
110 lines
2.8 KiB

{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, substituteAll
, binutils
, asciidoc
, cmake
, perl
, zstd
, bashInteractive
, xcodebuild
, makeWrapper
let ccache = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "ccache";
version = "4.3";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = pname;
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-ZBxDTMUZiZJLIYbvACTFwvlss+IZiMjiL0khfM5hFCM=";
outputs = [ "out" "man" ];
patches = [
# When building for Darwin, test/run uses dwarfdump, whereas on
# Linux it uses objdump. We don't have dwarfdump packaged for
# Darwin, so this patch updates the test to also use objdump on
# Darwin.
(substituteAll {
src = ./force-objdump-on-darwin.patch;
objdump = "${binutils.bintools}/bin/objdump";
nativeBuildInputs = [ asciidoc cmake perl ];
buildInputs = [ zstd ];
doCheck = true;
checkInputs = [
# test/run requires the compgen function which is available in
# bashInteractive, but not bash.
] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin xcodebuild;
checkPhase = ''
runHook preCheck
export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
ctest --output-on-failure ${lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
-E '^(test.nocpp2|test.basedir|test.multi_arch)$'
runHook postCheck
passthru = {
# A derivation that provides gcc and g++ commands, but that
# will end up calling ccache for the given cacheDir
links = {unwrappedCC, extraConfig}: stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "ccache-links";
passthru = {
isClang = unwrappedCC.isClang or false;
isGNU = unwrappedCC.isGNU or false;
inherit (unwrappedCC) lib;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
wrap() {
local cname="$1"
if [ -x "${unwrappedCC}/bin/$cname" ]; then
makeWrapper ${ccache}/bin/ccache $out/bin/$cname \
--run ${lib.escapeShellArg extraConfig} \
--add-flags ${unwrappedCC}/bin/$cname
wrap cc
wrap c++
wrap gcc
wrap g++
wrap clang
wrap clang++
for executable in $(ls ${unwrappedCC}/bin); do
if [ ! -x "$out/bin/$executable" ]; then
ln -s ${unwrappedCC}/bin/$executable $out/bin/$executable
for file in $(ls ${unwrappedCC} | grep -vw bin); do
ln -s ${unwrappedCC}/$file $out/$file
meta = with lib; {
description = "Compiler cache for fast recompilation of C/C++ code";
homepage = "";
downloadPage = "";
license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kira-bruneau r-burns ];
platforms = platforms.unix;
in ccache