Alexander Sieg 3b0ba6a6e1
writers.*: use lib.makeBinPath in documentation
This also fixes a syntax error with `,` being used as a array element
2024-08-26 12:19:19 +02:00

854 lines
26 KiB

inherit (lib)
rec {
`makeScriptWriter` returns a derivation which creates an executable script.
# Inputs
config (AttrSet)
: `interpreter` (String)
: the [interpreter]( to use for the script.
: `check` (String)
: A command to check the script. For example, this could be a linting check.
: `makeWrapperArgs` (Optional, [ String ], Default: [])
: Arguments forwarded to (`makeWrapper`)[#fun-makeWrapper].
`nameOrPath` (String)
: The name of the script or the path to the script.
When a `string` starting with "/" is passed, the script will be created at the specified path in $out.
I.e. `"/bin/hello"` will create a script at `$out/bin/hello`.
Any other `string` is interpreted as a filename.
It must be a [POSIX filename]( starting with a letter, digit, dot, or underscore.
Spaces or special characters are not allowed.
`content` (String)
: The content of the script.
This function is used as base implementation for other high-level writer functions.
For example, `writeBash` can (roughly) be implemented as:
writeBash = makeScriptWriter { interpreter = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash"; }
# Examples
## `pkgs.writers.makeScriptWriter` dash example
:b makeScriptWriter { interpreter = "${pkgs.dash}/bin/dash"; } "hello" "echo hello world"
-> /nix/store/indvlr9ckmnv4f0ynkmasv2h4fxhand0-hello
The above example creates a script named `hello` that outputs `hello world` when executed.
> /nix/store/indvlr9ckmnv4f0ynkmasv2h4fxhand0-hello
hello world
## `pkgs.writers.makeScriptWriter` python example
:b makeScriptWriter { interpreter = "${pkgs.python3}/bin/python"; } "python-hello" "print('hello world')"
-> /nix/store/4kvby1hqr45ffcdrvfpnpj62hanskw93-python-hello
> /nix/store/4kvby1hqr45ffcdrvfpnpj62hanskw93-python-hello
hello world
makeScriptWriter =
check ? "",
makeWrapperArgs ? [ ],
nameOrPath: content:
(types.path.check nameOrPath)
|| (builtins.match "([0-9A-Za-z._])[0-9A-Za-z._-]*" nameOrPath != null);
assert (types.path.check content) || (types.str.check content);
nameIsPath = types.path.check nameOrPath;
name = last (builtins.split "/" nameOrPath);
path = if nameIsPath then nameOrPath else "/bin/${name}";
# The inner derivation which creates the executable under $out/bin (never at $out directly)
# This is required in order to support wrapping, as wrapped programs consist of
# at least two files: the executable and the wrapper.
inner =
pkgs.runCommandLocal name
inherit makeWrapperArgs;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeBinaryWrapper ];
meta.mainProgram = name;
// (
if (types.str.check content) then
inherit content interpreter;
passAsFile = [ "content" ];
inherit interpreter;
contentPath = content;
# On darwin a script cannot be used as an interpreter in a shebang but
# there doesn't seem to be a limit to the size of shebang and multiple
# arguments to the interpreter are allowed.
if [[ -n "${toString pkgs.stdenvNoCC.isDarwin}" ]] && isScript $interpreter
wrapperInterpreterLine=$(head -1 "$interpreter" | tail -c+3)
# Get first word from the line (note: xargs echo remove leading spaces)
wrapperInterpreter=$(echo "$wrapperInterpreterLine" | xargs echo | cut -d " " -f1)
if isScript $wrapperInterpreter
echo "error: passed interpreter ($interpreter) is a script which has another script ($wrapperInterpreter) as an interpreter, which is not supported."
exit 1
# This should work as long as wrapperInterpreter is a shell, which is
# the case for programs wrapped with makeWrapper, like
# python3.withPackages etc.
interpreterLine="$wrapperInterpreterLine $interpreter"
echo "#! $interpreterLine" > $out
cat "$contentPath" >> $out
${optionalString (check != "") ''
${check} $out
chmod +x $out
# Relocate executable
# Wrap it if makeWrapperArgs are specified
mv $out tmp
mkdir -p $out/$(dirname "${path}")
mv tmp $out/${path}
if [ -n "''${makeWrapperArgs+''${makeWrapperArgs[@]}}" ]; then
wrapProgram $out/${path} ''${makeWrapperArgs[@]}
if nameIsPath then
# In case nameOrPath is a name, the user intends the executable to be located at $out.
# This is achieved by creating a separate derivation containing a symlink at $out linking to ${inner}/bin/${name}.
# This breaks the override pattern.
# In case this turns out to be a problem, we can still add more magic
pkgs.runCommandLocal name { } ''
ln -s ${inner}/bin/${name} $out
`makeBinWriter` returns a derivation which compiles the given script into an executable format.
