pennae 2e751c0772 treewide: automatically md-convert option descriptions
the conversion procedure is simple:

 - find all things that look like options, ie calls to either `mkOption`
   or `lib.mkOption` that take an attrset. remember the attrset as the
 - for all options, find a `description` attribute who's value is not a
   call to `mdDoc` or `lib.mdDoc`
 - textually convert the entire value of the attribute to MD with a few
   simple regexes (the set from
 - if the change produced a change in the manual output, discard
 - if the change kept the manual unchanged, add some text to the
   description to make sure we've actually found an option. if the
   manual changes this time, keep the converted description

this procedure converts 80% of nixos options to markdown. around 2000
options remain to be inspected, but most of those fail the "does not
change the manual output check": currently the MD conversion process
does not faithfully convert docbook tags like <code> and <package>, so
any option using such tags will not be converted at all.
2022-07-30 15:16:34 +02:00

147 lines
4.9 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
sksPkg = cfg.package;
dbConfig = pkgs.writeText "DB_CONFIG" ''
in {
meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ primeos calbrecht jcumming ];
options = {
services.sks = {
enable = mkEnableOption ''
SKS (synchronizing key server for OpenPGP) and start the database
server. You need to create "''${dataDir}/dump/*.gpg" for the initial
package = mkOption {
default = pkgs.sks;
defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.sks";
type = types.package;
description = lib.mdDoc "Which SKS derivation to use.";
dataDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/var/db/sks";
example = "/var/lib/sks";
# TODO: The default might change to "/var/lib/sks" as this is more
# common. There's also
# and "/var/db" is not FHS compliant (seems to come from BSD).
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Data directory (-basedir) for SKS, where the database and all
configuration files are located (e.g. KDB, PTree, membership and
extraDbConfig = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Set contents of the files "KDB/DB_CONFIG" and "PTree/DB_CONFIG" within
the ''${dataDir} directory. This is used to configure options for the
database for the sks key server.
Documentation of available options are available in the file named
"sampleConfig/DB_CONFIG" in the following repository:
hkpAddress = mkOption {
default = [ "" "::1" ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Domain names, IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses to listen on for HKP
hkpPort = mkOption {
default = 11371;
type = types.ints.u16;
description = lib.mdDoc "HKP port to listen on.";
webroot = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.path;
default = "${sksPkg.webSamples}/OpenPKG";
defaultText = literalExpression ''"''${package.webSamples}/OpenPKG"'';
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Source directory (will be symlinked, if not null) for the files the
built-in webserver should serve. SKS (''${pkgs.sks.webSamples})
provides the following examples: "HTML5", "OpenPKG", and "XHTML+ES".
The index file can be named index.html, index.htm, index.xhtm, or
index.xhtml. Files with the extensions .css, .es, .js, .jpg, .jpeg,
.png, or .gif are supported. Subdirectories and filenames with
anything other than alphanumeric characters and the '.' character
will be ignored.
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users = {
users.sks = {
isSystemUser = true;
description = "SKS user";
home = cfg.dataDir;
createHome = true;
group = "sks";
useDefaultShell = true;
packages = [ sksPkg pkgs.db ];
groups.sks = { };
}; = let
hkpAddress = "'" + (builtins.concatStringsSep " " cfg.hkpAddress) + "'" ;
hkpPort = builtins.toString cfg.hkpPort;
in {
sks-db = {
description = "SKS database server";
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
preStart = ''
${lib.optionalString (cfg.webroot != null)
"ln -sfT \"${cfg.webroot}\" web"}
mkdir -p dump
${sksPkg}/bin/sks build dump/*.gpg -n 10 -cache 100 || true #*/
${sksPkg}/bin/sks cleandb || true
${sksPkg}/bin/sks pbuild -cache 20 -ptree_cache 70 || true
# Check that both database configs are symlinks before overwriting them
# TODO: The initial build will be without DB_CONFIG, but this will
# hopefully not cause any significant problems. It might be better to
# create both directories manually but we have to check that this does
# not affect the initial build of the DB.
if [ -e $CONFIG_FILE ] && [ ! -L $CONFIG_FILE ]; then
echo "$CONFIG_FILE exists but is not a symlink." >&2
echo "Please remove $PWD/$CONFIG_FILE manually to continue." >&2
exit 1
ln -sf ${dbConfig} $CONFIG_FILE
serviceConfig = {
WorkingDirectory = "~";
User = "sks";
Group = "sks";
Restart = "always";
ExecStart = "${sksPkg}/bin/sks db -hkp_address ${hkpAddress} -hkp_port ${hkpPort}";