Fernando Rodrigues 9458dd0bbf
xen: add README and update script
The update script is interactive, not automated, and is meant to run
with human intervention in order to verify Xen's code signature. It
produces default.nix files for all security-supported branches.

Signed-off-by: Fernando Rodrigues <>
2024-07-31 05:57:07 -03:00

195 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p gitMinimal curl gnupg nix-prefetch-git nixfmt-rfc-style
# shellcheck disable=SC2206,SC2207 shell=bash
set -e
# Set a temporary $HOME in /tmp for GPG.
# This script expects to be called in an interactive terminal somewhere inside Nixpkgs.
echo "Preparing..."
nixpkgs=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
rm -rf /tmp/xenUpdateScript
mkdir /tmp/xenUpdateScript
# Import and verify PGP key.
curl --silent --output /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen.asc
gpg --quiet --import /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen.asc
fingerprint="$(gpg --with-colons --fingerprint "" 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '/^pub:.*/ { getline; print $10}')"
echo -e "Please ascertain through multiple external sources that the \e[1;32mXen Project PGP Key Fingerprint\e[0m is indeed \e[1;33m$fingerprint\e[0m. If that is not the case, \e[1;31mexit immediately\e[0m."
read -r -p $'Press \e[1;34menter\e[0m to continue with a pre-filled expected fingerprint, or input an arbitrary PGP fingerprint to match with the key\'s fingerprint: ' userInputFingerprint
# Clone xen.git.
echo -e "Cloning \e[1;34mxen.git\e[0m..."
git clone --quiet /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen
cd /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen
# Get list of versions and branches.
versionList="$(git tag --list "RELEASE-*" | sed s/RELEASE-//g | sed s/ | sort --numeric-sort)"
latestVersion=$(echo "$versionList" | tr ' ' '\n' | tail --lines=1)
branchList=($(echo "$versionList" | tr ' ' '\n' | sed s/\.[0-9]*$//g | awk '!seen[$0]++'))
# Figure out which versions we're actually going to install.
minSupportedBranch="$(grep " knownVulnerabilities = lib.lists.optionals (lib.strings.versionOlder version " "$xenPath"/generic.nix | sed s/' knownVulnerabilities = lib.lists.optionals (lib.strings.versionOlder version "'//g | sed s/'") \['//g)"
supportedBranches=($(for version in "${branchList[@]}"; do if [ "$(printf '%s\n' "$minSupportedBranch" "$version" | sort -V | head -n1)" = "$minSupportedBranch" ]; then echo "$version"; fi; done))
supportedVersions=($(for version in "${supportedBranches[@]}"; do echo "$versionList" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "$version" | tail --lines=1; done))
# Main loop that installs every supportedVersion.
for version in "${supportedVersions[@]}"; do
echo -e "\n------------------------------------------------"
if [[ "$version" == "$latestVersion" ]]; then
echo -e "\nFound \e[1;34mlatest\e[0m release: \e[1;32mXen $version\e[0m in branch \e[1;36m$branch\e[0m."
echo -e "\nFound \e[1;33msecurity-supported\e[0m release: \e[1;32mXen $version\e[0m in branch \e[1;36m$branch\e[0m."
# Verify PGP key automatically. If the fingerprint matches what the user specified, or the default fingerprint, then we consider it trusted.
cd /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen
if [[ "$fingerprint" = "$userInputFingerprint" ]]; then
echo "$fingerprint:6:" | gpg --quiet --import-ownertrust
(git verify-tag RELEASE-"$version" 2>/dev/null && echo -e "\n\e[1;32mSuccessfully authenticated Xen $version.\e[0m") || (echo -e "\e[1;31merror:\e[0m Unable to verify tag \e[1;32mRELEASE-$version\e[0m.\n- It is possible that \e[1;33mthis script has broken\e[0m, the Xen Project has \e[1;33mcycled their PGP keys\e[0m, or a \e[1;31msupply chain attack is in progress\e[0m.\n\n\e[1;31mPlease update manually.\e[0m" && exit 1)
echo -e "\e[1;31merror:\e[0m Unable to verify \e[1;\e[0m's fingerprint.\n- It is possible that \e[1;33mthis script has broken\e[0m, the Xen Project has \e[1;33mcycled their PGP keys\e[0m, or an \e[1;31mimpersonation attack is in progress\e[0m.\n\n\e[1;31mPlease update manually.\e[0m" && exit 1
git switch --quiet --detach RELEASE-"$version"
# Originally we told people to go check the Makefile themselves.
echo -e "\nDetermining source versions from Xen Makefiles..."
qemuVersion="$(grep -ie "QEMU_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?=" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/ | sed s/"QEMU_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= "//g)"
seaBIOSVersion="$(grep -ie "SEABIOS_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= rel-" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/ | sed s/"SEABIOS_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= "//g)"
ovmfVersion="$(grep -ie "OVMF_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?=" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/ | sed s/"OVMF_UPSTREAM_REVISION ?= "//g)"
ipxeVersion="$(grep -ie "IPXE_GIT_TAG :=" /tmp/xenUpdateScript/xen/tools/firmware/etherboot/Makefile | sed s/"IPXE_GIT_TAG := "//g)"
# Use `nix-prefetch-git` to fetch `rev`s and `hash`es.
echo "Pre-fetching sources and determining hashes..."
echo -e -n " \e[1;32mXen\e[0m..."
fetchXen=$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev RELEASE-"$version" --quiet)
finalVersion="$(echo "$fetchXen" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie rev | sed s/' "rev": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
hash="$(echo "$fetchXen" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
echo "done!"
echo -e -n " \e[1;36mQEMU\e[0m..."