This function is the base implementation for other compile language `writers`, such as `writeHaskell` and `writeRust`.
# Inputs
config (AttrSet)
: `compileScript` (String)
: The script that compiles the given content into an executable.
: `strip` (Boolean, Default: true)
: Whether to [strip]( the executable or not.
: `makeWrapperArgs` (Optional, [ String ], Default: [])
: Arguments forwarded to (`makeWrapper`)[#fun-makeWrapper]
`nameOrPath` (String)
: The name of the script or the path to the script.
When a `string` starting with "/" is passed, the script will be created at the specified path in $out.
For example, `"/bin/hello"` will create a script at `$out/bin/hello`.
Any other `string` is interpreted as a filename.
It must be a [POSIX filename]( starting with a letter, digit, dot, or underscore.
Spaces or special characters are not allowed.
# Examples
## `pkgs.writers.makeBinWriter` example
// main.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello, World!\n");
return 0;
:b makeBinWriter { compileScript = "${pkgs.gcc}/bin/gcc -o $out $contentPath"; } "hello" ./main.c
out -> /nix/store/f6crc8mwj3lvcxqclw7n09cm8nb6kxbh-hello
The above example creates an executable named `hello` that outputs `Hello, World!` when executed.
> /nix/store/f6crc8mwj3lvcxqclw7n09cm8nb6kxbh-hello
Hello, World!
makeBinWriter =
strip ? true,
makeWrapperArgs ? [ ],
nameOrPath: content:
(types.path.check nameOrPath)
|| (builtins.match "([0-9A-Za-z._])[0-9A-Za-z._-]*" nameOrPath != null);
assert (types.path.check content) || (types.str.check content);
nameIsPath = types.path.check nameOrPath;
name = last (builtins.split "/" nameOrPath);
path = if nameIsPath then nameOrPath else "/bin/${name}";
# The inner derivation which creates the executable under $out/bin (never at $out directly)
# This is required in order to support wrapping, as wrapped programs consist of at least two files: the executable and the wrapper.
inner =
pkgs.runCommandLocal name
inherit makeWrapperArgs;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeBinaryWrapper ];
meta.mainProgram = name;
// (
if (types.str.check content) then
inherit content;
passAsFile = [ "content" ];
{ contentPath = content; }
${lib.optionalString strip "${lib.getBin buildPackages.bintools-unwrapped}/bin/${buildPackages.bintools-unwrapped.targetPrefix}strip -S $out"}
# Sometimes binaries produced for darwin (e. g. by GHC) won't be valid
# mach-o executables from the get-go, but need to be corrected somehow
# which is done by fixupPhase.
${lib.optionalString pkgs.stdenvNoCC.hostPlatform.isDarwin "fixupPhase"}
mv $out tmp
mkdir -p $out/$(dirname "${path}")
mv tmp $out/${path}
if [ -n "''${makeWrapperArgs+''${makeWrapperArgs[@]}}" ]; then
wrapProgram $out/${path} ''${makeWrapperArgs[@]}
if nameIsPath then
# In case nameOrPath is a name, the user intends the executable to be located at $out.
# This is achieved by creating a separate derivation containing a symlink at $out linking to ${inner}/bin/${name}.
# This breaks the override pattern.
# In case this turns out to be a problem, we can still add more magic
pkgs.runCommandLocal name { } ''
ln -s ${inner}/bin/${name} $out
# Like writeScript but the first line is a shebang to bash
# Can be called with or without extra arguments.
# Example without arguments:
# writeBash "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
# Example with arguments:
# writeBash "example"
# {
# makeWrapperArgs = [
# "--prefix" "PATH" ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.hello ]}"
# ];
# }
# ''
# hello
# ''
writeBash =
name: argsOrScript:
if lib.isAttrs argsOrScript && !lib.isDerivation argsOrScript then
makeScriptWriter (argsOrScript // { interpreter = "${lib.getExe pkgs.bash}"; }) name
makeScriptWriter { interpreter = "${lib.getExe pkgs.bash}"; } name argsOrScript;
