Michael Weiss 7e97cbe5a4 version: Extend /etc/os-release
- Provide additional link for support and bug reporting.
- Use HTTPS links (related: "The IAB encourages all web servers to
employ TLS to protect their content, and use OCSP stapling to improve
the efficiency and privacy of revocation checking." [0].

2017-02-25 22:24:34 +01:00

120 lines
3.8 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.system;
releaseFile = "${toString pkgs.path}/.version";
suffixFile = "${toString pkgs.path}/.version-suffix";
revisionFile = "${toString pkgs.path}/.git-revision";
gitRepo = "${toString pkgs.path}/.git";
gitCommitId = lib.substring 0 7 (commitIdFromGitRepo gitRepo);
options.system = {
stateVersion = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = cfg.nixosRelease;
description = ''
Every once in a while, a new NixOS release may change
configuration defaults in a way incompatible with stateful
data. For instance, if the default version of PostgreSQL
changes, the new version will probably be unable to read your
existing databases. To prevent such breakage, you can set the
value of this option to the NixOS release with which you want
to be compatible. The effect is that NixOS will option
defaults corresponding to the specified release (such as using
an older version of PostgreSQL).
nixosLabel = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = ''
Label to be used in the names of generated outputs and boot
nixosVersion = mkOption {
internal = true;
type = types.str;
description = "The full NixOS version (e.g. <literal>16.03.1160.f2d4ee1</literal>).";
nixosRelease = mkOption {
readOnly = true;
type = types.str;
default = fileContents releaseFile;
description = "The NixOS release (e.g. <literal>16.03</literal>).";
nixosVersionSuffix = mkOption {
internal = true;
type = types.str;
default = if pathExists suffixFile then fileContents suffixFile else "pre-git";
description = "The NixOS version suffix (e.g. <literal>1160.f2d4ee1</literal>).";
nixosRevision = mkOption {
internal = true;
type = types.str;
default = if pathIsDirectory gitRepo then commitIdFromGitRepo gitRepo
else if pathExists revisionFile then fileContents revisionFile
else "master";
description = "The Git revision from which this NixOS configuration was built.";
nixosCodeName = mkOption {
readOnly = true;
type = types.str;
description = "The NixOS release code name (e.g. <literal>Emu</literal>).";
defaultChannel = mkOption {
internal = true;
type = types.str;
default =;
description = "Default NixOS channel to which the root user is subscribed.";
config = {
system = {
# These defaults are set here rather than up there so that
# changing them would not rebuild the manual
nixosLabel = mkDefault cfg.nixosVersion;
nixosVersion = mkDefault (cfg.nixosRelease + cfg.nixosVersionSuffix);
nixosRevision = mkIf (pathIsDirectory gitRepo) (mkDefault gitCommitId);
nixosVersionSuffix = mkIf (pathIsDirectory gitRepo) (mkDefault (".git." + gitCommitId));
# Note: code names must only increase in alphabetical order.
nixosCodeName = "Gorilla";
# Generate /etc/os-release. See
# for the
# format.
environment.etc."os-release".text =
VERSION="${config.system.nixosVersion} (${config.system.nixosCodeName})"
VERSION_CODENAME=${toLower config.system.nixosCodeName}
PRETTY_NAME="NixOS ${config.system.nixosVersion} (${config.system.nixosCodeName})"