fetchQEMU=$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev "$qemuVersion" --quiet --fetch-submodules)
finalQEMUVersion="$(echo "$fetchQEMU" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie rev | sed s/' "rev": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
qemuHash="$(echo "$fetchQEMU" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
echo "done!"
echo -e -n " \e[1;36mSeaBIOS\e[0m..."
fetchSeaBIOS=$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev "$seaBIOSVersion" --quiet)
finalSeaBIOSVersion="$(echo "$fetchSeaBIOS" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie rev | sed s/' "rev": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
seaBIOSHash="$(echo "$fetchSeaBIOS" | tr ', ' '\n ' | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'"'//g)"
echo "done!"
echo -e -n " \e[1;36mOVMF\e[0m..."
ovmfHash="$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev "$ovmfVersion" --quiet --fetch-submodules | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'",'//g)"
echo "done!"
echo -e -n " \e[1;36miPXE\e[0m..."
ipxeHash="$(nix-prefetch-git --url --rev "$ipxeVersion" --quiet | grep -ie hash | sed s/' "hash": "'//g | sed s/'",'//g)"
echo "done!"
cd "$xenPath"
echo -e "\nFound the following revisions:\n \e[1;32mXen\e[0m: \e[1;33m$finalVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$hash\e[0m)\n \e[1;36mQEMU\e[0m: \e[1;33m$finalQEMUVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$qemuHash\e[0m)\n \e[1;36mSeaBIOS\e[0m: \e[1;33m$finalSeaBIOSVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$seaBIOSHash\e[0m)\n \e[1;36mOVMF\e[0m: \e[1;33m$ovmfVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$ovmfHash\e[0m)\n \e[1;36miPXE\e[0m: \e[1;33m$ipxeVersion\e[0m (\e[1;33m$ipxeHash\e[0m)"
# Set OCaml Version
read -r -p $'\nEnter the corresponding \e[1;33mOCaml\e[0m version for \e[1;32mXen '"$version"$'\e[0m, or press \e[1;34menter\e[0m for the default value of \e[1;32m4_14\e[0m: ' ocamlVersion
mkdir -p "$branch"/
rm -f "$branch"/default.nix
# Prepare any .patch files that are called by Nix through a path value.
echo -e "\nPlease add any required patches to version \e[1;32m$branch\e[0m in \e[1;34m$branch/\e[0m, and press \e[1;34menter\e[0m when done."
read -r -p $'Remember to follow the naming specification as defined in \e[1;34m./\e[0m.'
echo -e "\nDiscovering patches..."
discoveredXenPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-xen-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredQEMUPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-qemu-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredSeaBIOSPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-seabios-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredOVMFPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-ovmf-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredIPXEPatches="$(find "$branch"/ -type f -name "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-ipxe-*-$branch.patch" -printf "./%f ")"
discoveredXenPatchesEcho=${discoveredXenPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
discoveredQEMUPatchesEcho=${discoveredQEMUPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
discoveredSeaBIOSPatchesEcho=${discoveredSeaBIOSPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
discoveredOVMFPatchesEcho=${discoveredOVMFPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
discoveredIPXEPatchesEcho=${discoveredIPXEPatches:-"\e[1;31mNone found!\e[0m"}
echo -e "Found the following patches:\n \e[1;32mXen\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredXenPatchesEcho\e[0m\n \e[1;36mQEMU\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredQEMUPatchesEcho\e[0m\n \e[1;36mSeaBIOS\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredSeaBIOSPatchesEcho\e[0m\n \e[1;36mOVMF\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredOVMFPatchesEcho\e[0m\n \e[1;36miPXE\e[0m: \e[1;33m$discoveredIPXEPatchesEcho\e[0m"
# Prepare patches that are called in ./patches.nix.
defaultPatchListInit=("QUBES_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILDS" "XSA_458")
read -r -a defaultPatchList -p $'\nWould you like to override the \e[1;34mupstreamPatches\e[0m list for \e[1;32mXen '"$version"$'\e[0m? If no, press \e[1;34menter\e[0m to use the default patch list: [ \e[1;34m'"${defaultPatchListInit[*]}"$' \e[0m]: '
upstreamPatches="upstreamPatches.${spaceSeparatedPatchList// / upstreamPatches.}"
# Write and format default.nix file.
echo -e "\nWriting updated \e[1;34mversionDefinition\e[0m..."
cat >"$branch"/default.nix <<EOF
upstreamPatches = import ../patches.nix {
inherit lib;
inherit fetchpatch;
upstreamPatchList = lib.lists.flatten [
callPackage (import ../generic.nix {
branch = "$branch";
version = "$version";
latest = $latest;
pkg = {
xen = {
rev = "$finalVersion";
hash = "$hash";
patches = [ $discoveredXenPatches ] ++ upstreamPatchList;
qemu = {
rev = "$finalQEMUVersion";
hash = "$qemuHash";
patches = [ $discoveredQEMUPatches ];
seaBIOS = {
rev = "$finalSeaBIOSVersion";
hash = "$seaBIOSHash";
patches = [ $discoveredSeaBIOSPatches ];
ovmf = {
rev = "$ovmfVersion";
hash = "$ovmfHash";
patches = [ $discoveredOVMFPatches ];
ipxe = {
rev = "$ipxeVersion";
hash = "$ipxeHash";
patches = [ $discoveredIPXEPatches ];
}) ({ ocamlPackages = ocaml-ng.ocamlPackages_$ocamlVersion; } // genericDefinition)
echo "Formatting..."
nixfmt "$branch"/default.nix
echo -e "\n\e[1;32mSuccessfully produced $branch/default.nix.\e[0m"
echo -e -n "\nCleaning up..."
rm -rf /tmp/xenUpdateScript
echo done!