# Like writeScriptBin but the first line is a shebang to bash
# Can be called with or without extra arguments.
# Example without arguments:
# writeBashBin "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
# Example with arguments:
# writeBashBin "example"
# {
# makeWrapperArgs = [
# "--prefix" "PATH" ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.hello ]}"
# ];
# }
# ''
# hello
# ''
writeBashBin = name: writeBash "/bin/${name}";
# Like writeScript but the first line is a shebang to dash
# Can be called with or without extra arguments.
# Example without arguments:
# writeDash "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
# Example with arguments:
# writeDash "example"
# {
# makeWrapperArgs = [
# "--prefix" "PATH" ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.hello ]}"
# ];
# }
# ''
# hello
# ''
writeDash =
name: argsOrScript:
if lib.isAttrs argsOrScript && !lib.isDerivation argsOrScript then
makeScriptWriter (argsOrScript // { interpreter = "${lib.getExe pkgs.dash}"; }) name
makeScriptWriter { interpreter = "${lib.getExe pkgs.dash}"; } name argsOrScript;
# Like writeScriptBin but the first line is a shebang to dash
# Can be called with or without extra arguments.
# Example without arguments:
# writeDashBin "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
# Example with arguments:
# writeDashBin "example"
# {
# makeWrapperArgs = [
# "--prefix" "PATH" ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.hello ]}"
# ];
# }
# ''
# hello
# ''
writeDashBin = name: writeDash "/bin/${name}";
# Like writeScript but the first line is a shebang to fish
# Can be called with or without extra arguments.
# Example without arguments:
# writeFish "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
# Example with arguments:
# writeFish "example"
# {
# makeWrapperArgs = [
# "--prefix" "PATH" ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.hello ]}"
# ];
# }
# ''
# hello
# ''
writeFish =
name: argsOrScript:
if lib.isAttrs argsOrScript && !lib.isDerivation argsOrScript then
makeScriptWriter (
// {
interpreter = "${lib.getExe} --no-config";
check = "${lib.getExe} --no-config --no-execute"; # syntax check only
) name
makeScriptWriter {
interpreter = "${lib.getExe} --no-config";
check = "${lib.getExe} --no-config --no-execute"; # syntax check only
} name argsOrScript;
# Like writeScriptBin but the first line is a shebang to fish
# Can be called with or without extra arguments.
# Example without arguments:
# writeFishBin "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
# Example with arguments:
# writeFishBin "example"
# {
# makeWrapperArgs = [
# "--prefix" "PATH" ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.hello ]}"
# ];
# }
# ''
# hello
# ''
writeFishBin = name: writeFish "/bin/${name}";
# writeHaskell takes a name, an attrset with libraries and haskell version (both optional)
# and some haskell source code and returns an executable.
# Example:
# writeHaskell "missiles" { libraries = [ pkgs.haskellPackages.acme-missiles ]; } ''
# import Acme.Missiles
# main = launchMissiles
# '';
writeHaskell =
ghc ? pkgs.ghc,
ghcArgs ? [ ],
libraries ? [ ],
makeWrapperArgs ? [ ],
strip ? true,
threadedRuntime ? true,
appendIfNotSet = el: list: if elem el list then list else list ++ [ el ];
ghcArgs' = if threadedRuntime then appendIfNotSet "-threaded" ghcArgs else ghcArgs;
makeBinWriter {
compileScript = ''
cp $contentPath tmp.hs
${(ghc.withPackages (_: libraries))}/bin/ghc ${lib.escapeShellArgs ghcArgs'} tmp.hs
mv tmp $out
inherit makeWrapperArgs strip;
} name;
# writeHaskellBin takes the same arguments as writeHaskell but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writeHaskellBin = name: writeHaskell "/bin/${name}";
# Like writeScript but the first line is a shebang to nu
# Can be called with or without extra arguments.
# Example without arguments:
# writeNu "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
# Example with arguments:
# writeNu "example"
# {
# makeWrapperArgs = [
# "--prefix" "PATH" ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.hello ]}"
# ];
# }
# ''
# hello
# ''
writeNu =
name: argsOrScript:
if lib.isAttrs argsOrScript && !lib.isDerivation argsOrScript then
makeScriptWriter (
argsOrScript // { interpreter = "${lib.getExe pkgs.nushell} --no-config-file"; }
) name
makeScriptWriter { interpreter = "${lib.getExe pkgs.nushell} --no-config-file"; } name argsOrScript;
