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{ config
, lib
, cudaVersion
# Type aliases
# Gpu :: AttrSet
# - See the documentation in ./gpus.nix.
inherit (lib) attrsets lists strings trivial versions;
# Flags are determined based on your CUDA toolkit by default. You may benefit
# from improved performance, reduced file size, or greater hardware suppport by
# passing a configuration based on your specific GPU environment.
# config.cudaCapabilities :: List Capability
# List of hardware generations to build.
# E.g. [ "8.0" ]
# Currently, the last item is considered the optional forward-compatibility arch,
# but this may change in the future.
# config.cudaForwardCompat :: Bool
# Whether to include the forward compatibility gencode (+PTX)
# to support future GPU generations.
# E.g. true
# Please see the accompanying documentation or https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/205351
# gpus :: List Gpu
gpus = builtins.import ./gpus.nix;
# isSupported :: Gpu -> Bool
isSupported = gpu:
inherit (gpu) minCudaVersion maxCudaVersion;
lowerBoundSatisfied = strings.versionAtLeast cudaVersion minCudaVersion;
upperBoundSatisfied = (maxCudaVersion == null)
|| !(strings.versionOlder maxCudaVersion cudaVersion);
lowerBoundSatisfied && upperBoundSatisfied;
# isDefault :: Gpu -> Bool
isDefault = gpu:
inherit (gpu) dontDefaultAfter;
newGpu = dontDefaultAfter == null;
recentGpu = newGpu || strings.versionAtLeast dontDefaultAfter cudaVersion;
# supportedGpus :: List Gpu
# GPUs which are supported by the provided CUDA version.
supportedGpus = builtins.filter isSupported gpus;
# defaultGpus :: List Gpu
# GPUs which are supported by the provided CUDA version and we want to build for by default.
defaultGpus = builtins.filter isDefault supportedGpus;
# supportedCapabilities :: List Capability
supportedCapabilities = lists.map (gpu: gpu.computeCapability) supportedGpus;
# defaultCapabilities :: List Capability
# The default capabilities to target, if not overridden by the user.
defaultCapabilities = lists.map (gpu: gpu.computeCapability) defaultGpus;
# cudaArchNameToVersions :: AttrSet String (List String)
# Maps the name of a GPU architecture to different versions of that architecture.
# For example, "Ampere" maps to [ "8.0" "8.6" "8.7" ].
cudaArchNameToVersions =
(versions: gpu: versions ++ [ gpu.computeCapability ])
[ ]
(gpu: gpu.archName)
# cudaComputeCapabilityToName :: AttrSet String String
# Maps the version of a GPU architecture to the name of that architecture.
# For example, "8.0" maps to "Ampere".
cudaComputeCapabilityToName = builtins.listToAttrs (
(gpu: {
name = gpu.computeCapability;
value = gpu.archName;
# dropDot :: String -> String
dropDot = ver: builtins.replaceStrings [ "." ] [ "" ] ver;
# archMapper :: String -> List String -> List String
# Maps a feature across a list of architecture versions to produce a list of architectures.
# For example, "sm" and [ "8.0" "8.6" "8.7" ] produces [ "sm_80" "sm_86" "sm_87" ].
archMapper = feat: lists.map (computeCapability: "${feat}_${dropDot computeCapability}");
# gencodeMapper :: String -> List String -> List String
# Maps a feature across a list of architecture versions to produce a list of gencode arguments.
# For example, "sm" and [ "8.0" "8.6" "8.7" ] produces [ "-gencode=arch=compute_80,code=sm_80"
# "-gencode=arch=compute_86,code=sm_86" "-gencode=arch=compute_87,code=sm_87" ].
gencodeMapper = feat: lists.map (
"-gencode=arch=compute_${dropDot computeCapability},code=${feat}_${dropDot computeCapability}"
formatCapabilities = { cudaCapabilities, enableForwardCompat ? true }: rec {
inherit cudaCapabilities enableForwardCompat;
# archNames :: List String
# E.g. [ "Turing" "Ampere" ]
archNames = lists.unique (builtins.map (cap: cudaComputeCapabilityToName.${cap}) cudaCapabilities);
# realArches :: List String
# The real architectures are physical architectures supported by the CUDA version.
# E.g. [ "sm_75" "sm_86" ]
realArches = archMapper "sm" cudaCapabilities;
# virtualArches :: List String
# The virtual architectures are typically used for forward compatibility, when trying to support
# an architecture newer than the CUDA version allows.
# E.g. [ "compute_75" "compute_86" ]
virtualArches = archMapper "compute" cudaCapabilities;
# arches :: List String
# By default, build for all supported architectures and forward compatibility via a virtual
# architecture for the newest supported architecture.
# E.g. [ "sm_75" "sm_86" "compute_86" ]
arches = realArches ++
lists.optional enableForwardCompat (lists.last virtualArches);
# gencode :: List String
# A list of CUDA gencode arguments to pass to NVCC.
# E.g. [ "-gencode=arch=compute_75,code=sm_75" ... "-gencode=arch=compute_86,code=compute_86" ]
gencode =
base = gencodeMapper "sm" cudaCapabilities;
forward = gencodeMapper "compute" [ (lists.last cudaCapabilities) ];
base ++ lib.optionals enableForwardCompat forward;
# When changing names or formats: pause, validate, and update the assert
assert (formatCapabilities { cudaCapabilities = [ "7.5" "8.6" ]; }) == {
cudaCapabilities = [ "7.5" "8.6" ];
enableForwardCompat = true;
archNames = [ "Turing" "Ampere" ];
realArches = [ "sm_75" "sm_86" ];
virtualArches = [ "compute_75" "compute_86" ];
arches = [ "sm_75" "sm_86" "compute_86" ];
gencode = [ "-gencode=arch=compute_75,code=sm_75" "-gencode=arch=compute_86,code=sm_86" "-gencode=arch=compute_86,code=compute_86" ];
# formatCapabilities :: { cudaCapabilities: List Capability, cudaForwardCompat: Boolean } -> { ... }
inherit formatCapabilities;
# cudaArchNameToVersions :: String => String
inherit cudaArchNameToVersions;
# cudaComputeCapabilityToName :: String => String
inherit cudaComputeCapabilityToName;
# dropDot :: String -> String
inherit dropDot;
} // formatCapabilities {
cudaCapabilities = config.cudaCapabilities or defaultCapabilities;
enableForwardCompat = config.cudaForwardCompat or true;