mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 03:34:12 +00:00
After final improvements to the official formatter implementation, this commit now performs the first treewide reformat of Nix files using it. This is part of the implementation of RFC 166. Only "inactive" files are reformatted, meaning only files that aren't being touched by any PR with activity in the past 2 months. This is to avoid conflicts for PRs that might soon be merged. Later we can do a full treewide reformat to get the rest, which should not cause as many conflicts. A CI check has already been running for some time to ensure that new and already-formatted files are formatted, so the files being reformatted here should also stay formatted. This commit was automatically created and can be verified using nix-builda08b3a4d19
.tar.gz \ --argstr baseRevb32a094368
result/bin/apply-formatting $NIXPKGS_PATH
81 lines
2.6 KiB
81 lines
2.6 KiB
localSystem ? {
system = args.system or builtins.currentSystem;
system ? localSystem.system,
crossSystem ? localSystem,
# based on update.nix
# nix-build build.nix --argstr maintainer <yourname>
# to build for aarch64-linux using boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems:
# nix-build build.nix --argstr maintainer <yourname> --argstr system aarch64-linux
# This avoids a common situation for maintainers, where due to Git's behavior of not tracking
# directories, they have an empty directory somewhere in `pkgs/by-name`. Because that directory
# exists, `pkgs/top-level/by-name-overlay.nix` picks it up and attempts to read `package.nix` out
# of it... which doesn't exist, since it's empty.
# We don't want to run the code below on every instantiation of `nixpkgs`, as the `pkgs/by-name`
# eval machinery is quite performance sensitive. So we use the internals of the `by-name` overlay
# to implement our own way to avoid an evaluation failure for this script.
# See <https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/338227> for more motivation for this code block.
overlay = self: super: {
_internalCallByNamePackageFile =
file: if builtins.pathExists file then super._internalCallByNamePackageFile file else null;
nixpkgsArgs =
removeAttrs args [
// {
overlays = args.overlays or [ ] ++ [ overlay ];
pkgs = import ./../../default.nix nixpkgsArgs;
maintainer_ = pkgs.lib.maintainers.${maintainer};
packagesWith =
cond: return: set:
(pkgs.lib.flatten (
pkgs.lib.mapAttrsToList (
name: pkg:
result = builtins.tryEval (
if pkgs.lib.isDerivation pkg && cond name pkg then
# Skip packages whose closure fails on evaluation.
# This happens for pkgs like `python27Packages.djangoql`
# that have disabled Python pkgs as dependencies.
builtins.seq pkg.outPath [ (return name pkg) ]
else if pkg.recurseForDerivations or false || pkg.recurseForRelease or false then
packagesWith cond return pkg
[ ]
if result.success then result.value else [ ]
) set
packagesWith (
name: pkg:
if builtins.hasAttr "meta" pkg && builtins.hasAttr "maintainers" pkg.meta then
if builtins.isList pkg.meta.maintainers then
builtins.elem maintainer_ pkg.meta.maintainers
maintainer_ == pkg.meta.maintainers
) (name: pkg: pkg) pkgs