Contains security fixes for:
- [CVE-2024-34362: Crash (use-after-free) in EnvoyQuicServerStream](GHSA-hww5-43gv-35jv)
- [CVE-2024-34363: Crash due to uncaught nlohmann JSON exception](GHSA-g979-ph9j-5gg4)
- [CVE-2024-34364: Envoy OOM vector from HTTP async client with unbounded response buffer for mirror response, and other components](GHSA-xcj3-h7vf-fw26)
- [CVE-2024-32974: Crash in EnvoyQuicServerStream::OnInitialHeadersComplete()](GHSA-mgxp-7hhp-8299)
- [CVE-2024-32975: Crash in QuicheDataReader::PeekVarInt62Length()](GHSA-g9mq-6v96-cpqc)
- [CVE-2024-32976: Endless loop while decompressing Brotli data with extra input](GHSA-7wp5-c2vq-4f8m)
- [CVE-2024-23326: Envoy incorrectly accepts HTTP 200 response for entering upgrade mode](GHSA-vcf8-7238-v74c)