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import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }: let
user = "alice";
in {
name = "ayatana-indicators";
meta = {
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ OPNA2608 ];
nodes.machine = { config, ... }: {
imports = [
test-support.displayManager.auto = {
enable = true;
inherit user;
services.xserver = {
enable = true;
desktopManager.mate.enable = true;
displayManager.defaultSession = lib.mkForce "mate";
services.ayatana-indicators = {
enable = true;
packages = with pkgs; [
# Services needed by some indicators
services.accounts-daemon.enable = true; # messages
# TODO session indicator starts up in a semi-broken state, but works fine after a restart. maybe being started before graphical session is truly up & ready?
testScript = { nodes, ... }: let
runCommandPerIndicatorService = command: lib.strings.concatMapStringsSep "\n" command nodes.machine.systemd.user.targets."ayatana-indicators".wants;
in ''
# Desktop environment should reach graphical-session.target
machine.wait_for_unit("graphical-session.target", "${user}")
# MATE relies on XDG autostart to bring up the indicators.
# Not sure *when* XDG autostart fires them up, and awaiting pgrep success seems to misbehave?
# Now check if all indicators were brought up successfully, and kill them for later
'' + (runCommandPerIndicatorService (service: let serviceExec = builtins.replaceStrings [ "." ] [ "-" ] service; in ''
machine.succeed("pgrep -f ${serviceExec}")
machine.succeed("pkill -f ${serviceExec}")
'')) + ''
# Ayatana target is the preferred way of starting up indicators on SystemD session, the graphical session is responsible for starting this if it supports them.
# Mate currently doesn't do this, so start it manually for checking (https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-indicator-applet/issues/63)
machine.systemctl("start ayatana-indicators.target", "${user}")
machine.wait_for_unit("ayatana-indicators.target", "${user}")
# Let all indicator services do their startups, potential post-launch crash & restart cycles so we can properly check for failures
# Not sure if there's a better way of awaiting this without false-positive potential
# Now check if all indicator services were brought up successfully
'' + runCommandPerIndicatorService (service: ''
machine.wait_for_unit("${service}", "${user}")