mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 00:24:47 +00:00
138 lines
7.7 KiB
138 lines
7.7 KiB
{ R
, rPackages
, fetchFromGitHub
, jasp-src
, jasp-version
with rPackages;
jaspColumnEncoder-src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "jasp-stats";
repo = "jaspColumnEncoder";
rev = "c54987bb25de8963866ae69ad3a6ae5a9a9f1240";
hash = "sha256-aWfRG7DXO1MYFvmMLkX/xtHvGeIhFRcRDrVBrhkvYuI=";
jaspGraphs = buildRPackage {
name = "jaspGraphs-${jasp-version}";
version = jasp-version;
src = jasp-src;
sourceRoot = "${jasp-src.name}/Engine/jaspGraphs";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ ggplot2 gridExtra gtable lifecycle jsonlite R6 RColorBrewer rlang scales viridisLite ];
jaspBase = buildRPackage {
name = "jaspBase-${jasp-version}";
version = jasp-version;
src = jasp-src;
sourceRoot = "${jasp-src.name}/Engine/jaspBase";
env.INCLUDE_DIR = "../inst/include/jaspColumnEncoder";
# necessary for R 4.4.0
hardeningDisable = [ "format" ];
postPatch = ''
mkdir -p inst/include
cp -r --no-preserve=all ${jaspColumnEncoder-src} inst/include/jaspColumnEncoder
propagatedBuildInputs = [ cli codetools ggplot2 gridExtra gridGraphics jaspGraphs jsonlite lifecycle modules officer pkgbuild plyr qgraph ragg R6 Rcpp renv remotes rjson rvg svglite systemfonts withr ];
stanova = buildRPackage {
name = "stanova";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bayesstuff";
repo = "stanova";
rev = "988ad8e07cda1674b881570a85502be7795fbd4e";
hash = "sha256-tAeHqTHao2KVRNFBDWmuF++H31aNN6O1ss1Io500QBY=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ emmeans lme4 coda rstan MASS ];
bstats = buildRPackage {
name = "bstats";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "AlexanderLyNL";
repo = "bstats";
rev = "42d34c18df08d233825bae34fdc0dfa0cd70ce8c";
hash = "sha256-N2KmbTPbyvzsZTWBRE2x7bteccnzokUWDOB4mOWUdJk=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ hypergeo purrr SuppDists ];
flexplot = buildRPackage {
name = "flexplot";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "dustinfife";
repo = "flexplot";
rev = "4223ad5fb56028018b964d6f9f5aa5bac8710821";
hash = "sha256-L+Ed2bIWjq3ZIAGookp8dAjDSeldEbcwynwFVVZ9IcU=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ cowplot MASS tibble withr dplyr magrittr forcats purrr plyr R6 ggplot2 patchwork ggsci lme4 party mgcv rlang ];
# conting has been removed from CRAN
conting' = buildRPackage {
name = "conting";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "vandenman";
repo = "conting";
rev = "03a4eb9a687e015d602022a01d4e638324c110c8";
hash = "sha256-Sp09YZz1WGyefn31Zy1qGufoKjtuEEZHO+wJvoLArf0=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ mvtnorm gtools tseries coda ];
buildJaspModule = name: deps: buildRPackage {
name = "${name}-${jasp-version}";
version = jasp-version;
src = jasp-src;
sourceRoot = "${jasp-src.name}/Modules/${name}";
propagatedBuildInputs = deps;
engine = { inherit jaspBase jaspGraphs; };
modules = rec {
jaspAcceptanceSampling = buildJaspModule "jaspAcceptanceSampling" [ abtest BayesFactor conting' ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs plyr stringr vcd vcdExtra AcceptanceSampling ];
jaspAnova = buildJaspModule "jaspAnova" [ afex BayesFactor boot car colorspace emmeans ggplot2 jaspBase jaspDescriptives jaspGraphs jaspTTests KernSmooth matrixStats multcomp onewaytests plyr stringi stringr restriktor ];
jaspAudit = buildJaspModule "jaspAudit" [ bstats extraDistr ggplot2 ggrepel jaspBase jaspGraphs jfa ];
jaspBain = buildJaspModule "jaspBain" [ bain lavaan ggplot2 semPlot stringr jaspBase jaspGraphs jaspSem ];
jaspBsts = buildJaspModule "jaspBsts" [ Boom bsts ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs matrixStats reshape2 ];
jaspCircular = buildJaspModule "jaspCircular" [ jaspBase jaspGraphs circular ggplot2 ];
jaspCochrane = buildJaspModule "jaspCochrane" [ jaspBase jaspGraphs jaspDescriptives jaspMetaAnalysis ];
jaspDescriptives = buildJaspModule "jaspDescriptives" [ ggplot2 ggrepel jaspBase jaspGraphs ];
