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synced 2025-03-11 02:42:33 +00:00

We have to specify if we're building CE or EE otherwise at least some JS building was broken, resulting in e.g. broken "boards" pages.
192 lines
6.5 KiB
192 lines
6.5 KiB
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, fetchFromGitLab, bundlerEnv
, ruby, tzdata, git, nettools, nixosTests, nodejs
, gitlabEnterprise ? false, callPackage, yarn
, fixup_yarn_lock, replace
data = (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./data.json));
version = data.version;
src = fetchFromGitLab {
owner = data.owner;
repo = data.repo;
rev = data.rev;
sha256 = data.repo_hash;
rubyEnv = bundlerEnv rec {
name = "gitlab-env-${version}";
inherit ruby;
gemdir = ./rubyEnv;
gemset =
let x = import (gemdir + "/gemset.nix");
in x // {
# grpc expects the AR environment variable to contain `ar rpc`. See the
# discussion in nixpkgs #63056.
grpc = x.grpc // {
patches = [ ./fix-grpc-ar.patch ];
dontBuild = false;
groups = [
"default" "unicorn" "ed25519" "metrics" "development" "puma" "test" "kerberos"
# N.B. omniauth_oauth2_generic and apollo_upload_server both provide a
# `console` executable.
ignoreCollisions = true;
yarnOfflineCache = (callPackage ./yarnPkgs.nix {}).offline_cache;
assets = stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "gitlab-assets";
inherit version src;
nativeBuildInputs = [ rubyEnv.wrappedRuby rubyEnv.bundler nodejs yarn git ];
# Since version 12.6.0, the rake tasks need the location of git,
# so we have to apply the location patches here too.
patches = [ ./remove-hardcoded-locations.patch ];
# One of the patches uses this variable - if it's unset, execution
# of rake tasks fails.
FOSS_ONLY = !gitlabEnterprise;
configurePhase = ''
runHook preConfigure
# Some rake tasks try to run yarn automatically, which won't work
rm lib/tasks/yarn.rake
# The rake tasks won't run without a basic configuration in place
mv config/database.yml.env config/database.yml
mv config/gitlab.yml.example config/gitlab.yml
# Yarn and bundler wants a real home directory to write cache, config, etc to
export HOME=$NIX_BUILD_TOP/fake_home
# Make yarn install packages from our offline cache, not the registry
yarn config --offline set yarn-offline-mirror ${yarnOfflineCache}
# Fixup "resolved"-entries in yarn.lock to match our offline cache
${fixup_yarn_lock}/bin/fixup_yarn_lock yarn.lock
# fixup_yarn_lock currently doesn't correctly fix the dagre-d3
# url, so we have to do it manually
${replace}/bin/replace-literal -f -e '"https://codeload.github.com/dagrejs/dagre-d3/tar.gz/e1a00e5cb518f5d2304a35647e024f31d178e55b"' \
'"https___codeload.github.com_dagrejs_dagre_d3_tar.gz_e1a00e5cb518f5d2304a35647e024f31d178e55b"' yarn.lock
yarn install --offline --frozen-lockfile --ignore-scripts --no-progress --non-interactive
patchShebangs node_modules/
runHook postConfigure
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
bundle exec rake gettext:po_to_json RAILS_ENV=production NODE_ENV=production
bundle exec rake rake:assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production NODE_ENV=production
bundle exec rake webpack:compile RAILS_ENV=production NODE_ENV=production NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=2048"
bundle exec rake gitlab:assets:fix_urls RAILS_ENV=production NODE_ENV=production
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mv public/assets $out
runHook postInstall
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "gitlab${lib.optionalString gitlabEnterprise "-ee"}-${version}";
inherit src;
buildInputs = [
rubyEnv rubyEnv.wrappedRuby rubyEnv.bundler tzdata git nettools
patches = [ ./remove-hardcoded-locations.patch ];
postPatch = ''
${lib.optionalString (!gitlabEnterprise) ''
# Remove all proprietary components
rm -rf ee
# For reasons I don't understand "bundle exec" ignores the
# RAILS_ENV causing tests to be executed that fail because we're
# not installing development and test gems above. Deleting the
# tests works though.
rm lib/tasks/test.rake
rm config/initializers/gitlab_shell_secret_token.rb
sed -i '/ask_to_continue/d' lib/tasks/gitlab/two_factor.rake
sed -ri -e '/log_level/a config.logger = Logger.new(STDERR)' config/environments/production.rb
# Always require lib-files and application.rb through their store
# path, not their relative state directory path. This gets rid of
# warnings and means we don't have to link back to lib from the
# state directory.
${replace}/bin/replace-literal -f -r -e '../lib' "$out/share/gitlab/lib" config
${replace}/bin/replace-literal -f -r -e "require_relative 'application'" "require_relative '$out/share/gitlab/config/application'" config
buildPhase = ''
rm -f config/secrets.yml
mv config config.dist
rm -r tmp
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/share
cp -r . $out/share/gitlab
ln -sf ${assets} $out/share/gitlab/public/assets
rm -rf $out/share/gitlab/log
ln -sf /run/gitlab/log $out/share/gitlab/log
ln -sf /run/gitlab/uploads $out/share/gitlab/public/uploads
ln -sf /run/gitlab/config $out/share/gitlab/config
ln -sf /run/gitlab/tmp $out/share/gitlab/tmp
# rake tasks to mitigate CVE-2017-0882
# see https://about.gitlab.com/2017/03/20/gitlab-8-dot-17-dot-4-security-release/
cp ${./reset_token.rake} $out/share/gitlab/lib/tasks/reset_token.rake
passthru = {
inherit rubyEnv assets;
ruby = rubyEnv.wrappedRuby;
tests = {
nixos-test-passes = nixosTests.gitlab;
meta = with lib; {
homepage = http://www.gitlab.com/;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fpletz globin krav talyz ];
} // (if gitlabEnterprise then
license = licenses.unfreeRedistributable; # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/raw/master/LICENSE
description = "GitLab Enterprise Edition";
license = licenses.mit;
description = "GitLab Community Edition";
longDescription = "GitLab Community Edition (CE) is an open source end-to-end software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD, and more. Self-host GitLab CE on your own servers, in a container, or on a cloud provider.";