# Like writeScriptBin but the first line is a shebang to nu
# Can be called with or without extra arguments.
# Example without arguments:
# writeNuBin "example" ''
# echo hello world
# ''
# Example with arguments:
# writeNuBin "example"
# {
# makeWrapperArgs = [
# "--prefix" "PATH" ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.hello ]}"
# ];
# }
# ''
# hello
# ''
writeNuBin = name: writeNu "/bin/${name}";
# makeRubyWriter takes ruby and compatible rubyPackages and produces ruby script writer,
# If any libraries are specified, ruby.withPackages is used as interpreter, otherwise the "bare" ruby is used.
makeRubyWriter =
ruby: rubyPackages: buildRubyPackages: name:
libraries ? [ ],
makeScriptWriter (
(builtins.removeAttrs args [ "libraries" ])
// {
interpreter =
if libraries == [ ] then "${ruby}/bin/ruby" else "${(ruby.withPackages (ps: libraries))}/bin/ruby";
# Rubocop doesn't seem to like running in this fashion.
#check = (writeDash "" ''
# exec ${lib.getExe buildRubyPackages.rubocop} "$1"
) name;
# Like writeScript but the first line is a shebang to ruby
# Example:
# writeRuby "example" { libraries = [ pkgs.rubyPackages.git ]; } ''
# puts "hello world"
# ''
writeRuby = makeRubyWriter pkgs.ruby pkgs.rubyPackages buildPackages.rubyPackages;
writeRubyBin = name: writeRuby "/bin/${name}";
# makeLuaWriter takes lua and compatible luaPackages and produces lua script writer,
# which validates the script with luacheck at build time. If any libraries are specified,
# lua.withPackages is used as interpreter, otherwise the "bare" lua is used.
makeLuaWriter =
lua: luaPackages: buildLuaPackages: name:
libraries ? [ ],
makeScriptWriter (
(builtins.removeAttrs args [ "libraries" ])
// {
interpreter = lua.interpreter;
# if libraries == []
# then lua.interpreter
# else (lua.withPackages (ps: libraries)).interpreter
# This should support packages! I just cant figure out why some dependency collision happens whenever I try to run this.
check = (
writeDash "" ''
exec ${buildLuaPackages.luacheck}/bin/luacheck "$1"
) name;
# writeLua takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some lua source code and
# returns an executable (should also work with luajit)
# Example:
# writeLua "test_lua" { libraries = [ pkgs.luaPackages.say ]; } ''
# s = require("say")
# s:set_namespace("en")
# s:set('money', 'I have %s dollars')
# s:set('wow', 'So much money!')
# print(s('money', {1000})) -- I have 1000 dollars
# s:set_namespace("fr") -- switch to french!
# s:set('wow', "Tant d'argent!")
# print(s('wow')) -- Tant d'argent!
# s:set_namespace("en") -- switch back to english!
# print(s('wow')) -- So much money!
# ''
writeLua = makeLuaWriter pkgs.lua pkgs.luaPackages buildPackages.luaPackages;
writeLuaBin = name: writeLua "/bin/${name}";
writeRust =
makeWrapperArgs ? [ ],
rustc ? pkgs.rustc,
rustcArgs ? [ ],
strip ? true,
darwinArgs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ "-L${lib.getLib libiconv}/lib" ];
makeBinWriter {
compileScript = ''
cp "$contentPath"
PATH=${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.gcc ]} ${rustc}/bin/rustc ${lib.escapeShellArgs rustcArgs} ${lib.escapeShellArgs darwinArgs} -o "$out"
inherit makeWrapperArgs strip;
} name;
writeRustBin = name: writeRust "/bin/${name}";
# writeJS takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some JavaScript sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writeJS "example" { libraries = [ pkgs.uglify-js ]; } ''
# var UglifyJS = require("uglify-js");
# var code = "function add(first, second) { return first + second; }";
# var result = UglifyJS.minify(code);
# console.log(result.code);
# ''
writeJS =
libraries ? [ ],
node-env = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "node";
paths = libraries;
pathsToLink = [ "/lib/node_modules" ];
writeDash name ''
export NODE_PATH=${node-env}/lib/node_modules
exec ${lib.getExe pkgs.nodejs} ${pkgs.writeText "js" content} "$@"
# writeJSBin takes the same arguments as writeJS but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writeJSBin = name: writeJS "/bin/${name}";
awkFormatNginx = builtins.toFile "awkFormat-nginx.awk" ''
awk -f
{sub(/^[ \t]+/,"");idx=0}
{id="";for(i=idx;i<ctx;i++)id=sprintf("%s%s", id, "\t");printf "%s%s\n", id, $0}
writeNginxConfig =
name: text:
pkgs.runCommandLocal name
inherit text;
passAsFile = [ "text" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ gixy ];
} # sh
# nginx-config-formatter has an error -
awk -f ${awkFormatNginx} "$textPath" | sed '/^\s*$/d' > $out
gixy $out
# writePerl takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some perl sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writePerl "example" { libraries = [ pkgs.perlPackages.boolean ]; } ''
# use boolean;
# print "Howdy!\n" if true;
# ''
writePerl =
libraries ? [ ],
makeScriptWriter (
(builtins.removeAttrs args [ "libraries" ])
// {
interpreter = "${lib.getExe (pkgs.perl.withPackages (p: libraries))}";
) name;
# writePerlBin takes the same arguments as writePerl but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writePerlBin = name: writePerl "/bin/${name}";