jaspDistributions = buildJaspModule "jaspDistributions" [ car fitdistrplus ggplot2 goftest gnorm jaspBase jaspGraphs MASS sgt sn ];
jaspEquivalenceTTests = buildJaspModule "jaspEquivalenceTTests" [ BayesFactor ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs metaBMA TOSTER jaspTTests ];
jaspFactor = buildJaspModule "jaspFactor" [ ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs jaspSem lavaan psych qgraph reshape2 semPlot GPArotation Rcsdp semTools ];
jaspFrequencies = buildJaspModule "jaspFrequencies" [ abtest BayesFactor conting' multibridge ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs plyr stringr vcd vcdExtra ];
jaspJags = buildJaspModule "jaspJags" [ coda ggplot2 ggtext hexbin jaspBase jaspGraphs rjags scales stringr ];
jaspLearnBayes = buildJaspModule "jaspLearnBayes" [ extraDistr ggplot2 HDInterval jaspBase jaspGraphs MASS MCMCpack MGLM scales ggalluvial ragg runjags ggdist png posterior ];
jaspLearnStats = buildJaspModule "jaspLearnStats" [ extraDistr ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs jaspDistributions jaspDescriptives jaspTTests ggforce tidyr igraph ];
jaspMachineLearning = buildJaspModule "jaspMachineLearning" [ kknn AUC cluster colorspace DALEX dbscan e1071 fpc gbm Gmedian ggparty ggdendro ggnetwork ggplot2 ggrepel ggridges glmnet jaspBase jaspGraphs MASS mvnormalTest neuralnet network partykit plyr randomForest rpart ROCR Rtsne signal ];
jaspMetaAnalysis = buildJaspModule "jaspMetaAnalysis" [ dplyr ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs MASS metaBMA metafor psych purrr rstan stringr tibble tidyr weightr BayesTools RoBMA metamisc ggmcmc pema ];
jaspMixedModels = buildJaspModule "jaspMixedModels" [ afex emmeans ggplot2 ggpol jaspBase jaspGraphs lme4 loo mgcv rstan rstanarm stanova withr ];
jaspNetwork = buildJaspModule "jaspNetwork" [ bootnet BDgraph corpcor dplyr foreach ggplot2 gtools HDInterval huge IsingSampler jaspBase jaspGraphs mvtnorm qgraph reshape2 snow stringr ];
jaspPower = buildJaspModule "jaspPower" [ pwr jaspBase jaspGraphs ];
jaspPredictiveAnalytics = buildJaspModule "jaspPredictiveAnalytics" [ jaspBase jaspGraphs bsts bssm precrec reshape2 Boom lubridate prophet BART EBMAforecast imputeTS ];
jaspProcess = buildJaspModule "jaspProcess" [ dagitty ggplot2 ggraph jaspBase jaspGraphs ];
jaspProphet = buildJaspModule "jaspProphet" [ rstan ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs prophet scales ];
jaspQualityControl = buildJaspModule "jaspQualityControl" [ car cowplot daewr desirability DoE_base EnvStats FAdist fitdistrplus FrF2 ggplot2 ggrepel goftest ggpp irr jaspBase jaspDescriptives jaspGraphs mle_tools psych qcc rsm Rspc tidyr tibble vipor weibullness ];
jaspRegression = buildJaspModule "jaspRegression" [ BAS boot bstats combinat emmeans ggplot2 ggrepel hmeasure jaspAnova jaspBase jaspDescriptives jaspGraphs jaspTTests lmtest logistf MASS matrixStats mdscore ppcor purrr Rcpp statmod VGAM ];
jaspReliability = buildJaspModule "jaspReliability" [ Bayesrel coda ggplot2 ggridges irr jaspBase jaspGraphs LaplacesDemon lme4 MASS psych ];
jaspRobustTTests = buildJaspModule "jaspRobustTTests" [ RoBTT ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs ];
jaspSem = buildJaspModule "jaspSem" [ forcats ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs lavaan cSEM reshape2 semPlot semTools stringr tibble tidyr ];
jaspSummaryStatistics = buildJaspModule "jaspSummaryStatistics" [ BayesFactor bstats jaspBase jaspFrequencies jaspGraphs jaspRegression jaspTTests jaspAnova jaspDescriptives SuppDists bayesplay ];
jaspSurvival = buildJaspModule "jaspSurvival" [ survival survminer jaspBase jaspGraphs ];
jaspTTests = buildJaspModule "jaspTTests" [ BayesFactor car ggplot2 jaspBase jaspGraphs logspline plotrix plyr ];
jaspTimeSeries = buildJaspModule "jaspTimeSeries" [ jaspBase jaspGraphs forecast ];
jaspVisualModeling = buildJaspModule "jaspVisualModeling" [ flexplot jaspBase jaspGraphs ];