Connor Baker 8e800cedaf cudaPackages: move derivations to cuda-modules & support aarch64
cudaPackages.cuda_compat: ignore missing libs provided at runtime

cudaPackages.gpus: Jetson should never build by default

cudaPackages.flags: don't build Jetson capabilities by default

cudaPackages: re-introduce filter for pre-existing CUDA redist packages in overrides

cudaPackages: only recurseIntoAttrs for the latest of each major version

cudaPackages.nvccCompatabilities: use GCC 10 through CUDA 11.5 to avoid a GLIBC incompatability

cudaPackages.cutensor: acquire libcublas through cudatoolkit prior to 11.4

cudaPackages.cuda_compat: mark as broken on aarch64-linux if not targeting Jetson

cudaPackages.cutensor_1_4: fix build

cudaPackages: adjust use of autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps

cudaPackages.cuda_nvprof: remove unecessary override to add addOpenGLRunpath

cudaPackages: use getExe' to avoid patchelf warning about missing meta.mainProgram

cudaPackages: fix evaluation with Nix 2.3

cudaPackages: fix platform detection for Jetson/non-Jetson aarch64-linux

python3Packages.tensorrt: mark as broken if required packages are missing

Note: evaluating the name of the derivation will fail if tensorrt is not present,
which is why we wrap the value in `lib.optionalString`.

cudaPackages.flags.getNixSystem: add guard based on jetsonTargets

cudaPackages.cudnn: use explicit path to patchelf

cudaPackages.tensorrt: use explicit path to patchelf
2023-12-07 16:45:54 +00:00

43 lines
1.7 KiB

cudaVersionToHash = {
"10.0" = "sha256-XAI6iiPpDVbZtFoRaP1s6VKpu9aV3bwOqqkw33QncP8=";
"10.1" = "sha256-DY8E2FKCFj27jPgQEB1qE9HcLn7CfSiVGdFm+yFQE+k=";
"10.2" = "sha256-JDW4i7rC2MwIRvKRmUd6UyJZI9bWNHqZijrB962N4QY=";
"11.0" = "sha256-BRwQuUvJEVi1mTbVtGODH8Obt7rXFfq6eLH9wxCTe9g=";
"11.1" = "sha256-kM8gFItBaTpkoT34vercmQky9qTFtsXjXMGjCMrsUc4=";
"11.2" = "sha256-gX6V98dRwdAQIsvru2byDLiMswCW2lrHSBSJutyWONw=";
"11.3" = "sha256-34MdMFS2cufNbZVixFdSUDFfLeuKIGFwLBL9d81acU0=";
"11.4" = "sha256-Ewu+Qk6GtGXC37CCn1ZXHc0MQAuyXCGf3J6T4cucTSA=";
"11.5" = "sha256-AKRZbke0K59lakhTi8dX2cR2aBuWPZkiQxyKaZTvHrI=";
"11.6" = "sha256-AsLNmAplfuQbXg9zt09tXAuFJ524EtTYsQuUlV1tPkE=";
# The tag 11.7 of cuda-samples does not exist
"11.8" = "sha256-7+1P8+wqTKUGbCUBXGMDO9PkxYr2+PLDx9W2hXtXbuc=";
"12.0" = "sha256-Lj2kbdVFrJo5xPYPMiE4BS7Z8gpU5JLKXVJhZABUe/g=";
"12.1" = "sha256-xE0luOMq46zVsIEWwK4xjLs7NorcTIi9gbfZPVjIlqo=";
"12.2" = "sha256-pOy0qfDjA/Nr0T9PNKKefK/63gQnJV2MQsN2g3S2yng=";
"12.3" = "sha256-fjVp0G6uRCWxsfe+gOwWTN+esZfk0O5uxS623u0REAk=";
# Samples are built around the CUDA Toolkit, which is not available for
# aarch64. Check for both CUDA version and platform.
cudaVersionIsSupported = cudaVersionToHash ? ${cudaVersion};
platformIsSupported = hostPlatform.isx86_64;
isSupported = cudaVersionIsSupported && platformIsSupported;
# Build our extension
extension =
final: _:
lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs isSupported {
cuda-samples = final.callPackage ./generic.nix {
inherit cudaVersion;
hash = cudaVersionToHash.${cudaVersion};