pennae 2e751c0772 treewide: automatically md-convert option descriptions
the conversion procedure is simple:

 - find all things that look like options, ie calls to either `mkOption`
   or `lib.mkOption` that take an attrset. remember the attrset as the
 - for all options, find a `description` attribute who's value is not a
   call to `mdDoc` or `lib.mdDoc`
 - textually convert the entire value of the attribute to MD with a few
   simple regexes (the set from
 - if the change produced a change in the manual output, discard
 - if the change kept the manual unchanged, add some text to the
   description to make sure we've actually found an option. if the
   manual changes this time, keep the converted description

this procedure converts 80% of nixos options to markdown. around 2000
options remain to be inspected, but most of those fail the "does not
change the manual output check": currently the MD conversion process
does not faithfully convert docbook tags like <code> and <package>, so
any option using such tags will not be converted at all.
2022-07-30 15:16:34 +02:00

218 lines
7.2 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.console;
makeColor = i: concatMapStringsSep "," (x: "0x" + substring (2*i) 2 x);
isUnicode = hasSuffix "UTF-8" (toUpper config.i18n.defaultLocale);
optimizedKeymap = pkgs.runCommand "keymap" {
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.kbd ];
LOADKEYS_KEYMAP_PATH = "${consoleEnv pkgs.kbd}/share/keymaps/**";
preferLocalBuild = true;
} ''
loadkeys -b ${optionalString isUnicode "-u"} "${cfg.keyMap}" > $out
# Sadly, systemd-vconsole-setup doesn't support binary keymaps.
vconsoleConf = pkgs.writeText "vconsole.conf" ''
consoleEnv = kbd: pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "console-env";
paths = [ kbd ] ++ cfg.packages;
pathsToLink = [
setVconsole = !config.boot.isContainer;
###### interface
options.console = {
font = mkOption {
type = with types; either str path;
default = "Lat2-Terminus16";
example = "LatArCyrHeb-16";
description = mdDoc ''
The font used for the virtual consoles. Leave empty to use
whatever the {command}`setfont` program considers the
default font.
Can be either a font name or a path to a PSF font file.
keyMap = mkOption {
type = with types; either str path;
default = "us";
example = "fr";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The keyboard mapping table for the virtual consoles.
colors = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [];
example = [
"002b36" "dc322f" "859900" "b58900"
"268bd2" "d33682" "2aa198" "eee8d5"
"002b36" "cb4b16" "586e75" "657b83"
"839496" "6c71c4" "93a1a1" "fdf6e3"
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The 16 colors palette used by the virtual consoles.
Leave empty to use the default colors.
Colors must be in hexadecimal format and listed in
order from color 0 to color 15.
packages = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.package;
default = [ ];
description = lib.mdDoc ''
List of additional packages that provide console fonts, keymaps and
other resources for virtual consoles use.
useXkbConfig = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
If set, configure the virtual console keymap from the xserver
keyboard settings.
earlySetup = mkOption {
default = false;
type = types.bool;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Enable setting virtual console options as early as possible (in initrd).
###### implementation
config = mkMerge [
{ console.keyMap = with;
mkIf cfg.useXkbConfig
(pkgs.runCommand "xkb-console-keymap" { preferLocalBuild = true; } ''
'${pkgs.buildPackages.ckbcomp}/bin/ckbcomp' \
${optionalString (config.environment.sessionVariables ? XKB_CONFIG_ROOT)
} \
-model '${xkbModel}' -layout '${layout}' \
-option '${xkbOptions}' -variant '${xkbVariant}' > "$out"
(mkIf (!setVconsole) { = false;
(mkIf setVconsole (mkMerge [
{ environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.kbd ];
# Let systemd-vconsole-setup.service do the work of setting up the
# virtual consoles.
environment.etc."vconsole.conf".source = vconsoleConf;
# Provide kbd with additional packages.
environment.etc.kbd.source = "${consoleEnv pkgs.kbd}/share";
boot.initrd.preLVMCommands = mkIf (!config.boot.initrd.systemd.enable) (mkBefore ''
kbd_mode ${if isUnicode then "-u" else "-a"} -C /dev/console
printf "\033%%${if isUnicode then "G" else "@"}" >> /dev/console
loadkmap < ${optimizedKeymap}
${optionalString cfg.earlySetup ''
setfont -C /dev/console $extraUtils/share/consolefonts/font.psf
boot.initrd.systemd.contents = {
"/etc/vconsole.conf".source = vconsoleConf;
# Add everything if we want full console setup...
"/etc/kbd" = lib.mkIf cfg.earlySetup { source = "${consoleEnv config.boot.initrd.systemd.package.kbd}/share"; };
# ...but only the keymaps if we don't
"/etc/kbd/keymaps" = lib.mkIf (!cfg.earlySetup) { source = "${consoleEnv config.boot.initrd.systemd.package.kbd}/share/keymaps"; };
boot.initrd.systemd.storePaths = [
"${config.boot.initrd.systemd.package.kbd.gzip}/bin/gzip" # keyboard layouts are compressed
]; =
{ description = "Reset console on configuration changes";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
restartTriggers = [ vconsoleConf (consoleEnv pkgs.kbd) ];
reloadIfChanged = true;
serviceConfig =
{ RemainAfterExit = true;
ExecStart = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/true";
ExecReload = "/run/current-system/systemd/bin/systemctl restart systemd-vconsole-setup";
(mkIf (cfg.colors != []) {
boot.kernelParams = [
"vt.default_red=${makeColor 0 cfg.colors}"
"vt.default_grn=${makeColor 1 cfg.colors}"
"vt.default_blu=${makeColor 2 cfg.colors}"
(mkIf (cfg.earlySetup && !config.boot.initrd.systemd.enable) {
boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommands = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/consolefonts
${if substring 0 1 cfg.font == "/" then ''
'' else ''
font="$(echo ${consoleEnv pkgs.kbd}/share/consolefonts/${cfg.font}.*)"
if [[ $font == *.gz ]]; then
gzip -cd $font > $out/share/consolefonts/font.psf
cp -L $font $out/share/consolefonts/font.psf
imports = [
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "i18n" "consoleFont" ] [ "console" "font" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "i18n" "consoleKeyMap" ] [ "console" "keyMap" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "i18n" "consoleColors" ] [ "console" "colors" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "i18n" "consolePackages" ] [ "console" "packages" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "i18n" "consoleUseXkbConfig" ] [ "console" "useXkbConfig" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "boot" "earlyVconsoleSetup" ] [ "console" "earlySetup" ])
(mkRenamedOptionModule [ "boot" "extraTTYs" ] [ "console" "extraTTYs" ])
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "console" "extraTTYs" ] ''
Since NixOS switched to systemd (circa 2012), TTYs have been spawned on
demand, so there is no need to configure them manually.