNames (lazyDerivation {
derivation = throw "not lazy enough";
# It's ok to add attribute names here when lazyDerivation is improved
# in accordance with its inline comments.
expected = [ "drvPath" "meta" "name" "out" "outPath" "outputName" "outputs" "system" "type" ];
testLazyDerivationIsLazyInDerivationForPassthruAttr = {
expr = (lazyDerivation {
derivation = throw "not lazy enough";
passthru.tests = "whatever is in tests";
expected = "whatever is in tests";
testLazyDerivationIsLazyInDerivationForPassthruAttr2 = {
# passthru.tests is not a special case. It works for any attr.
expr = (lazyDerivation {
derivation = throw "not lazy enough";
passthru.foo = "whatever is in foo";
expected = "whatever is in foo";
testLazyDerivationIsLazyInDerivationForMeta = {
expr = (lazyDerivation {
derivation = throw "not lazy enough";
meta = "whatever is in meta";
expected = "whatever is in meta";
testLazyDerivationReturnsDerivationAttrs = let
derivation = {
type = "derivation";
outputs = ["out"];
out = "test out";
outPath = "test outPath";
outputName = "out";
drvPath = "test drvPath";
name = "test name";
system = "test system";
meta = "test meta";
in {
expr = lazyDerivation { inherit derivation; };
expected = derivation;
testOptionalDrvAttr = let
mkDerivation = args: derivation (args // {
builder = "builder";
system = "system";
__ignoreNulls = true;
in {
expr = (mkDerivation {
name = "foo";
x = optionalDrvAttr true 1;
y = optionalDrvAttr false 1;
expected = (mkDerivation {
name = "foo";
x = 1;
testTypeDescriptionInt = {
expr = (with types; int).description;
expected = "signed integer";
testTypeDescriptionIntsPositive = {
expr = (with types; ints.positive).description;
expected = "positive integer, meaning >0";
testTypeDescriptionIntsPositiveOrEnumAuto = {
expr = (with types; either ints.positive (enum ["auto"])).description;
expected = ''positive integer, meaning >0, or value "auto" (singular enum)'';
testTypeDescriptionListOfPositive = {
expr = (with types; listOf ints.positive).description;
expected = "list of (positive integer, meaning >0)";
testTypeDescriptionListOfInt = {
expr = (with types; listOf int).description;
expected = "list of signed integer";
testTypeDescriptionListOfListOfInt = {
expr = (with types; listOf (listOf int)).description;
expected = "list of list of signed integer";
testTypeDescriptionListOfEitherStrOrBool = {
expr = (with types; listOf (either str bool)).description;
expected = "list of (string or boolean)";
testTypeDescriptionEitherListOfStrOrBool = {
expr = (with types; either (listOf bool) str).description;
expected = "(list of boolean) or string";
testTypeDescriptionEitherStrOrListOfBool = {
expr = (with types; either str (listOf bool)).description;
expected = "string or list of boolean";
testTypeDescriptionOneOfListOfStrOrBool = {
expr = (with types; oneOf [ (listOf bool) str ]).description;
expected = "(list of boolean) or string";
testTypeDescriptionOneOfListOfStrOrBoolOrNumber = {
expr = (with types; oneOf [ (listOf bool) str number ]).description;
expected = "(list of boolean) or string or signed integer or floating point number";
testTypeDescriptionEitherListOfBoolOrEitherStringOrNumber = {
expr = (with types; either (listOf bool) (either str number)).description;
expected = "(list of boolean) or string or signed integer or floating point number";
testTypeDescriptionEitherEitherListOfBoolOrStringOrNumber = {
expr = (with types; either (either (listOf bool) str) number).description;
expected = "(list of boolean) or string or signed integer or floating point number";
testTypeDescriptionEitherNullOrBoolOrString = {
expr = (with types; either (nullOr bool) str).description;
expected = "null or boolean or string";
testTypeDescriptionEitherListOfEitherBoolOrStrOrInt = {
expr = (with types; either (listOf (either bool str)) int).description;
expected = "(list of (boolean or string)) or signed integer";
testTypeDescriptionEitherIntOrListOrEitherBoolOrStr = {
expr = (with types; either int (listOf (either bool str))).description;
expected = "signed integer or list of (boolean or string)";
# Meta
testGetExe'Output = {
expr = getExe' {
type = "derivation";
out = "somelonghash";
bin = "somelonghash";
} "executable";
expected = "somelonghash/bin/executable";
testGetExeOutput = {
expr = getExe {
type = "derivation";
out = "somelonghash";
bin = "somelonghash";
meta.mainProgram = "mainProgram";
expected = "somelonghash/bin/mainProgram";
testGetExe'FailureFirstArg = testingThrow (
getExe' "not a derivation" "executable"
testGetExe'FailureSecondArg = testingThrow (
getExe' { type = "derivation"; } "dir/executable"
testPlatformMatch = {
expr = meta.platformMatch { system = "x86_64-linux"; } "x86_64-linux";
expected = true;
testPlatformMatchAttrs = {
expr = meta.platformMatch (systems.elaborate "x86_64-linux") (systems.elaborate "x86_64-linux").parsed;
expected = true;
testPlatformMatchNoMatch = {
expr = meta.platformMatch { system = "x86_64-darwin"; } "x86_64-linux";
expected = false;
testPlatformMatchMissingSystem = {
expr = meta.platformMatch { } "x86_64-linux";
expected = false;
testPackagesFromDirectoryRecursive = {
expr = packagesFromDirectoryRecursive {
callPackage = path: overrides: import path overrides;
directory = ./packages-from-directory;
expected = {
a = "a";
b = "b";
# Note: Other files/directories in `./test-data/c/` are ignored and can be
# used by `package.nix`.
c = "c";
my-namespace = {
d = "d";
e = "e";
f = "f";
my-sub-namespace = {
g = "g";
h = "h";
# Check that `packagesFromDirectoryRecursive` can process a directory with a
# top-level `package.nix` file into a single package.
testPackagesFromDirectoryRecursiveTopLevelPackageNix = {
expr = packagesFromDirectoryRecursive {
callPackage = path: overrides: import path overrides;
directory = ./packages-from-directory/c;
expected = "c";