# makePythonWriter takes python and compatible pythonPackages and produces python script writer,
# which validates the script with flake8 at build time. If any libraries are specified,
# python.withPackages is used as interpreter, otherwise the "bare" python is used.
makePythonWriter =
python: pythonPackages: buildPythonPackages: name:
libraries ? [ ],
flakeIgnore ? [ ],
doCheck ? true,
ignoreAttribute =
optionalString (flakeIgnore != [ ])
"--ignore ${concatMapStringsSep "," escapeShellArg flakeIgnore}";
makeScriptWriter (
(builtins.removeAttrs args [
// {
interpreter =
if pythonPackages != pkgs.pypy2Packages || pythonPackages != pkgs.pypy3Packages then
if libraries == [ ] then python.interpreter else (python.withPackages (ps: libraries)).interpreter
check = optionalString (python.isPy3k && doCheck) (
writeDash "" ''
exec ${buildPythonPackages.flake8}/bin/flake8 --show-source ${ignoreAttribute} "$1"
) name;
# writePyPy2 takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some pypy2 sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writePyPy2 "test_pypy2" { libraries = [ pkgs.pypy2Packages.enum ]; } ''
# from enum import Enum
# class Test(Enum):
# a = "success"
# print Test.a
# ''
writePyPy2 = makePythonWriter pkgs.pypy2 pkgs.pypy2Packages buildPackages.pypy2Packages;
# writePyPy2Bin takes the same arguments as writePyPy2 but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writePyPy2Bin = name: writePyPy2 "/bin/${name}";
# writePython3 takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some python3 sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writePython3 "test_python3" { libraries = [ pkgs.python3Packages.pyyaml ]; } ''
# import yaml
# y = yaml.safe_load("""
# - test: success
# """)
# print(y[0]['test'])
# ''
writePython3 = makePythonWriter pkgs.python3 pkgs.python3Packages buildPackages.python3Packages;
# writePython3Bin takes the same arguments as writePython3 but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writePython3Bin = name: writePython3 "/bin/${name}";
# writePyPy3 takes a name an attributeset with libraries and some pypy3 sourcecode and
# returns an executable
# Example:
# writePyPy3 "test_pypy3" { libraries = [ pkgs.pypy3Packages.pyyaml ]; } ''
# import yaml
# y = yaml.safe_load("""
# - test: success
# """)
# print(y[0]['test'])
# ''
writePyPy3 = makePythonWriter pkgs.pypy3 pkgs.pypy3Packages buildPackages.pypy3Packages;
# writePyPy3Bin takes the same arguments as writePyPy3 but outputs a directory (like writeScriptBin)
writePyPy3Bin = name: writePyPy3 "/bin/${name}";
makeFSharpWriter =
dotnet-sdk ? pkgs.dotnet-sdk,
fsi-flags ? "",
libraries ? _: [ ],
fname = last (builtins.split "/" nameOrPath);
path = if strings.hasSuffix ".fsx" nameOrPath then nameOrPath else "${nameOrPath}.fsx";
_nugetDeps = mkNugetDeps {
name = "${fname}-nuget-deps";
nugetDeps = libraries;
nuget-source = mkNugetSource {
name = "${fname}-nuget-source";
description = "Nuget source with the dependencies for ${fname}";
deps = [ _nugetDeps ];
fsi = writeBash "fsi" ''
export HOME=$NIX_BUILD_TOP/.home
script="$1"; shift
${lib.getExe dotnet-sdk} fsi --quiet --nologo --readline- ${fsi-flags} "$@" < "$script"
(builtins.removeAttrs args [
// {
interpreter = fsi;
#i "nuget: ${nuget-source}/lib"
exit 0
writeFSharp = makeFSharpWriter { };
writeFSharpBin = name: writeFSharp "/bin/${name}";