phaer 67b5c21b58 playwright: Use pre-built browsers, update them...
via This lets us support playwright with browsers
other than chromium on linux. Building them from source would
be one step further.
2024-09-20 14:52:35 +02:00

95 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p curl gnused common-updater-scripts jq prefetch-npm-deps unzip
set -euo pipefail
root="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
version=$(curl ${GITHUB_TOKEN:+" -u \":$GITHUB_TOKEN\""} -s | jq -r '.tag_name | sub("^v"; "")')
# Most of the time, this should be the latest stable release of the Node-based
# Playwright version, but that isn't a guarantee, so this needs to be specified
# as well:
driver_version=$(curl -Ls "$setup_py_url" | grep '^driver_version =' | grep -Eo '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')
# TODO: skip if update-source-version reported the same version
update-source-version playwright-driver "$driver_version"
update-source-version python3Packages.playwright "$version"
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
trap 'rm -rf "$temp_dir"' EXIT
# update binaries of browsers, used by playwright.
replace_sha() {
sed -i "s|$2 = \".\{44,52\}\"|$2 = \"$3\"|" "$1"
prefetch_browser() {
nix store prefetch-file --json --hash-type sha256 --unpack "$1" | jq -r .hash
update_browser() {
revision="$(jq -r ".browsers.$name.revision" "$playwright_dir/browsers.json")"
replace_sha "$playwright_dir/$name.nix" "x86_64-linux" \
"$(prefetch_browser "$name/$revision/$name-$")"
replace_sha "$playwright_dir/$name.nix" "aarch64-linux" \
"$(prefetch_browser "$name/$revision/$name-$")"
curl -fsSl \
"${driver_version}/packages/playwright-core/browsers.json" \
| jq '
.comment = "This file is kept up to date via"
| .browsers |= (
| select(.installByDefault) | del(.installByDefault)]
| map({(.name): . | del(.name)})
| add
' > "$playwright_dir/browsers.json"
# We currently use Chromium from nixpkgs, so we don't need to download it here
# Likewise, darwin can be ignored here atm as we are using an impure install anyway.
update_browser "firefox" "ubuntu-22.04"
update_browser "webkit" "ubuntu-22.04"
update_browser "ffmpeg" "linux"
# Update package-lock.json files for all npm deps that are built in playwright
# Function to download `package-lock.json` for a given source path and update hash
update_hash() {
local source_root_path="$1"
local existing_hash="$2"
# Formulate download URL
local download_url="${repo_url_prefix}/v${driver_version}${source_root_path}/package-lock.json"
# Download package-lock.json to temporary directory
curl -fsSL -o "${temp_dir}/package-lock.json" "$download_url"
# Calculate the new hash
local new_hash
new_hash=$(prefetch-npm-deps "${temp_dir}/package-lock.json")
# Update npmDepsHash in the original file
sed -i "s|$existing_hash|${new_hash}|" "$driver_file"
while IFS= read -r source_root_line; do
[[ "$source_root_line" =~ sourceRoot ]] || continue
source_root_path=$(echo "$source_root_line" | sed -e 's/^.*"${}\(.*\)";.*$/\1/')
# Extract the current npmDepsHash for this sourceRoot
existing_hash=$(grep -A1 "$source_root_line" "$driver_file" | grep 'npmDepsHash' | sed -e 's/^.*npmDepsHash = "\(.*\)";$/\1/')
# Call the function to download and update the hash
update_hash "$source_root_path" "$existing_hash"
done < "$driver_file"